Catalogue Entry: THEM00077

Draft chapters of a treatise on the origin of religion and its corruption

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 41, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

The complete lot was bought at the Sotheby sale by Maggs Brothers for £19 and sold to Yahuda on 14 August 1936.

Sotheby Lot

Part of SL257


Includes other notes in Latin related to this manuscript and to Keynes Ms. 146.

f. 1r 'Chap. II. The original of religions'

f. 11r ''

f. 26r '.'

f. 26r 'Chap. III The history of the first Ages.'


Watermarks similar to those on prisca sapientia material from 1691-2.

The remainder of SL257 is now in Yahuda Var. 1 Ms. 9. It is possible that this manuscript (Ms. 41) also contains some sheets from SL247.

[1] Lesbius lib. de Orig. Italiæ & Tyrrhenorum.

[2] a Serv. Æn lib 1 v.292 Ovid Marob. Saturn. l 1. c. 9. Ovid. Fast lib 1. v. 140 & l. 6 v. 308.

[3] a Apud Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 3. c. 4.

[4] Ænid. l 4. vers. 200.

[5] Sil. lib. 3.

[6] Hest. apud Iosephum Antiq. l. 1. c. 5.

[7] a lib. 1. de Claud. Stilic.

[8] ✝ Isid. l. 14 Origi{n.} c. 3.

[9] Colophonius apud Athenæum l. 12

[10] a lib. 1. c 26.

[11] e Vossius de Orig. Idolo. l. 2. c. 57. p. 622.

[12] Strabo. l 15. p 732, 733


And Theodoret. l. 5. Hist. eccl. c. 39. The temples consecrated to fire are by the Persians called Pyræa. ffor they account fire to be God. And Lucian (in Iove Tragado) that thePersians sacrifice to fire.

And Suidas, that Heraclitus ruined the cities & overthrew the Pyræa of the Persians.

[14] Clemens in Protreptice p 43

[15] a Diod. l. 1. p. 84. Edit Hanoviæ 1604.

[16] b in Melpom{illeg}

[17] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[18] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[19] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[20] Rubruq. cap. 3 Plancarp. cap. 3

[21] t Vide Rog. Ian. reserat. p. 69, 72. & in nuptijs p 85, 474.

[22] v Vide Vossium Orig. Idol. l. 2. c 64.

[23] b apud Euseb. Prep. Evang. l. 6. c. 10 p 274d & 275a.

[24] c ib.

[25] a Diodor. l. 4. p. 336.

[26] b lib. 17

[27] a Oratione de Haruspicum responsis

[28] c lib. 2

[29] d in Vespis

[30] b in Melpomene

[31] a See above

[32] b Quintus Curtius l. 3. p.     Alexander ab Alexandro l. 1. c. 37. Ammian. Marcelin lib. 23, p.

[33] a Plin. l. 18. c. 2

[34] b Homerus in Hymno

[35] c apud Natalem Comit. l. 8. c. 19

[36] d Fast. l. 3. prope finem.

[37] a See Schedius de Dijs Germanis cap 30. & Natalis Comes

[38] ✝ Vide Droughteium in Analectis sacris ad Gen XIV.20, [a Clerico citatis p. 9.] et Goodwini Arch. Attic. l. 2. c. 9. p. 59, 60. Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 4. c. 16. p. 159. Macrob. Saturn. l. 3. c. 1 Clemens Alexand. Strom. l. 1. p. 349a Dionys Halicarn. l. 1 p 8, 18. Diodor l. 4 p 228.

[39] Dionys. Halyc. l. 2. Antiq

[40] Florus cap. 2

[41] Plutarch in Numa.

[42] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[43] b. Nat. Hist. l. 28 c. 1.

[44] Clemens Strom l. 5. p 582

[45] Seneca Ep. 90

[46] a Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 1. c. 6. & c 9. & l. 3. c. 4

[47] b Wisdom c. 13. v. 1, 2

[48] b Iob. 31.26.

[49] d Cicero de Nat. Deor. lib. 3.

[50] a in Medea

[51] b apud Natal. Com. l. 8. c. 19

[52] c supra.

[53] See the back side

[54] p Pausan. in Corinth.

[55] g Nysæus erat nomen Bacchus ab urbe Nysa ubi educatum ferunt. Diodorus l. 1. p. 23.d.

[56] a Apud Macrobium Saturn. l. 1. c. 13

[57] b Macrob. Saturn. l. 1 c. 23

[58] d Diodor. l. 1. p. 26.a

[59] f Ovid. Fast l 5. u 91 et sequ.

