Books in Newton’s Library

Based by kind permission of Cambridge University Press on John Harrison, The Library of Isaac Newton [Cambridge: CUP, 1978]. The following entries are in the order that Harrison catalogued them, with their appropriate Harrison-number. These are generally in alphabetical order on author, but follow title when for instance the author is not directly mentioned in the book, or is unknown. With classical authors Harrison in general uses the first name for ordering purposes, e.g. "Dionysius Periegetis" under D. Books that are at the Wren Library in Trinity College, Cambridge, are indicated by "Tr" followed by their shelf-number. Similarly, those books at Cambridge University Library are indicated by "ULC". ? indicates that the current whereabouts of a book are unknown. Since Harrison’s volume was published, a number of books from Newton’s library have resurfaced at auctions and among rare book collections. The Newton Project has sought to update Harrison’s catalogue where possible, and will continue to do so.

Abulfeda. De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis...Ex Codice MSto Pocockiano Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ textum Arabicum primus edidit, Latinè vertit, præfatione, & notis illustravit J. Gagnier. Fo, Oxoniæ, 1723. Tr/NQ.11.23.

Account [An] of a Roman temple, and other antiquities, near Graham’s Dike in Scotland. [By W. Stukeley.] 4o, [London, 1720]. Tr/NQ.10.343.

An account of Switzerland. Written in the year 1714 [by T. Stanyan]. 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.39.

An account of the affairs of Scotland, relating to the Revolution in 1688. As sent to the late King James II. when in France. By the Right Honourable the Earl of B—[Balcarres]. 4o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.202.

An account of the Court of Portugal, under the reign of the present King Dom Pedro II...[By J. Colbatch.] 8o, London, 1700. Tr/NQ.9.80. [a few signs of dog-earing].

Acosta, José de. De natura Novi Orbis libri II... 8o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1596. Parke-Bernet, New York, June 1973/211; ?

Acta eruditorum anno MDCLXXXII-MDCCXXVI publicata... 55 vols. 4o, Lipsiæ, 1682-1726. ?; see also H894.

Adams, John. Index villaris: or, An alphabetical table of all the cities, market-towns, parishes, villages, and private seats, in England and Wales. Fo, London, 1680. ?

Adams, Thomas. The happines of the Church. Or, A description of those spirituall prerogatives wherewith Christ hath endowed her ... [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1619. [A few signs of dog-earing.] Tr/NQ.9.81.

Addison, Joseph. Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise Lost. Collected from the Spectator. 12o, London, 1719. ?

Addison, Lancelot. The present state of the Jews... 8o, London, 1675. ?

The primitive institution, or A seasonable discourse of catechizing... 2nd ed. 12o, London, 1690. ?

Ado, Archbishop of Vienna. Adonis Viennensis Archiepiscopi, Breviarium chronicorum ab origine mundi ad sua usque tempora ... 1353. 8o, Basileæ, 1568. Tr/NQ.16.92 [bound with H675 & H1712; a few signs of dog-earing].

Aelianus, Claudius. Varia historia. T. Faber emendavit. [Greek & Latin.] 2 pts. 8o, Salmurii, 1668. ?

Aeschines, Socraticus. Dialogi tres Græce et Latine vertit et notis illustravit. J. Clericus... 8o, Amstelodami, 1711. ?

Aeschylus. Αἰσχύλου Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, Ἕπτα ἐπὶ Θήβαις, Πέρσαι, Ἀγαμέμνων, Εὐμενίδες, Ἱκετίδες. 8o, Parisiis, 1552. Tr/NQ.16.58.

Tragoediæ septem: cum scholiis Græcis omnibus; deperditorum dramatum fragmentis, versione & commentario T. Stanleii. Fo, Londini, 1663. Tr/NQ.11.30.

Agricola, Georg. De animantibus subterraneis liber...editus...a J. Sigfrido. 8o, Witebergæ, 1614. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [bound with H1652 & H1685].

De ortu causis subterraneorum lib. v, De natura eorum quæ effluunt ex terra lib. IIII, De natura fossilium lib. X... Fo, Basileæ, 1546. ?

De re metallica libri XIII...Ejusdem De animantibus subterraneis liber... Fo, Basileæ, 1621. Tr/NQ.11.4 [a few signs of dog-earing.].

Agrippa, Henrich Cornelius. De occulta philosophia libri III. Fo, [Cologne], [1533]. ?

Aicher, Otto. Epitome chronologica historæ sacræ et profanæ... 4o, Coloniæ, 1706. ?

Alexandro, Alexander ab. Genialium dierum libri VI. Ed. Ultima... 8o, Lugduni, 1616. ?

Alimari, Doroteo. Longitudinis aut terra aut mari investigandæ methodus...[Ed. by S. Ricci.] 8o, Londini, 1715. Tr/NQ.16.185.

Alipili. Centrum naturæ concentratum: or the salt of nature regenerated... Published in Low Dutch, and now done in English... 12o, London, 1696. ?

Allingham, William. A short account of the nature and use of maps... 8o, London, 1703. ?

Allix, Peter. Reflections upon the books of the Holy Scriptures to establish the truth of the Christian religion. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1688. ?

Remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the antient churches of the Albigenses. 4o, London, 1692. Bound with H29. [A few signs of dog-earing.] Tr/NQ.8.212.

Some remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of Piedmont. 4o, London, 1690. Bound with H28. [A few signs of dog-earing.] Tr/NQ.8.211.

Two treatises: I. A confutation of the hopes of the Jews concerning the last Redemption. II. An answer to Mr. Whiston’s Late treatise on the Revelations... 8o, London, 1707. ? .

Almeloveen, Theodor Jansson van. Fastorum Romanorum consularium libri II... Accedunt Praefecti urbis Romae et Constantinopolis. [2 pts.] 8o, Amstelædami, 1705. Tr/NQ.8.88.

Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Clavis artis Lullianæ, et veræ logices, duos in libellos distributa...accessit Novum speculum logices minimè vulgaris. 12o, Argentorati, 1609. Bound with H999. ?

Thesaurus chronologiæ...Ed. 4a limatior & auctior. 8o, Herbornæ Nassoviorum, 1650. ?

Altham, Roger. Five charges to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex. [5pts.] 8o, London, 1717-21. ?

Alvarado, Felix Antonio de. Spanish and English dialogues. With many proverbs... 12o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.10.74; presented to Newton by the author ?1718 [ Correspondence , VII, 377-8].

Amaltheus, Astronomicus. [A1 begins:] Amalthei Astronomici pars prior. Cap. I. De obliquitate eclipticæ telluris. 4o, [c, 1690]. Not identified. Tr/NQ.8.516.

Amatus, Lusitanus. Curationum medicinalium centuria prima... 12o, Parisiis, 1552. ?

Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan. Omnia quotquot extant opera, primum per D. Erasmum...diligenter castigata... 5 vols. in 2. Fo, Basileæ, 1567. ?

Ames, William. De conscientia et eius iure vel casibus, libri v. Ed. nova. 12o, Amstelodami, 1643. ?

Anacreon. Anacreontis et Sapphonis carmina. Notas & animadversiones addidit T. Faber... [Greek & Latin.] 8o, Salmurii, 1680. ?

Les poësies d’Anacreon et de Sapho, traduites de Grec en François, avec des remarques par Mademoiselle Le Fevre. [Greek & French.] 12o, Paris, 1681. Tr/NQ.16.64.

Analyse des infiniment petits, pour l’intelligence des lignes courbes. [By Le Marquis de L’Hôpital.] 4o, Paris, 1696. ?

Ancient [The] and modern history of the Balearick Islands; or of the Kingdon of Majorca...Transl. from the original Spanish [of J.B.Dameto]. 8o, London 1716. Tr/NQ.9.69.

Anderson, Robert. The making of rockets...experimentally and mathematically demonstrated. 8o, London, 1696. ?

To cut the rigging: and proposals of the improvment of great artillery. 4o, London, 1691. Tr/NQ.8.1117.

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester. The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large: or A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments... Fo, London, 1650. ?

Anima Magica abscondita: or A discourse of the universall spirit of nature...By Eugenius Philalethes [i.e. T. Vaughan]. 8o, London, 1650. Tr/NQ.16.1342 [bound with H50 & H1199].

Anselme De Sainte-Marie, Père Pierre de Guibours. Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France... 3e éd. Fo, Amsterdam, 1713. ?

Answer [An] to Several remarks upon Dr Henry More his Expositions of the Apocalypse and Daniel, as also upon his Apology. Written by S.E. Mennonite... 4o, London, 1684. [‘Isaac Newton Donum Rndi Authoris’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf.] Tr/NQ.9.173.

Anthroposophia theomagica: or A discourse of the nature of man and his state after death... By Eugenius Philalethes [i.e. T. Vaughan]. 8o, London, 1650. Tr/NQ.16.1341 [bound with H47 & H1199].

Antidotum Britannicum: or, A counter-pest against the destructive principles of Plato redivivus [of H. Neville]... 8o, London, 1681. ?

Antiquæ historiæ ex XXVII. authoribus contextæ libri VI....D. Gothofredi operâ... [2pts.] 12o, Lugduni, 1590-91. ? .

Anton, Pasqual Joseph. Grammatica española...A Spanish grammar... 8o, London, 1711. Tr/NQ.8.108.

Antoninus, Augustus. Itinerarium Provinciarum Vibius Sequester de Fluminū...P. Victor de regionibus urbis Romæ. Dionysius Afer de situ orbis Prisciano interprete. 8o, Lugduni, [c. 1545]. Tr/NQ.16.139.

Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Marci Antonini Imperatoris & philosophi, de vita sua libri XII. Græcè & Latinè ... Accessit Marini Proclus item Græcè & Latinè. 12o, Lugduni, 1626. Tr/Adv.e.1.13 [‘Is. Newton pret 1s’ on fly-leaf].

Apicius, Caelius. De opsoniis et condimentis, sive Arte coquinaria, libri X. Cum annotationibus M. Lister... et notis selectioribus... 8o, Londini, 1705. Tr/NQ.9.127; Newton was one of the 18 subscribers to this book.

Apocrypha. Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, collectus, castigatus testimoniisque, censuris & animadversionibus illustratus à J. A. Fabricio. 8o, Hamburgi, 1703. ?

Codex Pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, collectus, castigatus testimoniisque, censuris & animadversionibus illustratus a J.A. Fabricio. 2 vols. 8o, Hamburgi, 1713-23. ?

Evangelium Infantiæ. Vel Liber apocryphus de infantia Servatoris. Ex manuscripto edidit, ac Latina versione & notis illustravit H. Sike. [2pts.] [Arabic & Latin.] 8o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1697. Tr/NQ.10.75.

Apocrypha. With marginal notes. 4o Not identified. ?

Apollodorus, Atheniensis. Bibliotheces, siue De dijs libri III, T. Faber recensuit, & notulas addidit. [Greek & Latin.] 8o, Salmurii, 1661. ?

Apollonius, Pergaeus. Apollonii Pergæi Conicorum libri VIII, et Sereni Antissenis De sectione cylindri & coni libri II. [Ed. by D. Gregory and E. Halley.] [Greek & Latin.] [3pts.] Fo, Oxoniæ, 1710 Tr/NQ.17.31 [manuscript alteration at foot of separate title-page of pt 1 to make editorial statement read ‘Ex Codd. MSS Græcis ediderunt David Gregorius & Edmundus Halleius...Professores Saviliani’, followed by a 9-line Latin explanatory note signed ‘Carolus Oliphant M.D.’].

De sectione rationis libri II ex Arabico MSto. Latine versi. Accedunt ejusdem de sectione spatii libri II restituti...Opera & studio E. Halley. 8o, Oxonii, 1706. Tr/NQ.9.126.

Apollonius, Rhodius. Argonauticωn libri III Scholia vetusta... Cum annotationibus H. Stephani... [Greek.] 4o, [Paris], 1574. Tr/NQ.10.681 [bound with H1398.].

Argonauticorum libri IV. Ab J. Hoelzlino in Latinum conversi; commentario & notis illustrati, emaculati... 8o, Lugd. Batavorum, 1641. ?

Interpretatio antiqua et perutilis in Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica. [Greek & Latin.] 8o, [Paris], 1541. ?

Apostolic Fathers. The genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers...Translated and publish’ William [Wake], Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. 3rd ed. 8o, London, 1719. ?

SS. Patrum qui temporibus Apostolicis floruerunt. Barnabæ, Clementis, Hermæ, Ignatii, Polycarpi opera edita et inedita, vera, & supposititia; unà cum Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi, actis atque martyriis. J.B. Cotelerius ex MSS. codicibus eruit, ac correxit, versionibusque & notis illustravit ... Nova ed. ... Recensuit ... J. Clericus. [Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. Fo, Antwerpiæ, 1700. Tr/NQ.18.11 & 12 [vol. 1 has p.238 turned up, pp.262, 322, 586-7 down, vol. 2 pp.18, 20-21, 24, 34, 37, 373 down, and a few other signs in both vols].

Apparition [The]. A poem [by A. Evans]. 8o, London, 1710. ?

Appianus. Romanorum historiarum pars prior [& altera]...A. Tollius utrumque textis multis in locis emendavit, correxit... [Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. 8o, Amstelodami, 1670. ?

Arabia, seu Arabam vicinarumq3 gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia... 12o, Amsterdami, 1635. ?

Arbuthnot, John. Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures, explain’d and exemplify’d in several dissertations. 4o, London, 1727. ?

Arcana Gallica: or, The secret history of France, for the last century...By the author of the Secret history of Europe [J. Oldmixon]. 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.123.

Archer, John. Every man his own doctor, compleated with an herbal... 2nd ed., with additions... 8o, London, 1673. ?

Archimedes. Opera quae extant. Novis demonstrationibus commentariisque illustrata. Per D. Rivaltum...[Greek & Latin.] Fo, Parisiis, 1615. ? See Sotheby, Apr. 1926/563 where it is described as having ‘Is. Newton’ on fly-leaf.

Archimedis opera: Apollonii Pergæi Conicorum libri IIII. Theodosii Sphærica : methodo novo illustrata, & succinctè demonstrata. Per I. Barrow. 4o, Londini, 1675. Tr/NQ.16.193 [on fly-leaf ‘pret. 3s. 6d Is. Newton’ beside the scored-through inscription [in Barrow’s hand] ‘Edm: Matthews sid: Coll: Ex dono Reverendi Auctoris’.

Aristarchus, Samîus. De magnitudinibus & distantiis solis & lunæ, liber nunc primum Græce editus cum F. Commandini versione Latina...notisque illustravit J. Wallis. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1688. ?

Aristarchi Samii [or rather, G. P. de Roberval’s] De mundi systemate, partibus, & motibus eiusdem, libellus. Adiectæ sunt Æ. P. de Robveral...notæ... 12o, Parisiis, 1644. ?

Aristophanes. Comœdiæ XI, Græcè & Latinè...emendationibus virorum doctorum, præcipuè I. Scaligeri... 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1624. ?

Arnobius, Afer. Adversus gentes libri VII. Cum recensione viri celeberrimi, & integris omnium commentariis. Ed. novissima atque omnium accuratissima. [4 pts.] 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1651. Tr/NQ.7.49 [pt 3, p.104 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing esp. in pt 1.].

Arrianus, Flavius. De expedit. Alex. Magni, historiarum libri VIII. Ex B. Vulcanii nova interpretatione... [Greek & Latin.] Fo, [Geneva], 1575. ?

De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni regis Macedonum libri VIII... B. Facio interprete. 12o, Lugduni, 1552. ?

Arrowsmith, John. Tacita sacra, sive De milite spirituali pugnante, vincente, & triumphante dissertatio, tribus libris comprehensa... 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1657. Tr/NQ.8.130.

Ars chemica, quod sit licita recte exercentibus, probationes doctissimorum iurisconsultorum. Septem tractatus seu Hermetis Trismegisti, aurei. Eiusdem Tabula Smaragdina, in ipsius sepulchro inuenta, cum commento Hortulani Philosiphi. Studium Consilii conjugij de massa solis & lunæ... 8o, [Argentorati, 1566]. Tr/NQ.10.145. Short notes by Newton in margins and texts of pp. 9-13, 15, 22, 29-31, 48, 92, 128, 129, mostly references to alchemical books; many signs of dog-earing.

— [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.1371 [bound with H168, H536, & H649; a few signs of dog-earing].

Ars magica, sive Magia naturalis et artificiosa...effectus, virtutes, & secreta in elementis, gemmis, lapidibus, herbis, & animalibus secundum certas astrorum...figuras...horasque planetarias exhibens... 12o, Francofurti, 1631. ?

Art, [The] of contentment. By the author of The Whole duty of man, &c. [i.e. R. Allestree]. 2nd impr. 8o, Oxford, 1675. Tr/NQ.10.97.

The art of heraldry. [By R. Blome.] 2nd ed. 2pts. 8o, London, 1693. ?

Artemidorus, Daldianus. De somniorum interpretatione libri V. A I. Cornario Latina lingua conscripti. 8o, Lugduni, 1546. ?

Artis auriferae, quam chemiam vocant, volumina duo, quæ continent Turbam philosophorum, aliosq3 antiquiss. auctores...Accessit noviter volumen tertium... 8o, Basileæ, 1610. Tr/NQ.16.121. Notes and references by Newton relating to other alchemical works on verso of title-page of vol.1, pp. 20, 21, 68, on verso of title of vol.2, in vol.2, pp. 6, 23, 24, 99, 111, 158, 190, 245, 275; many signs of dog-earing.

— [Another copy.] ?

Asgill, John. The succession of the House of Hannover vindicated, against the Pretender’s Second declaration in folio, intitled, The hereditary right of the Crown of England asserted, &c. 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.1535.

Ashmole, Elias. Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language... 4o, London, 1652. Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Numerous corrections, additions and references by Newton; several signs of dog-earing.

The way to bliss. In 3 books. 4o, London, 1658. ?

Athanasius, Saint, Archbishop of Alexandria. Opera quæ reperiuntur omnia... [Greek & Latin] 2 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1627. ?

Opera omnia quæ extant...Opera & studio Monachorum Ordinis S. Benedicti.[Greek & Latin.] 3 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1698. ?

Athenaeus, Naucratita. Deipnosophistarum libri XV. Cura & studio I. Casauboni... Fo, [Heidelberg], 1597. ?

Athenagoras. Apologia pro Christianis... Uterque Græcè & Latinè. 8o, [Geneva], 1557. ?

Atlas geographus: or, A compleat system of geography... Vols. 1-4. Europe; Asia, Africa. 4o, London, 1711-14. ?

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Meditationes, Soliloquia et H. Sommalii. 16o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1649. ?

Omnium operum primus[-decimus] tomus, ad fidem exemplari...repurgatorum...10 vols. in 5. Fo, [Parisiis, 1531-2]. ?

Pious breathings. Being the Meditations of St. Augustine, his treatise of the Love of God, Soliloquies and Manual...Made English by G. Stanhope. 5th ed. 8o, London, 1720. ?

Aurifontina chymica: or, A collection of fourteen small treatises concerning the first matter of philosophers, for the discovery of their, hirtherto so much concealed, mercury... 24o, London, 1680. Tr/NQ.16.119. Notes and references by Newton relating to other alchemical works in margins of pp. 21, 93, 123, 124, 131 147; a few signs of dog-earing.

Ausonius, Decius Magnus. Opera, J. Tollius recensuit ...aliorumque notis accuratissime digestis... 8o, Amstelodami, 1671. ?

Aymon, Jean. Métamorphoses de la religion romaine... 12o, La Haye, 1700. ?

Bacchini, Benedetto. De eccelsiasticæ hierarchiæ originibus dissertatio. 4o, Mutinæ, 1703. Tr/NQ.10.46.

Bacci, Andrea. De gemmis et lapidibus pretiosis...nunc vero in Latinum sermonem conversus. A W. Gabelchovero. 8o, Francofurti, 1643. Stanford University Library, Stanford, Calif.

Bacon, Francis, Viscount St Albans. Essays, or, Councils, civil and moral. With a table of the colours of good and evil. And a discourse of the wisdom of the ancients... [3pts.] 8o, London, 1706. Tr/NQ.9.24.

Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica, nunc primum edita. Cura & fide G. Rawley. Una cum nobilissimi auctoris vita. 8o, Londini, 1658. Tr/NQ.10.88 [p.17 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Bacon, Roger. De arte chymiæ scripta. Cui accesserunt opuscula alia eiusdem authoris. 12o, Francofurti, 1603. Tr/NQ.16.120. Notes and page references by Newton relating to other alchemical works on fly-leaf and pp. 43-4.

Baker, Thomas, Rector of Bishops Nympton. The geometrical key: or The gate of equations unlock’d... [Latin & English.] 4o, London, 1684. Tr/NQ.9.25.

Balam, Richard. Algebra: or, The doctrine of composing, inferring, and resolving an equation... 12o, London, 1653. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. ‘Isaac Newton’ on fly-leaf, written beneath the signature ‘Tim. Burrage, Clare. Cantabr. 1659’.

Ball, John. An answer to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam... 4o, [London], 1640. Tr/NQ.10.1032 [bound with H114].

A friendly triall of the grounds tending to separation; in a plain and modest dispute... 4o, [London], 1640. Tr/NQ.10.1031 [bound with H113; a few signs of dog-earing].

Barba, Alvaro Alonso. The first book of the Art of mettals, in which is declared the manner of their generation; and the concomitants of them. Written in Spanish. Transl. into English... 8o, London, 1670. Tr/NQ.10.1432 [a few signs of dog-earing].

The first [& second] book of the Art of Edward Earl of Sandwich. 2pts. 8o, London, 1674. ?

Barlow, William, Bishop of Lincoln. An answer to a Catholike Englishman so by himselfe entituled, who, without a name, passed his censure upon the apology, made by...Prince Iames...for the Oath of Allegiance... 4o, London, 1609. Tr/NQ.10.109 [on end-paper ‘Charles Huggins Rectr of Chinnor’; probably not from Newton’s library].

Barnabas, Saint. Epistola catholica...Hanc primum è tenebris eruit, notisque & observationibus illustravit H. Menardus... [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Parisiis, 1645; bound with H399. ?

Barnes, John. Catholico-Romanus pacificus. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1680. ?

Baronius, Caesar. Annales ecclesiastici. Ed. novissima... 12 vols. in 6. Fo, Coloniae Agrippinae, 1609-13. ?

Barozzi, Francesco. Cosmographia in quatuor libros distributa, summo ordine, miraque facilitate... 8o, Venetijs, 1585. Tr/NQ.16.50.

Barrow, Isaac. Lectiones XVIII, Cantabrigiæ in Scholis publicis habitæ; in quibus opticorum phænomenωn genuinæ rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur. Annexæ sunt Lectiones aliquot geometricæ. [Ed. by Newton.] [2pts.] 4o, Londini, 1669[-1670]. Tr/NQ.16.181. On front paste-down Newton wrote the names ‘Christianus Melder Profess.[sic] Lugd. Math. Burcherus de Volder. Jacobus Vander Esch’; on fly-leaf ‘Isaaco Newtono Reverendus Author hunc dono dedit July 7th. 1670.’ also in Newton’s hand; a few signs of dog-earing.

Lectiones mathematicæ XXIII; in quibus principia matheseôs generalia exponuntur: habitæ Cantabrigiæ A.D. 1664, 1665, 1666. Accesserunt ejusdem Lectiones IV... [2pts.] 8o, Londini, [1684-] 1685. ?

A treatise of the Pope’s supremacy. To which is added A discourse concerning the unity of the Church. 4o, London, 1680. Tr/NQ.9.113 [several signs of dog-earing].

Barwick, Peter. The life of the Reverend Dr. John Barwick, D.D. sometime Fellow of St. John’s College in Cambridge...Written in Latin...Transl. into English... 8o, London, 1724. Tr/NQ.8.64.

Basil, Saint, Archbishop of Caesarea, the Great. Opera omnia, quæ reperiri potuerunt. Nunc primum Græcè & Latinè coniunctim edita... 3 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1618. ?

Basilius Valentinus. Azoth, ou Le moyen de faire l’or caché des philosophes. Reveu, corrigé & augmenté par Mr. L’Agneau Medecin. 8o, Paris, 1659. Tr/NQ.16.1241 [bound with H130 & H169].

Basilius Valentinus Friar of the Order of St. Benedict his last will and testament...[6 pts.] 8o, London, [1656-] 1657. Tr/NQ.16.135. Pt 2 [‘XII. Keyes’] has corrections by Newton in text of p. 7 and references by him in the margins of p. 13 to ‘Maier. Embl. 24, p. 70’ and p. 16 to ‘Maier. Embl. 54, p. 150’; many signs of dog-earing.

Basil Valentine his Triumphant chariot of antimony, with annotations of T. Kirkringius... 8o, London, 1678. Tr/NQ.16.97 [many signs of dog-earing].

Les douze clefs de philosophie. Plus l’Azoth, ou Le moyen de faire l’or caché des philosophes. Traduction françoise. 8o, Paris, 1660. Tr/NQ.16.1243 [bound with H127 & H169].

Basnage Samuel. Annales politico-ecclesiastici annorum DCXLV. a Cæsare Augusto ad Phocam usque... 3 vols. Fo, Roterodami, 1706. ?

Basnage De Beauval, Jacques. Antiquitez judaïques, ou Remarques critiques sur la République des Hébreux. 2 vols. 8o, Amsterdam, 1713. Tr/NQ.9.109 & 110 [vol. 1 has a few signs of dog-earing].

The history of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the present T. Taylor. Fo, London, 1708. ?

Baxter, Richard. The cure of church-divisions: or, Directions for weak Christians... 8o, London, 1670. ?

Gildas Salvianus; the reformed pastor. Shewing the nature of the pastoral work ... 8o, London, 1656. Tr/NQ.16.165 [a few signs of dog-earing].

The Noncomformists plea for peace... 8o, London, 1679. Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY.

The right method for a settled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort. 8o, London, 1653. ?

A treatise of self-denyall. 4o, London, 1660. Tr/NQ.10.105 [a few signs of dog-earing.].

The unreasonableness of infidelity: manifested in four discourses... 8o, London, 1655. ?

Baxter, William. Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive Syllabus etymologicus antiquitatum veteris Britanniæ atque Iberniæ temporibus Romanorum... 8o, Londini, 1719. ?

Bayer, Johann. Explicatio characterum aeneis urano-metrias imaginum, tabulis, insculptorum, addita, & commodiore hac forma tertiùm redintegrata. 4o, Ulmæ Suevorum, 1640. Tr/NQ.16.15.

Uranometria, omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa. Fo, Ulmæ, 1655. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. Names of the constellations written by Newton on every map.

Bayle, Pierre. Lettres choisies, avec des remarques [by P. Marchand]. 3 vols. 12o, Rotterdam, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.137 to 139.

Becan, Martin. Disputatio theologica de Antichristo reformato... 8o, Coloniæ Aggrippinæ [sic], 1608. Tr/NQ.9.1613 [bound with H349 & H730].

Becher, Johann Joachim. Actorum Laboratorii Chymici Monacensis, seu Physicæ subterraneæ libri II... 8o, Francofurti, 1681. Tr/NQ.16.96 [pp.475, 506, 526, 780 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Magnalia naturæ: or, The philosophers-stone lately expos’d to publick sight and sale... 4o, London, 1680. Tr/NQ.16.793.

Beda. Ecclesiasticæ historæ gentis Anglorum, libri V... 12o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1601. ?

Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V...Cura et studio J. Smith. Fo, Cantabrigiæ, 1722. ?

Beger, Laurentius. Spicilegium antiquitatis sive Variarum ex antiquitate elegantiarum vel novis luminibus illustratarum. Fo, Coloniæ Brandenburgicæ, 1692. Tr/NQ.17.33 [a few signs of dog-earing.].

Béguin, Jean. Tyrocinium chymicum, commentario illustratum. A G. Blasio. Ed. 2a, priori locupletior & emendatior. 12o, Amstelodami, 1669. ?

Bellarminus, Robertus, Cardinal. De æterna felicitate Sanctorum libri V... 8o, Coloniæ, 1626. ?

De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatarum opusculum. 8o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1626. ?

De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus... 8o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1613. Tr/NQ.9.3.

The notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmin; examined and confuted [by W. Sherlock, S. Freeman, S. Patrick, etc.]. 4o, London, 1688. Tr/NQ.8.137 [a few signs of dog-earing.].

Bellers, John. An essay towards the improvement of physick... With an essay for imploying the able poor; by which the riches of the Kingdom may be greatly increased... 4o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.8.1111.

Proposals for raising a college of industry of all useful trades and husbandry... 4o, London, 1696. Tr/NQ.8.1112.

Bellini, Lorenzo. De urinis et pulsibus, de missione sanguinis, de febribus, de morbis capitis, et pectoris. 4o, Francofurti, 1685. Tr/NQ.8.53 [p.165 turned up and other signs of dog-earing].

Belot, Jean. Œuvres. Contentant la chiromence, physionomie, l’art de mémoire de Raymond Lulle...Dernière éd., reveuë, corrigée & augmentée de divers traictez. 8o, Rouen, 1662. Tr/NQ.16.69.

Bennet, John. Collectio sententiarum, exemplorum, testimoniorum, nec non et similitudinum, in usum scholasticæ juventutis. 8o, Londini, 1707. ?

Bennet, Thomas. An answer to the Dissenters pleas for separation, or An abridgement of the London cases... 5th ed. 8o, London, 1711. ?

A discourse of the everblessed Trinity in unity, with an examination of Dr. Clarke’s Scripture doctrine of the Trinity. 8o, London, 1718. ?

An essay on the Thirty Nine Articles of religion, agreed on in 1562, and revised in 1571... 8o, London, 1715. ?

Bentley, Richard. A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With an answer to the objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle, Esquire. 8o, London, 1699. ?

The present state of the Trinity College in Cambridg, in a letter from Dr. Bentley, Master of the said College, to the Right Reverend John [Moore], Lord Bishop of Ely. 8o, London, 1710. Tr/NQ.7.11.

Berchet, Toussaint. Στοιχείωσις τῆς χριστιαυῶν πίστεως, ἢ κατηχισμός. Elementaria traditio Christianorum fidei, aut Catechismus...[Greek & Latin.] 8o, Londini, 1648. Tr/NQ.9.2.

Bernard, Edward. De mensuris et ponderibus antiquis libri III. Ed. 2a, purior & duplo locupletior. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1688. Sjögren Library, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Stockholm [inscribed ‘Isaaco Newtono Mathematico præstantissimo & Philosophiæ instauratori perfelici E. Bernardus ex merito’].

Bernard, Richard. Thesaurus Biblicus, seu Promptuarium sacrum... [2 pts.] Fo, London, 1642-4. ?

Bernardus, Trevisanus. Περὶ χημείας: opus historicum & dogmaticum, ex Gallico in Latinum simpliciter versum... 8o, Argentorati, 1567. Tr/NQ.16.1374 [bound with H85, H536 & H649].

Traicté de la nature de l’oeuf des philosophes. 8o, Paris, 1659. Tr/NQ.16.1242 [bound with H127 & H130].

Bernoulli, Daniel. Discours sur le mouvement des clepsidres ou sabliers. [Pièce qui a remporté le prix de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1725.] 4o, Paris, 1725. Tr/NQ.8.13.

Bernoulli, Jacob. Positiones arithmeticæ de seriebus infinitis earumq3 summa finita. [4 pts.] 4o, Basileæ, [1689-98]. Tr/NQ.8.512.

Bernoulli, Johann I. De motu musculorum, de effervescentia, & fermentatione dissertationes physico-mechanicæ. Ed. 2a prior emendator... 4o, Venetiis, 1721. Tr/NQ.10.281.

Essay d’une nouvelle théorie de la manœuvre des vaisseaux... 8o, Basle, 1714. Turner Collection, University of Keele Library [inscribed on the fly-leaf ‘Illustr. Newtono Mathematico D.D. Auctor’].

Problema mechanico-geometricum de lina celerrimi descensûs. Problema alterum purè geometricum, quod priori subnectimus & strenæ loco eruditis proponimus. [Programma.] [A broadsheet.] Groningæ, 1697. Royal Society Library. Annotated by Newton; for Newton’s solution of the problems see his letter to Montague 30 Jan, 1696/7 [ Correspondence, IV, 220-29]. .

Berosus the Chaldean. Antiquitatum libri V, cum commentariis J. Annij ... 8o, Wittebergæ, 1612. Tr/NQ.8.119 [pp.26, 111, 115 turned up, p.37 down].

Betuleius, Xystus. In M. T. Ciceronis libros de officiis, de amicitia, de senectute, commentaria... 4o, Basileæ [1544]. ?

Beveridge, William, Bishop of St Asaph. The Church-catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1705. Tr/NQ.10.108; part of the Pilgrim Trust presentation 1943 but without Huggins or Musgrave bookplates, probably not from Newton’s library.

The great necessity and advantage of publick prayer and frequent communion...4th ed. 12o, London, 1709. Tr/NQ.10.94; probably not from Newton’s library, see note H177.

Institutionum chronologicarum libri II. Unà cum totidem arithmetices chronologicæ libellis. Ed. 2a, priori emendatior. 4o, Londini, 1705. Tr/NQ.8.96 [p.179 turned up].

Thesaurus theologicus; or, A complete system of divinity: summ’d up in brief notes upon select places of the Old and New Testament... 4 vols. [Vols. 1 & 2, 2nd ed.] 8o, London, 1711. Tr/NQ.16.43 to 46.

Beza, Theodorus. Annotationes maiores in Novum Dn. Nostri Iesu Christi Testamentum... [2 pts.] 8o, [Geneva], 1594. Tr/NQ.7.53 [‘Isaac Newton Trin: Coll: Cant 1661.’ in Newton’s hand on the fly-leaf].

Epistolarum theologicarum Theodori Bezæ Vezelij, liber unus. 2a ed., ab ipso auctore recognita. 8o, Genevæ, 1575. ?

Poemata. Psalmi Davidici XXX. Sylvæ. Elegiæ. Epigrammata... Omnia, in hac 3a editione, partim recognita, partim locupletata... 8o, [Geneva, c. 1576]. Tr/NQ.10.96.

Biaeus, Jacobus. Regum et imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea, argentea, ærea...subjectis L. Begeri annotationibus. Fo, Coloniæ Brandenburgicæ, 1700. Tr/NQ.11.9.

Bianchini, Francesco. De kalendario et cyclo Caesaris ac De Paschali canone S. Hippolyti Martyris dissertationes II... [2 pts.] Fo, Romæ, 1703. Tr/NQ.11.33.

Bible, English. The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures...With most profitable annotations...4o, London, 1599. ?

The Holy Bible & the Book of Common Prayer. [Black letter.] 4o, London, 1641. ?

The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New ... 8o, London, 1660. Tr/Adv.d.1.102 [bound with H240 & H1560; Many signs of dog-earing; numerous notes and biblical references by Newton throughout and esp. in Daniel and Revelation; presented to Trinity by John Cox, Fellow, July 1878 and said in a note attached to the volume, signed Joseph Cox, to have been given by Newton in his last illness to the woman who nursed him.].

The Holy Bible...[With Prayer Book.] 12o, Cambridge, 1660.

The Holy Bible. [With Apocrypha, Book of Common Prayer and Psalms.] 4o, Cambridge, 1683. ?

The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New... 2 vols. [The ‘Vinegar Bible’.] Fo, Oxford, [1716-]1717. ?

— French. La Saincte Bible... 4o, Genève, 1637. ?

— Greek & Latin, New Testament. Novum Iesu Christi Testamentum, Græcè & Latinè: T. Beza interprete... [2 pts.] 8o, [Geneva], 1611. Tr/NQ.16.180.

Novum Testamentum Græce, cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Græci contextus lineis inserta...Ed. postrema. Cum præfatione... B. Ariæ Montani... 8o, [Geneva], 1627. ?

— Greek, Old Testament. Ἡ Παλαιὰ Διαθήκη κατὰ τοὺς Ἑβδομήκοντα. Vetus Testamentum Græcum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum, juxta exemplar Vaticanum Romæ editum. [With In Sacra Biblia Græca ex versione LXX. interpretum scholia ...]. [2 pts.] 8o, Londini, 1653. Tr/NQ.7.79. A closely written sheet of notes in Newton’s hand pasted on fly-leaf, on Biblical studies, including a list of contents of various Bible codices, chiefly those at Cambridge.

— [Another copy of Pt 1 of H195] Tr/NQ.7.801 [bound with H200; ‘Isaac Barrow’ on fly-leaf with 2-line Greek quotation also in his hand].

Septuaginta interpretum tomus I [& tomus ultimus]...summa cura edidit J. E. Grabe. Fo, Oxonii, 1707-20. ?

— Greek, New Testament. Τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης ἄπαντα. 8o, [Antwerp, 1573]. Tr/NQ.16.1711 [bound with H1355].

Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. Novum Testamentum. Huic editioni omnia difficiliorum vocabulorum themata, quæ in G. Pasoris Lexico grammaticè resolvuntur, in margine apposuit C. Hoole. 12o, Londini, 1653. Tr/NQ.16.169 [‘Isaac Newton hujus libri verus est possessor. Pretium £-0 s-3 d-0, Aprilis 3 die Ano Dni 1661.’ on fly-leaf].

Τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης ἄπαντα. Novi Testamenti libri omnes. Ed. nova accurata. 8o, Londini, 1653. Tr/NQ.7.802 [bound with H196; marginal notes by Barrow].

Novum Testamentum. Ed. nova, denuo recusa...Studio & labore S. Curcellæi. 8o, Amstelodami, 1675. ?

Τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης ἄπαντα Novi Testamenti libri omnes. Accesserunt parallela scripturæ loca, nec non variantes lectiones...[Ed. by J. Fell.] 8o, Oxonii, 1675. ?

Ἰησου Χριστου του Κυριου ἡμων ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη... 12o, Londini, 1701. ?

Novum Testamentum. Cum lectionibus variantibus MSS exemplarium...Studio et labore J. Millii. Fo, Oxonii, 1707. ?

Τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης ἄπαντα. Novum Testamentum. [Ed. by M. Maittaire.] 12o, Londini, 1714. ?

—, Hebrew. [Hebrew Bible.] 4o, [Venice, 1517]. Tr/NQ.8.22 [wants title-page].

—, Latin. Biblia Latina. Edit. Vulgata. 8o, Not identified. ?

Testamentum Latinum per Hieronymum. 8o, 1500. Edition not identified. ?

