Catalogue Entry: THEM00117

'Paradoxical Questions concerning the morals & actions of Athanasius & his followers'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: **N563M3 P222, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Los Angeles, California, USA

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

SL266 was bought at the Sotheby sale by the bookseller Roy Vernon Sowers of Los Gatos, California for £5.

Sotheby Lot

[Part of?] SL266


f. 1r 'Quæst 1. Whether ye ignominious death of Arius in a bog-house was not a story put about by Athanasius above twenty years after his death?'

f. 10r 'Quest. 2 Whether the Meletians deserved that ill Character wch Athanasius gave them.'

f. 11r 'Quest. 3 Whether the Council of Tyre & Ierusalem was not an orthodox authentic Council bigger than that of Nice'

f. 15r 'Quest. 4 Whether Athanasius in ye Council of Tyre produced Arsenius alive or only his letter to prove yt he was not dead. Whether it was Arsenius alive or only his letter wch Athanasius produced in ye Council of Tyre to prove that he was not dead.'

f. 15r 'Quest. 5. Whether ye story of the dead man's hand & the living Arsenius was not feigned by Athanasius about 25 years after ye time of ye Council of Tyre.'

f. 17r 'Quest. 6 Whether the Letter of Pinnes for proving Arsenius to be alive was not feigned by Athanasius at ye same time wth ye story of the dead mans hand.'

f. 19r 'Quest. 7 Whether the Letter of Arsenius was not feigned by Athanasius before the convening of ye Council of Tyre?'

f. 21r 'Quest 8 Whether the Letter of Ischyras was not feigned by Athanasius'

f. 23r 'Quest 9 Whether the Recantation of Valens & Vrsatius was not feigned by the friends of Athanasius.'

f. 24v 'Whether Vrsatius & Valens made any other confession besides that in ye Council of Millain.'

f. 25r 'Quest. 10 Whether Athanasius was accused of adultery before the Council of Tyre.'

f. 26r ' '

'Quæst. 11 Whether Athanasius did sincerely acquit himself of ye crime of breaking ye communion cup of Ischyras.'

f. 28r 'Quest. 12 Whether Athanasius was not made Bishop of Alexandria by sedition & violence against the canons of that Church.'

f. 29r 'Quest. 13 Whether Athanasius was not justly deposed by ye Council of Tyre.'

f. 32r 'Quest. 14 Whether Athanasius was not seditious.'

f. 34r 'Quest. 15 Whether Constantius persecuted the Athanasians for religion or only punished them for immorality.'

f. 38r 'Quest. Whether Athanasius & his friends did not corrupt the records of the Councils of Nice & Sardica.'

f. 49r 'Quest Whether the Emperor Valens persecuted the Athanasians for religion or only punished them for their immoralities.'

f. 54r 'Quest. Whether Athanasius did not set on foot the invocation of saints'

f. 61r 'Whether Athanasius did not for promoting his interest set on foot the practise of false miracles.'

f. 72r 'Quest. Whether the Roman Catholicks were not wicked enough to deserve what they suffered under Constantius, Valens & the Vandals.'

f. 79r 'Quest. Whether the Vandals persecuted the Africans for their faith or only punished them for their immoralities.'

f. 80r 'Whether Athanasius did not for promoting his interest set on foot the way of writing fabulous Legends, & propagate the superstition of Monkery.'

f. 82r 'Whether Athanasius for stifling objections taken from ye writings of Dionysius of Alexandria & from ye Council of Antioch collected against Paul of Samosat & for changing the ancient Doxology did not feign records.'


SL266 is described in the Sotheby catalogue as c. 30,000 words on 120 pp. (i.e. 120 written sides?). The catalogue does, however, tend to underestimate the number of words Newton could get onto a page. Babson Ms. 436 may have been a part of this lot.

The first half of this (up to f. 37) is an earlier draft of King's College Cambridge, Keynes Ms. 10.

[1] {illeg}

[2] ✝ T{heod. Eccl. Hist.} l.1 {c.13.}

[3] b Socr. l {illeg} 33 37, 38. Sozom l {illeg} c 27, 28, 29.

