Catalogue Entry: MINT00499

Report on foreign coin in Ireland, with Newton's comments on it

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/236, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]


(a) 8 January 1711 [= 1712]. Dublin Privy Council to Treasury. Copy in Newton's hand. Certain foreign coins are accepted as current in Ireland, but have not been officially proclaimed as such: accordingly, people who counterfeit them cannot be prosecuted for high treason. Request a Council order to rectify this, specifying the coins and their values.

(b) On reverse: 3 March 1711/12. Newton to Treasurer. Holograph draft. Assessment of the foregoing, correcting several of the statistics quoted. Complains that gold is over-valued relative to silver in England and the same is going to happen in Ireland.

Copies of both letters in PRO, T14/9, pp. 257-9 (calendared in CTB, 26, part 2 (1712): 181-2). Several drafts of Newton's letter in ULC, Additional Ms. 3965, ff.281r-282v.

Newton's letter printed from the Treasury copy in Prior, Observations, 22-4, in Shaw, 176-9, and in McCulloch, Select Tracts, 269-71.

Both letters printed from this copy in NC, 5: 238-40 (Council's letter) and 245-6 (Newton's letter).

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