Catalogue Entry: MINT00792
Incomplete report on his difficulties and expenses while investigating the mine
He was ordered by the Treasury to prepare himself for the journey on 4 August 1716 and accordingly gave up his medical practice, but was not given orders to sail [from Germany] until 5 September. Further delays were occasioned by a storm during the voyage, by lack of funds (despite a letter to London on the subject, which went unanswered) and by the discovery that the mine had been sealed up, meaning that workmen had to be taken on to open it. Details of his various expenses. Brandshagen was forced to borrow £66 to keep the expedition going. Finally he was 'hindered to deliver my businesse [ie. his report on the mine, MINT00788 (Mint 19/3/221-6)] to Your Lordships till the 29th of Aprill' [he does not say by what].
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[Probably written in protest at the Treasury's refusal to settle his expense claims in full: see MINT00791(b) (Mint 19/3/264-5) and Craig, NATM, 104.]