Catalogue Entry: THEM00273
Notes on Roman and Church history
Sotheby Lot
Not identified in Sotheby[Editorial Note 1] The text on this page is written upside down.
[Editorial Note 2] The remaining scrap of text on this page is written upside down.
[Editorial Note 3] The following text is written upside down at the bottom of the page.
[Editorial Note 4] The remaining text on this page is written up the left margin.
[1] x
[2] x
[Editorial Note 5] This page is written upside down.
[Editorial Note 6] Apart from the page number, all the text on this page is written upside down. It continues, still upside down, in the lower portion of f 13v.
[3] x
[4] x
[5] x
[6] x
[7] x
[8] x
[9] x
[10] a Zos. l 2
[11] x
[Editorial Note 7] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.
[12] x
[13] x
[14] x
[Editorial Note 8] Apart from the page number, all the text on this page is written upside down.
[15] * Aviti.
[16] * Aviti
[17] a Scilicet iter ab Arelato per Germaniam et Noricum in Italiam sub initio Imp ut docet Sirmondus in Commentario in hunc locum Sidonij.
[Editorial Note 9] Apart from the page numbers, the following three pages are written upside down and are probably intended to be read in reverse order, as they are presented here, though the high level of manuscript damage makes the sense extremely difficult to follow.
[19] Cani
[20] a Ponit tamen Herodotus an 29, Sulpitius et Abul-Pharajius an 31.
[Editorial Note 10] Apart from the page number, all the text on this page is written upside down.