Holograph table of receipts and expenditure for each year 1711-15, preceded by a copy of the last few words of MINT00140 (Mint 19/1/325)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Ca. February 1715 [= 1716] , c. 172 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/331, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00136
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
An extract of another Letter of Mr. Newton
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 10 Jan. 1675/6 (published 24 Jan. 1675/6), in English, c. 934 words, 2pp.
Source: ‘An extract of another Letter of Mr. Newton’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, No. 121 (24 January 1675/6), pp. 503-504.
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00023
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Original letter from Isaac Newton to Richard Bentley, dated 17 January 1692/3
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 17 January 1692/3, in English, c. 1,331 words.
Source: 189.R.4.47, f. 5A, Trinity College Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00255
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Practica Mariæ Prophetissæ in Artem Alchemicam' (early 1690s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 1,500 words, 4 pp. on 3 ff. of which one blank.
Source: Keynes Ms. 45, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00034
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Ann Edes: The Information of Ann Edes of Shoe Lane in St Andrews parish the wife of Samuell Edes a Seaman 16 April 1699
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 16 Apr 1699, c. 144 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/200, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01451
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph list of discrepancies between Mint and Exchequer weights
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1696-1700, c. 286 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/130, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00888
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Richard Backe: The Information of Richard Backe Leominster in the County of Hereford Dyer and Clothworker 12 November 1698
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 12 Nov 1698, c. 1,525 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/64, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01317
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of a letter from Newton to Henry Oldenburg, dated 13 June 1676
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 13 June 1676, in Latin, c. 2,679 words, 4 ff.
Source: MS Add. 3977.6, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00182
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
John Wood: The Information of John Wood of the High Street of the parish of Stepney in the county of Middlesex Grocer 15 May 1699
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 15 May 1699, c. 142 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/172, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01423
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter concerning the petition of Richard Barrow for the prosecution of clippers and coiners
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 31 Jul 1717, c. 123 words.
Source: T 1/208.11, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00997
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Draft of MINT00044 (Mint 19/1/121)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Before or on 5 September 1701, c. 346 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/123, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01893
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph table of gold coins, drawn up as an appendix to MINT00322 (Mint 19/2/111-16)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: September 1717, c. 405 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/52, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00327
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'The Work of an old Priest, viz: B.' and other alchemical recipes (late 1660s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English, c. 3,500 words, 8 pp. on 9 ff. of which one blank.
Source: Keynes Ms. 62, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00051
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Notes on the measurement of monuments, probably undertaken in connection with The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 2,000 words, 4 pp.
Source: Box 27, folder 42 (Peal accession no. 10564), University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00109
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Thomas Beach: The Information of Thomas Beach of the parish of St Martins in the Fields in the county of Middlesex 31 August 1699
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 31 Aug 1699, c. 213 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/220, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01470
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Charles Conklin/Congrell: The Information of Charles Conklin alias Congrell of Lemon Street in Goodmans Fields in White Chappell Glassmaker 2 May 1699
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 2 May 1699, c. 233 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/288, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01521
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph copy of MINT00454(b) (Mint 19/3/25)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1714, c. 745 words.
Source: MINT 19/5/38, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00455
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'The synchronisms of the three parts of the prophetick Interpretation'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: after 1700, in English, c. 14,288 words, 19 pp. on 20 ff. of which one blank.
Source: Yahuda Ms. 6, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00049
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph copy extract from Robert Brackenbury's indenture of 20 July 1483 showing that the master found securities before the indenture was signed, with notes on ten other precedents for this order of procedure dating back to the fourteenth century
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. October 1702, c. 867 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/395, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00057
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
An Answer to this Letter [of Francis Linus], written 5 December 1674
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 5 December 1674, in English, c. 140 words, 1p.
Source: ‘An Answer to this Letter [of Francis Linus]’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, No. 110 (25 January 1674/5), pp. 219.
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00054
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Draft of MINT00287 (Mint 19/2/602-3)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 7 July 1702, c. 856 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/597-8, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01924
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter to Oldenburg answering Linus's second letter on Newton's new doctrine of light and colour
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 29 February 1676, in English, c. 2,458 words, 2 pp.
Source: EL/N1/51, Royal Society Library, London, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00321
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph copy of MINT00350 (Mint 19/3/14), headed 'The Clause in an Act of Parliament made in Scotland A.C. 1690'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 22 July 1690, with notes by Newton from after 13 April 1696., c. 176 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/19, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00351
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Draft of MINT00858 (Mint 19/2/481)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Early January 1703, c. 1,452 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/493-4, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01955
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Showing 1–25 of 1911 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)