Biblia Latina Hieronymi. 8o, 1523. Edition not identified. ?

Biblia Sacra, ad veritatem Hebraicam, & probatissimorum exemplarium fidem summa diligentia castigata... 8o, Lugduni, 1568. Tr/NQ.8.87.

Biblia Sacra, sive Testamentum Vetus, ab I. Tremellio et F. Iunio ex Hebræo Latinè redditum. Et Testamentum Novum, à T. Beza è Græco in Latinum versum. 8o, Amstelodami, 1648. ?

— Genesis. Genesis sive Mosis Prophetæ liber I. Ex translatione J. Clerici...Ed. 2a auctior et emendatior. Fo, Amstelodami, 1710. Tr/NQ.18.151 [bound with H213].

— Pentateuch. Mosis Prophetæ libri IV; Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, et Deuteronomium, ex translatione J. Clerici...Ed. nova auctior et emendatior. Fo, Amstelodami, 1710. Tr/NQ.18.152 [bound with H212].

— Historical Books. Veteris Testamenti libri historici...ex translatione J. Clerici; cum ejusdem commentario philologico... Fo, Amstelodami, 1708. Tr/NQ.18.16.

— New Testament. Iesu Christi D.N. Novum Testamentum, T. Beza interprete... 8o, Londini, 1579. Tr/NQ.16.36.

— Polyglot. Biblia Sacra polyglotta, complectens textus originales ... edidit B. Waltonus. 6 vols. Fo, Londini, 1655-7.

— Syriac & Latin, New Testament. Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum Syriacum, cum versione Latina; curâ & studio J. Leusden et C. Schaaf editum... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1709. Tr/NQ.8.6.

— Concordance. A concordance to the Holy Scriptures...By S. N. [i.e. Samuel Newman]. 2nd ed. corrected and enlarged. [The Cambridge Concordance.] Fo, Cambridge, 1672. ?

— — 4th ed. very much enlarged. Fo, Cambridge, 1698. ?

Bibliotheca chemica contracta ex delectu & emendatione N. Albinei in gratiam & commodum artis chemicæ studiosorum. 8o, Genevæ, 1673. Tr/NQ.16.112. .

Bibliothèque des philosophes [chymiques], ou Recueil des oeuvres des auters les plus approuvez qui ont écrit de la pierre philosophale...Par Le Sieur S. D. E. M. [i.e. W. Salmon]. 2 vols. 12o, Paris, 1672-8. Tr/NQ.16.94 [vol. 1 only].

Bidloo, Govard. De oculis et visu variorum animalium observationes physico-anatomicæ. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. Tr/NQ.8.522.

Exercitationum anatomico-chirurgicarum decas. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1704. ?

Binius, Severinus. Concilia generalia, et provincialia, Græca et Latina quæcunque reperiri potuerunt... 4 vols. in 5. Fo, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1618. ?

Bizot, Pierre. Histoire metallique de la République de Hollande. Nouv. éd. augmentée. 2 vols. & suppl. [3 vols.] 8o, Amsterdam, 1688-90. Tr/NQ.9.149 to 151 [a few signs of dog-earing in the set].

Blackall, Offspring. Fourteen sermons preach’d upon several occasions. 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1706. ?

Blackerby, Samuel. The Justice of Peace his companion, or, Summary of the Acts of Parliament, to June 12, 1711. 12o, London, 1711. ?

Blackmore, Sir Richard. Essays upon several subjects. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1716-17. Tr/NQ.9.121 & 122.

Blair, Patrick. Botanick essays. In 2 parts... 8o, London, 1720. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Blondel, David. Apologia pro sententia Hieronymi de episcopis et presbyteris. 4o, Amstelodami, 1646. Tr/NQ.16.178 [‘pret. 8s.’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf; a few signs of dog-earing].

Bochart, Samuel. Geographia sacra, cujus pars prior Phaleg de dispersione gentium & terrarum divisione facta in ædificatione turris Babel; pars posterior Chanaan de coloniis & sermone Phœnicum agit... 4o, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1681. Tr/NQ.8.27 [extensively dog-eared with 58 pages still turned and many other similar signs].

Hierozoicon, sive Bipertitum opus de animalibus Sacræ Scripturæ... 2 vols. in 1. Fo, Londini, 1663. ?

Boeclerus, Johannes Henricus. De scriptioribus Græcis & Latinis, ab Homero ab initium sæculi post Christum natum decimi sexti, commentatio postuma. Ed. 2a. 8o, Ultrajecti, 1700. Tr/NQ.16.68.

Boerhaave, Herman. Aphorismi de cognoscendis et curandis morbis, in usum doctrinæ domesticæ digesti. Ed. 2a auctior. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. Tr/NQ.16.151.

Institutiones medicae in usus annuae exercitationis domesticos. Ed. 2a primâ longê auctior. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1713. Tr/NQ.16.154.

Sermo academicus, de comparando certo in physicis; quem habuit in Academia Lugduno-Batava...MDCCXV... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. Tr/NQ.10.354.

Boizard, Jean. Traité des monoyes, de leurs circonstances & dépendances. 12o, Paris, 1692. ?

— — Nouvelle éd ... 2 vols. 12o, Paris, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.70 & 71.

Bonjour, Guilelmus. In monumenta Coptica seu Ægyptiaca Bibliothecæ Vaticanæ brevis exercitatio. 4o, [Romæ, 1699]. Tr/NQ.10.342.

Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer: and administration of the Sacraments... 8o, London, 1639. Tr/Adv.d.1.101 [bound with H188 & H1560; see note on the provenance of volume at H188].

The Book of Common Prayer... 8o, London, 1679. ?

— Greek. Βίβλος τῆς δημοσίας εὐχῆς... 8o, Cambridge, [1665]. ?

— Latin. Liturgia, seu Liber precum communium, et administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum atque ceremoniarum Ecclesiæ juxta usum Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ... 12o, Londini, 1681. Tr/NQ.16.27.

— Spanish. La liturgia ynglesa, o El Libro de la oracion comun... Hispanizado por F. de Alvarado...Ed. 2a corregida... 8o, Londres, 1715. ? Presented to Newton by the translator [ Correspondence , VIII, 377-8].

Boot, Anselmus Boetius de. Gemmarum et lapidum historia. Quam olim edidit A.B. de Boot. Nunc vero recensuit, à mendis repurgavit, commentariis...A. Toll. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1636. Tr/NQ.16.85 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Borel, Pierre. Bibliotheca chimica. Seu Catalogus Librorum philosophicorum hermeticorum... 12o, Parisiis, 1654. ?

Borelli, Giovanni Antonio. De motionibus naturalibus a gravitate pendentibus, liber. 4o, Regio Iulio, 1670. Tr/NQ.10.65 [p. 424 turned down, pp.449, 528 up, and a few signs of dog-earing]; sent to Newton by Collins, 5 July 1671 [ Correspondence , I, 66, 68].

De motu animalium. Opus posthumum. Pars 1. 4o, Romæ, 1680. ?

Theoricae mediceorum planetarum ex causis physicis deductae... 4o, Florentiae, 1666. Tr/NQ.16.791 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Borrichius, Olaus. De ortu, et progressu chemiæ, dissertatio. 4o, Hafniæ, 1668. Tr/NQ.16.92 [several signs of dog-earing].

Lingua pharmacopoeorum, sive De accuratâ vocabulorum in pharmacopoliis usitatorum pronunciatione. 4o, Hafniæ, 1670. Tr/NQ.10.63.

Bosman, Willem. Voyage de Guinée, contenant une description nouvelle & très-exacte de cette côte... 12o, Utrecht, 1705. Tr/NQ.10.133.

Boyer, Abel. The Royal dictionary abridged. In 2 pts. I. French and English. II. English and French...2nd ed.... 4o, London, 1708. ?

Boyle, Robert. The aerial noctiluca: or Some new phœnomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance... 8o, London, 1680. Tr/NQ.16.1461 [bound with H257 & H470].

Certain physiological essays and other tracts...2nd ed.... 4o, London, 1669. Tr/NQ.8.48 [pp. 92, 134 turned up and several other signs of dog-earing].

The Christian virtuoso... 8o, London, 1690. ?

An essay about the origine & virtues of gems... 8o, London, 1672. Tr/NQ.16.1462 [bound with H254 & H470; a few signs of dog-earing].

An essay of the great effects of even languid and unheeded motion... 8o, London, 1690. ?

Essays of the strange subtilty, determinate nature, great efficacy of effluviums...[4 pts.] 8o, London, 1673. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin — Madison [inscribed at foot of title-page ‘For Mr Isaac Newton from the Authour’ in Oldenburg’s hand; many signs of dog-earing]; Newton acknowleged to Oldenburg receipt of Boyle’s gift 14 Sept. 1673 [ Correspondence , I, 305].

Experimenta & observationes physicœ: wherein are briefly treated of several subjects relating to natural philosophy in an experimental way... 8o, London, 1691. ?

Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum continuatio secunda... 8o, Londini, 1680. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [‘Isaac Newton Donum nobilissimi Auctoris’ in Newton’s hand fly-leaf].

Experiments and considerations about the porosity of bodies, in two essays. 8o, London, 1684. ?

Experiments, notes &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities... [12 pts.] 8o, London, 1675. Tr/NQ.16.199 [inscribed at foot of title-page ‘For Mr Isaac Newton from the Author’ in Oldenburg’s hand; a few signs of dog-earing].

The general history of the air. 4o, London, 1692. Tr/NQ.8.78 [several signs of dog-earing]. Note by Newton in margin of p. 100 ‘Dr Wyberd found it [i.e. the weight of a cubic inch of water] 253gr. Put it 254gr. & a sphere of water an inch in diameter will weigh 134gr..’ .

Medicina hydrostatica: or Hydrostaticks applyed to the materia medica... 8o, London, 1690. Turner Collection, University of Keele Library. ‘A Table of refractions given to me by Mr. Halley’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaves, notes and corrections by him on unnumbered pages at back of book, relating to a ‘Table of specific gravities’; 24 pages turned down or up.

Memoirs for the natural history of humane blood, especially the spirit of that liquor. 8o, London, 1683/4. John Crerar Library, Chicago [‘Is. Newton. Donum Honorb Authoris’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

New experiments, and observations, made upon the icy noctiluca... 8o, London, 1681/2. ?

New experiments and observations touching cold, or An experimental history of cold... [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1665. Tr/NQ.8.126 [several signs of dog-earing].

New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air, and its effects... 8o, Oxford, 1660. Tr/NQ.10.69 [a few signs of dog-earing].

The sceptical chymist: or Chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes... [2 pts.] 8o, Oxford, 1680. Tr/NQ.16.84 [pt 1 has pp.40, 134 turned down and up, pp.213, 399, 405 up, pp. 260, 279, 359, 367, 369, 400, 402, 409 down; pt 2 has pp. 18, 118, 152, 235 up, pp. 19, 259 down, and many other signs of dog-earing in the volume].

Some considerations about the reconcileableness of reason and religion. By T. E. A lay-man. To which is annex’d... A discourse of Mr. Boyle, About the possibility of the Resurrection. 8o, London, 1675. Fulton Collection, Yale Medical Library, New Haven, CT. [‘Isaac Newton. Donum Authoris’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy... 2 vols. 4o, Oxford, 1664-71. Tr/NQ.8.47 [vol. 2 only; pp. 21, 24 turned up and many other signs of dog-earing].

Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea... 8o, London, 1673. Whipple Science Museum Library, Cambridge University [‘Ex dono Authoris Iso. Newton’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Tracts: containing I. Suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air... 8o, London, 1674. ?

Tracts, containing new experiments, touching the relation betwixt flame and air. And about explosions. An hydrostatical discourse occasion’d by some objections of Dr. Henry More... 8o, London, 1672. Tr/NQ.10.100 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Works... epitomiz’d. By R. Boulton. Vols 1-3. 8o, London, 1699-1700. University of Chicago Library.

Bracesco, Giovanni. De alchemia, dialogi duo nunquam ante hac conjunctim sic editi, correcti, & emaculati... 8o, Hamburgi, 1673. Tr/NQ.16.125.

Bradley, Richard. The history of succulent plants...Engraved, from the originals, on copper-plates. With their descriptions, and manner of culture. Decade 1. 4o, London, 1716. Tr/NQ.8.523.

New improvements of planting and gardening...5th ed.... 8o, London, 1726. ?

A philosophical account of the works of nature... 4o, London, 1721. ?

The plague at Marseilles consider’d: with remarks on the plague in general... 8o, London, 1721. ?

Bragge, Francis. Of undissembled and persevering religion: in several sermons... 8o, London, 1713. ?

Practical discourses upon the Parables of our Blessed Saviour... 2 vols. [Vol. 1, 2nd ed.] 8o, London, 1702-4. ?

Practical observations upon the Miracles of our Blessed Saviour. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1702-6. ?

A practical treatise of the regulation of the passions. 8o, London, 1708. ?

Prayers and meditations. 8o, London, 1712. ?

Brand, Adam. Relation du voyage de Mr Evert Isbrand envoyé de sa Majesté Czarienne à l’Empereur de la Chine, en 1692, 93, & 94. Avec une lettre de monsieur * * *, sur l’état présent de la Moscovie. 8o, Amsterdam, 1699. Tr/NQ.7.65.

Brandt, Geeraert. The history of the Reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions in, and about, the Low-Countries...[Transl.] Vol. 1. 8o, London, 1719. ?

Bray, Thomas. A course of lectures upon the Church Catechism. Vol. 1. [No more published.] Fo, Oxford, 1696. ?

Brendel, Zacharias. Chymia in artis forman redacta et publicis prælectionibus philiatris in Academia Jenensi communicata... 24o, Jenæ, 1630. ?

Chimia in artis formam redacta...Consilio W. Rolfinck... 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1671. ?

Brent, Charles. An essay concerning the nature and guilt of lying. 8o, London, 1702. ?

Brerewood, Edward. Elementa logicæ. In gratiam studiosæ juventutis in Academiâ Oxoniensi. 12o, Londini, 1649. Tr/NQ.9.1662 [bound with H1531].

Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions, through the chief parts of the world. 8o, London, 1674. Tr/NQ.9.55 [p.156 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Brewster, Sir Francis. Essays on trade and navigation. In 5 parts. 8o, London, 1695. Tr/NQ.16.31 [p. 16 was formerly turned down].

Breydenbach, Bernhard von. Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam. Fo, Moguntiae, 1486. Tr/NQ.11.322, [bound with H1416].

Briggs, William. Ophthalmo-graphia, sive Oculi ejusq; partium descriptio anatomica...Ed. 2a. 8o, Londini, 1685. ?

Brisson, Barnabé. De Regio Persarum principatu libri III... 8o, [Heidelberg], 1595. ?

Britannia languens, or A discourse of trade... [By W. Petyt.] 8o, London, 1680. Tr/NQ.8.1251 [bound with H1201; several signs of dog-earing].

Broughton, John. The great apostasy from Christianity, with its evil influence on the civil state... 8o, London, 1718. ?

Brown, George. Arithmetica infinita, or The accurate accomptants best companion... 8o, [Edinburgh?], 1717/18. ?

Brown, William. Astrææ abdicatæ restauratio. Or Advice to Justices of the Peace... 12o, [London], 1695. Tr/NQ.8.92 [p. 300 turned up].

Browne, John. Myographia nova: or, A graphical description of all the muscles in the humane body... Fo, London, 1698. Special Collections and Archives, Cardiff University.

Bucanus, Gulielmus. Institutiones theologicæ, seu Locorum communium Christianæ religionis, ex Dei Verbo, et præstantissimorum theologorum orthodoxo consensu expositorum...Ed. 2a, auctior & emendatior... 8o, [Bern], 1604. Tr/NQ.7.58.

Buchanan, George. Opera omnia, historica, chronologica, juridica, politica, satyrica & poetica...curante T. Ruddimanno... 2 vols. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1725. Tr/NQ.16.175 & 176.

Buckingham, George Villers, 2nd Duke of. The Rehearsal: as it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal. 9th ed. 12o, [London], 1718. Tr/NQ.10.1361.

Bull, George, Bishop of St David’s. Defensio fidei Nicænæ, ex scriptis, quae extant, Catholicorum doctorum, qui intra tria prima Ecclesiæ Christianæ secula floruerunt. 4o, Oxonii, 1685. Tr/NQ.10.38.

Burgh, Thomas. A method to determine the areas of right-lined figures universally... 4o, Dublin, 1724. Tr/NQ.16.765.

Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury. A discourse of the pastoral care. 8o, London, 1692. ?

An exposition of the Church Catechism, for the use of the Diocese of Sarum. 8o, London, 1710. ?

An exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. 2nd ed. corrected. Fo, London, 1700. ?

Burnet, Thomas. Archæologiæ philosophicæ: sive Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus. Libri II. 4o, Londini, 1692. Tr/NQ.8.56 [p.155 turned down, pp.158, 356 up and many other signs of dog-earing].

De fide et officiis Christianorum. 4o, Londini, 1722. ?

De statu mortuorum et resurgentium liber. Accessit Epistola circa Libellum de archæologiis philosophicis. 4o, Londini, 1720. Tr/NQ.16.150c [‘Is. Newton Ex dono Dris Ri. Meade’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf; a specially bound presentation copy from a privately printed limited edition].

Telluris theoria sacra: orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales ... 2 vols. 4o, Londini, 1681-9. Tr/NQ.16.150a and b [‘Isaac Newton Ex dono Authoris’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf of vol. 1; a few signs of dog-earing in both vols].

The theory of the earth... 3rd ed. review’d by the author. [2 pts.] Fo, London, 1697. ?

Busby, Richard. Grammatica Busbeiana auctior & emendatior, i.e. Rudimentum grammaticæ Græco-Latinæ metricum. In usum Scholæ Regiæ Westmonasteriensis... 8o, Londini, 1722. Tr/NQ.9.27 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Bussy-Rabutin, Roger, comte de. Histoire en abrégé de Louis le Grand, quatorzième du nom, roy de France. 12o, Amsterdam, 1700. ?

Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. Adorn’d with cuts. 12o, London, 1716. ?

Posthumous works in prose and verse... 12o, London, 1715. ?

Buxtorf, Johann. Epitome grammaticæ Hebrææ... Ed. 5a. 8o, Basileæ, 1629. ?

Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum complectens ... Ed. 3a ab auctore recognita. 8o, Basileæ, 1621. Keynes Collection, King’s College, Cambridge [‘Isaac Newton’ on fly-leaf and on end-paper; pp.45, 237, 636 turned up, pp.164, 593 down].

Synagoga Iudaica ... Addita est ... Iudæi cum Christiano disputatio de Messia nostro ... Ed. 3a ... 12o, Hanoviæ, 1622. ?

Bythner, Victorinus. Lingua eruditorum sive Methodica institutio linguæ sanctæ... Ed. novissima... 12o, Londini, 1650. ?

Caesar, Gaius Julius. C. Iulli Cæsaris rerum ab se gestarum commentarii, hac postrema editione...repurgati... 16o, Lugduni, 1614. ?

C. Iulii Cæsaris quæ exstant, cum selectis variorum commentariis, quorum plerique novi, opera et studio A. Montani... 8o, Amstelodami, 1670. ?

C. Julii Cæsaris quæ extant... Accesserunt annotationes S. Clarke... Fo, Londini, 1712. Tr/NQ.18.31.

C. Julii Cæsaris quæ extant... Accesserunt annotationes S. Clarke... 8o, Londini, 1720. ?

C. Julius Cæsar’s Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey... With the author’s life. Adorn’d with sculptures from the designs of the famous Palladio. Made English... by M. Bladen. 2nd ed. improv’d... 8o, London, 1706. Tr/NQ.8.136.

The eyght bookes of Caius Iulius Cæsar...translated oute of Latin into English by A. Goldinge. 8o, London, 1565. ?

Caesius, Bernardus. Mineralogia, sive Naturalis philosophiæ thesauri... Fo, Lugduni, 1636. Tr/NQ.18.4 [pp. 66, 201 turned down, p. 189 up].

Calamy, Benjamin. Sermons preached upon several occasions... 2nd ed., corrected. 8o, London, 1690. ?

Calepinus, Ambrosius. Dictionarium [octolingue], quanta maxima fide ac diligentia accurate emendatum...Ed. novissima. Fo, Lugduni, 1647. ?

Callimachus. Hymni, epigrammata, et fragmenta ex recensione T.J.G.F. Graevii...Accedunt...commentarius et annotationes E. Spanhemii... 2 vols. 8o, Ultrajecti, 1697. ?

Calvin, Jean. Institutio Christianæ religionis, in libros quatuor nunc primùm digesta ... 8o, [Geneva,] 1561. Tr/NQ.16.188 [‘Isaac Newton Trin. Coll. Cant 1661’ on fly-leaf].

Cambridge University. Mœstissimæ ac lætissimæ Academiæ Cantabrigiensis carmina funebria & triumphalia. Illis...Reginam Annam repentina morte abreptam deflet... Fo, Cantabrigiæ 1714. ?

Camden, William. Britannia, sive Florentissimorum regnorum, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographia descriptio. 8o, Londini, 1586. Tr/NQ.16.145 [‘Is. Newton. pret. 1s. 6d’ on fly-leaf].

The history of... Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of England... 4th ed., revised... Fo, London, 1688. ?

Camus, Jean Pierre. Homelies sur la Passion de Nostre Seigneur... 12o, Paris, 1616. Tr/NQ.9.167.

Caneparius, Petrus Maria. De atramentis cujuscunque generis... In sex descriptiones digestum. 4o, Londini, 1660. Tr/NQ.7.56 [pp. 193, 517 turned down and many other signs of dog-earing].

Cappellus, Ludovicus. Historia Apostolica illustrata, ex Actis Apostolorum et Epistolis Paulinis... 4o, Genevæ, 1634. ?

— — [Another ed.] 4o, Salmurii, 1682. ?

Carellis, Vincentius de. De auri essentia, et eius facultate in medendis, ac sanandis morbis compendium... 8o, Venetiis, 1646. Tr/NQ.16.127.

Carion, Johannes. Chronicon Carionis, expositum et auctum, multis & veteribus, & recentibus historiis ... A P. Melancthone, & C. Pevcero. Postrema ed. ... 8o, Genevæ, [1625]. Tr/NQ.8.124 [pp.205, 549, 578, 590, 714, Index Tttii, v turned up, pp.323, 288, 396, 410, 552, 553, 711, 822, 851 down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Carr, William. The travellour’s guide, and historian’s faithful companion. 12o, London, 1697. ?

Caryophilus, Blasius. Dissertationum miscellanearum pars prima ... 4o, Romæ, 1718. Tr/NQ.10.59 [A few signs of dog-earing].

Casali, Giovanni Baptista. De urbis ac Romani olim Imperii splendore opus eruditionibus, historiis, ac animadversionibus ... illustratum ... Fo, Romæ, 1650. Tr/NQ.11.15 [‘Is. Newton pret 11s.’ on fly-leaf; p.98 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Casaubon, Isaac. Animadversionum in Athenæi Dipnosophistas libri XV... Fo, Lugduni, 1600. ?

Cassander, Georgius. De articulis religionis inter Catholicos et Protestantes controversis consultatio... 8o, Lugduni, 1608. Tr/NQ.9.1611 [bound with H144 & H730].

Cassini, Giovanni Domenico. Abregé des observations & des réflexions sur la comète qui a paru au mois de décembre 1680, & aux mois de janvier, février & mars de cette année 1681. 4o, Paris, 1681. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [bound with H350a, H818, H902, H1254, H1368].

Observations sur la comète qui a paru au mois de décembre 1680. et en janvier 1681. 4o, Paris, 1681. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [with marginal notes in Halley’s [?] hand; bound with H350, H818, H902, H1254, H1368].

Castell, Edmund. Lexicon heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum [etc.]... 2 vols. Fo, Londini, 1686.

Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ in unum collecti... [By E. Bernard.] Fo, Oxoniæ, 1697. ?

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius cum C. Galli [vel potius Maximiani] fragmentis. Serio castigati. 8o, Amstæledami, 1686. ?

Causa Dei asserta per justitiam ejus, cum cæteris ejus perfectionibus, cunctisque actionibus conciliatam. [By G.W. von Leibniz.] 8o, Amstælodami, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.822 [bound with H571 & H834; a few signs of dog-earing].

Caussin, Nicolas. De symbolica Ægyptiorum sapientia... 8o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1631. ?

Thesaurus Graæcæ poeseos, ex omnibus Græcis poetis collectus. Libri II. 8o, Moguntiæ, 1614. ?

Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. 6th ed. 3 pts. 8o, London, 1702. ?

Cawdry, Daniel. The inconsistencie of the independent way with Scripture and it self; manifested in a threefold discourse... 4o, London, 1651. ?

Cawley, William. The laws of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles the First. Concerning Jesuites, Seminary Priests, Recusants, &c... Fo, London, 1680. ?

Cawood, Francis. Navigation compleated; being a new method never before attain’d to by any... 4o, London, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.133.

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. De medicina libri VIII, ex recognitione J.A. van der Linden. Ed. 2a. 16o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1665. ?

Censorinus. De die natali. H. Lindenbrogius recensuit, et notis illustravit... 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1695. ?

Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches, in the time of Queen Elizabeth...and now...reprinted... Fo, London, 1683. ?

Ceva, Giovanni. Replica in difesa delle sue dimostrazioni, e ragioni, per le quali non debbasi introdurre Reno in Pò, contro la risposta datasi dal Sig. Dottor E. Manfredi. 4o, Mantova, 1717. Tr/NQ.10.284.

Chamberlayne, John. Magnæ Britanniæ notitia: or, The present state of Great-Britain; with divers remarks upon the ancient state thereof. 25th ed. 2 pts. 8o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.8.98.

Chardin, Sir John. Travels into Persia and the East Indies... Fo, London, 1686. ?

Voyages en Perse, et autres lieux de l’Orient. 3 vols. 4o, Amsterdam, 1711. ?

Cheyne, George. An essay of health and long life. 8o, London, 1725. ?

Fluxionum methodus inversa; sive Quantitatum fluentium lege generaliores... 4o, Londini, 1703. ?

Philosophical principles of natural religion: containing the elements of natural philosophy, and the proofs for natural religion, arising from them. [3 pts.] 8o, London, 1705. Tr/NQ.8.65.

Rudimentorum methodi fluxionum inversæ specimina: quæ responsionem continent ad animadversiones A. de Moivre in librum G. de Cheynæi. [By G. Cheyne.] 4o, Londini, 1705. Tr/NQ.16.761.

Child, Sir Josiah. A new discourse of trade... 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1694. Tr/NQ.7.76 [a few signs of dog-earing in the preface].

Chomel, Noel. Dictionnaire œconomique, contenant divers moyens d’augmenter son bien et de conserver sa santé... Fo, Lyon, 1709. ?

Christian V, King of Denmark. Regis Christiani Quinti Jus Danicum, Latine redditum ab H. Weghorst. 4o, Hafniæ, 1698. Tr/NQ.16.56.

Christianity no enthusiasm: or, The several kinds of inspirations and revelations pretended to by the Quakers, tried, and found destructive... [By T. Comber.] 8o, London, 1678. ?

Chronicon Saxonicum. Ex MSS codicibus nunc primum integrum edidit, ac Latinum fecit E. Gibson. 4o, Oxonii, 1692. Tr/NQ.10.37 [pp.76, 129 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

Chrysostom, St John, Archbishop of Constantinople. Expositio perpetua in Novum Iesu Christi Testamentum Græcè ac Latinè ... Fo, [Heidelberg,] 1603. Tr/NQ.17.16 [‘Is. Newton pret 5s. 6d.’ on front paste-down]. 6-line Latin note by Newton on Chrysostom [probably written 1677-8] on slip of paper attached at end of book.

Chymical, medicinal, and chyrurgical addresses; made to S. Hartlib Esquire... 12o, London, 1655. ?

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De officiis libri tres, & in illos S. Rachelii commentarius philosophico-juridicus... 8o, Amstelædami, 1686. Tr/NQ.16.138.

Mar. Tullij Ciceronis Epistolæ familiares cum commento Hubertini Crescentinatis: & Martini Philetici super epistolis electis: & Georgij Merulæ Alexandrini. Fo, [Lugduni, 1505]. Tr/NQ.8.4 [wants title-page].

Opera omnia quæ exstant...emendata studio atq3 industria J. Gulielmi & J. Gruteri... 5 vols. in 2. Fo, Hamburgi, 1618-19. ?

Opera omnia. 25 vols. [Probably a made-up set of 19 vols. from the edition of J. G. Graevius and 6 vols. from that of J. Davies.] 8o, [Amsterdam, etc., c. 1677-1720]. ?

Orationum volumen 1. Ex emendatione D. Lambini. [Opera omnia, 2.] 8o, Lutetiæ, 1572. ?

Clagett, William. A discourse concerning the operations of the Holy Spirit... 2nd ed. 3 pts. 8o, London, 1680. ?

Clapham, Jonathan. A full discovery and confutation of the wicked and damnable doctrines of the Quakers... 4o, London, 1656. Tr/NQ.9.633 [bound with H1004 & H1005].

Clarke, John. An enquiry into the cause and origin of evil... Being the substance of eight sermons the year 1719, at the lecture founded by R. Boyle. 8o, London, 1720. ?

An enquiry into the cause and origin of moral evil...Being the substance of eight sermons the year 1720, at the lecture founded by R. Boyle. 8o, London, 1721. ?

Clarke, Samuel. A demonstration of the Being and attributes of God...Being the substance of eight sermons... 2nd ed., corrected. 8o, London, 1706. ? .

A reply to the objections of Robert Nelson...against Dr Clarke’s Scripture-doctrine of the Trinity... 8o, London, 1714. ?

The Scripture doctrine of the Trinity. In 3 parts... 8o, London, 1712. ?

— — 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1719. ?

XVII sermons on several occasions... 8o, London, 1724. ?

Three practical essays, on baptism, confirmation and repentance... 3rd ed. 12o, London, 1710. ?

Clauberg, Johann. De cognitione Dei et nostri, quatenus naturali rationis lumine, secundum veram philosophiam, potest comparari, exercitationes centum. Ed. novissima... 8o, Harlingæ, 1685. Tr/NQ.9.162.

Clauder, Gabriel. Dissertatio de tinctura universali, vulgò Lapis philosophorum dictâ... 4o, Altenburgi, 1678. ?

Claudianus, Claudius. Cl. Claudiani quæ exstant: ex emendatione N. Heinsii. 24o, Amstelodami, 1677. ?

Claveus, Gasto, called Dulco. Apologia Chrysopoeiæ et Argyropoeiæ, adversus T. Erastum...De triplici auri et argenti præparatione. 8o, Ursellis, 1602. Tr/NQ.16.152 [p. 207 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Clemens, Alexandrinus. Opera Græce et Latine quæ exstant... Accedunt diversæ lectiones & emendationes...a F. Sylburgio collectæ... Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1641. ?

Clemens, Romanus. Ad Corinthios epistola prior. Ex laceris reliquiis...Latinè vertit, & notis brevioribus illustravit P. Junius. 4o, Oxonii, 1633; bound with H118. ?

De constitutionibus Apostolicis libri viii... I.C. Bovio interprete. Eiusdem scholia... 8o, Parisiis, 1564. ?

Clergyman’s [The] vade-mecum:containing the canonical codes of the Primitive and Universal Church... [By J. Johnson.] 3rd ed. 2 vols. 12o, London, 1723. ?

Clipsham, Robert. The grand expedient for suppressing Popery examined. Or The project of exclusion proved to be contrary to reason and religion. 8o, London, 1685. Tr/NQ.10.104.

Cluverius, Philippus. Introductionis in universam geographiam... libri VI... 4o, Amstelædami, 1682. ?

Cockburn, William. An account of the nature, causes, symptoms and cure of loosnesses. 2nd ed. 8o, London, [1706]. ?

Doctor Cockburn’s solution of his problem for determining the proper doses of purging, and vomiting medicins in every age of a man... 4o, [London, 1705?] Tr/NQ.8.527.

The practice of purging and vomiting medicines, according to Dr. Cockburn’s Solution of his problem... 4o, [London, 1705?]. Tr/NQ,8.526.

Sea diseases: or, A treatise of their nature, causes, and cure... 2nd ed., corrected... 8o, London, 1706. ?

Codex canonum Ecclesiæ Africanæ. C. Iustellus ex MSS. codicibus edidit, Græcam versionem adiunxit, & notis illustravit. 8o, Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1614. Tr/NQ.16.11.

Coles, Elisha. A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English... 4th ed., enlarged. 8o, London, 1699. Tr/NQ.9.47.

Collectanea Chymica: or, a collection of ten several treatises in chymistry, concerning the liquor Alkahest, the mercury of philosophers, and other curiosities... 8o, London, 1684. ?

Collection [A] of articles, injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, & constitutions ecclesiastical, with other publick records of the Church of England...4th impr. with additions... [By. A. Sparrow.] 4o, London, 1684. Tr/NQ.10.49.

A collection of prophetical warnings of the eternal spirit, pronounc’d by the following persons, viz. Mary Aspinal, Mary Beer, aged 13 [etc.] 8o, London, 1708. ?

A collection of the several statutes, and parts of statutes, now in force, relating to high treason, and misprision of high treason. 12o, London, 1709. Tr/NQ.9.651 [bound with H625].

Collier, Arthur. Clavis universalis: or, A new inquiry after truth. Being a demonstration of the non-existence, or impossibility of an external world. 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.9.1252.

Collier, Jeremy. Essays upon several moral subjects. In 2 parts. 5th ed. 8o, London, 1703. Tr/NQ.9.118.

Essays upon several moral subjects. Parts 3 & 4. 8o, London, 1705-9. Tr/NQ.9.119 & 120. .

The great historical, geographical, genealogical and poetical dictionary...Collected...especially out of L. Morery... 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Fo, London, 1701. ?

Collins, John. A plea for the bringing in of Irish cattel, and keeping out of fish caught by foreigners... 4o, London, 1680. Tr/NQ.8.11110.

Colson, Lancelot. Philosophia maturata: an exact piece of philosophy, containing the practick and operative part thereof in gaining the philosophers stone... 24o, London, 1668. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [a few signs of dog-earing].

Comber, Thomas. Friendly and seasonable advice to the Roman Catholics of England. 3rd ed.... 12o, London, 1677. ?

Commentarius in Epistolam ad Hebræos. Cum indice rerum locorumque Scripturæ. [By J. Schlichting.] 8o, Racoviæ, 1634. Tr/NQ.9.1142 [bound with H458; pp.54, 314 turned up, p.318 down].

Commercium epistolicum D. Johannis Collins, et aliorum de analysi promota: jussu Societatis Regiæ in lucem editum. 4o, Londini, 1712. Tr/NQ.16.762.

Commercium epistolicum D. Johannis Collins, et aliorum, de analysi promota, jussu Societatis Regiæ in lucem editum: et jam unà cum ejusdem recensione præmissa...iterum impressum. 8o, Londini, 1722. Tr/NQ.8.114.

Extrait du livre intitulé Commercium epistolicum Collinii & aliorum, de analysi promota; publié par ordre de la Société Royale, à l’occasion de la dispute élevée entre Mr. Leibnitz & le Dr. Keil... 4o, [c. 1715]. Tr/NQ.9.1257.

Complete [A] history of England: with the lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof... 3 vols. [Vols. 1 & 2 ed. by J. Hughes; vol. 3 ed. by W. Kennett.] Fo, London, 1706. ?

Conciones et orationes ex historicis Latinis excerptæ... [Ed. by J. Veratius.] 12o, Amstelodami, 1686. ?

Confession [The] of faith: together with the larger and lesser catechisms. Composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines, then sitting at Westminster: presented to both Houses of Parliament. 3rd ed. 12o, London, 1688. Tr/NQ.9.66.

Confucius. Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive Scientia Sinensis Latine exposita. Studia & opera P. Intorcetta [etc.]. [5 pts.] Fo, Parisiis, [1686-]1687. Tr/NQ.11.16 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Congreve, William. The double-dealer, a comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties servants. 4o, London, 1694. Tr/NQ.10.661 [bound with H430, H431, H432].

Love for love: a comedy. Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, by His Majesty’s servants. 3rd ed. 4o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.10.663 [bound with H429, H431, H432].

The mourning bride, a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty’s servants. 4o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.10.664 [bound with H429, H430, H432].

The old batchelour, a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty’s servants. 6th ed. corrected. 4o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.10.662 [bound with H429, H430, H431].

Poems. 8o, London, 1720. Edition not identified. ?

The way of the world. A comedy. 8o, [London?], 1711. Tr/NQ.10.923.

Connoissance des temps pour l’année MDCCXIV, MDCCXVI-MDCCXXII. 8 vols. 12o, Paris, 1713-21. ?

Conti, Luigi de’. Clara fidelisqu. admonitoria disceptatio practicæ manualis experimento veraciter comprobata. De duobus artis, & naturæ miraculis: hoc est de liquore alchaest; nec non lapide philosophico... 12o, Francofurti, 1664. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [many signs of dog-earing].

Discours philosophiques sur les deux merveilles de l’art et de la nature. Ou Traité de la liqueur de l’Alchaest...2e éd., reveüe & corrigée. 12o, Paris, 1678. Tr/NQ.16.110 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Metallorum ac metallicorum naturæ operum ex orthophysicis fundamentis recens elucidatio... 8o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1665. Tr/NQ.16.87.

Conti, Natale. Mythologiæ, sive explicationis fabularum libri X... Nuper ab ipso autore recogniti & locupletati. 8o, Coloniæ Allobrogum, 1612. ?

Cooke, Edward. A voyage to the South Sea, and round the world, perform’d in the years 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711... 8o, London, 1712. Tr/NQ.9.6 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Cooper, Thomas. Thesaurus linguæ Romanæ & Britannicæ... Fo, Londini, 1578. ?

Cooper, William. A catalogue of chymicall books. In 3 parts... 8o, London, 1675. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Cornaro, Luigi. Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthful life... made English by W. Jones... 2nd ed. 12o, London, 1704. ?

Cosin, John, Bishop of Durham. Historia transubstantiationis papalis. Cui præmittitur, atque opponitur, tùm S. Scripturæ, tùm Veterum Patrum, & Reformatarum Ecclesiarum doctrina Catholica ... 8o, Londini, 1675. Dr. Bertram A. Lowy, New York [Long note in Barrow’s hand in margin of p.13; p.80 turned down].

