Catalogue Entry: MINT00569
Coinage accounts 1713-1715
Entitled 'An Account of the Gold & Silver coyned at his Maty's Mint in the Tower of London from Lady day [25 March] 1713 to Lady day 1715, & of the Gold & Silver remaining in the Tower in order for coynage at Lady day 1715, & of the Denominations & species in wch the said Gold & Silver were brought into the Tower'.
On reverse of Mint 19/2/268: notes on the relative values of silver and gold in England and France. Mint 19/2/269 also features four variant versions of one sentence which appear to represent Newton practising different styles of handwriting.
[1] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[2] 6464. 11. 2. 5