Catalogue Entry: MINT00269
Partial holograph drafts of all three parts of the 'Observations', in no particular order
Partly written on the reverse of or blank spaces in:
(a) (Mint 19/2/640r) Thomas Kemp [moneyer] to Newton. 15 February 1700 [= 1701]. Original letter. Another hand [Kemp's?]. On arrangements for the trial of John Crossly [presumably a counterfeiter].
(b) (Mint 19/2/640v-642r) 'The Tabernacle Accompts': holograph accounts for the quarter to Christmas 1700 of the Tabernacle [a chapel of ease of which Newton was one of the trustees 1700-22].
Related Material
Kemp's letter printed in NC, 4: 353-4. 'Tabernacle Accompts' printed in NC, 4: 377-80.