Cosmopolite, ou Nouvelle lumière chimique, pour servir d’éclaircissement aux trois principes de la nature...[By M. Sendivogius.] Dernière éd., revue et augmentée... 2 vols. 12o, Paris, 1691. ?; see also H1192 & H1485.

Cotes, Roger. Æstimatio errorum in mixta mathesi, per variationes partium trianguli plani et sphærici. 4o, [Cambridge, 1722]. Tr/NQ.16.1973 [a possible pre-publication copy of pt 2, pp. 1-71, of H447].

Harmonia mensurarum, sive Analysis & synthesis per rationum & angulorum mensuras promotæ: accedunt alia opuscula mathematica. Edidit et auxit R. Smith. [2 pts.] 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1722. Tr/NQ.10.6.

Covel, John. Some account of the present Greek Church... Fo, Cambridge, 1722. ?

Cowell, John. The interpreter; or Book containing the signification of words. Wherein is set forth the true meaning of...such words and terms as mentioned in the law-writers... Fo, London, 1658. ?

Cowley, Abraham. Works...[With an account of the life and writings of A. Cowley, by T. Sprat.] 6th ed. 4o, London, 1680. ?

Cowper, William, Myotomia reformata: or An anatomical treatise on the muscles of the human body. Illustrated with figures after the life. F o, London, 1724. Tr/NQ.17.3.

Cozzandus, Leonardus. De magisterio antiquorum philosophorum libri VI. 8o, Coloniæ, 1684. ?

Cradock, Samuel. The Apostolical history: containing the Acts, labours, travels...of the Holy Apostles... Fo, London, 1672. ?

Craige, John. De calculo fluentium libri II. Quibus subjunguntur libri II de optica analytica. 4o, Londini, 1718. Tr/NQ.10.60.

Methodus figurarum lineis rectis & curvis comprehensarum quadraturas determinandi. 4o, Londini, 1685. Tr/NQ.16.795.

Theologiæ Christianæ principia mathematica. 4o, Londini, 1699. Tr/NQ.16.1975.

Tractatus mathematicus de figurarum curvilinearum quadraturis et locis geometricis. 4o, Londini, 1693. Tr/NQ.8.511.

Crellius, Johannes. Commentarius in Epistolas Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses. Ex prælectionibus I. Crellii Franci conscriptus à P. Morskovio. 8o, Racoviæ, 1636. Tr/NQ.9.1141 [bound with H421; pp.32, 38 turned down].

Crellius, Samuel. Initium Evangelii S. Joannis Apostoli ex antiquitate ecclesiastica restitum, indidemque nova ratione illustratum...per L.M. Artemonium [i.e. S. Crellius]. 8o, [Amsterdam], 1726. ?

Cressender, Drue. The judgements of God upon the Roman-Catholick Church... 4o, London, 1689. ?

Croesius, Gerardus. Ομηρος ἑβραιος, sive Historia Hebræorum ab Homero Hebraicis nominibus ac sententiis conscripta in Odyssea & Iliade ... Vol. 1. 8o, Dordraci, 1704. Tr/NQ.9.18 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Crollius, Oswaldus. Basilica chymica cum notis Hartmanni, et Praxis chymiatrica... 4o, Francofurti, 1647. Tr/NQ16.811 [bound with H743; a few signs of dog-earing].

Crousaz, Jean Pierre de. Commentaire sur l’Analyse des infiniment petits [de M. le Marquis de L’Hôpital]. 4o, Paris, 1721. Tr/NQ.10.25.

Discours sur le principe, la nature et la communication du mouvement. [Pièces qui ont remporté les deux prix de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1720.] 4o, Paris, 1721. Tr/NQ.8.14.

Reflexions sur l’utilité des mathématiques et sur la manière de les étudier. Avec un novel essai d’arithmétique demontrée. 8o, Amsterdam, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.52.

Cudworth, Ralph. A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord’s Supper ... 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1670. Tr/NQ.9.49 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Cumberland, Richard, Bishopp of Peterborough. An essay towards the recovery of the Jewish measures & weights, comprehending their monies... 8o, London, 1686. ?

Origines gentium antiquissimæ; or, Attempts for discovering the times of the first planting of nations. In several tracts. Publish’ S. Payne. 8o, London, 1724. Tr/NQ.9.75.

Curcellaeus, Stephanus. Opera theologica, quorum pars præcipua Institutio religionis Christianæ. Fo, Amstelodami, 1675. Tr/NQ.11.46 [pp. 41, 885 turned up, 79 down, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Curiosities in chymistry: being new experiments and observations concerning the principles of natural bodies. Written by a person of honour, and published by his operator, H. G[regg]. [Sometimes attributed to Robert Boyle.] 8o, London, 1691. Tr/NQ.16.1433 [bound with H254 & H257].

Curse [The] of popery, and popish princes to the civil government, and Protestant Church of England... 8o, London, 1716. ?

Cuspinianus, Johannes. De Turcarum origine, religione, ac immanissima eorum in Christianos tyrannide... 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1654. ?

Cyder. A poem. In 2 books. [By J. Philips.] 12o, London, 1720. Tr/NQ.8.1093 [bound with H1299, H1501 & H1527].

Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Opera. N. Rigaltii observationibus ad veterum exemplarium fidem recognita et illustrata. Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1648. ?

Opera recognita & illustrata per Joannem [Fell] Oxoniensem Episcopum. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici...brevis historia chronologice delineata per Joannem [Pearson] Cestriensem. Fo, Oxonii, 1682. Tr/NQ.18.1.

Cyril, Saint, Archbishop of Jerusalem. Opera, quæ reperiuntur. Ex variis bibliothecis, præcipue Vaticana, Græcè nunc primùm in lucem edita, cum Latina interpret. I. Grodecii. Plerisque in locis aucta & emendata, studio & opera I. Prevotii. [With Synesii Episcopi Cyrenes opera quæ extant omnia. Nunc denuò Græcè et Latinè coniunctim edita. Interprete D. Petavio...] [2 pts.] Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1631. Tr/NQ.11.48 [‘pret lb 1. s 0. d 0.’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf; pt 2, p.220 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Dadinus Alteserra, Antonius. Notæ et observationes in Anastasium De vitis Romanorum Pontificum. 4o, Parisiis, 1680. ?

Daillé, Jean. Adversus Latinorum de cultus religiosi objecto traditionem, disputatio... 4o, Genevæ, 1664. ?

De cultibus religiosis Latinorum libri IX... 4o, Genevæ, 1671. ?

De imaginibus libri IV. 8o, Lugd. Batavor., 1642. Tr/NQ.10.73.

De jejuniis et quadragesima liber. 8o, Daventriæ, 1654. ?

A treatise concerning the right use of the Fathers, in the decision of the controversies that are at this day in religion ... [Transl.] [2 pts.] 4o, London, 1675. Tr/NQ.9.23 [several signs of dog-earing].

Dale, Antonius van. Dissertationes de origine ac progressu idololatriæ et superstitionum: de vera ac falsa prophetia; uti et de divinationibus idololatricis Judæorum. 4o, Amstelodami, 1696. Tr/NQ.8.45 [pp.81, 213 turned down, p.210 up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Dale, Thomas. Dissertatio medico-botanica inauguralis de pareira brava, et serapia off... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1723. Tr/NQ.10.357.

Damasus I, Pope. Opera quæ extant et vita ex codicibus MSS. cum notis M.M. Sarazanii. 8o, Parisiis, 1672. Sjögren Library, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Stockholm [inscribed ‘Is. Newton Donum Rndi amici D. Moor S.T.D.’ [presumably Henry More] in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Dampier, William. A voyage to New Holland, &c. In the year, 1699... Vol 3. 8o, London, 1703. ?

Dary, Michael. Dary’s miscellanies: being, for the most part, a brief collection of mathematical theorems, from divers authors... 8o, London, 1669. ?

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.10.1431 ; Newton acknowledged receipt of copy from the author, 18 Feburary 1669/70 [Correspondence, I, 27]. Mathematical calculations and notes by Newton in the margin of pp. 4, 6, 19, 36.

Interest epitomised, both compound and simple... 4o, London, 1677. Tr/NQ.16.62 [a note added at the end of Preface states that the printed errata corrections have been written in the text ‘by the Author’].

Davenant, Charles. Discourses on the publick revenues and on the trade of England... 2 vols. 8o, London, 1698. ?

Davidson, William. Philosophica pyrotechnica, seu Cursus chymiatricus nobilissima illa & exoptatissima medicinæ parte pyrotechnica instructus... 2 vols. in 1. 8o, Parisiis, 1640. ?

Davies, Myles. Athenæ Britannicæ: or, A critical history of the Oxford and Cambrige [sic] writers and writings... 3 vols. 8o, London, 1716. Tr/NQ.8.120 to 122.

De Alchimia opuscula complura veterum philosophorum, quorum catalogum sequens pagella indicabit. [Pt 1.] 4o, [Francoforti, 1550]. Sir Geoffrey Keynes, Brinkly [many signs of dog-earing].

De finibus virtutis Christianæ. The ends of Christian religion ... By R. S[harrock]. LL.D. 4o, Oxford, 1673. Tr/NQ.9.74 [a few signs of dog-earing].

De Iesu Christi Filii Dei natura suve essentia...disputatio, adversus A. Volanum... Secundò edita. [Preface signed F. S., i.e. F. Socinus.] 8o, Racoviæ, 1627. ?

De Unigeniti Filii Dei existentia, inter Erasmum Iohannis & Faustum Socinum disputatio...[By E. Johannis.] 8o, 1595. NQ.9.542 [bound with H1385].

Dee, Arthur. Fasciculus chemicus, abstrusæ Hermeticæ scientiæ, ingressum, progressum, coronidem, verbis apertissimis explicans... 12o, Parisiis, 1631. ?

Dellon, Charles. Nouvelle relation d’un voyage fait aux Indes Orientales... 12o, Amsterdam, 1699. Tr/NQ.9.169.

Demosthenes. Demosthenis orationes selectæ Gr. Lat. 8o, 1660. Edition not identified. ?

Derham, William. Astro-theology: or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens. 8o, London, 1715. ?

Physico-theology: or, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of Creation... 8o, London, 1713. ?

Dimostrazione della essenza, ed attributi d’Iddio dall’opere della sua creazione...tradotta dall’idiome inglese. 4o, Firenze, 1720. ?

Desaguliers, Henri. La science des nombres par rapport au commerce en général, & particulièrement à celui qui se practique en Hollande... 2 vols. 8o, Amsterdam, 1701. Tr/NQ.10.85 & 86 [vol. 1 has p. 252 turned up, vol. 2, p. 219 up, and a few other signs of dog-earing in both vols.; see p. 25 above and plate 5].

Traité général de la réduction des changes et monnoyes des principales places de l’Europe... 8o, Amsterdam, 1701. ?

Desaguliers, Jean Théophile. Physico-mechanical lectures. Or, An account of what is explain’d and demonstrated in the course of mechanical and experimental philosophy... 8o, London, 1717. Tr/NQ.16.911 [bound with H1701].

Descartes, René. Geometria, à Renato Des Cartes anno 1637 Gallicè edita; nunc autem cum notis F. de Beaune, in linguam Latinam versa, & commentariis illustrata, operâ atque studio F. à Schooten. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1649. [Huggins: one of the 6 ‘Books that has Notes of Sir Is. Newtons’]; ULC/Adv.d.39.1 [inscribed ‘Sum e libris Gulielmi Sherlock Petrensis’ (Sherlock was at Peterhouse, 1657-61) from whom Newton presumably acquired the book; its brief MS annotations were mistakenly attributed to Newton by compilers of Huggins List and Portsmouth catalogue.]

Geometria, à Renato Des Cartes anno 1637 Gallicè edita; postea autem unà cum notis. F. de Beaune... in Latinam linguam versa, & commentariis illustrata, operâ atque studio F. à Schooten... [Ed. 2a.] 2 pts. 4o, Amstelædami, 1659[-1661]. Tr/NQ.16.203 [with bookplate of Robert Smith, Master of Trinity, who bequeathed it in 1768]. Marginal annotations by Newton on pp. 7, 11, 12, 17, 24, 25, 38, 65, 67, 80, 81, 84, 85, 97 relating to his MS [of c. 1680] on ‘Errores Cartesij Geometriæ’ [ULC Add.3961(4), 23r-24r, see ‘Math. papers’, IV, 366-44, VII, 194 n. 46; a few signs of dog-earing.

Meditationes de prima philosophia, in quibus Dei existentia, & animæ humanæ à corpore distinctio, demonstrantur. His adjungitur Tractatus de initiis primæ philosophiæ juxta fundamenta clarissimi Cartesii, tradita in ipsius meditationibus...Authore L. Velthusio. 8o, Londini, 1664. Tr/NQ.9.115 [p. 74 turned down, p. 209 formerly turned].

Principia philosophiæ. Nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata. 4o, Amstelodami, 1656. Tr/NQ.9.116 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Description historique du Royaume de Macaçar. Divisée en 3 livres, augmentée de diversees pièces curieuses. [By N. Gervaise.] 8o, Ratisbonne, 1700. Tr/NQ.10.79.

Deux traitez nouveaux sur la philosophie naturelle. Contenant Le tombeau de Semiramis nouvellement ouvert aux sages, et La refutation de l’anonyme Pantaleon, soy disant Disciple d’Hermés. 8o, 1689. Tr/NQ.16.30.

Dialogue [A] betwixt two Protestants, in answer to a Popish Catechism, called, A short Catechism against all Sectaries... [By J. Rawlet.] 2 pts. 8o, London, 1685. Tr/NQ.7.46.

Dickinson, Edmund. Epistola ad Theodorum Mundanum philosophum adeptum. De quintessentia philosophorum et de vera physiologia... 8o, Oxoniæ, 1686. Tr/NQ.16.89. Notes by Newton consisting of references to other alchemical works in margins of pp. 70, 180, 187; many signs of dog-earing.

Dictionary, Dutch-Latin. Biglotton sive Dictionarium Teuto-Latinum novum. 8o, [Amsterdam, c. 1680]. Tr/NQ.10.982 [wants title-page; bound with H1038].

Dictys, Cretensis. De Bello Trojano...Cum notis J. Merceri [etc.]. 8o, Argentorati, 1691. ?

Digby, Sir Kenelm. Two treatises: in the one of which, The nature of bodies; in the other, The nature of mans soul, is looked into... [2pts.] 4o, London, 1658. ?

Diodorus, Siculus. Bibliothecæ historicæ libri XV, de XL... Studio & labore L. Rhodomani. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Hanoviæ, 1604. ?

The historical library of Diodorus the Sicilian...Made in English, by G. Booth. Fo, London, 1700. ?

Diogenes, Laertius. De vitis dogmatis et apophthegmatis ... libri X. T. Aldobrandino interprete, cum annotationibus eiusdem. Quibus accesserunt annotationes H. Stephani, & utriusque Casauboni; cum uberrimis Ægidii Menagii observationibus. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Londini, 1664. Tr/NQ.17.21 [pt 2, p.146 turned down and up, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Dion Cassius. Ex Dione Nicæo excerpta & in epitome formã redactæ vitæ Pompeii Magni & Cæsarum, usque ad Alexandrum Mãmææ filium, per I. Xiphilinum. [2pts.] [Greek & Latin.] [Varii historiæ Romanæ scriptores, 2.] 8o, [Geneva], 1568. Tr/NQ.16.1a.

Historiæ Romanæ libri XLVI...I. Leunclavii studio tam aucti quam expoliti... Fo, Hanoviæ, 1606. ?

Dionisius, Halicarnassensis. Dionysii Halicarnassei scripta, quæ extant, omnia, et rhetorica...cum Latina versione...Opera & studio F. Sylburgii. 2 vols. in 1. Fo, Lipsiæ, 1691. ?

Dionysius, Periegetes. Orbis descriptio; cum commentariis Eustathii, Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis. [Greek & Latin]. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1710. Tr/NQ.9.36.

Diophantus, Alexandrinus. Arthmeticorum libri VI. Et de numeris multangulis liber I. Nunc primùm Græcè & Latinè editi, atque absolutissimis commentariis illustrati. Auctore C. G. Bacheto. Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1621. Tr/NQ.11.19 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Directory [A] for the publique worship of God, throughout the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland... 4o, London, 1644. ?

Discourse [A] of local motion. Undertaking to demonstrate the laws of motion, and withall to prove, that of the seven rules delivered by M. Des-Cartes on this subject, he hath mistaken six. By A.M. [i.e. I.G. Pardies.] Englished out of the French. 8o, London, 1670. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA; possibly the book for which Newton thanked Oldenburg, 16 March 1671/2 [Correspondence, I, 120].

A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. [By A. Collins.] 8o, London, 1724. ?

Discourse on the Divine Providence. 8o, 1700. Not identified. ?

A discourse on the judicial authority belonging to the office of the Master of the Rolls in the High Court of Chancery...[By Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke.] 8o, London, 1727. ?

Ditton, Humphry. The new law of fluids: or, A discourse concerning the ascent of liquors, in exact geometrical figures, between two nearly contiguous surfaces... 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.158.

Divers traitez de la philosophie naturelle. Sçavoir, La turbe des philosophes...La parole delaissée de Bernard Trevisan. Les deux traitez de Corneille Drebel Flaman. Avec Le très-ancien duel des Chevaliers... 12o, Paris, 1672. Tr/NQ.16.118 [p. 17 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Divine [The] right of the Church Government asserted, by sundry ministers in London. 4o, London, 1646. ?

Dodwell, Henry. Dissertationes Cyprianicæ. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1684. ?

The works of the learned Mr. H. Dodwell abridg’d: with an account of his life by Mr Brokesby. 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1723. ?

Dominis, Marc’ Antonio de, Archbishop of Spalatro. De radiis visus et lucis in vitris perspectivis et iride tractatus. Per I. Bartolum in lucem editus. 4o, Venetiis, 1611. Tr/NQ.8.515 [wants title-page].

Dorn, Gerard. Lapis metaphysicus, aut philosophicus, qui universalis medicina vera fuit patrum antiquorum... 8o, [Frankfurt?], 1570. Tr/NQ.16.1373 [bound with H85, H168 & H649].

Douglas, James. Bibliographiæ anatomicæ specimen: sive Catalogus omnium penè auctorum, qui ab Hippocrate ad Harveum rem anatomicam ex professo, vel obiter, scriptis illustrârunt... 8o, Londini, 1715. Tr/NQ.8.117.

Drury, William. Dramatica poemata. Ed. 2a...12o, Ducai, 1628. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Du Chesne, Joseph. Recuiel des plus curieux et rares secrets touchant la medicine metallique & minerale... 8o, Paris, 1648. Tr/NQ.16.100.

Traicté de la matière, préparation et excellente vertu de la medicine balsamique des anciens philosophes... 8o, Paris, 1626. Tr/NQ.16.132.

Ductor historicus: or, A short system of universal history, and an introduction to the study of that science...Partly transl. from the French of M. de Vallemont, but chiefly composed anew by W. J. M. A. [i.e. T. Hearne] 8o, London, 1698. Tr/NQ.9.62.

Duez, Nathanael. Dictionnaire françois-allemand-latin, et allemand-françois-latin. Reveu, corrigé, & augmenté...en cette 3e éd. 2 vols. [Vol. 2 with title Dictionarium Germanico-Gallico-Latinum. Teutsch, Frantzosisch, und Lateinisch Dictionarium. 3. Druck.] 8o, Genève, 1663. Tr/NQ.8.80 & 81.

Du Hamel, Jean Baptiste. Regiæ Scientiarum Academiæ historia. Ed. 2a... 4o, Parisiis, 1701. ?

Du Pin, Louis Ellies. Bibliothèque universelle des historiens... 4o, Amsterdam, 1708. ?

Acompendious history of the Church... 2nd ed. 4 vols. 12o, London 1715-16. ?

Ecclesiastica historia, integram Ecclesiæ Christi ideam, quantum ad locum, propagationem, persecutionem, tranquillitatem ... secundum singulas centurias, perspicuo ordine complectens ...Per aliquot studiosos & pios viros in Urbe Magdeburgica ... Centuriæ 1-13. 7 vols. Fo, Basileæ, [1560-74]. Tr/NQ.11.38 to 44 [‘pret. lb 2. s 15’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf of vol.1; considerable dog-earing in the set with 28 columns still turned up or down, and several other signs].

Echard, Laurence. An exact description of Ireland... 12o, London, 1691. ?

A general ecclesiastical history from the Nativity of Our Blessed Saviour to the first establishment of Christianity by human laws ...2nd ed. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.62 and 63 [vol. 2 has a few signs of dog-earing].

A most compleat compendium of geography... 12o, London, 1691. ?

Edwards, Thomas. Diocesan episcopacy proved from the Holy Scripture: with a letter to E. Calamy... 8o, London, 1705. ?

Ellis, John. Articulorum XXXIX Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ defensio... Ed. 4a. 12o, Amstelodami, 1700. ?

Elmacinus, Georgius. Historia Saracenica ... a Muhammede ... usque ad initium imperij Atabacæi ... Latinè reddita operâ ac studio T. Erpenii. Accedit & R. Ximenez Historia Arabum ... [2 pts.] Fo, Lugduni Batavorum, 1625. Tr/NQ.17.35. [on fly-leaf in Newton’s hand: ‘E libris Is. Newton 1680, Pret 9s, valet 25s‘; on title-page, scored through: ‘Trin: Coll. Cant. Ao Dñi 1668. Ex dono Mgri Thomæ Gale huius Collegij Socij’; a few signs of dog-earing].

Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis reliquias, ex nupera editione J. Clerici... auctore Phileleuthero Lipsiensi [R. Bentley]. 8o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1710. Tr/NQ.9.38.

Enarratio methodica Trium Gebri medicinarum, in quibus contietur Lapidis philosophici vera confectio. Autore Anonymo sub nomine Æyrenæi Philalethes [i.e. G. Starkey?]. 8o, [London], 1678. Tr/NQ.16.86. Note in Newton’s hand on the title-page: ‘Vide Borelli Bibliothecam Chemicam p. 20’ [where there is a reference to this work]; p. 212 turned up and several other signs of dog-earing.

Enchiridion legum: a discourse concerning the beginnings, nature, difference, progress and use, of laws in general... 8o, London, 1673. ?

England’s black tribunall. Set forth in the triall of K. Charles I. at the pretended Court of Justice at Westminster Hall, Jan. 20... 1648. 8o, London, 1660. ?

Eniedinus, Georgius. Explicationes locorum Veteris & Novi Testamenti, ex quibus Trinitatis dogma stabiliri solet. 4o, [Groningen, 1670]. Tr/NQ.8.23 [‘Is. Newton pret. 6s.’ on fly-leaf].

Enquiry [An] after hapiness. [By R. Lucas.] Vol. 1. [No more published.] 8o, London, 1685. ?

An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity & worship of the Primitive Church...By an impartial hand [i.e. Peter King]. 2 pts. 8o, London, 1692. ?

— — [Another ed.] 8o, London, 1712-13. ?

Epictetus. Enchiridion Latinis versibus adumbratum per E. Ivie. Ed. 2a... 12o, Oxoniæ, 1723. ?

Epictetus et Cebes. Gr. Lat. 8o, 1620. Edition not identified.

Epicteti Enchiridion, Cebetis Thebani Tabula, Theophrasti Characteres ethici [etc.]...Cum versione Latina... 12o, Oxonii, 1680. ?

The life and philosophy of Epictetus with the Embleme of human life by Cebes. Rendred into English; by J. Davies. 8o, London, 1670. ?

Epiphanius, Bishop of Constanta. Opera omnia...D. Petavius... recensuit, Latine vertit et animadversionibus illustravit...Ed. nova...cui accessit Vita D. Petavii ab H. Valesio. [Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. Fo, Coloniæ, 1682. ?

Epistola Archimedis ad Regem Gelonem, Albæ Græcæ reperta... 1688. [By A. Pitcairne.] 8o, [London, c. 1710]. Tr/NQ.16.991

Erasmus, Desiderius. Enarratio in Psalmum I. Beatus vir, &c. 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1644. ?

Erasmus on the New Testament. 2 vols. Fo, London, 1579. Edition not identified. ?

Paraphrasis in Servatoris et Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Novum Testamentum...Studio & curâ H. Deichmanni. 2 vols. 4o, Hannoveræ, 1668. Tr/NQ.7.51 & 52.

Escalier [L’] des Sages, ou La philosophie des anciens. Avec des belles figures... [by B. Coenders van Helpen.] Fo, Groningue, 1689. ?

Essais de Théodicée sur la bonté de Dieu, la liberté de l’homme et l’origine du mal. [By G.W. von Leibniz.] 2 vols. in 1. 8o, Amsterdam, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.821 [bound with H354 & H834; a few signs of dog-earing].

Essay d’analyse sur les jeux de hazard. [By P. Rémond de Monmort.] 4o, Paris, 1708; sent to Newton as gift from author 16 Feb. 1708/9 [Correspondence, IV, 533-4].

— — 2e ed. revûe & augmentée de plusieurs lettres. 4o, Paris, 1713. Tr/NQ.10.26 [a few signs of dog-earing including marking of Newton’s name in the text of p. 396; presentation inscription on fly-leaf ‘Pour Monsieur Newton Par son tres humble serviteur Remond de Monmort’.

An essay for discharging the debts of the nation, by equivalents: in a letter to The Right Honble Charles, Earl of Sunderland. And the South-Sea scheme consider’d; in a letter to the Right Honble Robert Walpole, Esq. 8o, London, 1720. Tr/NQ.16.1943.

An essay on the ancient and modern use...of physical necklaces for distempers in children... 8th ed. 8o, London, 1719. Tr.NQ.10.102.

An essay on the South-Sea trade...[By D. Defoe] 8o, London, 1712. Tr/NQ16.1946.

An essay on the usefulness of mathematical learning, in a letter from a gentleman in the City to his friend in Oxford. [By M. Strong.] 8o, Oxford, 1701. Tr/NQ.9.1251.

An essay towards a new method to shew the longditude at sea; especially near the dangerous shores. [By E. Place.] 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.10.1192.

An essay, wherein a method is humbly propos’d for measuring equal time with the utmost exactness...[By J. Clarke] 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.16.951.

Euclid. Elementorum libri XV. Græcè & Latinè... 8o, Parisiis, 1573. Tr/NQ.16.60.

Elementorum libri XV. breviter demonstrati, operâ I. Barrow. 12o, Cantabrigiæ, 1655. Tr/NQ.16.2011 [bound with H585]. Copious annotations by Newton, esp. in Books II, V, VII, X; a few signs of dog-earing; Math. papers, I, 12 n. 28.

Elementorum libri XV. breviter demonstrati, operâ I. Barrow. Et prioribus mendis typographicis nunc demum purgati. [2 pts.] 8o, Londini, 1678. ?

Elementorum libri XV. breviter demonstrati. Opera I. Barrow. 12o, Londini, 1711. Tr/NQ.10.78.

Elements of geometry: the first VI. books... By T. Rudd. 4o, London, 1651. Tr/NQ.7.82 [imperfect, wanting all before sign. O.1; ‘Isaacus Newton’ on end-paper]; extensive notes and corrections written in Newton’s hand on p. 22.

Euclidis data succinctè demonstrata: unà cum emendationibus quibusdam & additionibus ad Elementa Euclidis nuper edita. Operâ I. Barrow. 12o, Cantabrigiæ, 1657. Tr/NQ.16.2012 [bound with H581]. Corrections and insertions by Newton at pp. 1, 38, 46-7.

Euripides. Tragœdiæ quæ extant. Cum Latina G. Canteri interpretatione... 2 vols. 4o, [Geneva], 1602. ?

Europe [L’] savante. [By H. Cordonnier, etc.] 12 vols. in 10. 8o, La Haye, 1718-20 ?

Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea. De demonstratione Evangelica libri X...omnia studio R. M[ontacutii]. Latinè facta...Ed. nova. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Coloniæ, 1688. Tr/NQ.18.22.

Hystoria ecclesiastica Eusebij Cesariensis per Magistrum G. Boussardam ... 8o, Parisiis, [1525]. Tr/NQ.16.167 [‘Is. Newton pret 6d’ on fly-leaf].

Historia ecclesiastica Eusebii Pamphili, Socratis Scholastici, Hermiæ Sozomeni, Theodoriti Episcopi Cyri et Evagrii Scholastici, ab H. Valesio in linguam Latinam conversa... 3 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1678. ?

Præparatio Evangelica. F. Vigerus ... recensuit, Latinè vertit, notis illustravit. Ed. Nova. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Coloniæ, 1668. Tr/NQ.18.23 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Thesaurus temporum, chronicorum canonum omnimodæ historiæ libri II, interprete Hieronymo ... Opera ac studio J.J. Scaligeri ...Ed. 2a ... Fo, Amstelodami, 1658. Tr/NQ.17.25 [pt 2, p.7, pt 4, p.66, pt 5, p.160 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Evelyn, John. Numismata. A discourse of medals, antient and modern. Together with some account of heads and effigies... Fo, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.18.27 [p.37 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

Everard, Thomas. Stereometry made easie: or, The description and use of a new gauging rod or sliding rule... 12o, London, 1684. R. B. Honeyman, Jr, San Juan Capistrano, CA. Calculations in Newton’s hand on two slips of paper loosely inserted.

Exact [An] collection of all remonstrances, declarations, votes [etc.]... betweene the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and his High Court of Parliament...December 1641...untill March the 21, 1643...[Collected by E. Husband.] 4o, London, 1643. Tr/NQ.9.76.

Examination [An] of Dr. Woodward’s account of the Deluge, &c. By J. A[rbuthnot]., M.D. With a letter to the author concerning an abstract of A. Scilla’s book on the same subject... By W. W[otton]., F.R.S. 8o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.16.1625.

Examiners [The] for the year 1711... 12o, London, 1712. ?

Fabre, Piere Jean. Operum voluminibus duobus exhibitorum volumen prius [& II]. [Vol. 2 with title Opera reliqua volumine hoc posteriore comprehensa.] 4o, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1652. Tr/NQ.9.174 & 175. On the fly-leaf of vol. 1 Newton listed 11 of Fabre’s published works under the heading ‘Author opera sua hoc ordine impressit’ and added at the end ‘Desumpta sunt hæc ex Libris ipsis impressis in Bibliotheca Bodleiana Oxonij’, i.e. H824 in this catalogue; vol 1 has pp. 37,558,575,657,686,692, turned down, p. 690 turned down and up, pp. 44, 555, 685, 691 up; vol. 2 pp. 51. 759. 881 down, pp. 62, 422, 854, 882 up, with many other signs of dog-earing.

Fabri, Honoré. Dialogi physici quorum primus est de lumine, secundus & tertius, di vi percussionis & motu, quartus, de humoris elevatione per canaliculum, quintus et sextus, de variis selectis... 8o, Lugduni, 1669. Tr/NQ.9.51; Newton acknowledged receipt of the volume from Collins, 25 May 1672 [Correspondence, I, 161].

Synopsis geometrica, cui accessere tria opuscula, nimirum, de linea sinuum & cycloide, de maximis & minimis centuria, et synopsis trigonometriæ planæ. 8o, Lugduni, 1669. Turner Collection, University of Keele Library.

Fabricius, Johann Albert. Bibliographia antiquaria, sive Introductio in notitiam scriptorum ... 4o, Hamburgi, 1713. Tr/NQ.10.64 [title-page defective; p.291 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Bibliotheca Græca, sive Notitia scriptorum veterum Græcorum ... Græce & Latine, cum brevibus notis. 9 vols. in 10. 4o, Hamburgi, 1705-19. Tr/NQ.8.8 to 17 [Vol. 1 has pp.154, 157, 475 turned down, p.371 up, and several other signs of dog-earing; vol. 4 has p.255 turned down].

Bibliotheca Latina, Notitia auctorem veterum Latinorum, quorumcunque scripta ad nos pervenerunt, distributa in libros IV... 8o, Hamburgi, 1708. Tr/NQ.8.85.

Faith, [The] of One God, who is only the Father...asserted and defended, in several tracts...[By J. Biddle.] 4o, London, 1691. Tr/NQ.9.32.

Fame [The] and confession of the Fraternity of R:C: commonly, of the Rosie Cross... By Eugenius Philalethes [i.e. T. Vaughan]. 8o, London, 1652. Beinecke Library, Yale [‘Is. Newton. Donum Mri Doyley’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf]. Notes by Newton on the Rosicrucians on fly-leaf and in margin of p. 4, see I. Macphail, Alchemy and the occult, II, 347-9, where the notes are reproduced in full.

Lettre à M. Cassini...touchant une luminière extraordinaire qui paroît dans le ciel depuis quelques années. 12o, Amsterdam, 1686. ?

Lineæ brevissimi descensus investigatio geometrica duplex... 4o, Londini, 1699. Tr/NQ.10.332 [bound with H642].

Featley, Daniel. Καταβάπτισται κατάπτυστοι. The Dippers dipt: or, The Anabaptists duck’d and plung’d over head and ears...7th ed. augmented... 4o, London, 1660. ?

Feguernekinus, Isaacus L. Enchiridii locorum communium theologicorum, rerum, exemplorum, atq; phrasium sacrarum ... Ed. 5a. 8o, Basileæ, 1604. Tr/NQ.10.151 [wants title-page; ‘Isaac Newton Trin Coll: Cant: 1661’ on blank opposite p.1].

Felton, Henry. A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style... 12o, London, 1713. ?

Fenice, Giovanni Antonio. Dictionnaire françois & italien, profitable et necessaire... [2 pts.] 8o, Morges, 1585. Tr/NQ.10.138.

Fenner, William. The works of W. Fenner in four treatise...To which is annexed his Catechetism... 4o, London, 1656. ?

Fenton, Elijah. Mariamme. A tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. 2nd ed. 12o, London, 1726. Tr/NQ.10.832.

Ferrarius, Philippus. Lexicon geographicum...Ed. nova, multo quam prior accuratior... Fo, Londini, 1657. Tr/NQ.11.36.

Feuillée, Louis. Journal des observations physiques, mathématiques et botaniques, faites...sur les côtes orientales de l’Amérique Meridionale, & dans les Indes Occidentales, depuis l’année 1707, jusques en 1712. 2 vols. 40, Paris, 1714. Tr/NQ.10.23 & 24.

Fiddes, Richard. A letter in answer to one from a free thinker: occasion’d by the late Duke of Buckinghamshire’s epitaph... 8o, London, 1721. Tr/NQ.7.17.

The life of Cardinal Wolsey. 2nd ed., corrected by the author. Fo, London, 1726. ?

Field, Richard. Of the Church, five bookes. 4o, London, 1606. Tr/NQ.10.61.

Filet [Le] d’Ardine, pour entrer avec seureté dans le labirinthe de la philosophie hermetique. [By Gasto Claveus?] 12o, Paris, 1695. Tr/NQ.8.60.

Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester. The funeral sermon of Margaret Countess of Richmond and Derby, mother to King Henry VII... [Reprinted.] With a preface containing some further account of her charities and foundations... [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1708. ?

Five treatise of the philosopher’s stone. Two of Alphonso King od Portugall...One of John Sawtre a Monke...Another written by Florianus Raudorff...Also a treatise of the names of the philosopher’s stone by W. Gratacolle...To which is added the Smaragdine Table...By the paines and care of H. P. 4o, London, 1652. ?

Flamsteed, John. Historiæ Cœlestis libri II quorum prior exhibet catalogum stellarum fixarum Britannicum novum & locupletissimum una cum earundem planetarumque omnium observationibus sextante, micrometro, &c. habitis. Posterior transitus syderum per planum arcus meridionalis et distantias eorum a vertice complectitur. Fo, Londini, 1712. Tr/NQ. 17.29.

Floyer, Sir John. L’oriuolo da polso de medici...tradotta da un cavaliere inglese... [3 pts.] 4o, Venezia, 1715. Tr/NQ.8.34.

Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de. Histoire du renouvellement de l’Académie Royale des Sciences en M.DC.XCIX. et les éloges historiques de tous les Académiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement. 2 vols. 12o, Paris, 1717. Tr/NQ.10.131 & 132 [a few signs of dog-earing in both vols including marking if Newton’s name in text of vol. 2, p. 43, see p. 27 above]; presentation inscription on fly-leaf ‘Pour Monsieur Newton’.

Form [A] and method of trial of commoners, in cases of high treason, and misprison of high treason... 12o, London, 1709. Tr/NQ.9.652 [bound with H413].

Fortescue, Sir John. The difference between an absolute and limited monarchy; as it more particularly regards the English constitution... 8o, London, 1714. ?

Foster, Samuel. Miscellanea: sive Lucubrationes mathematicæ...Omnia in lucem edita...opera & studio J. Twysden. Fo, Londini, 1659. ?

Fowler, Edward, Bishop of Gloucester. The design of Christianity... 8o, London, 1671. ?

Fox Morcillo, Sebastian. De naturæ philosophia, seu de Platonis, & Aristotelis consensione, libri V ... 8o, Parisiis, 1560. Tr/Adv.d.1.13 [‘Isaac Newton Trin: Coll: Cant: 1661’ on verso of title-page; presented to Trinity by John Laughton, Librarian 1679-86].

Foy-Vaillant, Jean. Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum præstantiora a Julio Cæsare ad Postumum et tyrannos. Ed. 3a emendatior & plurimis rarissimis nummis auctior... 2 vols. in 1. 4o, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1694. Tr/NQ.7.55.

Nummi antiqui familiarum Romanarum perpetuis interpretationibus illustrati. 2 vols. Fo, Amstelædami, 1703. Tr/NQ.11.35 [vol 1 only, lacks plates].

France, Cours des Monnoyes.[A collection of 180 official documents relating to the French currency issued by the Cour des Monnoyes, 1689-1701, with titles beginning ‘Declaration du Roy...’] 4o, Paris, 1689-1701. Tr/NQ.10.43 [several signs of dog-earing throughout].

Francke, August Hermann. Manuductio ad lectionem Scripturæ Sacræ. Omnibus theologiæ sacræ cultoribus commendata a P. Allix... 12o, Londini, 1706. ?

Franckenberger, Reinhold. Chronologiæ Scaligero-Petavianæ breve compendium, in scientiæ forma per cognoscendi principia & breves canones... 4o, Wittebergæ, 1661. Tr/NQ.9.8.

François Marie, Père. Nouvelle découverte sur la lumière, pour la mesurer & en compter les degrés. 12o, Paris, 1700. Tr/NQ.16.1612.

