Catalogue Entry: MINT00818
'Draught of a Memoriall by the Officers of the Mint relateing to the Mint privileges'
On encroachments since 1660 by soldiers of the Tower on property assigned to the Mint. In particular, they have demolished the house of the smith [Thomas Sylvester] (probably with his connivance) and begun building a new one. Sentries continue to be posted within the Mint despite two cases of sentries being caught stealing silver. Request a clear ruling on boundaries, suspension of the building work, control over the Mint gates, and the expulsion from Mint territory of all people not connected with it.
Related Material
[See also the related memorandum to the Treasury of 16 June 1699, possibly a variant draft of this, in PRO, Works 3/1, ff.12v-13r (printed in NC, 7: 410-11 and The Wren Society Report, 18 (1941), 151-2).]
[1] Memoriall
[2] Memoriall
[3] H. H.