[60] e in Messenacis prope finem.

[61] a in varia historia

[62] Adad Assyrijs erat Deus {illeg}. Macrob Saturn. l 1. c 2

[63] Herod l     Lucian in Dea Syria.

[64] a Plato in Phædra

[65] ✝ read Chamus

[66] 1
The history of the first ages couched in that of the 12 Gods.

[67] 2
The 12 Gods the ancestors of the Egyptians first worshipped in Egypt.

[68] a lib. 1. p. 9.d.

[69] Herod. l. 2

[70] Lucian. in Dea Syria.

[71] Diodor lib. 1

[72] Diodorus l. 1

[73] 4
The 12 Gods lived in the times next after the flood, represented by the 4 ages of gold silver brass & iron.

[74] 5
Saturn & Iupiter who reined in the golden & silver <13r> ages are Noah & Cham, & that the wars in the brazen age were between the sons of Ham.

[75] Nahum 3.8 Ezek. 10.15. Ier 46.35.

[76] a Vide Bochart Geogr. l. 1. c. 1

[77] b Steph

[78] 6
The difference between the theology of the Egyptians Chaldeans & Assyrians.

[79] in Chron. Can. p. 14.

[80] b Clement. Alexand admonit ad Gent. p. 9. Dionysius in Cosmographia apud Nattal. Com. l. 5. c. 13.

[81] c Strom l 1 p 348.

[82] d. Horat. carm. l. 2. Ode 19.

[83] a

[84] a Supra Ninum a quo Semiramis secundum quosdam creditur procreata nihil præclarum in libris relatum est. Macrob. Somn. Scip. l 2. c. 10. Principio rerum gentium nationumque imperium penes reges erat, – Fines imperij tueri magis quam proferre mox erat. Intra suam cuique patriam regna finiebantur. Primus omnium Ninus – intulit bella finitimis et rudes adhuc ad resistendum populos terminos, usque Libyæ perdomuit. Iustin. l. 1. Omnes propemodum tam apud Græcos quam apud Latinos studiosi ad scribendum viri qui res gestas regnorum populorumque ob diuturnam memoriam verbis propagaverunt, initium scribendi a Nino Beli filio rege Assyriorum fecere: qui cum opinione cæca mundi originem, creaturamque hominum sine initio credi velint, cœpisse tamen ab hoc regna bellaque definiunt. Oros. l. 1. c. 1. Et postea: Omnes historiæ antiquæ a Nino incipiunt omnes Romanæ a Proca exordiuntur. Oros. l 2. 2. Primus Assyriorum rex Ninus Beli filius condidit civitatem Ninum. Eseb. Chron. Vrbem Ninum Ninus in Aturia condidit. Strabo lib. 16. initio. Primus inter eos quorum historiæ memoriam propagarunt Ninus Assyriorum rex res magnas peregit. Diodor. l. 2. p. 90 et urbem Ninum condidit. ib p 92. – jam inde a Nino Beli progenie si tamen Ninus regnare primus, ut autumat superiorum profanitas. Ferme apud vos ultra stilus non solet. Tertul. de Pallio p. 133.a

[85] d in Cæsaribus p. 11.

[86] e apud Euseb. Prep. Evang. l. 9. c. 17.

[87] 7
That Chus is Hercules.

[88] 7
That Chus is Hercules

[89] a lib. 2

[90] a lib. 2

[91] ✝ For so the Phrygians pronounced it in Ιου-piter, Iovis.

[92] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[93] Apud Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 9

[94] b in voce Θουρας

[95] c Fab. 274

[96] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[97] d l 3 cont. Iul.

[98] e Messeniæ p. 261.

[99] 8
That Hercules Mars, Belus, Moloch, Bacchus, Pan are but several names of one & the same God Chus.

[100] a lib. 1 Saturn c. 12.

[101] b. lib. de mundo.

[102] c. Poet. Astron.

[103] d. Nat. Hist. l. 2. c 8

[104] e in Isagoge

[105] f Herodot. l. 3

[106] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[107] g Legat. pro Christ

[108] r Iliad. e.

[109] h Chronici Saxonici lib. 1. c 37.

[110] k Kircher Prod. Copt. c. 5. p. 147 & alibi. Bochart Geog. p. 67

[111] d 2 Maccab. 4.18, 19.

[112] a Hesychius.

[113] e Saturn. lib. 1. c 19

[114] x l. 7. c. 56.

[115] f Phurn de nat. deor. in Baccho.