Free-Thinking rightly stated; wherein a discourse, falsly so called, is fully consider’d. [By T. Cockman.] 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.7.16.

Friend, John. Prælectiones chymicæ: in quibus omnes fere operationes chymicæ ad vera principia & ipsius naturæ leges rediguntur: anno 1704 Oxonii, in Museo Ashmoleano habitæ. Ed. 2a, priore emendatior... 8o, Londini, 1726. Tr/NQ.16.105. [Dedicated to Newton.]

Frémont D’ablancourt, Nicolas. Mémoires...contenant l’histoire de Portugal... 12o, La Haye, 1701. ?

Frenicle De Bessy, Bernard. Traité des triangles rectangles en nombres... 12o, Paris, 1676. ? Newton thanked Collins for sending the book, 5 Sept. 1676 [Correspondence, II, 95].

Fresh [A] suit against independency: or The national church-way vindicated, the independent church-way condemned...[By T. Lamb.] 8o, London, 1677. ?

Fromondus, Libertus. Meteorologicorum libri VI. 8o, [Oxford], 1639. ?

Fruit-Walls improved, by inclining them to the horizon: or, A way to build the walls for fruit-trees...By a Member of the Royal Society. [N. Fatio de Dullier]. 4o, London, 1699. Tr/NQ.10.331 [bound with H607].

Full [A] account of the proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd. In 2 letters. Written by a person of quality to a kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland. 4o, London, 1701. Tr/NQ.8.1115.

A full and impartial account of all the late proceedings in the University of Cambridge against Dr. Bentley. By a member of that University. [i.e. C. Middleton]. 8o, London, 1719. Tr/NQ.7.13.

A full answer to the depositions, and to all other pretences and arguments whatsoever, concerning the birth of the pretended Prince of Whales... 8o, [London], 1711. Tr/NQ.9.1533.

Fuller, Thomas. Pharmacopœia extemporanea, sive Præscriptorum chilias...Ed. 5a... 8o, Londini, 1714. ?

Gaffarel, Jacques. Unheard-of curiosities: concerning the talismanical sculpture of the Persians...Englished by E. Chilmead. 8o, London, 1650.

Galileo, Galilei. Systema cosmicum...Accessit alterâ hâc ed. præter conciliationem locorum S.Scripturæ cum terræ mobilitate, ejusdem Tractatus de motu, nunc primum ex Italico sermone in Latinum versus. [2 pts.] 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1699. Tr/NQ.8.42.

Garland, John. Compendium alchimiæ: cum dictionario eiusdem artis...Omnia nunc primum in lucem edita. 8o, Basileæ, 1560. Tr/NQ.16.1372 [bound with H85, H168 & H536; a few signs of dog-earing].

Garth, Samuel. The Dispensary: a poem. In six cantos. 2nd ed., corrected by the author. 8o, London, 1699. ?

Gassendi, Pierre. Institutio astronimica, juxta hypotheses tam veterum quam recentiorum. Cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nuntius Sidereus, et J. Kepleri Dioptrice. 3a ed. priori correctior. 8o, Amsterdami, 1682. Tr/NQ.7.41 .

Gastrell, Francis, Bishop of Chester. The Bishop of Chester’s case with relation to the wardenship of Manchester... Fo, Oxford, 1721. ?

The Christian Institutes, or, The sincere Word of God... 8o, London, 1707. ?

Gauger, Nicolas. Fires improv’d: being a new method of building chimneys so as to prevent their smoaking...Made English and improved, by J. T. Desaguliers. 12o, London, 1715. ?

Gautruche, Pierre. Mathematicæ totius..clara, brevis & accurata institutio. 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1668. ?

Gay, John. Poems by Gay and others. 8o, 1720. Edition not identified. ?

Geber. Chimia, sive Traditio summæ perfectionis et investigatio magesterii, innumeris locis emendata à C. Hornio...Accessit ejusdem Medulla alchimiæ Gebricæ, omnia edita à G. Hornio. 24o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1668. S. I. Barchas, Sonoita, AZ; 2 closely written pages of Latin by Newton on the fly-leaves, giving his rendering of Geber’s terms into comtemporary versions.

Works of Geber, the most famous Arabian Prince and philosopher...Englished by R. Russel. 8o, London, 1678. ?

The works of Geber, the most famous Arabian Prince and Philosopher of the investigation and perfection of the philosophers-stone. 8o, London, 1686. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Gelasius, Cyzicenus. Commentarius actorum Nicæni Concilii, cum Corollario Theodori Presbyteri, de Incarnatione Domini. Nunc primùm Grecè prodeunt, ex opt. Bibliothecis, interprete R. Balforeo, cum eiusdem notis. 8o, Lutetiæ, 1599. Tr/NQ.10.90.

Gellibrand, Henry. An epitome of navagation... 8o, London, 1698. ?

Gellius, Aulus. Noctium Atticarum. Libri XIX ... 8o, [Argentinæ, 1521]. Tr/NQ.8.72 [a few signs of dog-earing].

General [The] delusion of Christians, touching the ways of God’s revealing Himself, to, and by the Prophets... [By J. Lacy.] 4 pts. 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.16.189 [at top of title-page ‘Ex dono Amici F: M’, not in Newton’s hand, ‘F: M’ not identified; a few signs of dog-earing].

General maxims in the trade, particularly applied to the commerce between Great Britain and France. [By Sir T. Janssen.] 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.16.1945.

Geoffrey, of Monmouth, Bishop of St Asaph. The British history, translated into English... By A. Thompson. 8o, London, 1718.

Geographia Classica: the geography of the ancients so far describ’d as it contain’d in the Greek and Latin classicks, in 29 maps of the Old World...[By H. Moll.] 2nd ed. 4o, London, 1717. Tr/NQ.16.70.

Gerhard, Johann. Decas quæstionum physico-chymicarum selectorium & graviorum...Cui adjuncta est Medulla Gerbica. De lapide philosophorum. 8o, Tubinæ, 1643. Tr/NQ.16.992.

Gibbon, John. Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam. An essay to a more correct blason in Latine than formerly hath been used... 8o, London, 1682. Tr/NQ.9.83.

Gilbert, Samuel. The florist’s vade mecum... 3rd ed., enlarged. 12o, London, 1702. ?

Glaser, Christophie. Traité de la Chymie...Nouvelle éd., reveuë & augmentée... 18o, Lyon, 1676. ?

Godfrey, Ambrose. An account of the new method of extinguishing fires by explosion and suffocation. Introduced by A. Godfrey... 8o, [London], 1724. Tr/NQ.16.1622.

Godwin, Francis, Bishop of Hereford. A catalogue of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this Island... 8o, London, 1615. ?

Godwin, Thomas. Moses and Aaron. Civil and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient Hebrewes; observed, and at large opened... 4th ed. 4o, London, 1631. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound with H674 & H1424].

Romanæ historiæ anthologia recognita et aucta. An English exposition of the Roman antiquities...Newly revised and inlarged by the author. 4o, London, 1658. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound with H673 & H1424].

González de Mendoza, Juan. Nova et succincta, vera tamen historia de...regno China...Ex Latinam linguam conversa, operâ M. Henningi... 12o, Francofurdi ad Mœnum [1589?]. Tr/NQ.16.93 [bound with H13 & H1712]

Gordon, George. An introduction to geography, aastronomy and dialling... 8o, London, 1726. ?

Remarks upon the Newtonian philosophy, as propos’d by Sir Isaac Newton, in his Principia philosophiæ naturalis; and by Dr. Gregory, in his Principia astronimiæ physicæ... 12o, London, 1719. Tr/NQ.10.84.

Graaf, Abraham de. De beginselen van de algebra of stelkonst, volgens de manier van R. Des Cartes, verklaart met uytgelezene voorbeelden... 4o, Amsterdam, 1672. Tr/NQ7.50 [‘Is. Newton Ex dono Viri amicissimi Johannis Collinsij’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Grabe, Johann Ernst. Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et hæreticorum...Ed. 2a... 2 vols. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1714. ?

Græcæ grammatices rudimenta, in usem Scholæ Westmonasteriensis. [By R. Busby.] 8o, Londini, 1663. Tr/NQ.9.88.

Græcæ grammatices rudimenta, in usum Scholæ Westmonasteriensis. [By W. Camden.] 8o, Londini, 1682. ?

Grandami, Jacques. Chronologia Christiana de Christo nato et rebus gestis ante et post eius Nativitatem. Ed. 2a. 3 vols. in 1. 4o, Parisiis, 1668. Tr/NQ.10.8 [vol.3, p.180 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing esp. in vol.1].

Grandi, Guido. De infinitis infinitorum, et infinite pavorum ordinibus disquisito geometrica... 4o, Pisis, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.11.

Geometrica demonstratio theorematum Hugenianorum circa logisticam, seu logarithmican lineam... 4o, Florentiæ, 1701. Tr/NQ.8.51 [bound with H685]; Newton thanked Grandi in June 1704 for presenting him with this and with H685 [Correspondence, VII, 434-5].

Geometrica demonstratio Vivianeorum problematum quæ in exercitatione geometrica...anno 1692. edita... 4o, Florentiæ, 1699. Tr/NQ.8.52 [bound with H684].

Prostasis ad exceptiones Cl. Varignonii libro de infinitis infinitorum ordinibus oppositas... 4o, Pisis, 1713. Tr/NQ.16.1974 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Gravesande, Willem Jacob ’s. Essai de perspective. [With Usage de la chambre obscure pour le dessein.] [2 pts.] 12o, La Haye, 1711. Tr/NQ.9.143.

Essai d’une nouvelle théorie du choc des corps, fondée sur l’expérience. 8o, La Haye, 1722. Tr/NQ.16.1613 [misbound; ‘Is. Newton’ in Gravesande’s [?] hand at top of title-page].

Mathematical elements of natural philosophy, confirmed by experiments, or An introduction to Sir Isaac Newton’s philosophy...Transl. into english by J.T.Desaguliers. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1720-21.? [Dedicated to Isaac Newton.]

Matheseos universalis elementa. Quibus accedunt specimen comentarii in Arithmeticam universalem Newtoni... 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. ?

Oratio inauguralis, de matheseos, in omnibus scientiis, præcipue in physicis, usu, nec non de astronimiæ perfectione ex physica haurienda... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1717. Tr/NQ.10.356.

Philosophiæ Newtoniæ institutiones, in usus academicos. 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1723. Tr/NQ.9.146.

Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata. Sive Introductio ad Philosophiam Newtonianam. 2 vols. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1720-21. Tr/NQ.10.44 & 45. .

Supplementum physicum, sive Addenda & corrigenda in prima editione, tomi primi, libri editi Lugd. Bat. anno MDCCXXI. cui titulus Physices elementa mathematica... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1725. Tr/NQ.16.177.

Remarques sur la possibilité du mouvement perpetuel. 12o, [c.1720]. Tr/NQ.16.1614.

Great [The] propitation: or, Christ’s satisfaction. And man’s justification by it, upon his faith...[By J. Truman.] 8o, London, 1669. ?

Greaves, John. A discourse of the Romane foot, and denarius... 8o, London, 1647. ? [bound with H699; sold at Sotheby’s, London, 10 July 2013, lot 229; sold again at Bonham's, New York, 12 March 2019, lot 2009].

Pyramidographia: or A description of the Pyramids in Ægypt. 8o, London, 1646. ? [bound with H698; sold at Sotheby’s, London, 10 July 2013, lot 229; sold again at Bonham's, New York, 12 March 2019, lot 2009].

Greene, Robert. The principles of natural philosophy...[With Geometrica solidorum, sive materiæ...] [2 pts.] 8o, Cambridge, 1712. Turner Collection, University of Keele Library [inscribed ‘To the Hounoured & Much Esteemed Sir Isaac Newton These Principles of Natural Philosophy are with the Greatest Deference & Submission Presented’].

Greenwood, James. An essay towards a practial English grammar. Describing the genius and nature of the English tongue... 12o, London, 1711. Tr/NQ.9.111.

Gregory I, Pope, Saint, the Great. Opera omnia ... Studio & labore Monachorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, è Congregatione Sancti Mauri. 4 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1705. Tr/NQ.18.32 to 35 [vol.2, col. 501 turned down, col. 1244 up, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Gregory, Saint, Bishop of Nyssa. Opera. Nunc denuo correctius et accuratius edita, aucta, & notis ... ornata... [Greek & Latin.] 3 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1638. Tr/NQ.17.22 to 24 [vol.3 has p.281 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Gregory, Saint, Bishop of Tours. Historiae Francorum libri X... [2 pts.] 8o, Basileae, 1568. ?

Gregory, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, Nazianzen. Opera. Jac. Billius Prunæus....cum MSS. Regijs contulit, emendavit, interpretatus est...[Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1630. Tr/NQ.11.20 & 21.

Tractatus, sermones, & libri aliquot, Ruffino presbytero, & Petro Mosellano interpretibus... Fo, Parisiis, 1532. Tr/NQ.17.202 [bound with H1212].

Gregory, David. Astronomiæ Physicæ & geometricæ elementa. Fo, Oxoniæ, 1702. Tr/NQ.18.21.

Catoptricæ et dioptricæ sphericæ elementa. 8o, Oxonii, 1695. Tr/NQ.8.33.

De cura caternaria demonstrationes geometricæ. 4o, Oxoniæ, 1697. Tr/NQ.8.513.

Exercitatio geometrica de dimensione figurarum, sive Specimen methodi generalis. Dimetiendi quasvis figuras. 4o, Edinburgi, 1684. Tr/NQ.16.794; Gregory sent Newton a copy 9 June 1684 [Correspondence, II, 396].

Gregory, Francis. ‘Ετυμολογικου μικρòυ, sive, Etymologicum parvum, ex magno illo Sylburgii, Eustathio, Martinio excerptum, digestum, explicatum... 8o, Londini, 1654. ?

Gregory, James. Ecercitationes geometricæ. 4o, Londini, 1668. Tr/NQ.9.483 [bound with H712, H714, H1073, H1305 & H1306].

Geometricæ pars universalis, inserviens quantitatum curvarum transmutationi & mensuræ. 4o, Patavii, 1668. Tr/NQ.9.482 [bound with H711, H714, H1073, H1305 & H1306; p.20 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Optica promota, seu Abdita radiorum reflexorum & refractorum mysteria, geometricæ enucleata... 4o, Londini, 1663. Turner Collection, University of Keele Library [pp. 19, 41, 132 turned up, pp. 22, 26, 60, 78, 93 down]; Newton told Oldenburg that he had received a copy, 4 May 1672 [Correspondence, I, 153].

Vera circuli et hyperbolæ quadratura, in propria sua proportionis specie, inventa, & demonstrata. 4o, Patavii, 1667. Tr/NQ.9.481 [bound with H711, H712, H1073, H1305 & H1306].

Gretton, Phillips. A vindication of the doctrines of the Church of England, in opposition to those of Rome ... 8o, London, 1725. Tr/NQ.8.94 [p.218 turned up, pp.239, 253 turned down].

Grew, Nehemiah. Musæum Regalis Societatis. Or A catalogue & description of the natural and artifical rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge. Fo, London, 1681. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Grewer, Jodocus. Secretum; et Alani philosophi dicta de lapide philosophico. Item alia nonnulla eiusdem materiæ, pleraque iam primùm edita a Iusto a Balbian. 12o, [Leyden], 1599. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Groningius, Johannes. Bibliotheca universalis. Seu Codex operum variorum ... [6 pts.] 8o, Hamburgi, 1701. Tr/NQ.9.89 [Newton added ‘omnia’ in the margin of pt 6, p.115, line 4, to follow the printed word ‘corpora’; pt 6, p.73 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Grotius, Hugo. De iure belli ac pacis libri III...Ed. nova cum annotatis auctoris... 8o, Amstelædami, 1667. ?

De veritate religionis Christianæ. Ed. nova, additis annotationibus in quibus testimonia. 12o, Parisiis, 1640. ?

De veritate religionis Christianæ. Ed. novissima... 12o, Amstelodami, 1669. ?

Historia Gotthorum, Vandalorum, & Langobardorum... 8o, Amstelodami, 1655. ?

Guevara, Antonio de. Spanish letters: historical, satyrical and moral...Recommended by Sir R. L’S[trange], and made English... By Mr Savage. 8o, London, 1697. ?

Guicciardini, Francesco. Historie: containing the warres of Italie and other partes...Reduced into English by G. Fenton. Fo, London, 1599. Tr/NQ.10.32 [imperfect: wants title-page and sign. A1-4].

Guiscard, Antoine, marquis de. Mémoires du Marquis de Guiscard. Dans lesquels est contenu le récit des enterprises qu’il a faites dans le Roiaume & hors du Roiaume de France...Pt 1. 12o, Delft, 1705. Tr/NQ.10.87.

Gumble, Thomas. The life of General Monck, Duke of Albermarle, &c. With remarks upon his actions. 8o, London, 1671. Tr/NQ.9.112 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Gunning, Peter, Bishop of Ely. The Paschal or Lent-fast apostolical & perpetual... 4o, London, 1662. ?

Gunter, Edmund. The description and the use of the sector, cross-staffe, and other instruments: with a canon of artificiall sines and tangents... 2nd ed. much augmented. [2 pts.] 4o, London, 1636. Tr/NQ.9.160 [p.I2 of Canon triangulorum turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing]; bought by Newton in 1667 for 5s., see Fitzwilliam Notebook.

Hacke, William. A collection of original voyages... 3 pts. 8o, London, 1699. ?

Hagen, Johann Ludwig ab. Disputatio theologica, de fide hæreticis servanda... 8o, Moguntiæ, 1607. Tr/NQ.9.1612 [bound with H144 & H349].

Hale, Sir Matthew. The original institution, power and jurisdiction of Parliaments. 2 pts. 8o, London, 1707. Tr/NQ.16.51.

Hales, John. An historical and critical account of the life and writings of... John Hales, Fellow of Eton College... [By P. Des Maizeaux.] 8o, London, 1719. ?

Halifax, Charles Montagu, Earl of. The works and life of the Right Honourable Charles, late Earl of Halifax. Including the history of his Lordship’s times. 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.159. A note by Newton on striking of medals at end of Dedication.

Halley, Edmond. Astronomiæ cometicæ synopsis. [3 leaves.] Fo, [1705]. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound with H1009 & H1228].

Catalogus stellarum Australium sive Supplementum Catalogi Tychonici exhibens longitudines & latitudines stellarum fixarum... 4o, Londini, 1679. Tr/NQ.16.773 [a series of numbers written by Halley in the margins and in the text relating to an earlier catolouge of stars].

Hammond, Henry. A paraphrase and annotations upon all the books of the New Testament...4th ed. corrected. Fo, London, 1675. ?

A practical catechism. 8th ed.... 8o, London, 1668. ?

Hanbury, Nathaniel. Supplementum analyticum ad æquationes Cartesianas. 4o, Cantabridgiæ, 1691. Stanford University Library, Stanford, CA.

Hardouin, Jean. Chronologiæ ex nummis antiquis restitutæ prolusio de nummis Herodiadum. 4o, Parisiis, 1693. Tr/NQ.8.132 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Harmoniæ inperscrutabilis chymico-philosophicæ, sive Philosophorum antiquorum consentientium... decas I[-II]. [By J. Grasshoff and J. Rhenanus.] [2 pts.] 8o, Francofurti, 1625. Tr/NQ.16.122. Notes and references by Newton all relating to ‘Theatrum chemicum’, vols. 4 & 5, in margin of pt 1, pp. 205, 228, pt 2, pp. 324, 338; pt 2, p. 326 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing.

Harris, John. The description and use of the celestial and terrestrial globes... 8o, London, 1703. ?

Remarks on some late papers, relating to the universal deluge: and to the natural history of the earth. 8o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.9.72 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Hartmann, Johann. Praxis Chymiatrica. Edita à I. Michaelis et G. E. Hartmanno. 4o, Moguntiæ, 1647. Tr/NQ.16.812 [bound with H462].

Hatton, Edward. An entire system of arithmetic: or, Arithmetic in all its parts...[2 pts.] 4o, London, 1721. Tr/NQ.8.61.

Hauksbee, Francis. A course of mechanical, optical, hydrostatical, and pneumatical experiments. To be perform’d by F. Hauksbee; and the explanatory lectures read by W. Whiston. 4o, [London?, 1713]. Tr/NQ.16.766.

Physico-mechanical experiments on various subjects... 4o, London, 1709. Tr/NQ.9.68.

Esperienze fisico-meccaniche sopra varj soggetti... Opera tradotta dall’idioma inglese. 4o, Firenze, 1716. Tr/NQ.10.40.

Hawkins, Isaac. An essay for the discovery of the longitude at sea, by several new methods fully and particularly laid before the publick. 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.10.1194.

Hegesippus. De bello Iudaico, et Urbis Hierosolymitanæ excidio, libri V... 8o, Coloniæ, 1559. ?

Heliodorus, Emesenus, Bishop of Tricca. Æthiopicorum libri X ... cura et labore D. Parei. [Greek & Latin.] 8o, Francofurti, 1631. Tr/NQ.16.14 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Helmont, Jan Baptista van. Ortus medicinæ, id est initia physicæ inaudita...edente F. M. van Helmont... Ed. 4a. Fo, Lugduni, 1667. ?

Helvetius, Johann Friedrich. The golden calf which the world adores, and desires: in which is handled the most rare and incomparable wonder of nature, in transmuting metals... 12o, London, 1670. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [several signs of dog-earing].

Helvicus, Christophorus. Theatrum historicum et chronologicum...Nunc continuatum et revisum a I. B. Schuppio. Ed. 6a... Fo, Oxoniæ, 1662. Tr/NQ.10.57.

Henry VIII, King of England. Love-letters from King Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn: some in french, and some in English... 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.1531.

Herbelot, Barthélemy d’. Bibliothèque orientale, ou Dictionaire universel contenant généralement tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l’Orient ... Fo, Paris, 1697. Tr/NQ.18.28 [pp.215, 234, 273, 455, 931 turned up, p.232 down, and several other signs of dog-earing].

Hermann, Jakob. Phoronomia, sive De viribus et motibus corporum solidorum et fluidorum libri II. 4o, Amstelædami, 1716. Milikan Memorial Library, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA [pp. 113 & 394 turned down, the latter marking a reference to Proposition XXXVII, Book II of the Principia].

Herodianus. Historiarum libri 8. recogniti & notis illustrati. [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Oxoniæ, 1704. Tr/NQ.16.66.

Herodotus. Historiarum libri IX... Cum Vallæ interpret. Latina...ab H. Stephano recognita & spicilegio F. Sylburgii. Fo, [Geneva], 1618. ?

Hesychius, Alexandrinus. Dictionarium. [Greek.] Fo, [Hagenoæ, 1521]. Tr/NQ.11.5 [col. 587 turned up] .

Heydon, John. The wise-mans crown: or, The glory of the rosie-cross... [3pts.] 8o, London 1664-5. ?

Hickeringill, Edmund. Miscellaneous tracts, essays, satyrs, &c. in prose and verse. 4o, London, 1707. ?

Hierocles, Alexandrinus. Commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum carmina. I. Curterio interprete ... [Greek & Latin.] 12o, Parisiis, 1583. Tr/NQ.9.78. [p. 312 turned up].

Hig [The] Dutch Minerva à-la-mode, or A perfect grammar never extant before whereby the English may...learne the neatest dialect of the German mother-language... [By C. Miller?] 12o, [London, 1670?]. ?

Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers. Quotquot extant opera, nostro fere seculo literatorum quorundam non mediocri labore conquisita ... Fo, Parisiis, 1652. Tr/NQ.18.20 [‘1680 pret. 14s. 6d’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf; col. 147 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Hind, Thomas. The history of Greece. Vol 1. 8o, London, 1707. ?

Histoire du règne de Louis XIV. Roi de France et de Navarre...par H.P.D.L.D.E.D. [i.e. H.P. de Limiers]. 7 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1717. Tr/NQ.7.68 to 74.

Histoire fabuleuse et généalogique des Dieux et des héros de l’antiquité payenne. Ou Nouvelle histoire poëtique... 12o, Paris, 1670. Tr/NQ.9.163.

Historia ab orbe condito ad an. 1655. 8o, 1661. Not identified. ?

Historia et concordia Evangelica...Opera & studio Theologi Parisiensis [i.e. A. Arnauld]. Ed. 2a... 8o, Parisiis, 1660. ?

Historia rerum in Oriente gestarum ab exordio mundi et orbe condito ad nostra hæc usque tempora ... Fo, Francof. ad Mœnum, 1587. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [‘Is. Newton, pret 4s. 6d.’ on title-page].

Historiæ Augustæ scriptores VI...Cum intergris notis I. Casauboni, C. Salmasii & J. Gruteri...2 vols. 8o, Lugduni Batav., 1671. ?

Historiæ poeticæ scriptores antiqui. Apollodorus Atheniensis. Conon Grammaticus. Ptolemæus Hephæst [etc.]. Græcè & Latinè... [Ed. by T. Gale.] [3 pts.] 8o, Parisiis, 1675. ?

Historiæ rei nummariæ veteris scriptores aliquot insigniores... [By M. Hostus, J. Selden, P. Labbe, etc.] 2 vols. 4o, Lugd. Batavor., 1695. ?

Historiæ Romanæ epitomæ L. I. Flori, C.V. Paterculi, S. Aur. Victoris [etc.]... 16o, Amsterodami, 1647. ?

Historiarum et chron. totius mundi epitome. 8o, 1538. Not identified. ?

History and antiquities of the Counties in England. 2 vols. 4o, 1721. Not identified. ?

The History of the jewels and of the principal riches of the East and West...[Transl. from the French of S. Chappuzeau.] 8o, London, 1671. ?

The history of religion. Written by a person of quality. [Sir Robert Howard] 8o, London, 1694. ?

The history of the Apostles Creed: with critical observations on its several articles. 2nd ed. [By Peter, 1st Lord King.] 8o, London, 1703. Tr/NQ.8.97 [a few signs of dog-earing].

The history of the bucaniers of America...written in several languages...The whole newly translated into English. [by A. O. Exquemelin]. 8o, London, 1699. Tr/NQ.9.46.

The history of the English & Scotch Presbytery... Written in French, by an eminent divine [P. Du Moulin]... and now Englished. 8o, Villa Franca pr. [London], 1659. ?

The history of the Royal Family: or, A succinct account of the marriages and issue of all Kings and Queens of England, from the Conquest... 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.9.82.

The history of the Treaty of Utrecht... 8o, London, 1712. Tr/NQ.16.52.

Hoadly, Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester. An answer to the representation drawn up by the Committee of the Lower-House of Convocation concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines... 8o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.9.44.

Hobbes, Thomas. De mirabilibus Pecci: being the wonders of the Peak in Darby-shire...In English and Latine... 8o, London, 1678. ?

Hofmann, Kaspar. De locis affectis libri III... 12o, Noribergæ, 1642. ?

Hollandus, Johann Isaac. Opera mineralia, sive De lapide philosophico, omnia, duobus libris comprehensa...Nunc primùm... in Latinum sermonem translata, à P.M.G. 8o, Middelburgi, 1600. ?

Homerus. Batrachomyomachia Græce ad veterum exemplarium fidem recursa... [Ed. by M. Maittaire.] 8o, Londini, 1721. ?

Ilias, et veterum in eam scholia, quæ vulgò appellantur Didymi... [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1689. ?

The Iliad. Translated by Mr Pope. 6 vols. 4o, London, 1715-20. ?

— — [Another issue.] 6 vols. 12o, London, 1720. ?

Odyssea. Cum interpretatione Lat. ad verbum, post alias omnes editiones repurgata plurimis erroribus ... partim ab H. Stephano, partim ab alijs ... Ed. postrema diligenter recognita per I.T.P. 8o, Amstelredami, 1648. Tr/NQ.9.79 [several signs of dog-earing].

Poemata duo, Ilias et Odyssea, sive Ulyssea ... Cum interpretatione Lat. ... partim ab H. Stephano, partim ab aliis ... 16o, [Paris,] 1589. Sir Geoffrey Keynes, Brinkley [on fly-leaf: ‘Isaac Newton Trin: Coll: Cam: 1661’ and under this, also in Newton’s hand, ‘H: N. Feb: 25 1688’, presumably indicating a gift to Humphrey Newton; for provenance of the volume see G. Keynes, Bibliotheca bibliographici [1964] 3294].

— — [Another copy.] ?.

Hooke, Robert. An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observations made by R. Hooke. 4o, London, 1674. Tr/NQ.16.772.

Lectures and collections made by R. Hoole...Cometa...Microscopium... 4o, London, 1678. Tr/NQ.16.771.

Philosophical experiments and observations...publish’d by W. Derham. 8o, London, 1726. ?

Posthumous works...Publish’d by R. Waller. Fo, London, 1705. ?

Hooker, Richard. The works of...R. Hooker, in eight books of ecclesiastical polity. account of his life and death. Fo, 1676.

Hopkins, Ezekiel, Bishop of Derry. An exposition on the Lord’s Prayer...To which is added some sermons...2nd ed., corrected. 8o, London, 1698. ?

An exposition on the Ten Commandments: with other sermons. 4o, London, 1692. ?

Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Eclogæ, una cum scholiis perpetuis, tam veteribus quam novis... Adjecit etiam, ubi visum est, & sua, textumque ipsum plurimis locis, vel corruptum, vel turbatum restituit W. Baxter. 8o, Londini, 1701. Tr/NQ.9.124.

Horatius sine notis. 8o, 1668. Edition not identified. ?

The Odes and Epodon of Horace, in 5 books. Transl. into English by J. H. Esq. 8o, London, 1684. ?

Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit L. usum... Delphini...Ed. 6a. 8o, Londini, 1717. ?

Poëmata, scholiis et argumentis ab H. Stephano illustrata ... Ed. 3a. [3 pts.] 8o, [Paris,] 1600. Tr/NQ.10.139 [pp.45, 121 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Poemata, scholiis annotationibus, quæ brevis commentarii vice esse possint, à J. Bond illustrata. 6a ed. recognita... 8o, Londini, 1637. ?

Q. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione & cum notis atque emendationibus R. Bentleii. [2 pts.] 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1711. Tr/NQ.8.3.

Horrocks, Jeremiah. Opera posthuma; viz. Astronomia Kepleriana, defensa & promota. Excerpta ex Epistolia ad Crabtræum suum. Observationum cœlestium catalogus. Lunæ theoria nova. Accedunt G. Crabtræi, Observationes cœlestes. Quibus accesserunt, J. Flamstedii, De temporis æquatione diatriba. Numeri ad Lunæ theoriam Horroccianam. In calce adjiciuntur, nondum editæ, J. Wallisii Exercitationes tres; viz. De cometarum distantiis investigandis. De rationum & fractionum reductione. De periodo Juliana. 4o, Londini, 1678. Tr/NQ.8.19 [p.323 turned up, p.393 down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Houghton, Thomas. Rara avis in terris: or The compleat miner, in two books... 12o, London, 1681. Tr/NQ.16.108.

Howard, Edward. Copernicans all sorts, convicted: by proving that the earth hath no diurnal or annual motion... 8o, London, 1705. Tr/NQ.10.153. Extensive notes and observations by Newton on astronomy and magnetic variations on pp. 79, 81, 86, 121.

Howell, James. Instructions and directions for forren travell... 12o, London, 1650.

Howell, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible contain’d in the Old and New Testament... 3 vols. 8o, London, 1718. ?

Synopsis canonum Ecclesiæ latinæ: qua canones spurii, epistolæ adulterinæ, et decreta supposititia istius Ecclesiæ Conciliorum in lucem proferuntur... Fo, Londini, 1710. Tr/NQ.11.25.

Synopsis canonum S.S. Apostolorum et Conciliorum œcumenicorum & provincialium, ab Ecclesia Græca receptorum... Fo, Londini, 1708. Tr/NQ.11.24.

Hue [An] and cry after Doctor S—T. [Swift]; occasion’d by a true and exact copy of part of his own Diary... [By J. Smedley.] 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.10.1364.

Huet, Pierre Daniel, Bishop of Avranches. Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens. 2e éd. revûë ... 8o, Paris, 1716. Tr/NQ.10.93 [several signs of dog-earing].

Hunt, William. Clavis stereometriæ: or, A key to the art of gauging... 12o, London, 1691. British Library/C.122.c.25.

Huygens, Christiaan. Astroscopia compendria, tubi optici molimine liberata. 4o, Hagæ-Comitum, 1684. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [bound with H350, H350a, H902, H1254, H1368].

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.776.

Horologium oscillatorium, sive De motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demonstrationes geometricæ. Fo, Parisiis, 1673. S. I. Barchas, Sonoita, AZ [inscribed ‘Pour Monsieur New[ton’ - clipped by binder] in Huygens’s hand on title-page]; sent to Newton via Oldenburg, 4 June 1673 [Correspondence, I, 284, 290]; see also J. Carter & P.H. Muir, Printing and the mind of man [1967], p. 93, no. 154.

Κοσμοθεωρός, sive De terris cœlestibus, earumque ornatu, conjecturæ. 4o, Hagæ-Comitum, 1698. ?

Traité de la lumière. Où sont expliquées les causes de ce qui luy arrive dans la reflexion, & dans la refraction...Par C. H[uygens]. ...Avec un discours de la cause de la pesanteur. 4o, Leide, 1690. Tr/NQ.16.186. [large paper copy; on fly-leaf in Newton’s hand ‘Is. Newton Donum Nobilissimi Authoris’]; sent to Newton via Fatio de Dullier, 24 Feb. 1689/90 [Correspondence, III, 390]; a few signs of dog-earing.

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.113 [standard size copy; a few signs of dog-earing].

Hyde, Thomas. Catalogus impressorum librorum Bibliothecæ Bodlejanæ in Academia Oxoniensi. 2 vols. in 1. Fo, Oxonii, 1674. ?

Hyginus, Gaius Julius. Fabularum liber, ad omnium poëtarum lectionem mirè necessarius. 12o, Lugd. Bat., 1670. ?

Hypothesis Physica nova...Autore G.G.L.L. [i.e. G.W. von Leibniz]. 12o, Londini, 1671. ?

Iamblichus, Chalcidensis. De mysteriis Liber. Præmittiur Epistola Porphyrii ad Anebonem Ægyptium, eodem argumento. T. Gale Græce nunc primum edidit, Latine vertit, & notas adjecit. Fo, Oxonii, 1678. Tr/NQ.11.26.

Iamblichus, Chalcidensis. De vita Pythagorica liber, Græce & Latine ... notisque perpetuis illustratus à L. Kustero ... Accedit Malchus, sive Porphyrius, De vita Pythagoræ: cum notis L. Holstenii, & C. Rittershusii. Itemque Anonymus apud Photium De vita Pythagoræ. [3 pts.] 4o, Amstelodami, 1707. Tr/NQ.8.75 [p.195 turned up and down, p.213 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Ibbot, Benjamin. Thirty discourses on practical subjects. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1726. ?

Ignoramus. Comœdia coram Rege Jacobo...[By G. Ruggle.] Ed. 4a... 16o, Londini, 1668. ?

Impartial [An] enquiry into the management of the War in Spain, by the ministry at home, and into the conduct of those generals...abroad... 8o, London, 1712. Tr/NQ.9.34.

Independent [the] Whig. [By J. Trenchard and T. Gordon.] January 20, 1720 - January 4, 1721. 8o, London, 1721. ?

Index expurgatorius librorum qui hoc sæculo prodierunt... 16o, Antverpiæ, 1584. ?

Innys, William, bookseller. A catalogue of some books sold by William Innys, at the Prince’s-Arms in St. Paul’s Church-yard. 8o, [London, 1711?]. Tr/NQ.8.323 [bound with H354 & H571].

Inquiry [An] into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue; in two treatises...[By F. Hutcheson.] 8o, London, 1725. ?

Introductio ad chronologiam: sive Ars chronologica in epitomen redacta. Ed. 2a, priori emendator. [By W. Holder.] 8o, Oxoniæ, 1704. Tr/NQ.7.2.

Introduction [An] of algorisme [for to lerne to recken with the pen]. Newly oversene and corrected. 8o, London, 1574. ?

Introitus apertus ad occusum regis palatium:auctore Anonymo Philaletha [i.e. G. Starkey]...nunc primum publicatus,curante J. Langio. 8o, Amstelodami, 1667. ? See also H1478.

Irenæus. Adversus Valentini, & similium Gnosticorum hæreses, libri V. ... Cum scholiis & annotationibus J. Billii, F. Ducæi, & F. Feu-ardentii. ... Fo, Lutetiæ Parisorum, 1675. Tr/NQ.18.10 [‘Is. Newton. pret 14s’ on fly-leaf; p.246 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Contra omnes hæreses libri V ... Omnia notis variorum, & suis illustravit J. E. Grabe. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Oxoniæ, 1702. ?

Fragmenta anecdota, quæ ex Bibliothecâ Taurinensi eruit, Latinâ versione notisque donavit ... 8o, Hagæ Comitum, 1715. ?

Isaac Abendana. Discourses of the ecclesiastical and civil polity of the Jews... 8o, London, 1706. Tr/NQ.8.106.

Isaacson, Henry. Saturni ephemerides, sive Tabula historico-chronologica... Fo, London, 1633. ?

Jacchaeus, Gilbertus. Institutiones medicæ. Ed. postrema, ab autore recognita. 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1631. ?

Jackson, John. A collection of queries. Wherein the most material objections... against Dr Clarke’s Scripture-doctrine of the Trinity... are proposed, and answered... 8o, London, 1716. ?

James II, King of England. Original letters of the late King’s [James II], and others, to his greatest friends in England...Published by command, by W. Fuller. 8o, London, 1702. Tr/NQ.9.1532.

Janssonius, Johannes. Novus atlas, sive Theatrum orbis terrarum. Vol. 6. Fo, Amstelodami, 1656. ?

Jay, Stephen. Τὰ Καυυάκου: the tragedies of sin contemplated... 2 pts. 8o, London, 1689. ?

Jenks, Benjamin. Prayers and offices of devotion for families... 8o, London, 1697. ?

Jessop, Francis. Propositiones hydrostaticæ ad illustrandum Aristarchi Samii systema destinatæ, et quædam phænomena naturæ generalia. 4o, Londini, 1687. Tr/NQ.16.774.

Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Apologia Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Priorum editonum collatione castigatior. 12o, Cantabrigiæ, 1683. ?

