[1] Indenture between her Majesty + Isaac Newton Esqre (now Sir Isaac Newton Knight) Master and Worker of her Majesties Mint
[2] Recitall of Letters Patents
[3] To enjoy the said Office during her Majesties pleasure etc
[4] Recital that this Indenture is pursuant to the said Letters Patents
[5] Grant of the said Office of Master + Worker to the said Esqre. Newton with the yearly pention of 500l &c
[6] Covenant in what manner the said pention shall be paid.
[7] Grants all Edifices &c
[8] + power to exercise the said
[9] Recitall of Acts of Parliament that all moneys thereby applied for the use of the Mint be paid by warrant of the Lord Treasurer applied to no other use
[10] The Master to receive his payments and disbursements out of her Majesties Exchequer
[11] + shall be allowed all payments made pursuant to the said Acts
[12] Esqre. Newton to make 4 sorts of gold moneys
[17] the value + fineness
[18] The Master to have 6s: 6d per pound for wasts + to pay the Moniers 3s.
[19] The Remedy for the Gold Moneys
[20] 8 sorts of silver moneys
[29] the value + fineness of the silver
[30] That the said moneys shall bee agreable in fineness to the Standards of the Treasury
[31] The Master to have 1s: 4d per pound weight out of the silver + to pay the Moniers 8d.
[32] + to pay the Warden yearly 1435li.
[33] The Remedy for the Silver Money
[34] how the Bullion shall bee received into the Mint
[35] The Warden Comptroller + Clerk paper to enter al Bullion + lock it up with 3 keys
[36] That they shall also keep several Books of melting
[38] how Bullion near the Standard shall be received
[39] a Privy mark to be put on the Moneys
[40] The Warden + Comptroller to oversee the making of Moneys &
[41] The duty of the Surveyor of the meltings
[42] The money to be lock'd up with 3 keys till proof made thereof
[43] how the Pix is to be assayed
[44] The triall of the Pix
[45] If the same be worse then standard + within the remedy then to bee entered on record
[46] The like if it be better + within the remedy
[47] If without the remedy the Master to be fined
[49] + power to punish them
[50] Differences betwixt the Master + Merchant to be tried by the Assaymaster
[51] All Officers of the Mint to have free passage thro' the Tower gates
[52] The Warden Master + Comptroller to attend weekly
[53] the Master to pay half the Diet
[54] her Majesties the other half
[55] how the Warden shall account
[56] The Officers of the Mint to enjoy all houses there
[57] Order for the Moniers &c
[58] The Master sworn to perform these Covenants.
[60] The Master to bring in Gold + Silver to be coined
[61] + he to beare all wasts &c
[62] what salaries are to be paid by the Warden
[63] The Master to bring all gold + silver he receives into the Mint to be coined except healing pieces &c
[64] Two piles of English weights to be made
[65] + two Piles of Scottish weights
[66] The Master to accompt yearly
[67] what moneys are to be paid by the Master to the Warden
[68] The Warden Master + Comptroller &c to swear not to discover the secret of lettering the moneys &c
[69] The Provost + Moniers not to vend any Monies till assayed + pixed.
[70] None to dwell in the Mint without consent
[71] The Comptrollers Roll
[72] The Master to pay the Officers for rounding the moneys
[73] Incouragement for the Moniers to make Small Coyns
[74] + how they are to deliver the moneys
[75] The Duty of the Clerke of the Irons
[77] The Gravers to work only in the Mint
[78] Order about sizing the Moneys
[79] The Provost + Moniers to attend duly otherwise to be punished