[116] f Phurn de nat. deor. in Baccho.

[117] f Apud Athenæum.

[118] Iovem et Semelem fæminam Græcam juxta Poetas, Orphei commentum secutos: Ammonem et Amaltheam juxta Thymætem Orphei contemporaneum {illeg} Diodor l. 1 p. 20c et lib. 3. p. 202, 203 & 204.

[119] t. Orpheus in hymnis. Cic. de Nat deor. l. 3.

[120] x. Lucianus in concil. Deor. et Sidonius Antipater: Αμφότεροι Θηβηθε, καὶ αμφότεροι πολεμιστὰι, Ambo Thebani, metuendique hostibus ambo.

[121] v Natalis Comes l. 4 c. 5. Diodorus l. 3. p 203.a

[122] z Iulian. Imp. Orat. 7. p 411

[123] p Phurnutus de nat. Deor. in Baccho

[124] p Phurnutus de nat. Deor. in Baccho

[125] h Herod. l. 2

[126] i Diodor. l. 1. p. 16.a.

[127] d Apud Anonymum de incredibilibus Fab. 11.

[128] k Epimenides Aristippus & alij apud Natalem Comitem l. 5. c. 6.

[129] l Phurnutus de nat. Deor. in Paus Theocritus in Thyrside

[130] x Pausanias in Atticis

[131] m Lucian.

[132] n Catullus in Argonaut.

[133] o Natalis Comes l 5. c 8.

[134] 9
That Misraim is Osyris.

[135] a Diodor l. 1. p. 14.a

[136] g ib. p. 24a

[137] b Diodor. l. 1. p. 13c. d. & p. 22.a. & p 24a

[138] b Diodor. l. 1. p. 13c. d. & p. 22.a. & p 24a

[139] a lib 2.

[140] b lib. 1. p. 13.b

[141] b ib.

[142] b ib.

[143] c apud Euseb. Pr. Ev. l. 1. c 10

[144] p. 2 Reg. 19.24. Ioh. 19.6. Mich. 7.12 Suidas in Χὰμ.

[145] c Plin. l. 5. c. 9

[146] d Diodorus l. 1 p. 11.a.

[147] f. Hesych. et Suidas in {Συρ.}

[148] a in Iside

[149] 10
Osiris, Apis, Epephus Serapis, Pluto Menes, Menætius Hyperion the same man.

[150] a Diodor lib. 1 pag {illeg}

[151] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[152] b Ælian. Hist. animal. c 10

[153] c Diodor. l. 1. pag. 84

[154] d Vide Marsham Chron. sec. 1.

[155] e Syncel. p. 91

[156] f Diodor. l. 1

[157] g

[158] h Euseb. Prep Ev l. 1. p. 32

[159] k Syncel. p. 59

[160] a Euseb. Pr. Ev. l. 3. c. 12. p. 116.

[161] b Plutarch. Isid p. 371.

[162] c

[163] d Chron lib. 1

[164] e

[165] f

[166] g p 61

[167] h apud Euseb Præp. Evang. l. 4 c. 23.

[168] k Apud Iulianum Imp. Orat. 4. pag. 254 edit. Paris. 1630.$

[169] l. Ib.

[170] b Saturn. l. 1 c. 20.

[171] Tertul. ad Nationes l. 2. p. 71

[172] g Apolog. p. 17.b.

[173] a Min. Fel. p 59

[174] b Eu. Chron. l. 1. qv.

[175] c Apud Menetreium in symbolica Dianæ Ephesiæ statua

[176] e in Iside

[177] a Horat. lib 2 Carm. Ode 14

[178] 11
That Phut is Typhon, Python Typhoeus Briareus Enceladus, Neptunus, & that Pathros is Orus.

[179] d in Iside

[180] e in Pythia prima

[181] f cap. 152

[182] g lib. 1.

[183] m Ovid. Metam. l. 1

[184] h vers 141

[185] p apud Photium

[186] q de Satatione

[187] i Apollodor l 1 c. 7.

[188] b Æn. 6.

[189] a Homer. Ιλ. ε

[190] c in Neptuno

[191] d Hyginus. Fab. 28. Homer. Ιλ. ε

[192] i Apollodor l 1 c. 7.

[193] e Agellius l. 15 noct. Att. c. 21. & Tzetzes Chil. 2. Hist. 51. Et Phurnutus de nat. deor. in Neptuno.

[194] k Plut. in Isid

[195] p Vide etiam Herod. l. 2. et Clem. Alexandr. strom. 5.