A defense of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. Conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge... Fo, London, 1570. ?

Jewish [The] Kalendar... [An almanack for the year 1693.] 12o, Oxford, [1693]. ?

John, Saint, Damascene. Beati Ioannis Damasceni opera omnia...Item, Ioannis Cassiani Eremitæ non prorsus dissimilis argumenti libri aliquot... [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Basileæ, [1575]. ?

Johnson, William. Lexicon chymicum...[Ed. ultima.] [2 pts.] 8o, Francof. & Lipsiæ, 1678. ?

Johnstone, John. Notitia regni mineralis, seu subterraneorum catalogus... 12o, Lipsiæ, 1661. ?

Joli, Guy. Mémoires:contenant l’histoire de la régence d’Anne d’Autriche, & des premières années de la majorité de Louïs XIV. jusqu’en 1666 avec les intrigues du Cardinal de Retz à la Cour. 2 vols. 8o, Amsterdam, 1718. Tr/NQ.9.140 & 141.

Jones, William. A new epitomy of the art of practical navigation... 8o, London, 1706. Tr/NQ.16.1441 [bound with H1588]; described by Björnståhl who examined this copy in 1775 as ‘rare’ [Briefe, III [1781], 289] and marked ’scarse Book’ in Musgrave Catalogue; errata list corrections made in printed text, not in Newton’s hand, possibly by author.

Synopsis palmariorum matheseos: or, A new introduction to the mathematics: containing the principles of arithmetic & geometry demonstrated, in a short and easie method... 8o, London, 1706. Tr/NQ.9.13; described by Björnståhl as ‘quite extraordinarily rare’ [Briefe, III [1781], 289].

Joseph Ben Gorion. Josephus Hebraicus...iuxa Hebraismum opera S. Munsteri uersus & annotationibus...illustratus. [2 pts.] Fo, Basileæ, 1541. ?

Josephus, Flavius. Opera quæ extant omnia...prolegomenis & appendice auctior redditur. [Greek & Latin] Fo, Coloniæ, 1691. ?

Works. With great diligence revised and amended, according to the excellent French transl. of A. D’Andilly. Fo, London, 1693. Tr/NQ.18.14.

Journal [Le] des sçavans. 1665-1722. 75 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1679-1723. ?

Journal litéraire. De May & Juin, M.DCC.XIII - l’année M.DCC.XIII. Vols. 1-9i. 8o, La Haye, 1713-17. Tr/NQ.16.16 to 24; see Correspondence, VI 79-80, 242-3.

Jovius, Paulus, Bishop of Nocera dei Pagani. Pauli Iovii Historiarum sui temporis. Vol. 1. 8o, Argentorati, 1556. Tr/NQ.8.128.

Julianus, Roman Emperor. Opera quæ quidem reperiri potuerunt omnia...Græce Latineque prodeunt cum notis. 4o, Parisiis, 1630. ?

Jurin, James. Dissertationis de motu aquarum fluentium contra nonnullas P. A. Michelotti animadversiones defensio... 4o, Venetiis, 1724. Tr/NQ.10.283.

Justin, Saint, martyr. Opera. Item Athenagoræ Atheniensis, Theophili Antiocheni, Tatiani Assyrii ... tractatus aliquot ... Quæ omnia Græcè & Latinè emendatiora prodeunt. Ed. nova ... [Ed. by F. Sylburgius.] [3 pts.] Fo, Coloniæ, 1686. Tr/NQ.18.251 [bound with H893; a few signs of dog-earing].

Justinus. Trogi Pompeii Historiarum Philippicarum epitoma ... Accessit V. Strigelli commentarius ... 8o, Ursellis, 1602. ? [described in the catalogue of Hampton & Sons, Thame Park, Oxfordshire [1920: Item 977] as ‘with the Autograph of Isaac Newton’].

Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyræ... 16o, Amsterodami, 1651. ?

D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persi Flacci Satiræ. Interpretatione ac notis illustravit L. Prateus... in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Ed. 3a, prioribus multò correctior. 8o, Londini, 1707. ?

Satires. Translated into English verse. By Mr. Dryden. And several other eminent hands. Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Made English by Mr. Dryden...3rd ed., adron’d with sculptures. 8o, London, 1702. Tr/NQ.16.53.

Kabbala denudata seu Doctrina Hebræorum transcendentalis et metaphysica atque theologica ... [Ed. by C. Knorr von Rosenroth.] [4 pts.] 2 vols., 4o, Sulzbaci, Francofurti, 1677-84. Tr/NQ.8.28 and 29 [vol. 1, pt 1 has pp.151, 227, 241, 456, 570 turned up, pp.152, 455, 677 down, pt 2 p.241 down, pt 3 pp.49, 54, 140 down, p.147 up, vol.2, pt 2 p.194 up, p.221 down, and several other signs of dog-earing esp. in vol. 1].

Kalilah Wa-dimnah. Specimen sapientiæ Indorum veterum. Id est Liber ethico-politicus pervetustus...Nunc primum Græce...cum versione nova Latina, opera S. G. Starkii. 8o, Berolini, 1697. Tr/NQ.10.76.

Keill, John. Epistola ad virum clarissimum J. Bernoulli [in qua Dominim Newtonum & seipsum defendit contra criminationes à Crusio quodam objectas, & in Actis Lipsiensibus publicatas...]. 4o, Londini, 1720. Tr/NQ.16.764.

An examination of the reflections on the Theory of the earth [of T. Burnet]... 8o, Oxford, 1699. ?

Introductio ad veram astronomiam, seu Lectiones astronomicæ habitæ in Schola Astronomica Academiæ Oxoniensis. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1718. Tr/NQ.9.19 [p.354 was formerley turned down].

Introductio ad veram physicam. Seu Lectiones Physicæ habitæ in Schola Naturalis Philosophiæ Academiæ Oxoniensis ... 8o, Oxoniæ, 1702. Millikan Memorial Library, California Institue of Technology, Pasadena, CA.

Kempis, Thomas à. De Imitatione Christi libri IV. 8o, 1672. Edition not identified. ?

Kendal, John. Χρονομετρια or, The measure of time in directions...Containing tables of the equation of arch’s of direction... 8o, London, 1684. Tr/NQ.16.140.

Kennedy, Peter. An essay on external remedies. Wherein it is considered, whether all the curable distempers incident to human bodies, may not be cured by outward means... 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.501 [bound with H1205].

Kerckring, Theodor. Commentarius in Currum triumphalem Antimonii Basilii Valentini, a se Latinitate donatum. 8o, Amstelodami, 1671. ?

Kersey, John. The elements of that mathematical art commonly called algebra, expounded in 4 books. 2 vols. in 1. Fo, London, 1673-4. ?

Kettlewell, John. An help and exhortation to worthy communicating. Or A treatise describing the meaning...of the Holy Sacrament...8th ed. 8o, London, 1717. ?

Keysler, Johann Georg. Exercitatio historico-philologica, de Dea Nehalennia, numine veterum Walachrorum topico... 4o, Cellæ, 1717 Tr/NQ.9.1722 [bound with H1147 & H1148].

King, William, Archbishop of Dublin. De origine mali. 8o, Lomdini, 1702. ?

King, William, LL.D. Miscellanies in prose and verse. 8o, London, [1709]. ?

Kircher, Konrad. Concordantiæ Veteris Testamenti Græce, Ebræis vocibus respondentes. 2 vols. 4o, Francofurti, 1607. ?

Knatchbull, Sir Norton. Annotations upon some difficult texts in all the books of the New Testament. 8o, Cambridge, 1693. Tr/NQ.9.41 [title page damaged] ‘Error’ in Newton’s hand in margins of pp.34, 37, 38; several signs of dog-earing.

Knight, James. Eight sermons preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul... 8o, London, 1721. ?

Knowledge [The] of medals: or, Instruction for those who apply themselves to the study of medals, both ancient and modern...Written by a Nobleman of France [L. Jobert]. Made English by an eminent hand. 2nd ed. To which is added, An essay concerning the error in distributing modern medals. By J. Addison. 12o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.16.7.

Koenig, Emanuel. Regnum minerale, physicè, medicè, anatomicè, chymicè, alchymicè, analogicè, theoriticè & practicè investigatum, perscrutatum & erutum... 4o, Basileæ Rauracorum, 1686. Tr/NQ.16.83.

Kortholt, Christian. In Iustinum Martyrem, Athenagoram, Theophilum Antiochenum, Tatianum Assyrium, commentarius. Fo, Francofurti, 1686. Tr/NQ.18.252 [wants title-page, bound with H868].

Krause, Johann Gottlieb. Nova litteraria anni MDCCXVIIII in supplementum Actorum eruditorum divulgata... 8o, Lipsiae, [1720]. Tr/NQ.16.164; see also H7.

La Bigne, Margarinus de. Bibliothecæ veterum Patrum et auctorum ecclesiasticorum. Ed. 4a. 3 vols. [from a published set of 10]. Fo, Parisiis, 1624. ?

La Bruyère, Jean de. The Characters, or The manners of the age ...Made English by several hands...3rd ed. corrected... 8o, London, 1702. ?

La Chastre, René de. Le prototype ou Tres parfait et analogique exemplaire de l’art chimicq;... 8o, Paris, 1620. Tr/NQ.16.111.

La Court, Pierre. Le change universel, ou Cours de changes de toutes les villes de l’Europe. 8o, Bruxelles, 1695. Tr/NQ.7.8.

Lactantius Firmianus, Lucius Coelius. De mortibus persecutorum liber. Accesserunt Passiones SS. Perpetuæ & Felicitatis. S. Maximiliani. S. Felicis. 12o, Oxonii, 1680. ?

Opera quæ extant, ad fidem MSS. recognita et commentariis illustrata a T. Spark. 8o, Oxonii, 1684. ?

L’Agneau, David. Harmonie mystique, ou Accord des philiosophes chymiques...Traduit pa le Sr Veilluti... 8o, Paris, 1636. Tr/NQ.16.129.

Lagny, Thomas Fantet de. Méthodes nouvelles et abbregées pour l’extraction et l’approximation des racines...2e éd. 4o, Paris, 1692. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [bound with H350, H350a, H818, H1254, H1368].

La Hire, Philippe de. Nouveaux élémens des sections coniques, les lieux géometriques, la construction, ou effection des équations. 12o, Paris, 1679. Tr/NQ.9.164.

Tabularum astronomicarum pars prior, de mortibus solis et lunæ... 4o, Parisiis, 1687. Dibner Collection, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington. Mathematical calculations by Newton written on a slip of paper [attached to the end-paper] the obverse of which shows the top fragment of a letter addressed to Newton headed ‘Crane-Court, [?] 11, 1722’.

La Hontan, Louis Armand de Lom d’Arce, Baron de. Nouveaux voyages dans l’Améique septentrionale... 3 vols. 12o, La Haye, 1703. ?

La Motte, de. Le dénoüement de la quadrature du cercle. 4o, Utrecht, 1700. Tr/NQ.8.514.

Lampe, Friedrich Adolph. De cymbalis veterum libri III... 12o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1703. ?

Lamy, Guillaume. Dissertation sur l’antimoine. 12o, Paris, 1682. Tr/NQ.16.107.

Lancaster, Peter. A chronological essay on the Ninth Chapter of Daniel... 4o, London, 1722. ?

Lancelotto, Giovanni Paolo. Institutiones juris canonici... 12o, Parisiis, 1670. ?

Landi, Costanzo, Conte. Selectiorum numismatum, praecipue Romanorum expositiones... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1695. ?

Langbaine, Gerad. The lives and characters of the English dramatick poets...First begun by Mr. Langbain, improv’d and continued down to this time, by a careful hand. 8o, London, [1699]. Tr/NQ.9.21.

Lange, Johann Christian. Inventum novum quadrati logici universalis: in trianguli quoque forman commode redacti... [2 pts.] 8o, Gissae Hassorum, 1714. Tr/NQ.16.166.

Lange, Johann Michael. Philologiæ Barbaro-Græce pars prior [& altera]. 4o, Noribergæ & Altdorfi, 1708. Tr/NQ.8.76.

Langus, Karl Nikolaus. Methodus nova & facilis Testacea marina... 4o, Lucernæ, 1722. Tr/NQ.8.524.

Lansdowne, George Granville, 1st Baron. Poems upon several occasions. 4th ed. 12o, London, 1726. ?

La Quintine, Jean de. The compleat gard’ner...3rd ed. 8o, London, 1701. ?

La Roque, Jean de. Voyage [du Chevalier d’Arvieux] dans la Palestine, vers le Grand Emir...Fait par ordre du Roi Louis XIV... 12o, Amsterdam, 1718. Tr/NQ.8.91.

Larrey, Isaac de. Histoire de France, sous le règne de Louis XIV. 4 vols. 8o, Rotterdam, 1718. Tr/NQ.10.110 to 113.

Lawrence, John. The clergy-man’s recreation: shewing the pleasure and profit of the art of gardening. 5th ed. 8o, London, 1717. Tr/NQ.9.431 [bound with H921 & H922].

The fruit garden kalender: or, A summary of the art of managing the fruit garden... 8o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.9.433 [bound with H920 & H922].

The gentleman’s recreation: or The second part of the art of gardening improved... 2nd ed. 8o, London, 1717. Tr/NQ.9.432 [bound with H920 & H921].

Lazius, Wolfgang. De gentium aliquot migrationibus, sedibus fixis, reliquijs, linguarúmq; initijs & immutationibus ac dialectis, libri XII ... Fo, Basilæ, [1557]. Tr/NQ.18.3 [A few signs of dog-earing].

Le Blanc, François. Traité historique de France, avec leurs figures... 4o, Amsterdam, 1692. Tr/NQ.10.51.

Le Brun, Charles. The conference of M. Le Brun, chief painter to the French King...director of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture; upon expression, general and particular. Transl. from the French... 8o, London, 1701. ?

Le Cleric, Daniel. Histoire de la médecine... [3 pts.] 4o, Amsterdam, 1702. Tr/NQ.8.54 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Le Cleric, David. Quæstiones sacræ, in quibus multa Scripturæ loca...explicantur... 8o, Amstelædami, 1685. ?

Le Clerc, Jean. Bibliothèque ancienne et moderne. Par J. Le Clerc. Pour l’année MDCCXIV-MDCCXXII. Vols. 1-18. 12o, Amsterdam, 1714-22. Tr/NQ.7.10 to 27 [vol. 1, pp.380, 382, 429 turned down].

Bibliothèque choisie, pour servir de suite à la Bibliothèque universelle. Année MDCCVIII-MDCCXIII. Vols. 16-27. 12o, Amsterdam, 1708-13. Tr/NQ.7.28 to 39.

Historia ecclesiastica duorum primorum a Christo Nato saeculorum, e veteribus monumentis depromta. 4o, Amstelodami, 1716. Tr/NQ.10.62.

Joannis Clerici vita et opera ad annum MDCCXI., amici ejus opusculum. [By Le Clerc himself.] 12o, Amstelodami, 1711. Tr/NQ.10.91.

Le Comte, Louis Daniel. Memoirs and observations...Made in a late journey through the Empire of China...Transl. from the Paris ed. 8o, London, 1698. ?

Legal provisions for the poor...By S. C[arter]. 4th ed.... 12o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.10.72.

Leguat, François. Voyage et avantures de François Leguat, & de ses compagnons, en deux isles desertes des Indes Orientales... 2 vols. 12o, Londres, 1708. Tr/NQ.10.114 & 115.

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von. A collection of papers, which passed between the late learned Mr. Leibniz, and Dr. Clarke, in the years 1715 and 1716. Relating to the principles of natural philosophy and religion... [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1717. ?

Leidekker, Melchior. De Republica Hebræorum libri XII ... [2 pts.] Fo, Amstelædami, 1704. Tr/NQ.11.47 [p.32 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra in 2 parts: or Observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament... 2nd ed., corrected and much enlarged. Fo, London, 1650. Tr/NQ.10.58.

Lemery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry...3rd ed., transl. from the 8th ed. in the French... 8o, London, 1698. Tr/NQ.8.118 [pp. 165, 172, 210, 255, 265, 283, 296, 297 turned up, pp. 167, 176, 182, 254, 262, 266, 317 down, and many other signs of dog-earing].

Traité de l’antimoine, contenant l’analyse chymique de ce minéral, & un recueil d’un grand nombre d’opérations... 12o, Paris, 1707. Tr/NQ.16.128 [several signs of dog-earing].

Le Moine, Pierre. Of the art both of writing & judging of history, with reflections upon ancient as well as modern historians... 12o, London, 1695. Tr/NQ.9.64.

Le Mort, Jacob. Chymiæ veræ nobilitas & utilitas, in physica corpusculari, theoria medica... [4 pts.] 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1696. Tr/NQ.16.78.

Le Neve, John. The lives and characters...of all the Protestant Bishops of the Church of England... Vol. 1, Pts 1 & 2. 8o, London, 1720. ?

Monumenta Anglicana: being inscriptions on the monuments of several eminint persons... 5 vols. 8o, London, 1717-19. ?

Leo, Joannes, Africanus. A geographical historie of Africa...Transl. and collected by J. Pory. Fo, Londini, 1600. ?

Leon, of Modena. Cérémonies et coûtumes qui s’observent aujourd’huy parmy les Iuifs. Traduites de l’Italien de Léon de Modène par R. Simon. [With Comparison des cérémonies des Iuifs, et de la discipline de l’Église. Par le Sieur de Simonville [i.e. R. Simon].] 12o, [Paris, c. 1681]. Tr/NQ.16.4 [wants title-page].

Le Pays, René. Amitiez, amours, et amourettes. 8o, Paris, 1678. ?

Le Roux, Philibert Joseph. Dictionaire comique, satyrique, critque, burlesque, libre & proverbial... 8o, Amsterdam, 1718. Tr/NQ.8.50.

Leslie, Charles. The case stated, between the Church of Rome and the Church of England... 8o, London, 1713. ?

Letter [A] to the Honourable A-r M-re [Arthur Moore], Com-ner [Commissioner] of trade and plantation. 8o, London, 1714. Tr/NQ.16.1947.

Lettre d’un philosophe sur le secret du grand œvre, écrite au sujet de ce qu’Aristée a laissé par écrit à son fils, touchant le magistère philosophique. Le nom de l’autheur est en Latin dans cett’ anagramme. Dives Sicut Ardens. S. [i.e.A.T. de Limojon de Saint-Didier]. 12o, La Haye, 1686. Tr/NQ.16.954.

Leusden, Johannes. Compendium Græcum Novi Testamenti...Ed. 5a. 8o, Londini, 1691. Tr/NQ.10.135 [p. 44 turned down].

L’Hôpital, Guillaume François Antoine de, Marquis de Sainte Mesme. Traité analytique des sections coniques et de leur usage pour la résolution des équations...Ouvrage posthume. 4o, Paris, 1707. Tr/NQ.10.50.

Lhuyd, Edward. Lithophylacii Britannici ichnographia. Sive Lapidum aliorumque fossilium Britannicorum singulari figura insignium... 8o, Londini, 1699. Tr/NQ.16.116.

Libavius, Andreas. Alchymia, recognita, emendata, et aucta... tum commentario medico physico chymico... [3 pts.] Fo, Francofurti, 1606. ?

Libelli seu decreta a Clodoveo et Childeberto, & Clothario... 16o, [1550?]. ?

Liebknecht, Johann Georg. Matheseos felix cum theologia nexus breviter delineatus... 8o, Giessae, 1722. Tr/NQ.10.821.

Lightfoot, John. Works. Revised and corrected by G. Bright. 2 vols. Fo, London, 1684. ?

Limborch, Philippus van. Theologia Christiana ad praxin pietatis ac promotionem pacis Christianæ unicè directa. 4o, Amstelædami, 1686. ?

Lipsius, Justus. Epistolarum selectarum chilias... 8o, Genevæ, 1611. Tr/NQ.8.135.

Roma illustrata, sive Antiquitatum Romanarum breviarium...Ex nova recensione A. Thysii...Postrema ed. 12o, Amstelodami, 1657. ?

Liquor Alcahest, or A discourse of that immortal dissolvent of Paracelsus & Helmont... [By G. Starkey.] [2nd ed.?] 8o, London, 1684. ?

Lister, Martin. Sex exercitationes medicinales de quibusdam morbis chronicis... 8o, Londini, 1694. Tr/NQ.9.130.

Lively [The] oracles given to us, or The Christians birth-right and duty...By the author of The whole duty of man, &c. [R. Allestree]. 8o, Oxford, 1678. ?

Livius, Titus. Historiæ Romanæ principis libri omnes superstites: post aliorum omnium emendationes nunc præterea castigati...à J. Grutero... 8o, Francofurti, 1609. Tr/NQ.9.11 [imperfect: wants all after p. 828; extensive notes on fly-leaf, end-papers, and in text in the hand of Barnabas Smith].

Historiarum quod exstat...Recensuit et notulis auxit J. Clericus. 10 vols. 8o, Amstelædami, 1710. ?

Locke, John. A collection of several pieces...never before printed...Publish’d by the Author of the Life of...John Hales [i.e. P. Des Maizeaux]. 8o, London, 1720. Dr H. F. Norman, Ross, CA.

An essay concerning humane understanding. In 4 books. Fo, London, 1690. Dr H.F. Norman, Ross, CA [pp.111, 133, 157, 349, 357, 359 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing; two corrections in text in Locke’s hand].

De intellectu humano. Ed 4a aucta & emendata, & nunc primum Latine reddita. Fo, Londini, 1701. Tr/NQ.11.27.

A letter to...Edward [Stillingfleet] Ld Bishop of Worchester, concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke’s Essay of humane understanding... 8o, London, 1697. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound with H970].

Mr. Locke’s reply to...the Lord Bishop of Worchester’s [Stillingfleet] Answer to his letter concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke’s Essay... 8o, London, 1697. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound wiht H969].

Mr. Locke’s reply to...the Lord Bishop of Worchester’s [Stillingfleet] Answer to his Second letter... 8o, London, 1699. ?

A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St. Paul... 4o, London, 1707. ?

Posthumous works. 8o, London, 1706. ?

A second letter concerning toleration. 4o, London, 1690. ?

A third letter for toleration... 4o, London, 1692. ?

Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and raising the value of money. 8o, London, 1692. Tr/NQ.16.1591 [bound with H977 & H978; a few signs of dog-earing].

Short observations on printed paper, intituled, For encouraging the coining silver money in England, and after for keeping it here. 8o, London, 1695. Tr/NQ.16.1592 [bound with H976 & H979].

Further considerations concerning raising the value of money. Wherein Mr. Lowndes’s Arguements...are paticularly examined. 2nd ed. corrected. 8o, London, 1695 Tr/NQ.16.1593 [bound with H976 & H977].

Loggan, David. Cantabrigia illustrata. Fo, Cantabrigiæ, [1690]. ?

Logica, sive Ars cogitandi: in qua præter vulgares regulas plura nova habentur ad rationem dirigendam utilia. [By A. Arnauld and P. Nicole.] E tertia apud Gallos ed. recognita & aucta in Latinum versa. 8o, Londini, 1687. Tr/NQ.10.71.

Longinus, Caesar. Trinum magicum, sive Secretorum magicorum opus... 12o, Francofurti, 1673. ?

Longinus, Dionysius. De sublimitate libellus, cum præfatione de vita & scriptis Longini, notis, indicibus, & variis lectionibus. Ed. 2a. [Greek & Latin]. 4o, Oxoniæ, 1718. Tr/NQ.9.10.

An essay upon sublime style. Transl. from the Greek. 16o, Oxford, 1698. ?

Lord’s prayer. Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium linguas versa et propriis cujusque linguae characteribus expressa...Editore J. Chamberlaynio. [2 pts.] 4o, Amstelædami, 1715. Tr/NQ.8.24.

Lubieniecki, Stanislaw. Theatrum cometicum... 2 vols. Fo, Lugduni Batavorum, 1681. Tr/NQ.11.6 & 7 [a few signs of dog-earing in vol.1].

Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsalia, sive De bello civili Cæsaris et Pompeii lib. X. Ex emendatione H. Grotii, cum eiusdem notis. 12o, Amsterodami, 1651. ?

Lucas, Paul. Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas au Levant... 2 vols. 8o, Paris, 1704. Tr/NQ.9.86 & 87.

Lucianus Samosatensis. Opera omnia quæ extant. Cum Latina doctiss. virorum interpretatione. I. Bourdelotius cum Regijs Codd. aliisque Mss. contulit, emendavit, supplevit ... [2 pts.] [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1615. Tr/NQ.11.18 [p.172 turned up, pp.364, 394, 512 down, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Opera. Ex versione I. Benedicti. Cum notis integris I. Bourdelotii [etc.]. Accedunt inedita scholia in Lucianum, ex Bibliotheca I. Vossii. [Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. 8o, Amstelodami, 1687. Tr/NQ.8.38 and 39 [vol. 2 has pp.297, 299, 470, 711 turned up, pp.328, 356, 361, 476, 657, 684 down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Lucretius Carus, Titus. De rerum natura libri VI. Quibus additæ sunt conjecturæ & emendationes T. Fabri cum notulis perpetuis ... 12o, Cantabrigiæ, 1686. Tr/NQ.9.73 [line numbers added in margins by Newton, in tens up to 380, then in larger intervals, ending in fifties at 1050 on p.17; a few signs of dog-earing].

Ludolfus, Job. Iobi suam Historam Æthiopicam...commentarius... Fo, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1691. ?

A new history of Ethiopia...Made English, by J. P. 2nd ed. Fo, London, 1684. ?

Ludus mathematicus: or, The mathematical game...By E. W[ingate]. 12o, London, 1681. ?

Lull, Raymund. Ars magna, generalis et ultima... 8o, Francofurti, 1596. Tr/NQ.10.70.

De secretis naturæ sive Quinta essentia libri II. His accesserunt, Alberti Magni Summi philosophi, De mineralibus & rebus metallicis libri V... 8o, [Argentorati], 1541. ?

De secretis naturæ, seu De quinta essentia liber unus... 8o, Coloniæ, 1567. ?

Liber, qui codicillus, seu vade mecum inscribitur, in quo fontes alchimicæ artis & reconditioris philosophiæ traduntur... 8o, Coloniæ, 1563. Tr/NQ.16.133 [many signs of dog-earing].

Mercuriorum liber iam tandem subsidio manuscripti exemplaris perfectè editus. Item eiusdem Apertorium, Repertorium, Artis intellectivæ theorica & practica, Magia naturalis... 8o, Coloniæ Agrppinæ, 1567. ?

Opera ea quæ ad adinventam ab ipso artem universalem, scientiarum artiumque omnium brevi compendio... 8o, Argentorati, 1609 [bound with H32]. ?

Raymundi Lullii Maioricani philosophi sui temporis doctissimi libelli aliquot chemici: nunc primùm, expecto Vade mecum, in lucem opera Doctoris Toxitæ editi... 8o, Basileæ, 1572. Tr/NQ.16.37 [many signs of dog-earing]. References by Newton to other works by Lull: in margins of p. 7 ‘Ars magica p.378, 379’, p.159 ‘Vide Lib. Merc. p. 156 l. 11 & p. 179 l. 16.’

Tractatus brevis et eruditus, De conservatione vitæ: item Liber secretorum seu quintæ essentiæ... 8o, Argentorati, 1616. ?

Lumen de lumine: or A new magicall light discovered, and communicated to the world, by Eugenius Philalethes [i.e. T. Vaughan]... 8o, London, 1651. ?

Lumière [La] sortant par soy même des tenebres, ou Véritable théorie de la pierre des philosophes... [Variously attributed to M.-A. Crassellame and O. Tachenius.] 8o, Paris, 1687. Tr/NQ.16.117 [p. 206 turned down and many other signs of dog-earing].

Luther, Martin. A commentarie upon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians ... transl. into English for the unlearned ... 8o, [London,] 1577. Tr/NQ.9.631 [bound with H385 & H1005; fols. 182v, 251r turned up].

Special and chosen sermons, collected out of his writings and preachings...Englished by W. G[ace]. 8o, London, 1581. Tr/NQ.9.632 [bound with H385 & H1004].

Lux Orientalis, or An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages, concerning the præexistence of souls...[By J. Glanvill.] 8o, London, 1662. Tr/NQ.16.153 [‘Isaac Newton’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Lydiat, Thomas. Canones chronologici, nec non series summorum magistratuum et triumphorum Romanorum. Opus posthumum... 8o, Oxonii, 1675. ?

Lydius, Balthasar. Waldensia, id est, Conservatio veræ ecclesiæ, demonstrata ex confessionibus... 8o, Roterodami, 1616. ?

Mabillon, Jean. Librorum de re diplomatica supplementum... Fo, Luteciæ-Parisiorum, 1704. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound with H734 & H1228].

Maclaurin, Colin. Demonstration des loix du choc des corps. [Pièce qui remporté le prix de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, 1724.] 4o, Paris, 1724. Queen’s University, Belfast [p. 21 turned up to mark reference to ‘Le celebre M. Newton’ in text].

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.8.12.

Geometria organica: sive Descripto linearum curvarum universalis. 4o, Londini, 1720. [Dedicated to Newton.] Tr/NQ.10.56.

Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius. Opera. Ioh Isacius Pontanus secundò recensuit: adiectis ad libros singulos notis. Quibus accedunt I. Meursii breviores notæ. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1628. Tr/NQ.8.70 [p.259 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

Magnenus, Johannes Chrysostomus. Democritus reviviscens: sive Vita & philosophia Democriti. Ed. ultima. 12o, Hagæ-Comitis, 1658. ?

Magni philosophorum arcani revelator. Quo Hermetis discipuli, magnique scrutatores operis omnia ad suum laborem necessaria, clarissimè explicata invenient... 8o, Genevæ, 1688. ?

Magnus, Olaus, Archbishop of Upsala. Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus. Sic in epitomen redacta... 8o, Antverpiæ, 1558. Tr/NQ.7.5.

Maimbourg, Louis. An historical treatise of the foundation and prerogatives of the Church of Rome, and of her bishops. Written originally in French, and transl. into English by A. Lovel. 8o, London, 1685. Tr/NQ.8.116.

Maimonides. De cultu divino ex R. Mosis Majemonidæ secunda lege, seu Manu forti liber VIII. ... Ex Hebræo Latinum fecit, & notis illustravit L. de C. de Veïl. 4o, Parisiis, 1678. Tr/NQ.10.124.

De idololatria liber, cum interpretatione Latina & notis D. Vossii. 4o, Amsterdami, 1641. Tr/NQ.8.461 [bound with H1697; a few signs of dog-earing].

De sacrificiis liber. Accesserunt Abarbanelis Exordium ... Quæ ex Hebræo convertit in sermonem Latinum, & notis ilustravit L. de C. de Veil. 4o, Londini, 1683. ?

Porta Mosis, sive Dissertationes aliquot ... Nunc primùm Arabicè... & Latinè editæ. Operâ & studio E. Pocockii. [2 pts.] 4o, Oxoniæ, [1654-]1655. ?

Tractatus de iuribus anni septimi et iubilæi. Textum Hebraeum addidit, in sermonem Latinum vertit, notisque illustravit I. H. Maius, Filius ... 4o, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1708. Tr/NQ.10.127.

Malebranche, Nicolas. De la recherche de la vérité...6e éd. 4 vols. 12o, Paris, 1712. ?

Manetho. Apotelesmaticorum libri VI. Nunc primum ex Bibliotheca Medicea editi curâ J. Gronovii qui etiam Latine vertit ac notas adjecit. [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1698. Tr.NQ.16.67.

Manucci, Niccolao. Histoire générale de l’Empire du Mogol depuis sa foundation. Sur les mémoires portugais de M. Manouchi, Vénitien. Par F. Catrou. 2 vols. 8o, Paris, 1705. Tr/NQ.7.3 & 4.

— — [Another ed., complete in 1 vol.] 12o, La Haye, 1708. Tr/NQ.10.95.

Marbecke, John. A concordāce, that is to saie, a worke maie redely finde any worde conteigned in the whole Bible... Fo, [London], 1550. ?

Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes. De gemmarum lapidumq3 pretiosorum formis, naturis, atq3 viribus eruditũ cũ primis opusculũ...Cũ scholiis P. Villingeñ. 8o, Coloniæ, 1539. ?

De lapidibus pretiosis enchiridion cũ scholiis Pictorii... 8o, Parisiis, 1531. ?

Marckius, Johannes. Sylloge dissertationum philologico-theologicarum, ad selectos quosdam textus Novi Testamenti... 4o, Rotterodami, 1721. Tr/NQ.8.25.

Mariotte, Edme. Œvres...Revuës & corrigées de nouveau. 2 vols. in 1. 4o, Leide, 1717. Queen’s University Belfast. Note in Newton’s hand at foot of p. ** 2 reffering to publication date of ‘Le traité des couleurs’; p. 226 turned up.

Marmora Oxoniensia, ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis, aliisque conflata. Recensuit, & perpetuo commentario explicavit, H. Prideaux ... Fo, Oxonii, 1676. Tr/NQ.11.10 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Marperger, Paul Jakob. Dissertatio juris publici inauguralis, de revocatione & amissione privilegiorum... 4o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1716. Tr/NQ.10.355.

Marrow [The] of alchemy, being an experimental treatise, discovering the secret and most hidden mystery of the philosophers elixer...By Eirenæus Philoponos Philalethes [i.e. G. Starkey]. 8o, London, 1654. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [many signs of dog-earing].

Marshall, Benjamin. Chronological tables. [2 pts.] Fo, Oxford, 1712-13. ?

Marsham, Sir John. Canon chronicus Ægyptiacus, Ebraicus, Græcus, et disquisitiones... 4o, Lipsiæ, 1676. Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, MO.

Martineau du Plessis, Denis. Nouvelle géographie, ou Description exacte de l’univers: tirée des meilleurs auteurs tant anciens que modernes... 3 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1700. Tr/NQ.9.132 to 134.

Martinez, Mattias. Dictionarium tetraglotton novum, in quo voces Latinæ omnes, & Græcæ his respondentes cum Gallica & Teutonica singularum interpretatione, ordine alphabetico proponuntur. Ed. novissima. 8o, Amstelodami, 1679. Tr/NQ.10.981 [bound with H514].

Massachuset [The] Psalter: or, Psalms of David with the Gospel according to John, in columns of Indian and English... 8o, Boston, N.E., 1709. Tr/NQ.16.160.

Massaeus, Christianus. Chronicorum multiplicis historiæ utriusque testamenti...libri XX. Fo, Antverpiæ, 1540. ?

Maundrell, Henry. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, A.D. 1697. 4th ed... 8o, Oxford, 1721. ?

Maximes traduites de l’Espagne. 8o, 1671. Not identified [possibly Reflexions, sentences, ou Maximes royales et politiques. Traduites de l’espagnol par le père d’Obeilh, Amsterdam, 1671]. ?

Maximos Peloponnesios. Dissertatio, de Sacramento Eucharistiæ. Latinitate donata interprete J. T. Philips. [Greek & Latin.] 8o, Londini, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.56.

Mayer, Michael. Lusus serius: or, Serious passe-time. A philosophicall discourse concerning the superiority of creatures under man. 12o, London, 1654. ?

Secretioris naturæ secretorum scrutiium chymicum, per oculis et intellecti accuratè accommodata...ingeniosissima emblemata... 4o, Francofurti, 1687. Tr/NQ.16.88. Newton added the references ‘p. 8,82’ in the margin of p. 111 and ‘cap.67’ at p. 146; many signs of dog-earing.

Septimana philosophica, qua ænigmata aureola de omni naturæ genere... 4o, Francofurti, 1620. ?

Silentum post clamores, hoc est, Tractatus apologeticus, quo causæ non solùm clamorum seu Reuelationum Fraternitatis Germanicæ de R.C. sed & silentii... 8o, Francofurti, 1617. Tr/NQ.10.1483 [bound with H1048, H1050 & H1051; a few signs of dog-earing].

Symbola aureæ mensæ duodecim nationum... 4o, Francofurti, 1617. S. M. Edelstein Collection, Jewish National & University Library, Jerusalem [a few signs of dog-earing].

Themis aurea; hoc est, De legibus Fraternitatis R.C. tractatus... 8o, Francofurti, 1618. Tr/NQ.10.1484 [bound with H1047, H1050 & H1051]. In a note at the foot of p. 160 Newton deciphered the last 7 lines of text, printed in code, and added the key he used.

Tractatus de volucri arborea, absque patre et matre, in Insulis Orcadum, forma anserculorum proueniente... 8o, Francofurti, 1619. Tr/NQ.10.1481 [bound with H1047, H1049 & H1051; p. 136 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Verum inventum, hoc est, Munera Germaniæ; ab ipsa primitus reperta...& reliquo orbi communicata... 8o, Francofurti, 1619. Tr/NQ.10.1483 [bound with H1047, H1049 & H1050].

Viatorium, hoc est, De montibus planetarum septum seu metallorum... 8o, Rothomagi, 1651. ?

Mead [Mede], Joseph. Works. Corrected and enlarged ... [3rd ed.] Fo, London, 1672. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Mead, Richard. De imperio solis ac lunæ in corpora humana, et morbis inde oriundis. 4o, Londini, 1704. Tr/NQ.16.90.

A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion, and the methods to be used to prevent it. 8o, London, 1720. ?

— — 8th ed., with additions. 8o, London, 1722. ?

Meager, Leonard. The new art of gardening. 2nd ed. 12o, London, 1697. ?

Méchanique [La] du feu...contenant Le traité de nouvelles cheminées...Par Mr. G*** [i.e. N. Gauger]. 8o, Amsterdam, 1714. ?

Medulla historiæ Anglicanæ. Being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the monarchs of England...[By. W. Howell.] 3rd ed... 8o, London, 1687. ?

Meibomius, Marcus. Antiquæ musicæ auctores septem. Græce et Latine. M. Meibomius restituit ac notis explicavit. 2 vols. 4o, Amstelodami, 1652. Tr/NQ.8.36 & 37.

Mela, Pomponius. De situ orbis libri III. Unà cum auctario P.I. Oliuarij Valentini, instauratione totius libelli & castigatione... 4o, Parisiis, 1557. Tr/NQ.8.134.

Pomponii Melæ libri III de situ orbis, nummis antiquis & notis illustrati ab J. Gronovio... 8o, Lugd. Batavorum, 1696. Tr/NQ.7.75.

Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de France. Contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus remarquable dans ce roiaume depuis 1515 jusqu’en 1611...[By P. de l’Estoile.] 2 vols. 8o, Cologne, 1719. Tr/NQ.8.83 & 84.

Mémoires sur le commerce des Hollandois, dans tous les étais et empires du monde...[By P. D. Huet.] 12o, Amsterdam, 1717. Tr/NQ.10.120.

Mémoires sur le dernières révolutions de la Pologne, où on justifie le retour du Roy Auguste, par un gentilhomme polonnois [J.J. Przebendowski]. 8o, Rotterdam, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.103.

Memoirs concerning the affairs of Scotland, from Queen Anne’s accesion to the throne, to...1707...[By G.Lockhart.] 8o, London,1714. Tr/NQ.16.54.

Memoirs of the Dutch trade in all states, kingdoms, and empires in the World...Done from the French [of P.D. Huet]. 8o, London, [c. 1700]. Tr/NQ.8.107.

Menander Comicus. Menandri et Philemonis reliquiæ, quotquot reperiri potuerunt; Græce et Latine, cum notis H. Grotii et J. Clerici. 8o, Amstelodami, 1709. ?

Menestrier, Claude François. Histoire de roy Louis le Grand par les médailles, emblêmes, devises [etc.]... Fo, Paris, 1691. ?

Mercator improved, or, The description and use of a new instrument, with which may be solved all the problems of plain and Mercator’s sailing...By B. G[oodday]. Philomath. 8o, London, 1725. Tr/NQ.16.1623.

Mercator, Marius. Opera quæcumque extant. Prodeunt nunc primum studio J. Garnerii, qui notas etiam ac dissertationes addidit. [2 pts.] Fo, Parisiis, 1673. Tr/NQ.18.2.

Mercator, Nicolaus. Institutionem astronomicarum libri II, de motu astrorum communi & proprio, secundum hypotheses veterum & recentiorum præcipuas... [2 pts.] 8o, Londini, 1676. Tr/NQ.10.152; Math. papers, I, 131 n. 48. Extensive astronomical notes by Newton on pp. 213, 280, 281 and on end-paper, ‘1672’ in margin of p. 151.

Lotharithmo-technia: sive Methodus construendi logarithmos nova, acurata, & facilis...Huic etiam jungitur M.A. Riccii Exercitatio geometrica de maximis & minimis... [2 pts.] 4o, Londini, 1668. Tr/NQ.9.484 [bound with H711, H712, H714, H1305 & H1306].

Mercurial [The] chronometer improv’d: or, A supplement to...An essay, wherein a method is humbly propos’d for measuring equal time with the upmost exactness...By the author of that Essay [J. Clarke]. 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.16.951a.

Meursius, Johannes. De regno Laconico libri II. De Piræeo liber singularis. Et in Helladii Chrestomathiam animadversiones ... 4o, Ultrajecti, 1687. Tr/NQ.8.77 [several signs of dog-earing].

Glossarium Græco-Barbarum...Ed. 2a emendata. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1614. Tr/NQ.16.191 [wants title-page; ‘pret. 9s.’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Regnum Atticum. Sive, De regibus Atheniensium, eorumque rebus gestis, libri III. 4o, Amstelodami, 1633. Tr/NQ.8.93 [p.53 turned up and many other signs of dog-earing].

Reliqua Attica; sive, Ad librum de populis Atticae, paralipomena. Liber singularis... [2 pts.] 4o, Ultrajecti, 1684. Tr/NQ.8.1103 [bound with H1079 & H1080].

Themis Attica, sive De legibus Atticis livri II. 4o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1685. Tr/NQ.8.1101 [bound with H1078 & H1080; a few signs of dog-earing].

Theseus, sive De ejus vita rebusque gestis liber postumus... 4o, Ultrajecti, 1684. Tr/NQ.8.1102 [bound with H1078 & H1079; a few signs of dog-earing].

Michelotti, Pietro Antonio. De separatione fluidorum in corpore animali dissertatio physico-mechanico-medica. 4o, Venetiis, 1721. Tr/NQ.10.282.

Milton, John. Poetical works. 2 vols. 4o, London, 1720. ?

Minucius Felix, Marcus. Marci Minucii Felicis Octavius: Cæcilius Cyprianus De idolorum vanitate, cum observationibus omnibus N. Rigaltii... 12o, Oxoniæ, 1678. ?

Mirkhond. The history of Persia ... written in Arabick, by Mirkond ... translated into Spanish, by A Teixeira ... and now render’d into English. By J. Stevens. 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.117 [Newton appears to have equated the names of the 14th-16th Kings of Persia as given in the text with names found in classical sources. In the margin of p.60 he wrote ‘Kai Axeres’ for the printed ‘Lorasph’, on p.65 ‘Darius Histaspis’ for ‘Gustasph’, and on p.70 ‘Artaxerxes Longimanus’ for ‘Bahaman Daraz Daz’, p.33 turned up].

Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum, ex scriptis Societati Regiæ Scientiarum exhibitis edita. Vol. 1. 4o, Berolini, 1710 ; Museum of the History of Science, Oxford University.

Miscellanea curiosa. Being a collection of some of the principal phænomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age...[Ed. and in part written by E. Halley.] Vols. 1, 2. 8o, London, 1705-6. University of Chicago Library [vol. 1]; Tr/NQ.16.55 [vol. 2].

Miscellanea Græcorum aliquot scriptorum carmina, cum versione Latinâ et notis. [Ed. By M. Maittaire.] Fo, Londini, 1722. Tr/NQ.18.8 [Newton was a subscriber to this work].

Modest [A] censure on some mistakes concerning civil government, with relation to the late disputes about resistance and non-resistance. 8o, London, 1713. ?

A modest plea for the baptismal and scripture-notion of the Trinity...[By A. A. Skyes.] 8o, London, 1719. ?

Moivre, Abraham de. Animadversiones in D. Georgii Cheynæi Tractatum de fluxionum methodo inversa. 8o, Londini, 1704. Tr/NQ.9.5 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Annuities upon lives: or, The valuation of annuities upon any number of lives... 8o, London, 1725. Brown University Library, Providence, RI.

De fractionibus algebraicis radicalitate immunibus ad fractiones simpliciores reducendis... 4o, [Paris?], 1722. Tr/NQ.16.1972.

De mensura sortis, seu, De probabilitate eventuum in ludis a casu fortuito pendentibus. [Philosophical Transactions, 329, Jan.- Feb., 1711.] 4o, London, 1712. ?

The doctrine of chances: or, A method of calculating the probability of events in play. 4o, London, 1718. [Dedicated to Newton.] Tr/NQ.10.30.

Moll, Herman A new description of England and Wales, with the adjacent Islands... Fo, London, 1724. ?

A system of geography: or, A new & accurate description of the earth... Fo, London, 1701. ?

Molyneux, William. The case of Ireland’s being bound by Acts of Parliament in England, stated. 8o, Dublin, 1698. Tr/NQ.8.69.

Dioptrica nova. A treatise of dioptricks, in 2 pts.... 4o, London, 1692. Tr/NQ.10.26 [a few signs of dog-earing including marking of Newton’s name in text of p. 273].

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Essais. Nouvelle éd....Par P. Coste. 3 vols. 4o, Londres, 1724. ?

Montanus, Benedictus Arias. Antiquitatum Iudaicarum libri IX... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1593. ?

Elucidationes in omnia Sanctorum Apostolorum scripta. Eiusdem in S. Ioannis Apostoli et Evangelistæ Apocalypsin significationes. 4o, Antverpiæ, 1588. Tr/NQ.8.302 [bound with H1102].

Elucidationes in Quatuor Evangelia, Matthæi, Marci, Lucæ & Iohannis. Quibus accedunt eiusdem elucidationes in Acta Apostolorum. 4o, Antverpiæ, 1575. Tr/NQ.8.302 [bound with H1102; ‘Isaac Newton 1682. pret. 2s 6d.’ on fly-leaf].

Montfaucon, Bernard de. Diarium Italicum. Sive Monumentorum veterum, bibliothecarum, musæorum, &c. Notitiæ singulares in itinerario Italico collectæ. 4o, Parisiis, 1702. Tr/NQ.10.27.

Moore, Sir Jonas. A mathematical compendium: or Useful practices in arithmetik, geometry, and astronomy...3rd ed.... 16o, London, 1695. ?

Modern fortification: or, Elements of military architecture... 8o, London, 1689. Tr/NQ.10.101.

Moores arithmetik: discovering the secrets of that art, in numbers and species. In 2 bookes... 8o, London, 1650. Tr/NQ.10.146 [‘Isaac Newton’ on end-paper, written by Newton above a scored-through note probably by previous owner].

A new systeme of the mathematicks... 4o, London, 1681. ?

Morden, Robert. Geography rectified: or, A description of the world... 3rd ed. enlarged... 4o, London, 1693. ?

— — 4th ed., enlarged... 4o, London, 1700. Tr/NQ.9.29.

More, Henry. An antidote against atheisme, or An appeal to the natural faculties of the minde of man, whether there be not a God. 8o, London, 1653. Tr/NQ.9.1712 [bound with H1114; 4 short Latin notes by Newton in margin of preface, A1r,v].

Apocalypsis Apocalypseos: or The Revelation of St. John unveiled. 4o, London, 1680. ?

Discourses on several texts of scripture. 8o, London, 1692. ?

The Immortality of the Soul, so farre forth as it is demonstrable from the knowlege of nature and the light of reason. 8o, London, 1659. ?

Philosophicall poems. 8o, Cambridge, 1647. Tr/NQ.9.1711 [bound with H1110].

A plain and continued exposition of the several prophecies or divine visions of the Prophet Daniel ... 4o, London, 1681. Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Inscribed ‘Is. Newton. Ex dono Reverendi Authoris’; marginal annotations by Newton on Revelation. See Popular Astronomy, 34 [1926], 75-8].

Tetractys anti-astrologica, or, The four chapters in the Explanation of the grand mystery of Godliness, which contain a brief but solid confutation of judiciary astrology... 4o, London, 1681. Beinecke Library, Yale [inscribed ‘Isaac Newton Donum Reverendissimi Auctoris’].

Morgagni, Giovanni Battista. Adversaria anatomica omnia... 4o, Patavii, 1719. ?

Morgan, Thomas. Philosophical principles of medicine... 8o, London, 1725. ?

Morhof, Daniel Georg. De metallorum transmutatione ad... J.Langelottum...epistola. 8o, Hamburgi, 1673. Tr/NQ.16.126 [several signs of dog-earing].

Morland, Joseph. Disquisitions concerning the force of the heart, the dimensions of the coats of the arteries, and the circulation of the blood. 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.9.58.

Morley, Christopher Love. Collectanea chymica Leydensia, Maëtsiana, Margraviana, Le Mortiana...Nunc autem...per T. Muykens. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1693. Tr/NQ.10.99.

Moxon, Joseph. Mechanick dyalling: teaching any man, though of an ordinary capacity and unlearned in the mathematicks, to draw a true sun-dial on any given plane... 3rd ed. 4o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.9.1256.

Moyle, Walter. Works; none of which were ever before publish’d. [Ed. by T. Sergeant.] 2 vols. 8o, London, 1726. Tr/NQ.7.77 & 78.

Mun, Thomas. England’s treasure by foreign trade. 8o, [London, 1713?]. Tr/NQ.16.1942 [wants title-page].

Munsterus, Sebastianus. Cosmographiæ universalis lib. VI. Fo, Basileæ, 1550. ?

Dictionarium Chaldaicum, non tā ad Chaldaicos interpretes q3 Rabbinorū intellegenda cōmentaria necessarium... 4o, Basileæ, 1527. Tr/NQ.8.18.

Kalendariū Hebraicum ... 4o, Basileae, 1527. Tr/NQ.9.45 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Proverbia Salmonis, iam recens iuxta Hebraicā veritatē translata, & annotatiōibus illustrata, autore S. Munstero. 8o, [Basle, 1524]. Tr/NQ.7.9.

Muratori, Lodovico Antonio. Delle antichità Estensi ed Italiane...Pt 1. Fo, Modena, 1717. Tr/NQ.18.24.

Musaeum Hermeticum omnes sopho-spagyricae artis discipulos fidelissime erudiens. 4o, Francofurti, 1625. Tr/NQ.16.115 [imperfect, wants title-page and pp. 1-35, Lambspring’s De lapide philosophorum; pp. 231, 353 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

Musæum Hermeticum reformatum et amplificatum, omnes sopho-spagyricæ artis discipulos fidelissimè erudiens...Continens tractatos chimicos XXI... 4o, Francofurti, [1677-]1678. Tr.NQ.16.48 [pp. 132, 150, 239 turned down, p. 278 up, and several other signs of dog-earing].

Musschenbroek, Pieter van. Disputatio medica inaugularis de aëris præsentia in humoribus animalibus... 4o, Lugd. Bat., 1715. Tr/NQ.10.352.

Epitome Elementorum physico-mathematicorum, conscripta in usos academicos. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1726. ?

Oratio de certa methodo philosophiæ experimentalis, dicta publice A.D. XIII. Septemb. 1723. 4o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1723. Tr/NQ.10.351 [presentation inscription on fly-leaf ‘Viro Amplissimo, Nobilissimo, Geometrarum Principi, Solidæ Philosophiæ Instauratori Isaco Newtono mittit Auctor’].

Muys, Wyer Wilhelm. Dissertatio & observationes de salis ammoniaci præclaro ad febres intermittentes usu, una cum epistola præfixa ad Regiam Societatem Londinensem missæ. 4o, Franequeræ, 1716. Tr/NQ.8.525.

Mylius, Johannes Daniel. Opus medico-chymicum: continens tres tractatus sive basilicas... 4o, Francofurti, 1618. ?

Mynsicht, Hardrianus. Theasaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum...Cui in fine adiunctum est Testamentum Hadrianeum de aureo philosophorum lapide. 8o, Rothomagi, 1651. Tr/NQ.8.68 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Mystagogus, Cliedophorus, pseud. Mercury’s Caducean rod: or, The great and wonderful office of the universal mercury, or God’s Viceregent, displayed... By Cleidophorus Mystagogus [i.e. W. Yarworth]. 8o, London, 1702. Tr/NQ.16.1311 [bound with H1302]; probably the book sent to Newton by the author, ?1702 [Correspondence, VII, 441, where the work reffered to in Yarworth’s undated letter is tentatively identified as his The complete distiller... 2nd ed., 1705, though Newton is known to have owned only the 1st ed., 1692, H1760.] Note by Newton on fly-leaf: ‘Willis his search of causes p. 3, 21. Sanguis naturæ p. 10 & Epistle p.27. Philadelphia p. 13’ [page references to works quoted in text]; many signs of dog-earing.

Mythographi Latini. C. Jul Hyginus [etc]... T. Munckerus omnes ex libreis MSS...emendavit, & commentariis...instruxit... 8o, Amstelodami, 1681. ?

Natural [The] history of Oxford-shire, being an essay toward the natural history of England. By R. P[lot]. Fo, Oxford, 1677. Tr/NQ.11.34 [bearing the signatures ‘Anne Hedinton 1678 her Bucke’ and ‘Ann Neale of West Wycombe her Book 1721’, the volume is very unlikely to have come from Newton’s library].

Nemours, Marie d’Orléans, Duchesse de. Mémoires: contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus particulier en France pendant la Guerre de Paris, jusqu’à la prison du Cardinal de Retz en 1652... 8o, Amsterdam, 1718. Tr/NQ.9.142.

Nepos, Cornelius. Cornelius Nepos per Rutgersium. 8o, 1688. Edition not identified. ?

Vitæ excellentium Imperatorum & in eas J. Loccenii notæ politicæ. 12o, Hamburgi, 1673. ?

Nepos, Cornelius. De vita excellentium Imperatorum. Interpretatione et notis illustravit N. Courtin ... in usum Serenissimi Delphini. 4o, Parisiis, 1675. Tr/NQ.10.41 [a few signs of dog-earing].

The lives of illustrious men. Done into English from the original Latin... 8o, London, 1713. ?

Neptune [Le] François, ou Atlas nouveau des cartes marines...Reveu et mis en ordre par les Sieurs Pene, Cassini et autres. Fo, Paris, 1693. ?

Neumann, Caspar. Bigam difficultatum Physico-sacrarum: de gemmis Urim & Tummim dictis, Exod. XXVIII, 30. & de Cibo Samariæ obsessæ 2. Reg. VI, 25....Ed. 2a. 4o, Lipisiæ, 1709. Tr/NQ.9.1723 [bound with H885 & H1148].

Clavis Domus Heber, reserans januam ad significationem hieroglyphicam literaturæ Herbraicæ perspiciendam... [2 pts.] 4o, Wratislaviæ, 1712. Tr/NQ.9.1721 [bound with H885 & H1147]; Newton thanked Neumann, ?1712, for presenting him with this book [Correspondence, VII, 481].

New [The] state of England, under our present monarch, King William III...[By G. Miège.] 3rd ed...8o, London, 1700. ?

New Year’s gift. 6 pts. 8o, 1656. Not identified. ?

Newton, Sir Henry. Henrici Newton sive De Nova Villa, Societatis Regiæ, Londini, Arcadiæ Romanæ, Academiæ Florentinæ, et ejus quæ vulgò vocatur della Crusca, socii, epistolæ, orationes, et carmina. [2 pts.] 4o, Lucæ, 1710. Tr/NQ.10.1251 [bound with H1152].

Orationes quarum altera Florentiæ anno MDCCV. Altera vero Genuæ anno MDCCVII. habita est. 4o, Amstelodami, 1710. Tr/NQ.10.1252 [bound with H1151].

Newton, Isaac. Anaylysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones, ac differentias: cum Enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis. [Ed. by W. Jones.] 4o, Londini, 1711. Tr/NQ.8.26. Corrections and carifications by Newton in margins of pp. 42, 45, 50, 52; the 2 sheets of Tabula intended to stand at ‘De Quadratura, Prop. X, Scholium’, between pp. 62-3, are bound out of sequence between pp. 92-3.

Arithmetica universalis; sive De compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber. Cui accessit Halleiana Æquationum radices arithmetice inveniendi methodus. 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1707. In private hands. Corrections by Newton of minor misprints, insertions of more appropriate running heads, transpositions marked, passages marked for deletion; see Math. papers, V, 14.

Universal Arithmetick: or, A treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution. To which is added, Dr. Halley’s Method of finding the roots of æquations arithmetically. Transl. from the Latin by the late Mr. Raphson, and revised and corrected by Mr. Cunn. 8o, London, 1720. Tr/NQ.9.30. Corrections in Newton’s hand in margin and in text of p. 4, line 4, altering the printed line to read ‘makes a, whose Aggregate, or Sum is 2b + a, and so in others’.

Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflexions and colours of light. Also Two treatises of the species and magnitude of curvilinear figures. [2 pts.] 4o, London, 1704. ?

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.198. Lacks pp. 1-17 and the two appended treatises; numerous notes and corrections by Newton; several signs of dog-earing.

— — [Another copy.] ULC/Adv.b.39.3.Lacks title-page, plates, and all after Pt 2, p. 137; printer’s proofs with numerous additions and corrections by Newton for the 2nd ed., 1717.

Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light. 2nd ed., with additions. 8o, London, 1717. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. Many corrections by Newton, some adopted in later eds., with 15 new lines, giving the Seven Precepts, added at end of text, p. 382.

— — [Another copy.] ?

Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light. 3rd ed., corrected. 8o, London, 1721. ?

Optice: sive reflexionibus, refrationibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis libri III. Authore Isaaco Newton. Latine reddidit S. Clarke. Accedunt Tractatus duo ejusdem authoris de speciebus & magnitudine figuarum curvilinearum, Latine scripti. [2 pts.] 4o, Londini, 1706. ULC/Adv.39.4. A number of notes, loose inserts, and marginal corrections by Newton; significant signs of dog-earing on pp. 29, 269, 293, 311, 313, 319, 329, 335, and esp. p. 346.

— — [Another copy]. ?

Optice: sive De reflecxionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis, libri III. Latine reddidit S. Clarke. Ed. 2a, auctior. 8o, Londini, 1719. ?

Traité d’optique sur les réflexions, réfractions, inflexions, et les couleurs de la luminère. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste sur la 2e éd. augmentée par l’auteur. 2 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1720. ?

Traité d’optique sur les réflexions, réfractions, inflexions, et les couleurs de la lumière. Traduit par M. Coste sur la 2e éd. françoise, beaucoup plus correcte que la première. 4o, Paris, 1722. Turner Collection, University of Keele Library.

Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica. 4o, Londini, 1687. [‘Prostat apud plures Bibliopolas’ title-page.] ULC/Adv.b.39.1. Numerous notes and corrections for the 2nd ed. by Newton in printed text and on interleaves; Cohen, Introd. to Newton’s ‘Principia’ [Cambridge, 1971], pp.25-6, pls. 2-3, Koyré & Cohen [eds.], ‘Principia’, variorum ed. [2 vols., Cambridge, 1972], I, where it is coded E1i.

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.200. Numerous notes and corrections by Newton for 2nd ed; Cohen, Introd. to Newton’s ‘Principia’ [Cambridge, 1971], p. 25, pls. 1, 13, where it is coded E1a; see pp. 22, 53-4 above.

Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica. Ed. 2a auctior et emendatior. 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1713. ULC/Adv.b.39.2. Interleaved with numerous interpolations and corrections by Newton to printed text, on interleaves and on inserted paper slips; Cohen, Introd. to Newton’s ‘Principia’ [Cambridge, 1971], pl. 4; Koyré & Cohen [eds.], ‘Principia’, variorum ed. [2 vols., Cambridge, 1972], I, where it is coded E2 i.

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.196. Numerous notes and corrections by Newton; Koyré & Cohen [eds.], ‘Principia’, variorum ed. [2 vols., Cambridge, 1972], I where it is coded E2a.

Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica. Ed. ultima. Cui accedit Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones ac differentias cum Enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis. 4o, Amstælodami, 1723. ?

Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica. Ed. 3a aucta & emendata. 4o, Londini, 1726. Tr/NQ.17.34.

Nicephorus Callistus. Ecclesiasticæ historiæ libri XVIII. In 2 tomos distincti, ac Græcè nunc primùm editi. Adiecta est Latina interpretatio I. Langi, à F. Ducæo cum Græcis collata & recognita. 2 vols. Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1630. Tr/NQ.11.45 [vol. 2 only].

Nieuwentijt, Bernard. Analysis infinitorum, seu Curvilineorum proprietates ex polygonorum natura deductæ. 8o, Amstelædami, 1695. Tr/NQ.8.104.

Considerationes secundæ circa calculi differentialis principia; et Responsio ad...G.G. Leibnitium. 8o, Amstelædami, 1696. Tr/NQ.16.994.

The religious philosopher: or, The right use of contemplating the works of the Creator... 3 vols. 8o, London, 1718-19. ?

Nodot, François. Nouveax mémoires de Mr. Nodot; ou Observations qu’il a faites pendant son voyage d’Italie... 2 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1706. Tr/NQ.9.135 & 136.

Relation de la cour de Rome, où l’on voit le vray caractère de cette cour...Pt 1. 8o, Paris, 1701. Tr/NQ.8.112.

Nonnus Panopolitanus. Dionysiaca, nunc primum in lucem edita, ex Bibliotheca Ioannis Sambuci Pannonij. Cum lectionibus, & coniecturis G. Falkenburgij... [Greek.] 8o, Antverpiæ, 1569. Tr/NQ.8.31.

Norton, Samuel. Alchymiæ complementum, et perfectio, seu Modus et processus argumentandi...ab E. Deano auctior & perfectior editus... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1017 [bound with H1181, H1182, H1183, H1184, H1185, H1186 & H1187].

Catholicon physicorum, seu Modus conficiendi tincturam physicam & alchymicam...editus labore & industriâ E. Deani... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1012 [bound with H1180, H1182, H1183, H1184, H1185, H1186 & H1187][a few signs of dog-earing].

Elixer, seu Medicina vitae, seu Modus conficiendi verum aurum et argentum...editus industriâ, & operâ E. Deani... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1013 [bound with H1180, H1181, H1183, H1184, H1185, H1186 & H1187].

Mercurius redivivus, seu Modus conficiendi lapidem philosophicum...editus opera & studio E. Deani...auctior & perfectior. 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1011 [bound with H1180, H1181, H1182, H1184, H1185, H1186 & H1187].

Metamorphosis lapidum ignobilium in gemmas quasdam pretiosas, seu Modus transformandi perlas parvas, et minutulas, in magnas & nobiles...editus diligentia E. Deani... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1015 [bound with H1180, H1181, H1182, H1183, H1185, H1186 & H1187].

Saturnus saturatus dissolutus, et coelo restitutus, seu Modus componendi lapidem philosophicum...vero edente E. Deano... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1016 [bound with H1180, H1181, H1182, H1183, H1184, H1186 & H1187].

Tractatulus de antiquorum scriptorum considerationibus in alchymia...editus studio, labore & industriâ E. Deani... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1018 [bound with H1180, H1181, H1182, H1183, H1184, H1185 & H1187].

Venus vitriolata, in elixer conversa...sivè Modus conficiendi lapidem philosophicum...editus studiis, & diligentiâ E. Deani... 4o, Francofurti, 1630. Tr/NQ.16.1014 [bound with H1180, H1181, H1182, H1183, H1184, H1185 & H1186].

Norwood, Matthew. The seaman’s companion, being a plain guide to the understanding of arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy. Applied chiefly to navigation...3rd ed. corrected and amended. 4o, London, [1678]. Tr/NQ.8.1114.

Norwood, Richard. Norwood’s epitomie: or The application of the doctrine of triangles... 8o, London, 1645. ULC/White.d.178. Correction in Newton’s hand in p. 14, l. 22, making the misprinted number ‘46’ read ‘45’.

Trigonometrie: or, The doctrine of triangles... 8th ed. being diligently corrected...4o, London, 1685. Tr/NQ.9.33.

Nouvelle bibliothèque choisie, où l’on fait connoître les bons livres en divers genres de litérature, & l’usage qu’on en doit faire. [By N. Barat.] 2 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1714. Tr/NQ.9.144 & 145.

Novum lumen chymicum. E naturæ fonte & manuali experientia depromptum: cui accessit Tractatus de sulphure...[By M. Sendivogius.] 8o, Genevæ, 1639. British Library/C.122.aa.3.[1.]. Annotations by Newton on pp. 36, 97, 116; pp. 45, 47, 67, 69, 75, 79, 88 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing; see also H445 & H1485.

Nubes testium: or A collection of the Primitive Fathers ... [By J. Gother.] 4o, London, 1686. Tr/NQ.8.1311 [bound with H1234; a few signs of dog-earing].

Numismatum antiquorum sylloge populis Græcis, municipiis, & Coloniis Romanis cusorum, ex Cimeliarchio editoris. 4o, Londini, 1708. Tr/NQ.10.341 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Nunns [The] complaint against the Fryars...[By A.L. Varet.] 8o, London, 1676. Tr/NQ.16.29.

Nuysement, Jacques. Tractatus de vero sale secreto philosophorum, & de universali mundi spiritu...nunc Latine versus a L. Combachio... 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1672. ?

Observationes on scripture, MSS. by R.W. Fo. Not identified. ?

Observations on Dr. Waterland’s second defense of his queries...[By S. Clarke.] 8o, London, 1724. ?

Observations upon Anthroposophia theomagica, and Anima magica abscondita [of Eugenius Philalethes, i.e. T. Vaughan]. By Alazonomastix Philalethes [i.e. H. More]. 8o, [London], 1650. Tr/NQ.16.1343 [bound with H47 & H50].

Ockley, Simon. The history of the Saracens... 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.8.99 & 100.

Of trade. 1. In general. 2. In pacticular. 3. Domestick [etc.]...By J. P[ollexfen]. Esq; To which is annex’d, The arguement of the late Lord Chief Justice Polloxphen, upon the action of the case, brought by the East-India Company against Mr. Sands an interloper. [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1700. Tr/NQ.8.1252 [bound with H299; a few signs of dog-earing].

Oiselius, Jacobus. Thesaurus selectorum numismatum antiquorum... 4o, Amstelodami, 1677. ?

Oldham, John. The works of Mr. J. Oldham together with his remains. 8o, London, 1686. ?

Omerique, Antonio Hugo de. Analysis geometrica, sive Nova, et vera methodus resolvendi tam problemata geometric, quam arithmeticas quæstiones... 4o, Gradibus, 1698. Tr/NQ.8.115; Newton found this ‘a judicious & valuable piece’ [Correspondence, VII, 412].

Ophthalmographia: or, A treatise of the eye, in 2 parts...[By P. Kennedy.] 8o, London, 1713. Tr/NQ.9.502 [bound with H881].

Optatus, Saint, Bishop of Milevi. Opera cum observationibus et notis G. Albaspinæi ... [2 pts.] [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Parisiis, 1631. D.J. McKitterick, Cambridge [‘pret 15s.’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Opuscula Mythologica, ethica et physica. Græce & Latine...[Ed. by T. Gale.] 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1671. ?

Opuscula quædam chemica. G. Riplei Medulla philosophiæ chemicæ [etc.]...Omnia partim ex veteribus manuscriptis eruta partim restituta... 8o, Francofurti, 1614. ?

Origenes Adamantius. Contra Celsum libri VIII. Ejusdem Philocalia. G. Spencerus, utriusque operis versionem recognovit, & annotationes adjecit. [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1658. Tr/NQ.10.39. On front paste-down in what is probably Newton’s early hand: ‘Origenes est bonus Scripturarū Interpres, malus dogmatistes. Hieron. Epist. ad Pamach & Ocean’ [i.e. Epistulae LXXXIV.2]; on fly-leaf ‘pret 12s’ in Newton’s hand; several signs of dog-earing.

Dialogus contra Marcionitas, sive De rectâ in Deum fide: Exhortatio ad Martyrium: Responsum ad Africani epistolam de historiâ Susannæ ... Operâ & studio J.R. Wetstenii. [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Basileæ, 1674. Tr/NQ.16.142 [‘pret 7s.’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf].

Hexaplorum Origenis quæ supersunt, multis partibus auctiora, quàm a F. Nobilio & J. Drusio edita fuerint. Ex manuscriptis & ex libris editis eruit & notis illustravit B. de Montfaucon... [Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. Fo, Parisiis, 1713. Tr/NQ.17.30 & 31.

Opera, quae quidem extant omnia, per D. Erasmum partim versa, partim vigilanter recognita... 2 vols. Fo, Apud Basileam, 1536. Tr/NQ.17.19 & 201 [bound with H705].

Ὀριγένους περὶ εὐχῆς σύνταγμα μέχρι τοῦδε τοῦ χρόνου ἀνέκδοτον. [Greek & Latin.] 12o, Ὀξονία, [1686]. ?

Orpheus. Argonautica, Hymni, et De lapidibus curante A.C. Eschenbachio ... Accedunt H. Stephani in omnia & J. Scaligeri in Hymnos notæ. [Greek & Latin.] 12o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1689. Tr/NQ.16.28 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Ortelius, Abraham. Thesaurus geographicus recognitus et auctus ... 4o, Hanoviæ, [1611]. Tr/NQ.8.43 [20 pages still turned and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Ott, Johann. Cogitationes physico-mechanicæ de natura visionis... 4o, Heidelbergæ, 1670. Tr/NQ.8.517.

Oudin, Antoine. Curiositez françoises, pour supplément aux dictionnaires... 8o, Paris, 1656. Tr/NQ.10.117.

Oughtred, William. Clavis mathematicæ denuo limata, sive potius fabricata...Ed. 3a auctior & emendatior. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1652. Tr/NQ.8.59 [pp. 1-108 only of the printed text, the rest of the volume consisting of handwritten copies of mathematical texts and of the text of p. 109, in an unidentified hand]; Math. papers, I, 22 n. 18.

Clavis mathematicæ denuo limata, sive potius fabricata...Ed. 4a auctior & emendatior. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1667. Tr/NQ.10.142.

Trigonometrica: hoc est, Modus computandi triangulorum latera & angulos, ex canone mathematico traditus & demonstratus. 4o, Londini, 1657. Tr/NQ.16.183. 2 illustrative diagrams in an early Newton hand added at the top left-hand corner of p.[2].

Ovidus Naso, Publius. Opera omnia, ex recensione G. Bersmani, cum ejusdem, aliorumque virorum doctissimorum notationibus. Ed. Nova. [4 pts.] 12o, Londini, [1655-]1656. Tr/NQ.9.168 [pt 3, p.89 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Publii Ovidii Nasonis operum tomus primus[-tertius]...N. Heinsius...castigavit... 3 vols. 12o, Amstelodami, 1664. ?

P. Ovidii Nasonis operum tomus primus[-tertius].[Ed. by M. Maittaire.] 3 vols. 12o, Londini, 1715. ?

P. Ovidii Metamorphosis, seu Fabulæ poeticæ: earumque interpretatio ethica, physica et historica Georgii Sabini ... Ultima ed. 16o, Francofurdi, 1693. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [inscribed ‘Isaci Newtoni liber Octobris 15 1659. prætium -0-1-6’ on fly-leaf].

Ovids Metamophosis Englished. By G. Sandys. 4th ed. 12o, London, 1656. ?

Owen, John. Epigrammatum libri XII. 24o, Londini, 1668. ?

Owen, Robert. Hypermnestra: or, Love in tears. A tragedy. 2nd ed. 12o, London, 1722. Tr/NQ.10.922.

University College. The proceedings of the visitors of University College, with regard to the late election of a Master, vindicated. 2nd ed. Fo, Oxford, 1723 [bound with H734 & H1009].

Pacchioni, Antonio. Dissertationes binæ ad...D.J. Fantonum datæ, cum ejusdem responsione illustrandis duræ meningis, ejusque glandularum structuræ, atque usibus concinnatæ... 8o, Romæ, 1713. Tr/NQ.10.822.

Pagninus, Sanctes. קצר אוצר לשן הקדש. Hoc est, Epitome thesauri linguæ sanctæ. 3a ed. 8o, Antverpiæ, 1578. Tr/NQ.8.127.

Palfyn, Jean. Description anatomique des partie de la femme, qui servent à la géneration... 4o, Leide, 1708. ?

Palladius, Bishop of Aspona. De vita S. Johannis Chrysostomi dialogus...Omnia nunc primùm Græco-Latina prodeunt curâ & studio E. Bigotii. 4o, Luteciæ Parisiorum, 1680. ?

Palladi Divi Evagrii Discipuli Lausiaca quæ dicitur historia, et Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri θεοφιλὴς, id est religiosa historia... 4o, Parisiis, 1555. ?

Pamphlet [The] entitled, Speculum ecclesiasticum [of T. Ward], or An ecclesiastical prospective-glass, considered in its false reasonings and quotations. [By H. Wharton.] 4o, London, 1688. Tr/NQ.8.1312 [bound with H1193].

Panciroli, Guido. Notita utraque dignitatum cum Orientis, tum Occidentis, ultra Arxadii Honoriique tempora. Et in eam G. Panciroli...commentarium...Ultima ed., auctior, et corectior. Fo, Lugduni, 1608. ?

Rerum memorabilium sive Deperditarum pars prior [& Liber secundus]. Commentarijs illustrata... Ab H. Salmuth. 4o, Francofurti, 1660. Tr/NQ.8.40 [pt1, p.104 and pt 2, p.28 turned up].

XII. Panegyrici veteres...emendati, aucti; nuper quidem ope I. Livineii: nunc verò opreâ I. Gruteri... 16o, Francofurti, 1607. ?

Paracelsus. Aurora theasurusque philosophorum, Theophrasti Paracelsi, Germani philosophi, & Medici præ cunctis omnibus accuratissimi. Accessit Monarchia physica per G. Dorneum... 8o, Basileæ, 1577. Tr/NQ.9.1702 [bound with H1239 & H1241; a few signs of dog-earing].

Congeries Paracelsicæ chemiæ de transmutationibus metallorum, ex omnibus quæ de his ab ipso scripta reperire licuit hactenus. Accessit genealogia mineralium, atq3 metallorum omnium, eiusdem autoris. G. Dorneo interprete. 8o, Francofurti, 1581. Tr/NQ.9.1701 [bound with H1238 & 1241; several signs of dog-earing].

De summis naturæ mysteriis commentarii III, à G. Dorn conversi... 8o, Basileæ, 1584. ?

Libri V. de vita longa, incognitarum rerum, & hucusque à nemine tractatarum refertissimi... 8o, Basileæ, [1562]. Tr/NQ.9.1703 [bound with H1238 & H1239].

Opera omnia medico-chemico-chirurgica...Ed. novissima... 3 vols. in 2. Fo, Genevæ, 1658. ?

Tract. varii. 4o, 1600. Not identified. ?

Paralipomena prophetica, containing several supplements and defences of Dr Henry More his Expositions of the Prophet Daniel and the Apocalypse... [2 pts.] 4o, London, 1685. Tr/NQ.9.37.

Pardies, Ignace-Gaston. La statique ou La science des forces mouvantes. 12o, Paris, 1673. ? Newton thanked Collins for ‘ye little but ingenious tract’, 17 Sept. 1673 [Correspondence, I, 307].

Parecbolæ sive excerpta è Copore Statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt Articuli religionis XXXIX. in Ecclesia Anglicana recepti: nec non juramenta fidelitatis & suprematus. 8o, Oxoniæ, 1721. Tr/NQ.7.7.

Paris. Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, depuis son établissement jusqu’à présent... Vols. 1-4. 4o, Paris, 1717-23. ?

Académie Royale des Médailles et des Inscriptions. Médailles sur les principaux événements du règne de Louis Le Grand, avec des explications historiques. Par l’Académie Royale des Médailles & des Inscriptions. Fo, Paris, 1702. Tr/NQ.18.9. Loose slip of paper now attached opposite p. 89 contains draft by Newton for exergue of medal to commemorate Marlborough’s Blenheim campaign: ‘Expugnata Host. castra ad Donaverdam Iun XXI. Deletus exercitus ad Hochstet Aug. II. Captis XIII. M. Sign. relat CLXXI. Et Bavaria recepta MDCCIV’. [Fortescue’s History of the British Army, I [1899], 443, gives totals of 11,000 prisoners and 171 standards].

Académie Royale des Sciences. Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Année M.DCCVII, M.DCCVIII, M.DCCX. Avec les Mémoires de mathématique & de physique, pour la même année. Tirez des registres de cette Académie. 3 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1708-13. Tr/NQ.16.38 to 40.

Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Année M.DCCX - Année M.DCCXXII. Avec les Mémoires de mathématique & de physique, pour la même année. Tirés de registres de cette Académie. 13 vols. 4o, Paris, 1712-24. Tr/NQ.10.9 to 21 [vols. for 1712, 1713, 1719 have a few signs of dog-earing].

Suite des Mémoires de mathématique et de physique tirez des registres de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, de l’année M.DCCVII, M.DCCVIII, M.DCCIX, M.DCCX. 4 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1708-13. Tr/NQ.16.32 to 35.

Suite des Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Année M.DCCXVIII. [De la grandeur et de la figure de la terre. [By J. Cassini.]] 4o, Paris, 1720. Tr/NQ.10.22 [pp. 148, 154 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing]; sent to Newton by Varignon as a gift from Cassini, August 1722 [Correspondence, VII, 206-10].

Recueil d’observations faites en plusieurs voyages par ordre de sa Majesté pour perfectionner l’astronomie et la géographie...Par Messieurs de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Fo, Paris, 1693. ?

Reglement ordonné par le Roy pour l’académie Royale des Sciences. Du 26. de Janvier 1699. 4o, Paris, 1699. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [bound with H350, H350a, H818, H902, H1368].

— — [Another copy.] William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles, CA.

Paris, Matthew. Historia major. Juxta exemplar Londinense 1640, verbatim recusa...Editore W. Wats. Fo, Londini, 1684. ?

Parkinson, John. Theatrum botanicum: the theater of plants, or, An herball of large extent... Fo, London, 1640. ?

Parkyns, Sir Thomas. The Inn-play, or Cornish-hugg wrestler: digested in a method which teacheth to break all holds, and throw most falls mathematically... 4o, Nottingham, 1713. Tr/NQ.9.61.

Parliament. Acts of Parliament. 22 vols. Fo, [London, 1697-1722?]. ?

The Acts of Parliament relating to the building fifty new churches in and about the cities of London and Westminister... 8o, London, 1721. Tr/NQ.9.22; Newton recieved printed notes dated 10 August 1717 and 2 July 1720 summoning him to meetings of the Commission for Building 50 New Churches [Correspondence, VI, 406-7, and VII, 484].

A collection of all the Statues now in use in the Kingdom of Ireland, with notes... Fo, Dublin, 1678. ?

The Statues at large...from Magna Charta until this time. By J. Keble. 2 vols. Fo, London, 1695. ?

Parnasse [Le] assiegé ou La guerre declarée entre les philosophes anciens & modernes. 12o, Lyon, 1697. Tr/NQ.16.5.

Pasor, Georg. Lexicon Græco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum ... [3 pts.] 8o, Londini, [1649-]1650. Tr/NQ.7.81 [‘Isaac Newton Trin: Coll: Cant: pret: 6d. 1661’ on fly-leaf; ‘Isaac Newton hunc librum possidet. pret: 6d. Martij 29 1661.’ on verso of title-page; p.595 turned down].

Paterculus, Gaius Velleius. C. Velleius Paterculus cum selectis variorum notis. A Thysius edidit & accuratè recensuit. 8o, Lugd. Bat., 1653. Tr/NQ.10.106.

C. Velleius Paterculus, cum selectis variorum notis. A. Thysius edidit & accurate recensuit. 8o, Lugd. Batavorum, 1659. ?

Patricius, Franciscis. Magia philosophica, hoc est F. Patricii summi philosophi Zoroaster & eius 320. Oracula Chaldaica. Asclepii Dialogus. & Philosophia magna Hermetis Trismegisti...Latine reddita. 8o, Hamburgi, 1593. ?

Patrick, Simon, Bishop of Ely. The glorious Epiphany, with the devout Christian’s love to it. 8o, London, 1678. ?

The parable of the pilgrim: written to a friend. 5th ed. 4o, London, 1678. ?

Pausanias. Graeciae descriptio accurata ... cum Latina R. Amasaei interpretatione. Accesserunt G. Xylandri & F. Sylburgii annotationes, ac novae notae I. Kuhnii. Fo, Lipsiæ, 1696. Tr/NQ.17.17 [pp. 13, 421, 603, 668, 815 turned down, p.408 up, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Pearson, John, Bishop of Chester. An exposition of the Creed. 7th ed. revised and corrected. Fo, London, 1701. ?

Opera posthuma chronologica, &c....Prælo tradidit, edenda curavit & dissertationis novis additionibus auxit H. Dodwellus... 4o, Londini, 1688. Tr/NQ.10.7.

Pelegromius, Simon. Synonymorum sylva...Nunc autem è Belgarum sermone in Anglicanum transfusa...per H. F.... 8o, Londini, 1668. Tr/NQ.16.157.

Pemberton, Henry. Epistola [of H. Pemberton] ad amicum [J. Wilson] de Cotesii inventis, curvarum ratione, quæ cum circulo & hyperbola comparationem admittunt. 4o, Londini, 1722. Tr/NQ.18.6.

Pemble, William. Workes. Containing sundry treatises and expositions... 3rd ed. Fo, London, 1635. ?

Pepys, Samuel. Memoires relating to the state of the Royal Navy of England, for ten years, determin’d December 1688. 8o, [London?], 1690. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Perizonius, Jacobus Origines Babylonicæ et Ægyptiacæ. 2 vols. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. ?

Rerum per Europam maxime gestarum ab ineunte Saeculo Sextodecimo usque ad Caroli V. mortem &c. Commentarii historici. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.89.

Perkins, William. A warning against the idolatrie of the last times. And an instruction touching religious or Divine worship. 8o, Cambridge, 1601. ?

Perry, John. An account of the stopping of the Daggenham Breach... 8o, London, 1721. ?

Maps of Ireland. Fo, [c. 1720]. ? [bound with H1593].

The state of Russia, under the present Czar... 8o, London, 1716. Tr/NQ.9.131.

Petau, Denis. Abrégé chronologique de l’Histoire universelle sacrée et profane. Traduction nouvelle, suivant la dernière éd. latine. Nouvelle éd. continuée jusqu’à présent. 5 vols. 12o, Paris, 1715. Tr/NQ.7.59 to 63.

Opus de doctrina temporum ... cum praefatione et dissertatione ... J. Harduini. [3 vols.] Fo, Antwerpiæ, 1703. ?

Opus de theologicis dogmatibus, auctius in hac nova editione ... notulis T. Alethini [i.e. J. Le Clerc]. [6 vols. in 3.] Fo, Antwerpiæ, 1700. Tr/NQ.17.26 to 28 [vol. 1 has p. 101 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Rationarium temporum, in partes duas, libros XIII , distributum ... Ed. ultima ... 8o, Franequeræ, 1694. Tr/NQ.16.8 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Petiver, James. A catalogue of Mr Rays English Herbal illustrated with figures on [50] folio copper plates. [Plates 1 and 11 dedicated to Newton.] Fo, London, [c. 1700]. Tr/NQ.18.262 [bound with H1289 & H1290].

Gazophylacii naturæ & artis decas prima[-quinta]... 8o, Londini, 1702-6. Tr/NQ.16.995 [without the plates].

Gazophylacii naturæ & artis decas prima[-decima]...[The leaves of the text of the 8o ed., 1702-6, mounted on sheets facing the folio plates. Plates 39 and 61 dedicated to Newton.] Fo, [London, 1711]. Tr/NQ.18.261 [bound with H1287 & H1290].

Plants already engraved in Mr. Petiver’s English Herbal. Fo, London, [1715]. Tr/NQ.18.263 [bound with H1287 & H1289].

Pettus, Sir John. Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature, in knowing, judging, assaying, fining, refining and inlarging the bodies of confin’d metals. In 2 pts. The first contains Assays of L. Erckern...The second contains Essays on metallick words, as a dictionary...By Sir John Pettus. Fo, London, 1683. Tr/NQ.18.7.

Petty, Sir William. The discourse made before the Royal Society the 26. of November 1674. Concerning the use of duplicate proportion... 12o, London, 1674. ?

Pezelius, Chrisophorus. Mellificium historicum integrum... 4o, Marpurgi, 1631. ?

Pfaff, Christoph Matthaeus. Dissertatio critica de genuinis librorum Novi Testamenti lectionibus... 8o, Amstelodami, 1709. ?

Pfeiffer, August. Theologiæ, sive potius Ματαιολογίας Judaicæ atque Mohammedicæ seu Turcico-Persicæ principia sublesta et fructus pestilentes... 8o, Amstelodami, 1709. ?

Philadelphia, or Brotherly love to the studious in hermetick art...Written by Eyreneus Philoctetes [i.e. G. Starkey?]. 12o, London, 1694. ?

Philipps, Jenkins Thomas. Dissertatio historico-philosophica de atheismo. Sive Historia atheismi... 8o, Londini, 1716. Tr/NQ.9.26.

Dissertationes varii argumenti...Ed. 2a... [2 pts.] 8o, Londini, 1715. Tr/NQ.16.61.

Philips, John Poems on several occasions. 3rd ed. 12o, London, 1720. Tr/NQ.8.1092 [bound with H473, H1501 & H1527].

Philo Judaeus. Omnia quæ extant opera. Ex accuratissima S. Gelenii, & aliquorum interpretatione... [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1640. ?

Philosophæ chymicæ IV. vetustissima scripta, I. Senioris Zadith F. Hamuellis Tabula chymica. II. Innominati philosophi Expositio tabulæ chymicæ. III. Hermetis Trismegisti Liber de compositione. IV. Anonymi veteris philosophi Consilium coniugii...Omnia ex Arabico sermone Latina facta, & nunc primum in lucem producta. 8o, Francofurti, 1605. Tr/NQ.16.136. Long index-note by Newton on fly-leaf headed ‘Authores a Seniore citati’ and listing 18 authors with page numbers for each ranging from 1 to 20 [for ‘Hermes’], also short references to other writers at pp. 3-5, 47, 98, 114, 117-19, 124, 133, 207; several signs of dog-earing.

Philosophical [A] epistle, discovering the unrevealed mystery of the three fires of the Sophi. [Signed Cloidophorus Mystagogus, i.e. W. Yarworth.] 8o, [c. 1702]. Tr/NQ.16.1312 [bound with H1138; many signs of dog-earing].

— — [Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.953.

The philosophical transactions [of the Royal Society]...Nos. 1-380. 16 vols. 4o, London, 1665-1723. ?

Philosophical transactions. No. 38, Monday, August 17. 1668. [Includes a review of Mercator’s Logarithmo-technia...1668. See H1073.] 4o, [London, 1668]. Tr/NQ.9.485 [bound with H711, H712, H714, H1073 & H1306].

Philosophical transactions. No. 43, Monday, Januar. 11. 1668 9. [Includes a Summary account by John Wallis on general laws of motion.] 4o, [London, 1669]. Tr/NQ.9.486 [bound with H711, H712, H714, H1073 & H1305].

The philosophical transactions and collections, to the end of the year 1700. Abridg’d and dispos’d under general heads. By J. Lowthorp. 3 vols. 4o, London, 1705. ?

The philosophical transactions, from the year 1700 to the year 1720. Abridg’d and dispos’d under general heads. By H. Jones. Vols. 4, 5. 4o, London, 1721. Tr/NQ.10.47 & 48.

Philosophie naturelle de trois anciens philosophes renommez: Artephius, Flamel, & Synesius, traitant de l’art occulte, & de la transmutation metallique. Dernière éd. [of Trois traitez de la philosophie naturelle...]. 4o, Paris, 1682. Tr/NQ.16.93 [pp. 21, 31 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

[Another copy.] Tr/NQ.16.775.

La philosophie naturelle restablie en sa pureté. Où l’on void à découvert toute l’œconomie de la nature, & où se magnifestent quantité d’erreure de la philosophie ancienne...[By J. d’Espagnet.] 8o, Paris, 1651. Tr/NQ.10.81 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Philostratus. Philostratorum quæ supersunt omnia, Vita Apollonii libris VIII, Vitae Sophistarum libris II ... Accessere Apollonii Tyanensis Epistolae ... Omnia ex Mss. codd. recensuit notis perpetuis illustravit ... G. Olearius. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Lipsiæ, 1709. Tr/NQ.18.13 [pp.699, 890 turned down].

Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople. Epistolae. Per R. Montacutium Latinè redditæ, & notis subinde illustratæ. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Londini, 1651. Tr/NQ.11.29 [pp.53, 260 turned down].

Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca librorum quos legit et censuit Photius. Græcè edidit D. Hoeschelius...Latinè verò reddidit...A. Schottus. Fo, Rothomagi, 1653. ?

Piazza, Girolamo Bartolomeo. A short and true account of the Inquisition and its proceeding, as it is practis’d in Italy... 4o, London, 1722. ?

Pilote [Le] de l’onde vive, ou Le secret du flux et reflux de la mer...2e éd. reveuë & augmentée de deux traitez nouveaux sur la philosophie naturelle. [By M. Eyquem de Martineau.] 12o, Paris, 1689. Tr/NQ.16.163.

Pindarus. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Cæterorum octo lyricorum carmina ...nonnulla etiam aliorum. Omnia Græcè et Latinè ... [Ed. by H. Stephanus.] 8o, [Paris,] 1560. Keynes Collection, King’s College, Cambridge [‘Isaacus Newton hunc librum possidet. Pret. 8d. 1659’ in Newton’s hand on verso of title-page; p.215 turned down, pp.221, 235, 251 up, and a few other signs of dog-earing. Bought by J.M. Keynes from Thorp of Guildford, March 1921, for 10s].

Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. I. Benedictus ad metri rationem...totem authorem innumeris mendis repurgavit...Ed. purissima... [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Salmurii, 1620. ?

Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia. Una cum Latina omnium versione carmine lyrico per N. Sudorium. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Oxonii, 1697. Tr/NQ.11.1 [pp.121, 127 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Pitiscus, Samuel. Lexicon antiquitatum Romanarum: in quo ritus et antiquitates...exponuntur... 2 vols. Fo, Leovardiae, 1713. Tr/NQ.18.29 & 30.

Pitot, Allain. L’automate de longitude. Nouveau systéme d’hydrométrie... 8o, Londres, 1716. Tr/NQ.10.1195.

Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph. Relation d’un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy... 3 vols. 8o, Lyon, 1717. Tr/NQ.10.121 to 123.

Platina, Bartolomeo. Historia de vitis Pontificum Romanorum... 4o, Coloniæ, 1600. ?

Plato. De rebuspub. sive De iusto, libri X, a I. Sozomeno è Græco in Latinum, & ex dialogo in perpetuum sermonem redacti, additis notis & argumentis. 8o, Venetiis, 1626. Tr/NQ.9.31.

Opera omnia quæ exstant. M.Ficino interprete... [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Francofurti, 1602. ?

Pleas of the Crown, Or A brief, but full account of whatsoever can be found relating to that subject. [By Sir Matthew Hale.] 8o, London, 1678. Tr/NQ.8.86.

Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius. Epistolarum libri X. & Panegyricus. Accedunt variantes lectiones. 12o, Lugd. Batavorum, 1640. ?

C. Plinii Cæcilii Secundi Epistolæ et Panegyricus, notis illustrata. 4o, Oxonii, 1677. Tr/NQ.7.48 [p. 117 turned down].

Plinius Secundus, Gaius. Histoire de la peinture ancienne, extraite de l’Hist. naturelle de Pline, liv. XXXV. Avec le texte latin, corrigé sur les Mss. de Vossius & sur la I. éd. de Venise... Fo, Londres, 1725. Tr/NQ.18.19.

Plutarchus. Quæ extant opera, cum Latina interpretatione. Ex vetustis codicibus plurima nunc primùm emendata sunt, ut ex H. Stephani annotationibus intelliges ... [Greek & Latin.] 13 vols. 8o, [Geneva,] 1572. Tr/NQ.9.96 to 108 [vol. 9 has p.11 of the index turned up; vol. 10 has several signs of dog-earing].

Plutarchi Chæronensis quæ exstant omnia, cum Latina interpretatione H. Cruserii: G. Xylandri ... 2 vols. Fo, Francofurti, 1599. .

Pococke, Edward. A commentary on the Prophecy of Hosea. Fo, Oxford, 1685. ?

Poetæ minores Græci. Hesiodus, Pythagoras, Mimnermus [etc.] ... Accedunt etiam Observationes R. Wintertoni in Hesiodum. [Greek & Latin.] 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1684. Tr/NQ.9.129 [pp.26, 204, 384 turned down, p.296 turned up, and several other signs of dog-earing].

Poetical Recreations: consisting of original poems, songs, odes, &c. With several new translations. In 2 parts. Part I. Occasionally written by Mrs. Jane Barker. Part II. By several gentlemen of the Universities, and others. 8o, London, 1688. Tr/16.158.

Pole, Matthew. Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturæ interpretum. 4 vols. in 5. Fo, Londini, 1669-76. ?

Poleni, Giovanni. De motu aquæ mixto libri II. Quibus multa nova pertinentia ad aestuaria, ad portus, atque ad flumina continentur. 4o, Patavii, 1717. Tr/NQ.8.15.

Pollux, Julius. Onomasticon Græce & Latine...Omnia contulerunt...notas adjecerunt, editionemque curaverunt...J.H. Lederlinus et T. Hemsterhuis. 2 vols. Fo, Amstelædami, 1706. ?

Polybius. Historiarum libri qui supersunt. I. Casaubonus ex antiquis libris emendavit, Latine vertit, & commentariis illustravit... [Greek & Latin.] [2 pts.] Fo, [Hanau], 1609. Tr/NQ.18.5.

Popish Prayers. 8o. Not identified. ?

Porta, Giambattista della. Magiæ naturalis libri XX... 12o, Lugd. Batavorum, 1651. ?

Potier, Michael. Veredarius hermetico-philosophicus lætum et inauditum nuncium adferens... 8o, Francofurti, 1622. ?

Potter, Christopher. Want of charitie justly charged, on all such Romanists, as dare, without truth or modesty, affirme, that Protestancie destroyeth Salvation ... 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. 8o, London, 1634. Tr/NQ.16.59 [p.184 turned down].

Potter, John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Archæologiæ Græcæ: or, The antiquities of Greece. 2 vols. [Vol. 2, 2nd ed.] 4o, Oxford, 1697; London, 1706. Tr/NQ.16.47 and 48 [vol. 2 has a few signs of dog-earing].

Power, Henry. Experimental philosophy, in three books... 4o, London, 1664. ?

Preparation [A] for death, in consideration of the future judgement; with a panegyrick on his late Royal Highness, William Henry, Duke of Gloucester. 8o, London, 1700. ?

Present [The] condition of the English Navy set forth in a dialouge betwixt young Fudg of the Admiralty, and Capt. Steerwell, an Oliverian Commander. 4o, London, 1702. Tr/NQ.8.1116.

The present state of Russia...from the year 1714, to 1720...[By F.C. Weber.] Translated from the High-Dutch. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1722-3. Tr/NQ.8.101 & 102.

Prideaux, Humphrey. The Old and the New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations... 2 vols. in 3. 8o, London, 1716-18. ?

Prior, Matthew. Poems on several occasions. Fo, London, 1718. ?

Privileges [The] of the House of Lords and Commons argued and stated, in two conferences between both houses, April 19, and 22, 1671. To which is added a discourse, wherein the rights of the House of Lords are truly asserted...Written by Arthur [Annesley], Earl of Anglesey. 8o, London, 1702. Tr/NQ.16.71 [title-page defaced and mounted].

Proclus, Diadochus. Procli De sphæra liber I. Cleomedis De mundo, sive circularis inspectionis meteorum libri II...Omnia Græcè & Latinè...coniuncta... 8o, Basileæ [1585]. ?

Procopius, Caesariensis. Ἀνεκδοτα. Arcana historia, qui est liber nonus Historiarum. Ex Bibliotheca Vaticana N. Alemannus protulit, Latinè reddidit. Notis illustravit. [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Lugduni, 1623. Tr/NQ.11.37.

Proposals to supply His Majesty with twelve or fourteen millions of money, or more if requir’d, for the year 1697 without subscriptions, or advancing the present taxes. By A. D....and some others his friends. [With A supplement to the Proposals...] 2 pts.] 4o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.8.1119.

Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens. Opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit S. Chamillard... 4o, Parisiis, 1687. ?

Psalmes [The whole Booke of]: with their wonted tunes, as they are sung in Churches, composed into 4 parts... 8o, London, 1594. Tr/NQ.16.1712 [bound with H198].

Pseaumes de David, mise en rime françois par C. Marot et T. de Bèze. 8o, [Paris?], 1613. ?

Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Harmonicorum libri III. Ex codd. MSS. undecim, nunc primum Græce editus. J. Wallis recensuit, edidit, versione & notis illustravit, & auctarium adjecit. [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Oxonii, 1682. Tr/NQ.10.36.

Theatri geographiæ veteris tomus prior in quo Cl. Ptol. Alexandrinii geographiæ libri VIII Græcé et Latiné...Opera P. Bertio. [With Tomus posterior in quo Itinerarium Antonini Imperatoris...Edente P. Bertio.] Fo, Amstelodami, 1619. ?

Pufendorf, Samuel von. De officio hominis et civis... Ed. 6a...curante I. Webero... 12o, Francofurti, 1700. ?

Introductio ad historiam Europaeam, Latine reddita a J.F. Cramero. Ed. 3a... 8o, Ultrajecti, 1702. ?

An introduction to the history of the principal kingdoms and states of Europe. Made English from the original, the High-Dutch: the 3rd ed., with additions. 8o, London, 1699. Tr/NQ.16.49.

Purbach, Georg. Theoreticæ novæ planetarum. Quibus accesserunt: I. de Monteregio Disputationes...Item, I. Essler Maguntini Tractatus utilis ante LX annos conscriptus, cui titulum fecit, Speculum astrologorum... 8o, Basileæ [1596]. Tr/NQ.16.195 [‘Isaac Newton’ on fly-leaf under the signature ‘Sir Henry Somers’].

Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrimage. Or Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages...In 4 partes... Fo, London, 1613. ?

Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. M. Fab. Quintiliani Declamationum liber. Cum ejusdem, ut nonnullis visum, Dialogo de causis corruptæ eloquentiæ. Quæ omnia notis illustrantur. 8o, Oxonii, 1675. Tr/NQ.7.66.

Ramus, Jonas. Ulysses et Outinus unus et idem...Ed. nova...aucta. 8o, Hafinæ, 1713. ?

Ramus, Petrus. Arithmeticæ libri II et Geometriæ XXVII...dudum quidem a L. Schonero recogniti et aucti... [3 pts.] 4o, Francofurti, 1627. ?

Randolph, Thomas. Poems, with the Muses looking-glasse, Amyntas, Jealous lovers, Arystippus...4th ed. inlarged. 5 pts. 8o, London, 1652. ?

Raphson, Joseph. Analysis æquationum universalis seu Ad æquationes algebraicas resolvendas methodus generalis, et expendita... 4o, Londini, 1690. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York [inscribed ‘To Mr. Isaack Newton wth. my most humble service. J. R.’ on fly-leaf; bound with H350, H350a, H818, H902, H1254].

Analysis æquationum universalis...Ed. 2a, cui accessit appendix de infinito infinitarum serierum progressu...Cui etiam annexum est, De spatio reali seu ente infinito... [1 pts.] 4o, Londini, 1702. ?

Historia fluxionum, sive Tractatus originem & progressum peregregiæ istius methodi brevissimo compendio [et quasi synopticè] exhibens. 4o, Londini, 1715 [1714]. Tr/NQ.16.173 [a first issue, without Newton’s appendix].

The history of fluxions, shewing in a compendious manner the first rise of, and various improvements made in that incomparable method. [Pp. 1-96.] [Published by Newton with an anonymous appendix by him: Epistolæ sequentes à D. Leibnitio cum amicis suis in Gallia & alibi communicatæ, ad controversiam præcedentam spectant...Pp. 97-123.] 4o, London, 1715[-1717]. Tr/NQ.16.1976. Corrections and alterations by Newton [still unpublished though presumably made for 1718 reissue] in Appendix pp. 111-12, 114-15, 117, 123; Math. papers, III, 11 n. 29.

Rares expériences sur l’esprit minéral, pour la préparation et transmutation des corps metaliques...Par Monsieur D*** [de Respour]. Vol. 1. 8o, Paris, 1668. Tr/NQ.16.57.

Ratramnus, Corbiensis. Bertram or Ratram concerning the Body and Blood of the Lord, in Latin, with new English translation...2nd ed. corrected, and enlarged. 8o, London, 1688. ?

Ray, John. Synopsis methodica avium & piscium; opus posthumum... [Ed. by W. Derham.] [2 pts.] 8o, Londini, 1713. Tr/NQ.16.187.

Three physico-theological discourses, concerning I. The primitive chaos, and creation of the world. II. The general deluge, its causes and effects. III. The dissolution of the world, and future conflagration...3rd ed., illustrated... 8o, London, 1713. ?

The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the Creation, in 2 parts...2nd ed., very much enlarged. 8o, London, 1692. Tr/NQ.7.42.

Reasons offer’d against the continuance of the Bank. In a letter to a Member of Parliament. 8o, London, 1707. Tr/NQ.16.1944.

Reconditorum ac reclusiorum opulentiæ sapientiæque numinus mundi magni, cui deditur in titulum Chymica vannus...[With Commentatio de pharmaco catholico...[By J. de Monte-Snyder.]] [2 pts.] 4o, Amstelodami, 1666. Tr/NQ.16.80. Many page and line references by Newton in margin of pt 2, pp. 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 29, 48, 66, 68, 72, 75; several signs of dog-earing in pt 2.

Recueil de diverses pièces, sur la philosophie, la religion naturelle. l’histoire, les mathématiques, &c. Par Mrs. Leibniz, Clarke, Newton, & autres autheurs célèbres. [Ed. by P. Des Maizeaux.] 2 vols. 12o, Amsterdam, 1720. Tr/NQ.9.84 & 85 [vol. 1 has p. 182 turned down, vol. 2 has several signs of dog-earing including marking of Newton’s name in text of p. 32; see pp. 24, 27 above].

— Vol. 2, pp. 1-88 only. 12o, [Amsterdam, 1720]. ULC/Adv.d.39.2. Preliminary proof-sheets, with signatures A-D12, E1-4, differing in pagination from the published ed.; two small inserts by Newton to text on pp. 16 & 17 [not included in the published version] and many correction by Des Maizeaux.

Reeve, Thomas. A cedars sad and solemn fall. Delivered in a sermon...At the funeral of James late Earl of Carlisle. 4o, London, 1661. Tr/NQ.8.743 [bound with H1382 & H1383].

England’s backwardnesse, or A lingring party in bringing back a lawful King. Delivered in a sermon... 4o, London, 1661. Tr/NQ.8.742 [bound with H1381 & H1383].

England’s restitution, or The Man, the Man of Men, the Statesman. Delivered in several sermons... 4o, London, 1661. Tr/NQ.8.741 [bound with H1381 & H1382].

Reflections upon learning, wherein is shewn the insufficiency thereof, in its several particulars...By a gentleman [T. Baker]. 4th ed. 8o, London, 1708. Tr/NQ.9.154.

Refutatio libelli, quem Iac. Wiekus Iesuita anno 1590 Polonicè edidit, De Divinitate Filii Dei, & Spiritus Sancti... 8o, 1594. Tr/NQ.9.541 [bound with H496].

The Reign of King Charles: an history faithfully and impartially delivered and disposed into annals ... [By H. L’Estrange.] Fo, London, 1655. Tr/NQ.10.29 [p.87 turned down].

Reineccius, Reinerus. Chronicon Hierosolymitanum...Pars 2 continens Duorum priorum familiæ Luceburg, imperatorum historiam... 4o, Helmæstadii, 1585. ?

Reland, Adrian. Antiquitates sacrae veterum Hebraeorum breviter delineatae. 8o, Trajecti Batavorum, 1708. ?

De nummis veterum Hebraeorum, qui ab inscriptarum literarum forma Samaritani appelantur, dissertationes quinque... [3 pts.] 8o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1709. Tr/NQ.10.89.

Religious courtship: being historical discourses, on the necessity of marrying religious husbands and wives only... [By D. Defoe]. 8o, London, 1722. ?

Remarks on Dr. Henry More’s Expositions of the Apocalypse and Daniel, and upon his Apology: defended against his answer to them. 4o, London, 1690. Tr/NQ.7.47.

Reply [A] to Dr. Waterland’s Defense of his queries...By a clergyman in the country [J. Jackson]. 8o, 1722. ?

Report [A] containing an essay for the amendment of the silver coins. [By W.Lowndes.] 8o, London, 1695. Tr/NQ.9.59 [p. 87 turned up].

Rerum Sicularum scriptores ex recentioribus præcipui, in unum corpus nunc primum congesti, diligentiq; recognitione plurimis in locis emendati [by T. Fazello]...Fo, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1579. Tr/NQ.11.14.

Retz, Jean François Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de. Memoirs, containing all the great events during the minority of Lewis XIV, and administration of Cardinal Mazarin. Done out of French. 8o, London, 1723. Tr/NQ.9.148.

Reyher, Samuel. Dissertatio de nummis quibusdam ex chymico metallo factis. 4o, Kiliæ Holsatorum, 1692. ?

Rhenanus, Johannes. Opera chymiatrica, quæ hactenus in lucem prodierunt omnia à plurimis... 8o, Francofurti, 1668. Tr/NQ.8.90.

Rhodomanus, Laurentius. Poesis Christiana. Palæstinæ, seu Historiæ sacræ, libri IX... [Greek.] 4o, Francofurdi, 1589. Tr/NQ.10.682 [bound with H64].

Ricard, Samuel. Traité général du commerce, plus ample et plus exact que ceux qui ont paru jusques à présent... 4o, Amsterdam, 1700. Tr/NQ.10.67 [pp. 187, 204, 300, 343 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista. Almagestum novum, astronomiam veterem novamque complectens... 2 vols. in 1. Fo, Bononiæ, 1651. ?

Richer, Edmond. Historia Conciliorum generalium, in quatuor libros distributa. 4o, Coloniæ, 1680. Tr/NQ.16.106 [on fly-leaf: ‘1692. pret. 6s 6d, valet 10s’ in Newton’s hand].

Rider, Cardanus. Rider’s British Merlin. [An Almanac.] 12o, London, [1690?]. ?

Ridley, Mark. A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions. 4o, London, 1613. Tr/NQ.9.67. Manuscript sketches at beginning and end of book, possibly by Newton; a few signs of dog-earing.

Ridley, Sir Thomas. A view of the civile and ecclesiasticall law... 3rd ed., by J. G[regory]. 8o, Oxford, 1662. ?

Ripley, George. Opera omnia chemica, quotquot hactenus visa sunt... 8o, Cassellis, 1649. Tr/NQ.10.149. Notes by Newton, mainly references to alchemical books, on pp. 18, 101, 123, 171, 383, 401; several signs of dog-earing.

— — [Another copy.] ?

Ripley reviv’d: or, An exposition upon Sir George Ripley’s hermetico-poetical works...Written by Eirenæus Philalethes [i.e. G. Starkey]... 8o, London, [1667-]1678. ?

Roberti, Gaudenzio. Miscellenea Italica physico-mathematica. 4o, Bononiæ, 1692. ?

Roberts, Lewes. The merchants mappe of commerce... 4th ed. Fo, London, 1700. ?

Robertson, William. Thesaurus Græce linguæ, in epitomen, sive compendium... 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1676. ?

Thesaurus linguæ sancæ...sive, Concordantiale lexicon Hebræo-Latino-Biblicum... 4o, Londini, 1680. Tr/NQ.8.7.

Roe, Nathaniel. Tabulæ logarithmicæ, or Two tables of logarithmes: the N. Roe. The E. Wingate. [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1633. Tr/NQ.10.150. Notes by Newton on fly-leaf: ‘Arcus radio æqualis, est 57gr|29577995. Arcus quadrantalis 1 |_57079, 63267, 94896, 61923.’

Rogers, Thomas. The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, and protected in the realme of England...Expressed in thirty nine Articles... 8o, London, 1633. ?

Rogers, Woodes. A cruising voyage round the world: first to the South-Seas, thence to the East-Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope. Begun in 1708, and finished in 1711... 8o, London, 1712. Tr/NQ.9.14 [‘Benjamin Tudman his book...1716’ on fly-leaf and below this ‘C Huggins’, so almost certainly not from Newton’s library].

Rohault, Jacques. Physica. Latinè vertit, recensuit, & adnotationibus ex Illustrissimi I. Newtoni philosophià maximam partem haustis, amplificavit & ornavit S. Clarke. Ed. 3a...multùm aucta. 8o, Londini, 1710. Tr/NQ.16.190.

Rolewinck, Werner. Fasciculus temporum. Fo, [Cologne, c. 1485]. Tr/NQ.11.321 [bound with H296].

Rolfinck, Werner. Chimia in artis formam redacta, VI libris comprehensa. 4o, Genevæ, 1671. Tr/NQ.16.82.

Roman forgeries, or A true account of false records discovering the impostures and counterfeit antiquities of the Church of Rome. By a Faithful son of the Church of England [T. Traherne]. 8o, London, 1673. Tr/NQ.7.64.

The Romish horseleech: or, An impartial account of the intolerable charge of Popery to this nation ... [By T. Staveley.] 8o, London, 1674. Tr/NQ.16.156 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Ronayne, Philip. A treatise of algebra in two books... 8o, London, 1717. ?

Rooke, Sir George. The life and glorious actions of the Right Honourable Sir George Rooke. 12o, London, 1707. ?

Rosencreutz, Christian, pseud. The hermetick romance: or, the chymical wedding. Written in High Dutch by C. Rosencreutz [i.e. J.V. Andreae]. Transl. by E. Foxcroft. 8o, [London], 1690. ?

Roubais, Jacques, de Tourcoin. A physical dissertation, concerning the cause of the varitation of the barometer...wherein some mistakes in Sir Issack Newton’s system are rectif’d... Transl. into English. 8o, London, 1721. Tr/NQ.16.1143.

Rous, Francis. Archæologiæ Atticæ libri VII. Seven books of the Attick antiquities...5th ed. corrected and enlarged... 4o, Oxford, 1658. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [bound with H673 & H674].

Rowe, Jacob. Navigation improved: in two books. Book I. containing an exact description of the fluid quadrant of the latitude...Book II. An essay on the discovery of the longitude, by a new invention of an everlasting horometer... 8o, London, 1725. Tr/NQ.10.1193.

Ruland, Martin. Lexicon alchemiæ sive Dictionarium alchemisticum... 4o, [Frankfurt], 1612. Tr/NQ.16.102 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Progymnasmata alchemiæ, sive Problemata chymica, nonaginta & una quæstionibus dilucidata: cum Lapidis philosophici vera conficiendi ratione. 3 pts. 8o, Francofurti, 1607. Stanford University Library, Stanford, CA.

Rule [The] for finding Easter in the Book of Common-Prayer, explain’d and vindicated...[By R. Watts.] 8o, London, 1712. ?

Rushworth, John. Historical collections of private passages of state, weighty matters in law, remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments.... 8 vols. Fo, London, 1721. ?

Russian [The] Catechism, composed and published by order of the Czar...[Transl. from the Russian by J.T. Philipps.] 8o, London, 1723. ?

Rutherfurd, Samuel. The tryal & triumph of faith: or, An exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan. Delivered in sermons... 4o, London, 1645. Tr/NQ.8.67.

Rutilius Namatianus, Claudius. Itinerarium, integris Simleri, Castalionis, Pithoei [etc.]... animadversionibus illustratum. 12o, Amstelædami, 1687. ?

Ruysch, Fredrik. Adversariorum anatomico-medico-chirurgicorum decas secunda. 4o, Amstelodami, 1720. ?

Rymer, Thomas. Fœdera, conventiones, literæ, et cujuscunque generis acta publica, inter Reges Angliæ... Vol. 1. Fo, Londini, 1704. ?

Sallengre, Albert Henri. Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Vols. 1, 2. Fo, Hagæ-Comitum, 1716-18. ?

Sallustius, philosophus. De diis et mundo. L. Allatius nunc primus è tenebris eruit, & Latinè vertit. [Greek & Latin.] 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1639. ?

Sallustius Crispus, Gaius. C. Sallistuis Crispus, cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. Ed. novissima. 8o, Amstelodami, 1675. ?

Salmon, Thomas. A proposal to perform musick, in perfect and mathematical proportions... 4o, London, 1688. Tr/NQ.16.777.

Medicina pratica: or The practical physician... 8o, London, 1707. ?

Sammes, Aylett. Britannia antiqua illustrata: or, The antiquities of Ancient Britian... Vol. 1. Fo, London, 1676. ?

Sanchoniathon. Sanchoniatho’s Phœnican history, transl. from the first book of Eusebius De præparatione Evangelica. With a continuation of Sanchoniatho’s History by Eratosthenes Cyrenaæus’s Canon...By R. Cumberland. 8o, London, 1720. Tr/NQ.9.16 [p.483 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Sanderson, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln. Logicæ artis compendium. 3a hac ed. recognitum ... [2 pts.] 8o, Oxoniæ, 1631. Tr/Adv.e.1.15 [on recto of title-page: ‘Isaac Newton Trin Coll Cant 1661’; a few signs of dog-earing].

XXXVI. sermons...8th ed.; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added the life of, written by I. Walton. Fo, London, 1689. ?

Sandius, Christophorus. Nucleus historiæ ecclesiasticæ: cui præfixus est Tractatus de veteribus scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. [3 pts.] 8o, Cosmopoli [Amsterdam], 1669. Tr/NQ.9.17 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Sanguis naturæ, or, A manifest declaration of the sanguine and solar congealed liquor of nature. By Anonimus [i.e. C. Grummet]. 8o, London, 1696. Tr/NQ.16.172 [many signs of dog-earing].

— — [Another copy.] Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison. Note in Newton’s hand inserted: ‘Sanguis Naturæ, at Sowles [the bookseller] a Quaker Widdow in the White Hart Court at ye upper end of Lombard Street’; many signs of dog-earing.

Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimirez. Lyricorum libri IV... 8o, Antverpiæ, 1624. ?

Saunders, Richard. Palmistry, the secrets thereof disclosed...As also that most useful piece of astrology...concerning elections... 2 pts. 12o, London, 1663. ?

Saurin, Jacques. Dissertations...on the most memorable events of the Old and New Testaments...Made English by J. Chamberlayne. 8o, London, 1720. ?