[4] {illeg}

[5] {illeg}

[6] Athanas. Apol. 2

[7] Apud Theodoretum l 1. c 6.

[8] a Concilium Antiochenum Epist. ad Iu{lium} Papam.

[9] Euseb. in vita Constant. l 4.c 43, 47. ex versione Valesij.

[10] Athanas. Apolog. 2. p 781, 7{illeg}

[11] Athanas {illeg} pag 2{illeg}

[12] Athanas pag. {illeg}

[13] Apud Athan. Apol. 2 & Hilar. fragm.

[14] b Vide Hilar. Fragm.

[15] Ath. Apol. 2 p 77

[16] Philostorg. l. 2. c. 12

[17] Sozom. l. 2. c 25 Theod l 1. c 30

[18] Sozom. l. 2 c. 25

[19] Euseb. Vit. Cons. l. 3. c. 23

[20] Socr. l. 1. c. 23

[21] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[22] d Sozom. {illeg} c. 17 & 23

[23] e Philostorg. l. 3. c. 11

[24] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[25] E{pist. Concil.} Alex. {apud Athanas.} Apol. {2.}

[26] c. Constan{tin. Imp.} apud Athan{as.} Apol. 2. p. {780.}

[27] a. Sozom. {illeg} c. 24.

[28] a μηδὲ τὸ {μαρ}τυρες ὁι δ{ικα}στὰι γενέα{αι} παραιτ{η} μενοι. Ep{ist.} Concil. A{lex.}

[29] a. Hilar. ad Constant.

[30] b. Severus. Hist. l 2 c 55

[31] c Ambros. serm 69 de Natali Eusebij

[32] d. Sozom. l. 4 c. 9

[33] p. Athanas. Apol. 1

[34] q. Constant. Epist. ad Ægyptios apud Athanas. Apol. 1.

[35] z. Sozom. l 4. c 9.

[36] b. Epistola Liberij Papæ apud Lucif. Calar. in. fin. & to 9 Bibl. sanct.

[37] c. Apud. Baron. ann. 353. s. 19.

[38] r. Athan. Apol. 1 Sozom l 4. c 9. Baron. ann. 354. s.17. Athan

[39] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[40] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[41] d. Hilar. ad Constantium

[42] k. Maximus apud Ambros. serm. 69 de natali Eusebij.

[43] e Sev{erus Hist.} l. 2. c

[44] f. Extat in Hilar. fragm.

[45] g. Sozom. l. 4 c. 9. Sever. l 2 c. 55.

[46] q. Sozom. l 2. c 24

[47] Sozom

[48] Sozom. l. 2. c. 29

[49] 2 Cor. 5

[50] Athan.

[51] Sozom l. 4. c. 9

[52] Sozom. ib

[53] Lucif. li. Moriend. pro Dei filio

[54] Extat Epistola apud Athanasium.

[55] Ath. Apol. 1. p

[56] Athanas. Epist. ad solitariam vitam agentes p. 857

[57] Ib. p. 811

[58] Lucif. lib. moriend. pro filio Dei.

[59] Hilar cont. Constantium. p. 323 Edit. Paris. 1652.

[60] Baron. an.360. sec.3.9.

[61] Greg. Naz. {Carm.} Iamb. 21. {p.23}.

[61] Greg. Naz. Carm. Iamb. 21. p. 23…

[62] ✝ Hæres. 69 sect. 12

[63] Sozom. l: {3} c. 12.

[64] Concil. Calch. Act. 3 initio

[65] Theod Eccl. A{illeg} l    c

[66] b Athanas de Synod.

[67] Hilar. p. 390 edit Paris. 1652

[68] ✝ Apud

[69] ✝ Apud

[70] ✝ Notis in Sozom. l. 2. c. 16.

[71] Apud Theod l. 4. c. 8

[72] ἀλλα οὑτὼς ἀτεχνως τὰ γεγγαμμένα λεγέτω καὶ ψαλλέτω ὑπὲρ του τοὺς διακονήσαντας ἁγίους ἀυτὰ, ἐπιγινώσκοντας τὰ ἑαντων συνεύχεσθαι ἡμιν …………

[73] ἀλλα οὑτὼς ἀτεχνως τὰ γεγγαμμένα λεγέτω καὶ ψαλλέτω ὑπὲρ του τοὺς διακονήσαντας ἁγίους ἀυτὰ, ἐπιγινώσκοντας τὰ ἑαντων συνεύχεσθαι ἡμιν …………

[74] Sozom. l. 5. c 20.