[196] q Diodor. l 1. p    

[197] r in Mepomene

[198] Ode 4

[199] a De Animal. l. xv.

[200] 12
Quod Phut sit etiam Anteus et Atlas et Astræus et Athames

[201] a Plinus l. 5. c. 1 & Plutarch. in Sertorio.

[202] a Plinus l. 5. c. 1 & Plutarch. in Sertorio.

[203] b Phurnutus de nat Deor. in Atlante.

[204] d in apparatu suo biblico.

[205] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[206] e Antiq. l. 1 c. 7

[207] f De locis

[208] g Originum lib. 9. cap. 2.

[209] o lib: 5. c. 1

[210] h Diodorus infra

[211] i Zezes histor. l quintæ Chil. & Natalis comes l. 4 c. 7.

[212] a lib. 3.

[213] b Eratost Cyren. in Catasterismis.

[214] k Diodorus

[215] p

[216] k Diodorus

[217] k Diodorus

[218] l Metam. l. 9. Fab. 3

[219] n Plutarch. in Sertorio et Strabo lib. 17.

[220] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[221] a lib. 1. p. 4

[222] b ib. p. 64.

[223] d lib. 1. Hierogliph. 21.

[224] in 1 Odyss.

[225] p Diodor. l. 3. p. 183

[226] 13
Quod Canaan sit Vulcanus

[227] a Hesiod. Homer. ιλ. ε.

[228] p Diodor. lib 1. pag. 13.a

[229] p Diodor. lib 1. pag. 13.a

[230] a De nat. Deor lib. 3. Diog. Proæmio

[231] b Suidas in Ηφαιστος. Manetho apud Syncellum. Diodor l. 4. p. 13.a. Palæph. {4}

[232] c Huet. p. 71

[233] d Diodor l. 1. p 19.b & p. 23.c

[234] e Suidas in Ἥφαιστος. Euseb. Chron. l. 1 græce. Palæphatus supra.

[235] f Albricus de Deorum imaginibus in Vulcano.

[236] e Suidas in Ἥφαιστος. Euseb. Chron. l. 1 græce. Palæphatus supra.

[237] a Diodorus l.     Hyginus fab. 233. Lucian de Dea Syria. Athenas. in Legat.

[238] b Plutarch in Amatorio prope initium. Græcus Arati interpres ubi agit de signo Piscium. Diodorus ni fallor.

[239] c Antipater Tarcensis Stoicus περὶ δεισι δαιμονίας. lib. 4. apud Vossius in Idololat. l. 1. c. 23. Athenæus lib. 8. Iumanus. Iustinus in compendio

[240] d Græcus Arati interpres ubi agit de signo piscium. Diodor alicubi

[241] a Diodorus l.     Hyginus fab. 233. Lucian de Dea Syria. Athenas. in Legat.

[242] b Plutarch in Amatorio prope initium. Græcus Arati interpres ubi agit de signo Piscium. Diodorus ni fallor.

[243] g Iud. 2.13 compared with Iud. 10.6 & 1 King. 11.2.

[244] k Sanchoniatho

[245] v Hesych. et Etymolog. magn.

[246] a in Apolloget. p. 26

[247] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[248] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[249] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[250] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[251] p Clem. Alexandr. in Protrepto.

[252] q Xenophon Anab.

[253] r Artemidorus l. 1 Oneiocr. Vide etiam Diodorum et alios apud Schedium de Dijs Germ. Syngr. 1. c 9.

[254] t Hesych.

[255] y in Corinthiacis.

[256] t Hesych.

[257] q Iustinus l. 18. c. 3.

[258] a. Sanchoniatho.

[259] t Gentiles apud Augustinum De Civit. Dei l. 4. c. 10.

[260] b Plutarch: in Amatorio prope initium.

[261] 16
Quod Prometheus et Epimetheus sint Chanaan et Chus.

[262] d Phornutus de natur. Deor.

[263] e

[264] a Æschylus.

[265] s Diodorus l. 1. p. 13a

[266] t Sanchoniatho

[267] v Diog. Laert. proæmio.

[268] y Æschylus in Prometheo, p. 22. edit. H. Steph.

[269] b Menander apud Natalem Com. l 4. c. 6

[270] p Pausanias Hesiod. Theogon. v. {illeg}

[271] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[272] d Apollod l. 1. c. 2.

[273] e Diodor.

[274] t in Oedipo Coloneo

[275] a lib 1. pag. 16.

[276] a lib 1. pag. 16.

