Catalogue Entry: THEM00180

Theological Notebook (Part 1)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Keynes Ms. 2, King's College, Cambridge, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Sotheby Lot


[1] Religio Ethnica

[2] Religio Ethnica.

[3] Religio Ethnica

[4] Rachel & Laban were Idolaters and yet worshiped the true God.

[5] The Idolatrous Egyptians & Israelites in Egypt acknowledged the true God.

[6] Religio Ethnica.

[7] Religio christiana. Deus.

[8] Votum est. Qui Deus est super omnia benedictus sit in sæcula Amen.

[9] NB. ffilij itaque ut Dei Pater est Deus.

[10] * O God, thy God ὠ θὲε ὁ θεὸς. Sic enim transtulit Aquila in Psal 45.7. Eamque translationem recipit Eusebius Demonstr Evang. l 4 § 15 quod in textu Hebraico sit Eloim Eloach, non Eloach Eloach.

[11] Deest θεου in MSS fide dignis. Et sensus contextûs deesse suadat.

[12] ‡ ὀν ponitur pro δια. Lege ergo by his Son. Vide Erasm.

[13] Magnum est pietatis mysterium quod (si subjectum ejus spectes) manifestatum erat in carne &c

[14] b fore ordeined

[15] a Ἰλαστήριον mercy-seat. Heb. 9.5.

[16] c reconciliation

[17] * και προστεκύνησεν αυτω Hæc verba nec Iust. Mart. in Dial adversus Tryph: hunc locum citans, agnoscit, nec Origen interpres hoc loco nec, nec S. Cypr. l. 2. adversus Iudæos. Nec in Exemplari vaticano Romæ edito habentur.

[18] Homo

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