Catalogue Entry: THEM00402

Drafts on chronology: section 2d

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 25.2d, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

Bought at the Sotheby sale by Gabriel Wells for £90 and presumably acquired by Yahuda not long afterwards.

Sotheby Lot


[1] Isagoge p. 1.

[2] Lucian de Astrologia. Laertius Proæm. Orpheus Argonaut. Achilles Tatius Isag.

[3] a Diodor. l. 4 p. 195. Iustin. l. 13. c. 7.

[4] b Diodor. l .4 .c. 2. p. 163. Plin. l. 2. c. 8 Albricus c. 22. Servius in Virgil. Æn. 4. v. 745.

[5] c Clemens Strom 1. p. 306, 332

[6] d Laertius Proæm l. 11

[7] e Achil. Tat. Isag. p. ult.

[8] f Suidas in Αναγαλλις

[9] g Apollodor. l .1. c. 9. sect. 25.

[10] h Soph. apud Achil Tatium in Isag. p. 1 Servius in Æn. 2.

[11] i Lucian. de Astrologia. Achill. Tat. c. 20.

[12] k Strab. l. 1. p. 23.

[13] l Serv. ad Æn. 1. v. 572

[14] m Iustin l. 13. c. 7.

[15] n Bochart. Canaan l .1. c. 14. p. 445. Laert. in Pherecide.

[16] Achil. Tat. c. 23.

[17] a Laert. in Thalete Plin. l. 2. c. 11.

[18] b Laert. in Anaximandro. Plin. l. 7. c. 56.

[19] c Plin. l. 18. c. 25.

[20] d Petav. Var. Dissert. l. 1. cap. 5. can. 19.

[21] a Petav. Doct. Temp. l. 4. c. 26.

[22] b Columella l. 9. c. 14. Plin. l .18. c. 25.

[23] a Euseb. Ch{ron.}

[24] b Laert. in v{it.} Eudoxi.

[25] Vide Ricciol. Almagest. Tom. 1. Lib. 3. c. 15 & 16, & Schol ad Lib 6. c. 16.

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