[277] e in ἀτλαντικὰ

[278] f

[279] g l. 15. p. 689.

[280] h l. 1. p. 32.d.

[281] k. Geogr, l. 1. p. 3, b & p 32, 33, 34, et 35.

[282] a Ovid. Fast. l. 5.

[283] Atlantij apud Diodor l. 3 . p     et Euseb Præp. l. 2. c. 2. p. 58.

[284] 15
Quod Ilus Dagon et Betylus sint Chus Misraim et Chanaan quodque hi & Phut sint Titanes ex mare Titan et quod Elohim Diossum et Dij Labiri sint filij Chus.

[285] a Iud 16.23.

[286] b Gen. 10.14

[287] c Sanchoniath

[288] t Diodorus l. 3 p 190. 133B.

[289] c. Constantinus Porphyrogennetus de administr. Rom Imp. Cedrenus in Chron. & alij

[290] a in Panoplia & Chatechesi Saracenorum

[291] in Chronicis

[292] c Euseb. Præp. Evangel. l. 1. p 36 & 39? Sanchon apud Eus. ib l. 1. c. 10

[293] g Sanchoniatho apud Euseb. ib.

[294] a Apud Photium

[295] b apud Euseb. Præp. Ev. l. 2 c. 2. p. 60.c.

[296] c Pherecides & Acusilaus apud Strabonem l. 10. p. 472.D

[297] d Scholiastes Apollonij Rodij.

[298] e Herod. l. 3.

[299] a Pausan. Eliac.

[300] b et Arcad

[301] a in Dea Syria.

[302] 1
The history of the first ages couched in that of the 12 Gods

[303] 2
The 12 Gods were the ancestors of the Egyptians.

[304] 3
The 12 Gods seated in the seven Planets the earth & four Elements

[305] g Apud Clement. Alex. adm. de Gent p 44.a.

[306] Apud Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 1. c. 9.

[307] Præp. Evang. l. 3. c. 4

[308] a Præp. Evang. l. 1. c. 9.

[309] b Præp. Evang. l. 3 c. 4

[310] c In Timæo, & apud Macrob. Satur. l. 1. c. 23.

[311] v Diodor. l 1. p. 11d & p 18.

[312] d Vide Schedium de Dijs Germanis syngr. 4. c. 3.

[313] Herod. l. 2

[314] q Euseb. l. 3. Præp. Evang. cap. 2. Diodorus lib. 1. p. 12.c. Augustinus de Civit. Dei l. 7. c. 16.

[315] r Diodor ib.

[316] g Phurnutus de Nat. deor. in Minerva.

[317] r Vide Sybolicam Dianæ Ephesiæ statuam a Menetreio editam.

[318] v Apuleij Metam. l 11. p. 378. Lucret. lib. 2 circa medium. Natal. Com l 5. c 14. Marsham. secul. 9, Titus de Matre Deum.

[319] d lib. 2. circa medium.

[320] e Saturn. l. 1 c 20 21

[321] f Apud Augustinum de Civit Dei l. 7. c 24

[322] g in primo de Nat. Deor.

[323] n Æn. 10 vers. 253.

[324] h Servius in 3 Æn. vers 113 & 10 Æn vers 253.

[325] b. Pausanias in Corinth. prope finem. Ælian. de Hist. Animal. l. 11. c. 12.

[326] y Orpheus apud Diodorum l. 1 p. 12.a

[327] k in Cratylo & apud Ciceroni l 2 de Nat. Deor

[328] a lib. de mor. Germ.

[329] b l. 3. p 190

[330] m. Vide sect. 10 capitis hujus.

[331] a in Phœnissis

[332] b Natalis Comes lib. 2. c. 9. D. Augustin de Civit. Dei l. 4 c. 10. ex mente Gentilium.

[333] c lib 2 de Nat. Deor.

[334] d Augustin. supra.

[335] t Apud Plutarchum lib. 1 de placit. Philos. c. 3 & Laertium lib. 8

[336] v Plutarch. ib.

[337] Orph. in hymnis.

[338] lib. 1. Vide de his Natal. Com. l. 9. c. 5

[339] f Herod. l. 2

[340] a Admonitio ad Gent. p. 44.a

[341] b lib. 1 p. 11 et 12.

[342] k Vide Natal Com. p. 961

[343] d lib. 2. circa medium.

[344] e Saturn. l. 1 c 20 21

[345] f Apud Augustinum de Civit Dei l. 7. c 24

[346] g in primo de Nat. Deor.

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