Browse texts by author
- Algarotti, Francesco
- Allardes, George
- Anstis, John
- Applebee, John
- Arbuthnot, John
- Arnold, John
- Auditor
- B., P.
- Bacon, Nicholas
- Banastre, Isaac
- Bank of England
- Barrow, Richard
- Batchelor, John
- Bathurst, William
- Bentley, Richard
- Bertie, James
- Biot, J. B.
- Blackborne, Robert
- Blackwell, John (Mayor of Bristol)
- Bladen, Martin (Comptroller)
- Boswell, William
- Bovey, Gerard (Button maker)
- Bradford
- Brandshagen, Justus
- Brattell, Charles
- Brattell, Daniel (Assay master)
- Brereton, Edward
- Breton, Richard
- Brewster, David
- Brown, George
- Burnet, Thomas
- Cartlitch, John
- Cavelier, Guillaume
- Cecil, William
- Chaloner, William
- Chamberlayne, John
- Chambers, Thomas
- Champion, Justin
- Clark, James (Edinburgh engraver and die-sinker)
- Clarke, Samuel
- Clenton, Thomas
- Collins, John
- Commissioners for Prizes
- Comptroller
- Conduitt, John
- Cottrell, Clement
- Cox, Charles
- Craig, John
- Croker, John (Chief Graver of the Mint)
- Dary, Michael
- Davies, Isaac
- Davis, David
- Dearsley, Thomas (Watchmaker)
- Delafaye, Charles (Undersecretary of State)
- Derham, William
- Dixon, Tobias
- Dodington, George
- Drummond, John (Commission agent in Amsterdam)
- Drummond, William
- Dublin Privy Council
- Dudley, Robert
- Duke of Lauderdale
- Duke of Shrewsbury (Lord High Treasurer)
- Duncombe, Anthony
- Earl of Godolphin (Lord High Treasurer)
- Edinburgh Mint
- Edward IV, King
- Eight clerks
- Ellis, John
- F., I.
- F., W.
- Fatio, Nicolas, de Duillier
- Flamsteed, John
- Fontenelle, Bernard, de
- Foster, Thomas
- Fowle, Thomas
- Fuller, Thomas
- Galloway, Thomas
- Garth, Samuel
- Gosselin, William
- Grahme, James
- Gregory, David
- Gregory, James
- Haldane, John
- Hall, Francis
- Halley, Edmond
- Harley, R
- Harley, Robert
- Harley, Thomas
- Harris, John
- Hawkins, Michael
- Haycock, David Boyd
- Haynes, Hopton
- Henry VII, King
- Henry VIII, King
- Hickes, John (Deputy Mayor of Bristol)
- Hidgson, John
- Hillard, John
- Hockett, John
- Holloway, Jonathan
- Hooke, Robert
- Hopkins, Thomas
- Horne, Thomas
- Huygens, Christiaan
- Hyde, Laurence (1st Earl of Rochester)
- Iliffe, Professor Rob
- James II, King
- Janssen, Theodore
- Jones, Richard
- Keill, John
- Kelsall, Henry
- Kemp, J.
- Kemp, Thomas
- Kidder, V (Assay-Master in Ireland)
- Lawson, John Ignatius
- Le Neve, Peter
- Lee, Charles
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
- Leslie, Jo
- Linus, Francis
- Lloyd, Philip (Warden)
- Locke, John
- Longbridge, Edmund
- Lonyson, John
- Lord of Oxford & Earl Mortimer (Lord High Treasurer)
- Lords Justices
- Lords Justices of England
- Lovell, Salathiel
- Lowe, John
- Lowndes, William (Secretary to the Treasury)
- Lucas, Anthony
- Lucas, Robert (Baron Lucas of Shenfield)
- M., M.
- Macey, George (Warden's clerk)
- Mackenzie, George (Earl of Cromartie)
- Martin, Benjamin
- Martin-Portugues Santacreu, Yvonne
- Mason, Thomas
- Mead, Richard
- Milford, John
- Mill, John
- Millar, Robert
- Milton, John
- Mint
- Mint commissioners
- Mint officers
- Moivre, Abraham, de
- Montagu, Charles
- Montgomerie, John (Master of the Edinburgh Mint)
- Moray, Robert
- Morgan, Augustus, De
- Morley, George
- Mountague, James
- Musgrave, Chris
- Nabbs, William
- Neal, Noah
- Neale, Thomas
- Negus, Francis
- Newton, Humphrey
- Newton, Isaac
- Northey, Edward (Attorney General)
- Oadham, Catesby
- Officers of the country mints
- Ogilvy, James (Earl of Seafield, Lord Chancellor of Scotland)
- Oldenburg, Henry
- Ordnance Office
- Overton, Benjamin
- Packer, John
- Pardies, Ignace Gaston
- Parliamentary committee members
- Parry, Charles
- Partington, Edward
- Peers, John
- Pemberton, Henry
- Peyton, Craven (Warden)
- Phelipps, Edward
- Phillips, John
- Pigott
- Pinckney, Calverley (Deputy to the Warden of the Mint)
- Pollexfen, John
- Popple, William
- Portman, J
- Povey, John
- Powell, Baden
- Powys, R.
- Pyndon, Reginald
- Radclyffe, Thomas
- Railton, Thomas, Justice
- Ramsay, Andrew Michael
- Reynolds, John
- Rigby, Charles
- Robinson, Thomas
- Rokeby, Thomas
- Rotherham, John
- Rothwell, H. (New College Cataloguer)
- Sackville, Charles (Earl of Dorset)
- Saint-Urbain, Ferdinand, de
- Sandford, Richard (Warden of the Mint)
- Schilt, Cornelis J.
- Scott, Hercules
- Scott, Patrick
- Scrope, John (Treasury Secretary)
- Sherston, Thomas
- Smith, Barnabas
- Smith, George
- Smithson, Henry
- Smythe, Thomas
- Southwell, Edward (Secretary of the Privy Council of Ireland)
- Spilman, J.
- Stacy, John
- Stanhope, Charles (Secretary to the Treasury)
- Stanley, John
- Starkey, Henry
- Storer, Arthur
- Strickland, William
- Stringer, H. H.
- Stukeley, William
- Suffolk M.
- Swiny, Owen
- Taylour, Joseph
- Telescope, Tom
- The Newton Project
- Tilson, Chris
- Tily, Joseph
- Treasury
- Trenchard, John
- Trott [Brown, Carter, Williams], Thomas
- Tully, John
- Turner, Charles
- Tyndal, William
- Unknown
- Vernon, James (Under-Secretary of State)
- Walker, John
- Wallington, Isaac
- Wallis, Jacob
- Wallis, John
- Walpole, Robert
- Wern, John
- Whewell, William
- Whiston, William
- Whitfield, John
- Wickins, Nicholas
- William III, King
- William Wood and partners
- Williams, John
- Wood, William
- Woodhouse, Elizabeth
- Wright
- Yard, Robert
- Yonge, William
- Young, John T.
- le Clerk, Gabriel (Graver of the Mint)