Catalogue Entry: THEM00377
Draft sections of the 'Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended' and of a treatise on Daniel: section a(4)
Custodial History
Bought at the Sotheby sale by Gabriel Wells for £90 and presumably acquired by Yahuda not long afterwards.
Sotheby Lot
SL226[5] Diodor. l. 1. p. 35.
[7] a Pausan. l. 2. c. {6}
[10] a Apollonius in Argonaut. l. 1. v. 101.
[11] b Plutarch in Theseo.
[13] Diodor. l. 1. p. 35
[15] Pausan. l. 2. c. 6
[16] Hygin. Fab. 7 & 8.
[18] Diodor. l. 1. p. 17.
[20] Pausan. l. 1. c. 39, 40
[21] Pausan. l. 8. c. 4
[24] Pausan. l. 2. c 15 & 16 p.175. Apollodor. l. 2 c. 1. Augustin. C. D. 116. 18. c. 3. Steph. in Α᾽ιγιαλὸς, & in Φήγεια.
[26] Pausan. l. 2. c. 5.
[27] Herod. l. 2.
[28] Herod. l. 2
[29] Plutarch in Theseo
[31] Herod. l. 1
[35] Diodor. l. 1. p. 7.
[37] Diodor. ib.