Catalogue Entry: THEM00353

Part 2 of a passage on Church history

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: SL255.3, Location Unknown

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

The whole of SL255 was bought at the 1936 Sotheby sale by Emmanuel Fabius for £13.10s. This portion was offered as section 2 of Lot 511 at the 2004 New York Sotheby sale but failed to sell. Folio 1 of this portion was then offered as Lot 1078 at the 14 November 2005 Bonhams (Los Angeles and San Francisco) sale with an estimate of $30,000-$50,000 US, but again failed to sell. It had been acquired by bookdealers Estates of Mind by early April 2010, while f. 2 had found its way to the Karpeles Museum, Santa Barbara, California by July 2007.


The second half (ff. 3-4) of a passage (incomplete at the end) on Church history, the corruption of the faith and the Nicene Council. The first half of the passage is SL255.2.

A marginal reference on f. 4r to an edition of Athanasius's works published (according to Newton) at Paris in 1699 gives a terminus a quo for the date of this section. However, the edition Newton had in mind is surely the works of Athanasius, edited by Bernard de Montfaucon, published at Paris in 1698.

[1] Apud Gelasium de Actis Nicæn. Concil. par. 3.

[2] Vide Tom 5. p. 99. Edit. Paris. 1699.

[3] a Athanas

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