[75] Intercessione angelorum non natura Dei indige{illeg} sed infirmites nostra ad rogandu{illeg} promerendum spiritualis intercessionis ministerio {illeg} indigente. Hilar. in Psal. 129. Neque desunt stare volentibus sanctorum custodiæ neque angelorum munitiones. And a little after Ac ne {illeg}ve præsidium in Apostolis vel Patriarchis vel Prophetis vel potius Angelis qui Ecclesiam quadam custodia circumsepiant, crederimus, &c Hilar in Psal. 124.

[76] δεήσεως συνεργὸι πρεσβύτατοι δυνα τώτατοι..

[77] Ephræm Syrus Orat 2 De laud. sanctorum Christi martyrum.

[78] Heron senior memoria et oblatione pausantium [i.e. mortuorum] judicabatur indignus. Cassian. Collat. 2. {illeg}

[79] Pallad. Hist. Laus cap. 67.

[80] Greg. Naz. Orat. 11.

[81] Orat

[82] Orat 18 in Vita Cypr

[83] Orat. 21 in Laud. Athanasij.

[84] a Baron. an. 381. sec. 41.

[85] Ruffin l. 2 & Chrysost. Hom ad populum finem.

[86] a. Hom 9 in {Gen.} 1 sub finem. {& Hom} 15 in Gen 3 {sub} finem. Hom {illeg} & 43 in Gen {illeg} Exposit. in P{sal} 48, priori pa{rti} Serm. in ascen{illeg} Christi, Serm{illeg} Cæmeterij ap{pel}lationem. Ho{m.} 8, 27 in M{illeg} Hom 1 in {illeg} &c.

[87] Plus crudelitati{s} vestræ Nero Deci Maximiane debemus. Diabolum enim per vos vicimus. Sanctus ubique martyrum sanguis exceptus est. Dum in his Dæmones mugiunt, dum aegritudines depelluntur dum admirationum opera cernuntur elevari sine laquieis corpora et despe{illeg}sis pede fæminis vestes non defluere in faciem, uri sine ignibus spiritus, confiteri sine interrogantis incremento fidei

[88] a Chrysostom Orat. in Ma{rty}res Aegyptios

[89] a Baron an. 372 sect

[90] Hieron. in Vit. Hilarion.

[91] Ruffin. Eccl. Hist l.

[92] b Iulian in Misopagone.

[93] Hieron epist. 27 ad Eustochum.

[94] e Ruffin. Hist. l 2 c. 28.

[95] a Ad Pontifice{m} maximum tunc Athanasium, hosti{æ} immaculatæ reliquias per Iulianum Diaconum suum post etiam Palestinæ urbis Episcopum mittit. Quas ille susceptas paucis arbitris sub cava{illeg} sacrarij pariete inclusas prophetico spiritu profuturi generationi poster{illeg} conservavit R{uff} Eccl. Hist. l.2. c 28.

[96] d Basil Ora{illeg} in 40 Marty{illeg}

[97] a Baron. an. 38. sect. 42.

[98] b D. Augustin de opere monac{illeg} c. 28.

[99] c Martyres tibi quærantur in cubiculo tuo. Hieron Ep. 22 ad Eustoch.

[100] Humatum corpus nemo ad alterum locum transferat, nemor martyrem distrahat nemo mercetur, &c. L. ult. de Sepulch. violat. C. Theod.

[101] Placuit ut altaria quæ passim per agros et {illeg} tanquam memoria martyrum constituuntur, &c. Concil. 5 Carthag. Can. 14.

[102] g Theod. De curat. Græc affect. cap. 9{illeg} in fine.

[103] Non immeritò plerique hanc martyrum resurrectionem appellant. Videro tamen utrum sibi an nobis certi martyres resurrexerunt. Cognovistis imò vidistis ipsi multos a Dæmone purgatos, &c. Ambros. Epist. 85 ad Sororem.

