Catalogue Entry: MINT01108
Copy of an indenture of Newton as Master and Worker of the Mint under George I
Author: Charles Cox
Metadata: 1 Jan 1714, c. 953 words
Source: MINT 1/5/38r, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]
[1] Sir Isaac Newton Knight to be Master & Worker of the Mint 1st. Ianr. 1714.
[2] Irrotulatur in officio Honbles. Edwarde Harley arm. Auditore. 9°. die febr. 17 Ier. Oakely Deputy Auditor
[3] Irrotulatur in officio Tho. foley arm. Auditore. 25to. die feb. 1714. fr. Blythell deputy Auditor