Catalogue Entry: MINT00503
Two reports on foreign coin in Ireland
(a) (Mint 19/2/242) 23 June 1712. Newton to Treasury. Holograph draft of the report ordered in MINT00502 (Mint 19/2/241), suggesting numerous adjustments to the coinage values and weights stated in MINT00501 (Mint 19/2/232-3) and some to those stated in the proclamation on circulation of foreign coin.
(b) (Mint 19/2/243) Holograph draft memorandum: 'The weight & value of forreign coins in Ireland', listing Newton's suggested figures for all the coins in question.
Related Material
Printed in NC, 5: 309-12. MINT00503(a) is also printed in Prior, Observations, 24-6, McCulloch, Select Tracts, 271-3, and Shaw, 179-81, but the document from which these were taken - presumably the official version of the report - seems to have gone astray (see NC, 5, 312, n.1).