[104] b Vizt. In ye 20th year current after the silencing of the Oracle at Antioch by the bones of Babylas, as Chrysostom mentions in this Oration.

[105] Reparata vetusti temporis miracula &c. Ambros Ep. 85 Ad Marcellam.

[106] b D. Augustin. de Civ. Dei, l. 22, c. 8.

[107] d. Tom. 10 in appendice Edit. Plantan.

[108] Rides de reliquis martyrum et cum autore hujus hæreseos

[109] Cassian. Collat. 7. cap. 32.

[110] Cassian. Collat. 15. cap. 3. Palli{illeg} Laus. 19. Niceph l 19. c 14.

[111] a Sulpitius Hist. l. 2. c. 57: Liberius Epist. ad Cath. Episc. Ital.

[112] b Basil. Serm. de Askesi.

[113] Hieron princip. 90. Hieron. de princip. ep. 16

[114] Socr. l. 4 c. 23.
Cassian Co{llat.} 8. c. 16.

[115] Socr. l 4. c 23
Cassian Collat 8 c. 16.
D. Augustin. de doctr Chr. l. 1, Proleg.

[116] D. Augustin. de doctr Chr. l. {1,} Proleg.

[116] D. Augustin. de doctr Chr. l. 1, Proleg.

[117] a Athanas. Vit. A{ntonij} Edit. Paris. A{.C.} 1627: pag 45{2,} 453

[117] a Athanas. Vit. Antonij Edit Paris, A.C. 1627 pag 452, 453.

[118] c pag 493.

[118] c pag. 493.

[119] a in vita Hilarionis sub initio

[120] Socr. l. 1. c. 2.

[121] Sozom l. 1 c {illeg}

[122] Ruffin. Eccl. l 1. c 8.

[123] {illeg} 35, 71. 81

[124] D. Augustin Confess. l 8. c 6.

[125] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[126] Socr. l. 4.

[127] Chrysostom Hom. 8 in Matt. 2.

[128] Sozom. l. 1 c 13

[129] p L.16 De Pænis & 32 de Episc et Cler. Cod. Theod.

[130] q Siricius Papa epist. 1. ad Himmerium anno 385. Vide etiam Augustin. ep. 76 ad Papam Himmerium. Et Hieron. {illeg} ad Rusticum

[131] t

[132] b See Baron. an. 393 sect 48.

[133] a See the life of Hilarion in the Preface to the life of Antony.

[134] Sozom. l. 6. c 27.

[135] Extat apud {illeg}d. l. 1 c 4

[136] f Sever. Hist. l. 2. c 50

[137] g Greg. Naz. Orat. 23 in laudem Heronis

[138] h Greg. Orat. 20 in laud Basil.

[139] k Greg. at 21 in laud. Athanas.

[140] {V}ide {illeg}lam Athanasij ad Dracontium.

[141] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[142] t See the collection of Rosweydus.

[143] Pallad. in vita Pauli Abbatis. cap 23.

[144] r Pallad in vita Macarij Alexandini. c. 20.

[145] s Pallad. in vit. Pauli simplicis c.

[146] Cassian Col{illeg} 9 cap 31.

[147] g Ruffin vit.Par{illeg} l 2 c     et Author Græcus l. 3 c. 16 apud Roswedum.

[148] h

[149] Pallad. in vita Pauli simplicis. cap. 2

[150] n Ruffin. Vit. patr. l {illeg} c. 176.

[151] b Orat. 25.

[152] Orat. 32 p. 5{illeg}

[153] Orat. 27

[154] Basil. Ep. 70 p. 860.

[155] Basil. Epis p. 864.

[156] a. Vide Epist. {illeg}

[157] b. Epist. 70 p. 860

[158] Greg. Naz. carm de vita sua.

[159] b Basil de Spiritu Sancto cap. 1.

[160] a Athan.

[161] b Hil. de Synod.

[162] c Basil Epist. 300.

[163] d. Athan. de sent. Dionys. Alex.

[164] Athanas. de sent. Dionys. Alex. & in Apologia 2da.

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