Catalogue Entry: ALCH00030
A similar composition to Keynes Ms. 40, covering the first six 'operations' (but the fourth is missing). In Latin apart from some citations from George Ripley in English verse in the last two sections.
Custodial History
Bought at the Sotheby sale by Francis Edwards for £15 and offered to Keynes on approval on 2 September 1936 for £24. Keynes had presumably accepted the deal by 16 September, when Edwards told Yahuda it had been sold.
Sotheby Lot
Also features extensive interlinear notes and additions apparently inserted after the main text had been written.
f. 1r 'Opus primum. Extractio & rectificatio spiritus.'
f. 2r 'Opus secundum. Extractio animæ.'
f. 3r 'Opus tertium. Terræ calcinatio'
f. 5r 'Opus quintum./ Acuatio spiritus rectificanti cum rebus calidis sui generis per sublimationes, & conversio in mercurium vegetabilem ut et in Quintessentiam quæ cælum est Philosophorum, et Liquor Alkahest, quocum fit Aurum potabile.'
f. 11r 'Opus sextum. Solutio sicca et humida metallorum vulgi eorumq[ue] purgatio & multiplicatio infinita mercurij sophici et extractio auri vivi.'