Catalogue Entry: THEM00103

'A letter of the Reverend Father Peter Iesuite'

Author: Unknown

Source: R.16.38. 442, Trinity College Library, Cambridge, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

SL293 was bought at the Sotheby sale by 'Hadley' (A. de Coppet) for £10 and subsequently sold at the Sotheby's de Coppet sale on 29 May 1956 for £40. It originally included another slightly variant copy of the letter on 8 pp.: the present location of this other copy is unknown.

Sotheby Lot

Part of SL293


Full title reads: 'A letter of ye Rnd ffather Peter Iesuite, Almoner to ye King of England written to ye Rnd Father le Chaise Confessor to ye most Christian King [i.e. Louis XIV], touching ye present afairs of England'. The original (if the document is genuine) dates from early 1688, having reference to the pregnancy of Queen Mary Beatrice and the introduction of the Jesuit Thomas Fairfax to Magdalen College (9 Jan. 1688). However, the document depicts the Jesuits as so thoroughly devious and scheming that it seems unlikely it was really written by a member of the order. It concerns the progress of James II's efforts to Roman Catholicise England.


The third leaf is in Humphrey Newton's hand.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
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