— — [Another ed.] Vol. 1. [No more published.] Fo, London, 1723. ?

Savaron, Jean. Chronologie des Estats Généraux, où Le Tiers Estat est compris, depuis l’an MDCXV. iusques à CCCCXXII. 8o, Paris, 1615. Tr/NQ.9.35.

Savery, Thomas. The miner’s friend; or, An engine to raise water by fire, described... 8o, London, 1702. Tr/NQ.16.1621.

Saxo, Grammaticus. Danorum historiæ libri XVI. [Ed. by J.Oporinus.] Fo, Basileæ, 1534. Tr/NQ.11.28.

Scaliger, Joseph Justus. Opus novum de emendatione temporum in octo libros tributum. Fo, Lutetiæ, 1583. Tr/NQ.11.22 [a few signs of dog-earing]. Alternative versions of the Jewish [and other] names of months in the text written by Newton in the margin of p.378: against the printed ‘Tisri’, ‘Marcheschwan’, ‘Nisan’, ‘Ijar’, he supplied ‘Elhanim’, ‘Bul’, ‘Abib’, ‘Zif’ respectively.

Scapula, Johannes. Lexicon Græcolatinum novum... Ed. 2a. Fo, Basileæ, 1589. ?

— — Ed. nova accutrata. Fo, Lugduni Batavorum, 1652. ?

Schaaf, Karl. Lexicon Syriacum concordantiale, omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci voces... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1709. Tr/NQ.16.174.

Schedius, Elias. De diis Germanis...syngrammata IV. 8o, Amsterodami, 1648. ?

Scheiner, Christoph. Oculus; hoc est, Fundamentum opticum: in quo ex accurata oculi anatome...radius visualis eruitur... 4o, Londini, 1652. Tr/NQ.8.49 [p. 225 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Schelhammer, Gunther Christoph. De nitro, cum veterum, tum nostro commentatio... 8o, Amstelodami, 1709. ?

Schelstrate, Emmanuel. Antiquitas illustrata circa Concilia generalia et provincialia, decreta et gesta Pontificum, et præcipua totius historiæ ecclesiasticæ capita. 4o, Antverpiæ, 1678. Tr/NQ.8.55 [pp.78, 79, 90, 474 turned up, p.98 down and many other signs of dog-earing].

Ecclesia Africana sub primate Carthaginiensi. 4o, Parisiis, 1679. Tr/NQ.8.129 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Sacrum Antiochenum Concilium pro Arianorum conciliabulo... 4o, Antverpiæ, 1681. Tr/NQ.8.41.

Scheuchzer, Johann Jacob. Herbarium diluvianum. Fo, Tiguri, 1709. ?

Οὺρεσιφοίτης Helveticus, sive Itinera Alpina tria... 4o, Londini, 1708. ?

Οὺρεσιφοίτης Helveticus, sive Itinera per Helvetiæ Alpinas regiones facta annis MDCCII-MDCCXI. 4 vols. in 2. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1723. Tr/NQ.10.4 & 5 [a few signs of dog-earing; presentation inscription on fly-leaf ‘Perillustri Viro Isaaco Newtono Equiti aurato & Societatis Regiæ Præsidi Itinera hæcce Alpina nomine Authoris Ea quâ par est, observantiâ humillimè offert Joh. Casparus Scheuchzerus Fil. Londini Calendis Julij MDCCXXIII’; plates opposite pp. 1, 65, 147 of vol. 1 ‘Sumptibus D. Isaaci Newton’].

Piscium querelae et vindiciae. 4o, Tiguri, 1708. Tr/NQ.8.521 [presentation inscription ‘Illustr. D. Newtono Societ. Regiæ Præsid.’ at foot of title-page].

Specimen lithographiæ Helveticæ curiosæ, quo lapides ex figuratis Helveticis selectissimi æri incisi sistuntur & describuntur. 8o, Tiguri, 1702. Tr/NQ.16.993.

Schickard, Wilhelm. Horologium Herbræum, sive consilium, quomodo sancta lingua...apprehendi queat... [With Rota Hebræa... recusa denuò]. [2 pts.] 8o, Londini, 1639. Tr/NQ.7.6.

Schindler, Valentin. Lexicon pentaglotton, Herbraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, & Arabicum... Fo, Hanoviæ, 1612. ?

Schooten, Frans van. Exceritationum mathematicarum libri V...Quibus accedit C. Hugenii Tracatus, de ratiociniis in aleæ ludo. 4o, Lugd. Batav., 1657. Tr/NQ.16.184. Early Newton mathematical notes [late 1664?] on slips of paper now attached between pp. 178-9 and pp. 360-61, see Math. papers, I, 46, where the first note is reproduced.

Schrevelius, Cornelius. Lexicon manuale Græco-Latinum et Latino-Græcum. Ed. 2a auctior...8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1657. ?; bought by Newton c. 1665 for 5s. 4d., see Trinity Notebook [MS.R.4.48c].

Schroeder, Johann. Quercetanus redivivus, hoc est, Ars medica dogmatico-hermetica, ex scriptis J. Quercetani...Ed. 2a. 3 vols. in 1. 4o, Francofurti, 1679. ?

Science [La] des medailles antiques et modernes...Nouv, éd., revuë, corrigée & augmentée considérablement par l’auteur [L. Jobert]. 8o, Amsterdam, 1717. Tr/NQ.10.118.

Scriptores rerum Brunsvicensium illustrationi inservientes, antiqui omnes et religionis reformatione priores ... cura G.G. Leibnitii. 3 vols. Fo, Hanoveræ, 1707-11. Tr/NQ.17.13 to 15 [a few signs of dog-earing in vol. 1].

Scripture [The] doctrine of the most holy and undivided Trinity, vindicated from the misinterpretations of Dr. Clarke. [By J. Knight.] To which is prefixed a R. Nelson. 8o, London, 1714. ?

Secret [The] history of Europe. [By J. Oldmixon.] 2 vols. 8o, London, 1712. Tr/NQ.8.57 & NQ.16.182.

Secrets reveal’d: or, An open entrance to the shut-palace of the, or Eyræneus Philaletha Cosmopolita [i.e. G. Starkey]... 8o, London, 1669. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison. Heavily annotated and corrected throughout by Newton with some margins completely filled with notes; many signs of dog-earing; see also H838.

Seder Olam: or, The order of ages. Wherein the doctrin is historically handled. Transl. out of Latin, by J. Clark, upon the leave and recommendation of F.M. Baron of Helmont. 8o, London, 1694. ?

Seidel, Kaspar. Ἐγχειρίδιον τῆς Ἑλλάδος φωνῆς. Sive, Manuale Græcæ linguæ gnomologicum novum...Ed. 2a, priori emendatior. 8o, Londini, 1653. Tr/NQ.10.141.

Selden, John. De Diis Syris syntagmata II... Ed. juxta alteram ipsius autoris operâ emendatiorem auctioremque omnium novissima ... operâ A. Beyeri. 8o, Amstelodami, 1680. Tr/NQ.9.77 [pt 1, p.193 turned up, and several other signs of dog-earing].

De jure naturali et gentium, juxta disciplinam Ebræorum, libri VII... 4o, Argentorati, 1665. ?

De synedriis & præfecturis juridicis veterum Ebræorum libri III. Ed. ultima priori correctior. 4o, Amstelædami, 1679. Tr/NQ.8.35 [pt 1, p.148 and pt 2, p.85 each with both corners turned, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Uxor Ebraica, seu De nuptiis et divortiis ex jure civile, id est, divino & Talmudico, veterum Ebræorum, libri III...Ed. nova. 4o, Francofurti, ad Oderam, 1673. Tr/NQ.8.20.

A new light of alchymie...Also nine books of the nature of things, written by Paracelsus...Also a chymicall dictionary...Transl. out of the J. F[rench]. 3 pts. 4o, London, 1650. Tr/NQ.16.130 [several signs of dog-earing].

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Opera omnia, ab A. Schotto ad veterum exemplarium fidem castigata, Græcis etiam hiatibus expletis. Vol. 1. 8o, Genevæ, 1626. Tr/NQ.9.128 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Operum tomus 2, cum A. Schotti ad veterum exemplarium fidem castigatione... 8o, [1626?]. Tr/NQ.16.141 [a different issue from H1486].

L. Annæi Senecæ & P. Syri Mimi, forsan etiam aliorum, singulares sententiæ & opera J. Gruteri... 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1708. ?

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. L. & M. Senecæ Trag 12o, Amsterdami, 1645. Tr/Adv.e.1.12 [‘Isaac Newton hunc librum tenet pret: s 2. d 6.’ on fly-leaf].

L & M. Senecæ Tragœdiæ. Cum notis T. Farnabii. 12o, Amsterodami, 1656. ?

Senex, John. The English atlas, by J. Senex and J. Maxwell. Fo, London, 1714. ?

Sermons by Berriman, Rogers, Hind, &c. 8o, 1722. Not identified individually. ?

Sermons by Butler, Bird, Stillingfleet, &c. 4o, 1688. Not identified individually. ?

Sermona by Dr Lupton, Sacheverell, &c. 8o, Not identified individually. ?

Sermons by several hands. 3 vols. 4o, 1720. Not identified individually. ?

Sermons by Sprat, Fothergill, &c. 8o, 1710. Not identified individually. ?

Sermons in the time of Oliver Cromwell. 4o, 1644. Not identified individually. ?

Sermons on charity. 2 vols. 4o, 1720. Not identified individually. ?

Sermons printed for the benefit of the poor. 2 vols. 8o, 1707. Not identified individually. ?

Several proposals conducting to a farther Union of Britian: and pointing at some advantages arising from it. [By George MacKenzie, 1st Earl of Cromarty.] 4o, London, 1711. Tr/NQ.8.1118.

Sewell, George. The life and character of Mr. John Philips. 3rd ed. 12o, London, 1720. Tr/NQ.8.1091 [bound with H473, H1299 & H1527].

The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincon’s-Inn-Fields. 5th ed.... 12o, London, 1722. Tr/NQ.10.834.

Sextus Empiricus. Opera quæ extant...H. Stephano interprete...Græcè nunc primùm editi... Fo, Parisiis, 1621. ?

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. A tragedy. As it is now acted by His Majesty’s servants. 12o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.10.831.

The Tempest: or, The enchanted island. A comedy. First written by Mr. William Shakespear, & since altered by Sir William Davenant, and Mr. John Dryden. 8o, London, 1710. Tr/NQ.10.924.

Shelton, Thomas. Tachy-graphy. The most exact and compendious method of short and swift writing... 8o, London, 1660. ?

Sherlock, Thomas, Bishop of London. The use and intent of prophecy in the several ages of the world: in six discourses... 8o, London, 1725. ?

A practical discourse concerning death. 8o, London, 1710. ?

Short [A] account of Dr Bentley’s humanity and justice, to those authors who have written before him: with and honest vinfication of T. Stanley...In a letter to the Honourable Charles Boyle... 8o, London, 1699. Tr/NQ.9.57 [p. 1 has signs of dog-earing].

A short introduction of grammar, generally to be used. Compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue...[By W. Lily and J. Colet.] [2 pts.] 12o, Oxford, 1692. Tr/NQ.10.140.

Sidonius Apollinaris, Saint, Bishop of Clermont. Opera. I. Savaro multò quàm antea castigatius recognovit, & librum commentarium adiecit. 4o, Parisiis, 1599. Tr/NQ.8.44 [pt 2, p. 123 has signs of dog-earing].

Sigonius, Carolus. Historiarum de Occidentali Imperio libri XX ... Fo, Francofurti, 1593. Tr/NQ.11.131. [bound with H1513; a few signs of dog-earing].

Historiarum de Regno Italiæ libri XX ... Fo, Francofurti, 1591. Tr/NQ.11.132 [bound with H1512; a few signs of dog-earing].

Simon, Richard. Critical enquiries into the various editions of the Bible...Translated into English, by N.S. 4o, London, 1684.

A critical history of the Old Testament ... Translated into English, by a person of quality. [4 pts.] 4o, London, 1682. Tr/NQ.16.143 [‘Is. Newton Oct 3. [80] pret 8s.’ on fly-leaf [the meaning of ‘[80]’ is unclear: the date of the book’s publication rules out 1680]; a few signs of dog-earing].

A critical history of the text of the New Testament... 4o, London, 1689. Tr/NQ.8.32 [pt 2, p.154 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Lettres choisies, où l’on trouve in grand nombre de faits anecdotes de literature. 12o, Amsterdam, 1700. Tr/NQ.9.1.

Skinner, Thomas. The life of General Monk: late Duke of Albemarle....To which is added a W. Webster. 8o, London, 1723. Tr/NQ.7.57.

Slare, Frederick. An account of the nature and excellent properties and vertues of the Pyrmont waters... 8o, London, 1717. ?

Experiments and observations upon Oriental and other Bezoar-stones, which prove them to be of no use in physick... 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.60 [‘Ab Authore’ [not in Newton’s hand] on fly-leaf].

Sleidan, Johann. De quator monarchiis libri III. Cum notis H. Meibomi & G. Horni. Ed. prioribus correctior & emendatior. 12o, Cantabrigiæ, 1686. Tr/NQ.9.165.

De statu religionis et republicæ, Carolo Quinto, Cæsare comentarij. 8o, 1556. ?

Sloane, Sir Hans. Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the natural history...of the last of those Islands... 2 vols. Fo, London, 1707-25. ?

Sluse, Réné François de. Mesolabum, seu Duæ mediæ proportionales inter extremas datas per circulum et per infinitas hyperbolas, vel ellipses et per quamlibet exhibitæ... 4o, Leodii Eburonum, 1668. Tr//NQ.9.40.

Smalridge, George, Bishop of Bristol. Twelve sermons preach’d on several occasions. 8o, Oxford, 1717. ?

Smiglecius, Martinus. Logica, selectis disputationibus & quæstionibus illustrata... 4o, Oxonii, 1658. ?

Smith, Edmund. which is prefix’d, A character of Mr. Smith, by Mr. Oldisworth. 3rd ed., corrected. 12o, London, 1719. Tr/NQ.8.1094 [bound with H473, H1299 & H1501].

Smith, George. The vanity of conquests, and universal monarchy: being a succinct account of all the great conquerors and heroes both of ancient and modern ages... 8o, London, 1705. Tr/NQ.9.9.

Smith, John, †1631. The sea-mans grammar and dictionary...In 2 pts. Now much amplified and enlarged. 4o, London, 1692. ?

Smith, John [fl. 1656]. The mystery of rhetorick unveil’d. Wherein above 130 of the tropes and figures are severally derived from the Greek into English ... 8o, London, 1683. Tr/NQ.9.4 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Smith, Samuel. Aditus ad logicam, in usum eorum qui primò academiam salutant. Ed 6a. 12o, Oxoniæ, 1649. Tr/NQ.9.1661 [wants title-page; bound with H293].

Smith, Thomas. De Graæcæ Ecclesiæ hodierno statu epistola. Ed. nova, auctior & emendatior. 8o, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1698. Tr/NQ.9.155.

Soarez, Cyprianus. De arte rhetorica libri III, ex Aristotele, Cicerone, et Quintiliano præcipue deprompti... 8o, Coloniæ, 1604. ?

Socinus, Faustus. Defensio animadversionum F. Socini...adversus G. Eutropium. 8o, Racoviæ, 1618. ?

Solutio problematis Paschalis.[By F. Bianchini.] 4o, [Romæ, 1703]. Tr/NQ.10.31.

Some reasons for an European state, proposed to the powers of Europe, by an universal guarantee, and an annual congress, senate, dyet, or parliament... 4o, London, 1710. Tr/NQ.8.1113.

Some remarks upon a pamphlet [by A. A. Sykes], entitled, The case of Dr. Bentley farther stated and vindicated, &c...By the author of the Full and impartial account, &c. [i.e. C. Middleton]. 8o, London, 1719. Tr/NQ.7.15.

Sophocles. Tragœdiæ VII. Unà cum omnibus Græcis scholiis ad calcem adnexis. Ed. postrema. [Greek & Latin.] 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1673. Tr/NQ.9.42 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Soupirs [Les] de l’Europe &c. or, The groans of Europe at the prospect of the present posture of affairs. In a letter from a gentleman at the Hague to a Member of Parliament. Made English from the original French [of J. Dumont]. 8o, [London], 1713. Tr/NQ.9.204.

Spanheimius, Fridericus. Dubia Evangelica... 3 vols. in 2. 4o, Genevæ, 1655-8. ?

Historia imaginum restituta, præcipuè adversos Gallos scriptores nuperos L. Maimburg et N. Alexandrum. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1686. Tr/NQ.8.139 [p.263 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

Spectator [The].[By J. Addison, Sir R. Steele and others.] 8 vols. 8o, London, 1712-15. ?

Speeches in Parliament in 1640 & 1641. 4o, 1641. Not identified. ?

Speed, John. A prospect of the famous parts of the world 8o, London, 1646. ?

Spencer, John. De legibus Hebræorum ritualibus et earum rationibus, libri III. Fo, Cantabrigiæ, [1683-]1685. Tr/NQ.17.18 [p.782 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Spener, Jakob Karl. Historia Germaniæ universalis et pragmatica breviter ac perspicue exposita... 2 vols. 8o, Lipsiæ, 1716-17. ?

Notitia Germaniae antiquae, ab ortu Reipublicae ad regnorum Germanicorum in Romanis provinciis stabilimenta... 2 vols. 4o, Halæ Magdeburgicæ, 1716. ?

Sperling, Otto. Dissertatio de nummis non cusis tam veterum quam recentiorum. 4o, Amstelædami, 1700. ?

Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. The history of the Royal-Society of London, for the improving of natural knowlege. 4o, London, 1667. Tr/NQ.9.28 [a few signs of dog-earing]; bought by Newton in 1667 for 7s., see Fitzwilliam Notebook.

Squire, John. A plaine exposition upon the first part of the second chapter of Saint Paul his second epistle to the Thessalonians. Wherein it is plainly proved, that the Pope is the Antichrist... 4o, London, 1630. ?

Stanley, Thomas. Historia philosophiæ Orientalis. Recensuit, ex Anglica lingua in Latinam transtulit...J. Clericus. 8o, Amstelodami, 1690. ?

The history of philosophy: containing the lives, opinions, actions and discourses of the philosophers of every sect...3rd ed.... Fo, London, 1701. ?

Starkey, George. Pyrotechny asserted and illustrated, to be the surest and safest means for art’s triumph over nature’s infirmities... 8o, London, 1658. ?

Stearne, John, Bishop of Clogher. Tractatus de visitatione infirmorum, seu de eis parochorum officiis... Ed 2a. 12o, Londini, 1704. ?

Steele, Sir Richard. An account of the fish-pool: consisting of a description of the vessel so call’ Sir Richard Steele, and J. Gillmore. 8o, London, 1718. Tr/NQ.16.1624.

Stephanus Byzantinus. De urbibus, quem primus T. de Pinedo...Latii jure donabat, et observationibus...illustrabat. His additæ...collationes J. Gronovii... [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Amstelodami, 1678. ?

Stephanus, Henricus. Concordantiæ Græcolatinæ Testamenti Novi, nunc primùm plenæ editæ... Fo, [Geneva], 1600. ?

Thesaurus Græcæ linguæ...4 vols. Fo, [Geneva], 1572. ?

Stephanus, Robertus. Dictionarium nominum propriorum viorum, mulierum, populorum... 8o, Coloniae Agrippinae, 1576. Tr/NQ.16.10 [‘Isaac Newton Trin: Coll: Cant: 1661’ on verso of title-page].

Sternhold, Thomas. The whole Book of Psalms collected into English metre by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins, and others ... 8o, Cambridge, 1661. Tr/Adv.d.1.103 [bound with H188 & H240; 6 lines of Biblical notes and references in Newton’s hand on end-paper].

Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester. An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome ... Pt 1. 8o, London, 1673. Tr/NQ.16.168 [on 1st fly-leaf: ‘Is. Newton pret. 2s. 6d.’; on 2nd fly-leaf ‘I.B. [Isaac Barrow?] ex dono eximij authoris’].

A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the danger of salvation in the communion of it ... 8o, London, 1671. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [‘Is. Newton pret 2s 6d’ written by Newton on fly-leaf above the scored-through inscription ‘Donum eruditissimi Authoris’].

A discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity... 8o, London, 1697. ?

Irenicum. A weapon-salve for the Churches wounds... 2nd ed....4o, London, 1662. ?

Origines sacræ: or, A rational account of the grounds of natural and reveal’d religion. 7th ed....Fo, Cambridge, 1702. Peter Laslett, Trinity College, Cambridge.

Stirrup, Thomas. The description and use of the universall quadrat [sic]... 4o, London, 1655. ?

Stone, Edmund. A new mathematical dictionary... 8o, London, 1726. ? .

Stoughton, John. Choice sermons preached upon selected occasions... 4o, London, 1640. Tr/NQ.8.661 [bound with H1569 & H1571].

XI. choice sermons, preached upon selected occasions, in Cambridge... 4o, London, 1640. Tr/NQ.8.662 [bound with H1568 & H1571].

Felicitas ultimi sæculi: epistola in qua, inter alia, calamitosus ævi præsentis status seriò deploratur... 8o, Londini, 1640. Tr/NQ.16.63.

Seaven sermons, preached upon severall occasions... 4o, London, 1640. Tr/NQ.8.663 [bound with H1568 & H1569].

Strabo. Rerum geographicarum libri XVII. I. Casaubonus recensuit... [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1620. ?

Rerum geographicarum libri XVII. Accedunt huic editioni, ad Casaubonianam III expressæ, notæ integræ G. Xylandri [etc]. Subjiciuntur Chrestomathiæ Græc. & Lat. [Greek & Latin.] 2 vols. Fo, Amstelædami, 1707. Tr/NQ.11.2 and 3 [vol. 2, p.720 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Strada, Famiano. Eloquentia bipartita. Pars prior Prolusiones academicas exhibet...altera Paradigmata eloquentiæ...proponit... 12o, Oxoniæ, 1662. Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, Los Angeles [‘Isaac Newton’ in his hand on fly-leaf].

Streete, Thomas. Astronomia Carolina: a new theory of the cœlestial motions...2nd ed. corrected. To which are added some lunar and planetary observations... 4o, London, 1710. Tr/NQ.9.95. Newton added ‘48"’ in margin of p. 44 as a correction for ‘41"’ in the printed text of the last line but one.

Stuart, Alexander. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de structura et motu musculari... 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. Tr/NQ.10.353.

Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius. Duodecim Caesares, ex Erasmi recognitione. 2 pts. 8o, Parisiis, 1543. ?

Opera, & in illa commentarius S. Pitisci...Ed. 2a priori ornatior & limatior. 2 vols. 4o, Leovardiæ, 1714-15. Tr/NQ.10.3 [vol. 1 only].

Suicerus, Johannes Casparus. Thesaurus ecclesiasticus, e Patribus Græcis ordine alphabetico ... 2 vols. Fo, Amstelædami, 1682. Tr/NQ.11.11 and 12 [‘Isaac Newton. pret £1. s12 Oct 3. 1682’ on fly-leaf; vol. 1 has col. 90 turned down, 95 up, and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Suidas. Lexicon, Græce et Latine. Textum...purgavit, notisque perpetuis illustravit: versionem Latinam A. Porti...correxit; indicesque...adjecit L. Kusterus. 3 vols. Fo, Cantabrigiæ, 1705. ?

Suidas, nunc primum integer Latinitate donatus...opera & studio A. Porti... 2 vols. Fo, Coloniæ Allobrogum, 1619. ?

Sully, Henry. Description abregée d’une horloge d’une nouvelle invention, pour la juste mesure du temps sur mer... 4o, Paris, 1726. Tr/NQ.16.1971.

Règle articielle du tems. Traité de la division naturelle & artificielle du tems, des horloges & des montres... 8o, Paris, 1717. Tr/NQ.16.1611.

Sulpicius Severus. Opera omnia. Cum lectissimis commentariis accurante G. Hornio. Ed. 3a...8o, Amstelodami, 1665. ?

Swift, Jonathan. A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, An account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James’s Library. 4th ed. corrected. 8o, London, 1705. Tr/NQ.8.113.

Sylburgius, Fridericus. Etymologicon magnum; seu Magnum grammaticæ penu...repurgatum, perpetuis notis illustratum... [2 pts.] Fo, [Heidelberg], 1594. ?

Symson, Partrick. The historie of the Church sinces the dayes of Our Saviour Iesus Christ, untill this present age. 4o, London, 1624. ?

Table [A] of logarithms, for numbers increasing in their natural order, from an unit to 10000...2nd ed., corrected. 8o, London, 1705. Tr/NQ.16.1442 [bound with H858].

Tachenius, Otto. Otto Tachenius his Hippocrates chymicus...Transl. into English by J. W. 4o, London, 1677. Tr/NQ.16.103 [several signs of dog-earing].

Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius. Annalium...sive Historiæ Augustæ libri XVI qui supersunt...recogniti...per B. Rhenanum. Fo, Basileæ, 1533. ?

C. Cornelii Taciti quæ exstant. M. Z. Boxhornius recensuit & animadversionibus nonnullis illustravit...Ed. nova et auctior. 12o, Amstelodami, 1661. ?

Opera quæ exstant, integris J. Lipsii...commentariis illustrata. J. F. Gronovius recensuit... 8o, Amstelodami, 1685. ?

Tallents, Francis. A view of universal history...[Chronological tables.] Fo, London, 1700. ? [bound with H1281].

Tatler [The]. 4 vols. 8o, London, 1710-11. ?

Tavernier, Jean Baptiste. Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East-Indies...Vol. 1. Fo, London, 1684. ?

Taylor, Brook. Linear perspective: or, A new method of representing justly all manner of objects as they appear to the eye in all situations... 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.9.1254.

Methodus incrementorum directa & inversa. 4o, Londini, 1715. Tr/NQ.16.763.

Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor. Antiquitates Christianæ: or, The history of the life and death of the Holy Jesus: as also the lives...of His Apostles. 2 pts. [Pt 1 by J. Taylor, pt 2 by W. Cave.] 8th ed. Fo, London, 1684. ?

The rule and exercises of holy living...[& The rule and exercises of holy dying.] 7th ed. 2 pts. 8o, London, 1663. ?

Teinturier [Le] parfait, ou Instruction nouvelle & générale pour la teinture des laines, et manufactures de laine, comme aussi pour les chapeaux...[By T. Haak]. 8o, Leyde, 1708. Tr/NQ.7.67.

Temple, Sir William. An introduction to the history of England. 2nd ed. corrected and amended. 8o, London, 1699. Tr/NQ.9.157.

Terentius, Publius. Comœdiæ VI. Ex recensione Heinsiana: cum annotationibus T. Farnabii... 12o, Amstelædami, 1651. ?

Comœdiæ VI. Interpretatione & notis illustravit N. usum Serenissimi Delphini... 8o, Londini, 1709. ?

Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae, Phaedri Fabulae Aesopiae, Publii Syri et aliorum veterum Sententiae, ex recesione et cum notis R. Bentleii [et G. Faerni]. [2 pts.] 4o, Cantabrigiæ, 1726. Tr/NQ.8.2.

Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens. Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem locis quamplurimis emendata, N. Rigaltii observationibus & notis illustrata ... Fo, Lutetiæ, 1634. Tr/NQ.11.17 [several signs of dog-earing].

Tesauro, Emanuele, conte. Patriarchæ, sive Christi servatoris genealogia, per mundi ætates traducta. 8o, Londini, 1651. Tr/NQ.16.411 [bound with H1622].

Texte [Le] d’alchymie, et le Songe-verd. 8o, Paris, 1695. Tr/NQ.16.147 [many signs of dog-earing].

Theatrum chemicum, præcipuos selectorum auctorum tractatus de chemiæ et lapidis philosophici antiquitate, veritate, jure, præstantia, & operationibus, continens...[Ed. by L. Zetzner etc.] 6 vols. 8o, Argentorati, 1659-61. Bought by Newton in 1669 for £1 8s. 0d., see Fitzwilliam Notebook; ?
Numerous annotations, textual corrections and references by Newton in vols. 1, 3-6, with vols. 3 & 5 described as very copiously annotated; very many pages turned down [see Sotheran 800].

Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus. Opera omnia ... cura & studio I. Sirmondi. 5 vols. [vol. 5 cura & studio J. Garnerii.] [Greek & Latin.] Fo, Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1642-84. Tr/NQ.17.4 to 8 [vol. 1 has pp.128, 395 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing; vol.3, p.540 down, vol.5, pp.296, 306 down].

Theodosius II, Emperor of the East. Codex Theodosianus cum perpetuis commentariis I. Gothofredi...Opus posthumum...opera et studio A. Marvillii. 6 vols. in 4. Fo, Lugduni, 1665. Tr/NQ.17.9 to 12 [vol. 1 has pp. lxxvi, lxxxvi, ci turned up, clv down, vol. 6, p.123 down].

Theophylactus, Archbishop of Ochrida. Institutio Regia. Ad Porphyrogenitum Constantinum interprete P. Possino... [Greek & Latin.] 4o, Parisiis, 1651. ?

Thirty four conferences between the Danish missionaries and the Malabarian Bramans, or the Heathen priests, in the East Indies, concerning the truth of the Christian religion...Transl. out of High Dutch by Mr. Philipps. 8o, London, 1719. Tr/NQ.7.44.

Thou, Jacques Auguste de. Catalogus Bibliothecæ Thuanæ a P. & I. Puteanis [i.e. P. & J. Dupuy]... 2 vols. 8o, Parisiis, 1679. ?

Doctorum virorum Elogia Thuanea. Operâ C. B[arksdale]. 8o, Londini, 1671. ?

Thucydides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri VIII. Ex interpretatione L. Vallæ, ab H. Stephano iterum recognita ... 8o, Francofurdi, 1589. Tr/NQ.10.116 [several signs of dog-earing].

Tillotson, John, Archbishop of Canterbury. A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Mr Thomas Gouge, the 4th of Novemb. 1681... 8o, London, 1682. ?

Titian. Novem Fabulae, Melanograph ex Titiano de Amoribus Deorum. [The Loves of the Gods, plates after Titian, engraved by John Smith.] Fo, [c. 1720]. ?

Tollius, Jacobus. Fortuita. In quibus, præter critica nonnulla; tota fabularis historica Græca, Phoenicia, Ægyptiaca, ad chemiam pertinere asseritur. 8o, Amstelædami, 1687. ?

Tombeau [Le] de la pauvreté. Dans lequel il est traité clairement de la transmutation des metaux...Par un philosophie inconnu [i.e. d’Atremont]... 12o, Paris, 1673. Tr/NQ.16.109 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Torniellus, Augustinus. Annales sacri et profani, ab orbe condito, ad eundem Christi Passione redemptum... 2 vols. in 1. Fo, Francofurti, 1611. ?

Towerson, Gabriel. An explication of the Catechism of the Church of England. 4 vols. [Vol. 1, 2nd ed.] Fo, London, 1685-8. ?

Tozer, Henry. Christus: sive Dicta & facta Christi: prout à quatuor Evangelistis sparsim recitantur... 8o, Oxioniæ, 1634. Tr/NQ.16.412 [bound with H1606].

Tractatus aliquot chemici singulares summum philosophorum arcanum continenties. 1. Liber de principiis naturæ, & artis chemicæ, incerti authoris. 2. Johannis Belye Angli tractatulus novus, & alius Bernhardi Comitis Trevirensis, ex Gallico versus. Cum fragmentis E. Kellæi, H. Aquilæ Thuringi, & J.I. Hollandi. 3. Fratris Ferrarii tractatus integer...4. Johannis Daustenii Angli Rosarium...[Ed. by L. Combachius.] 8o, Geismariæ, 1647. Tr/NQ.10.147 [a few signs of dog-earing]. At the end of the preface [p. 15] signed ‘L.C.’ Newton added ‘id est Lud. Combachius. Vide Bibl. Chem. p 64’ [a reference to Borel’s ‘Bibliotheca chimica’, H246 in the present catalogue].

Tractatus de alchemia, author. varii. 8o, 1572. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts in divinity by Dr. Clarke and others. 4 vols. 8o, 1706. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts in divinity viz. the Russian Catechism. &c. 8o, 1695. Only the Russian Catechism identified, see H1430. ?

Tracts in history, viz. Claims of the people of England, &c. 8o. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts historical & mathematical, viz. Kalender menses, Var. genl., &c. Fo, 1721. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts, Law, viz. Laws of pledges & pawns, agt. Paptists, &c. 8o, 1723. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts, Mathematical by Bernoulii, Stewart &c. 2 vols. 4o, 1713. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts, Medical, chiefly on the small pox. 8o, 1724. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts on antiquities found in England. 8o, 1713. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts on coin and the publick accounts. 8o, 1695. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts on medals in Latin. 8o, 1671. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts on the Bangorian controversy. [A theological dispute originating in 1716 which Benjamin Hoadly, Bishop of Bangor, played a leading part.] 4 vols. 8o, 1718. Not identified individually. ?

Tracts on the longitude, by Hobbs, Keith, Rowe, &c. 4o, 1709. Only the tract by Willian Hobbs identified. ?

Tracts on the longitude & latitude. 8o, 1720. Not identified individually. ?

Treatise [A] of the description and use of the globes. 12o, London, [1705?]. Tr/NQ.16.202.

Treatises on Church government. 4o, 1647. Not identified individually. ?

Trelcatius, Lucas. Locorum communium S. Theologiæ Institutio per epitomem ... 12o, Londini, 1608. ? [Described in Sotheran Catalogue 789 [1924: Item 5731] as ‘With auto. "Isaac Newton Trin Coll: Cant 1661" on fly-leaf’].

Tres tractatus de metallorum transmutatione. Quid singulis contineatur, sequens pagina indicat. Incognito auctore. Adjuncta est Appendix Medicamentorum Antipodagricorum & Calculifragi...Nunc primum in lucem edi curavit M. Birrius. 8o, Amstelodami, 1668. Tr/NQ.10.144 [many signs of dog-earing].

Triomphe [Le] hermetique, ou La pierre philosophale victorieuse...[By A.T. de Limojon de Saint-Didier.] 8o, Amsterdam, 1689. Tr/NQ.16.123. Below the author’s name printed at end of book [p. 153] as the anagram ‘DIVES SICUT ARDENS, S***’ Newton appended his solution ‘S.E. Sanctus Didierus’; many signs of dog-earing.

True [A] and impartial account of the present differences between the Master [Richard Bentley] and Fellows of Trinity College in Cambridge, consider’d. In a letter to a gentleman sometime member of that Society. 8o, London, 1711. Tr/NQ.7.12.

A true light of alchymy. Containing, I. A correct edition of the Marrow of alchymy [by Eirenæus Philoponos Philalethes [i.e. G. Starkey]]...II. The errors of a late tract called, A short discourse of the quintessence of philosophers...III. The method and material pointed at, composing the Sophick Mercury... 12o, London, 1709. Tr/NQ.16.952.

The true state of England. Containing, lists of the Privy-Council; of the King’s houshold; of the houshold of the Prince and Princess of Whales... 4o, London, 1726. Tr/NQ.9.201.

Truth [The] acknowledged: or, Sufficient proof to disabuse the publick, of the misrepresentations and false reports which have been maliciously spread abroad against the work of Mr. P.R. Fremont...[Transl.] 4o, London, 1722. Tr/NQ.10.3511 ; See also H1680.

Tryals, for high treason. 4o, 1700. Not identified. ?

Țughrā’ī, Husain ibn’Alī, al-. Lamiato’l Ajam, carmen Tograi, poetæ Arabis doctissimi; unà cum versione Latina, & notis ... operâ E. Pocockii ... [2 pts.] 8o, Oxonii, 1661. Tr/NQ.16.26 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Turretinus, Johannes Alphonsus. Nubes testium pro moderato et pacifico de rebus theologicis judicio, et instituenda inter Protestantes concordia... 4o, Genevæ, 1719. ?

Two letters to the Reverend Dr. Bentley, Master of Trinity-College in Cambridge, concerning his intended edition of the Greek Testament. Together with the Doctor’s Answer, and some account of what may be expected from that edition...[By J. Craven?] 8o, London, 1717. Tr/NQ.7.14.

Ulstadt, Philip. Cœlum philosophorum, seu Liber de secretis naturæ. Adcessit I.A. Campesij Directorium summæ summarum medicinæ... 12o, Lugduni, 1572. ?

Cœlum philosophrum, seu Liber: de secretis naturæ, id est: quomodo non solum è vino, sed etiam ex omnibus metallis...Ed. emendatior... 12o, Augustæ Trebocorum, 1630. Memorial library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [bound with H18 & H1685].

Urbigerus, Baro, pseud. Aphorismi Urbigerani, or Certain rules, clearly demonstrating the three infaliable ways of preparing the grand elixir or circulatum majus of the philosophers... 8o, London, 1690. Tr/NQ.16.955.

Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh. Annales. In quibus, Præter Maccabaicam et Novi Testamenti historiam ... continetur chronicon ... Fo, Londini, 1654. Tr/NQ.10.2.

Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti: una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Ægyptiacarum chronico ... Fo, Londini, 1650. Tr/NQ.10.1 [pp.58, 104, 147, 506, 527 turned down and several other signs of dog-earing].

An answer to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland [i.e. W. Malone]...3rd ed., corrected... [3 pts.] 4o, London, 1631. Tr/NQ.16.155.

A body of divinitie, or The summe and substance of Christian religion...4th ed., corrected... Fo, London, 1653. ?

Valeriano, Giovanni Pietro. Hieroglyphica, sive De sacris Ægyptiorum aliarumq3 gentium litteris, commentariorum libri LVIII... Ed. novissima...4o, Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1631. Tr/NQ.10.55.

Valerius Flaccus, Gaius. Argonautica. I.B. Pij carmen ex quarto Argonauticon Apollonij. Orphei Argonautica innominato interprete. 8o, [Venetiis, 1523]. Tr/NQ.10.80 [p.30 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Argonautica. N. Heinsius ... ex vetustissimis exemplaribus recensuit & animadversiones adjecit. 12o, Trajecti Batavorum, 1702. Tr/NQ.9.53 [p.11 turned down].

Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumque memorabilium, libri IX...Operâ & industriâ J. Min-Ellii. 12o, Roterodami, 1681. ?

Valerius Maximus cum selectis variorum observat: et nova recensione A. Thysii. 8o, Lugd[uni] Batavorum, 1660. Tr/NQ.7.40 [pp.456, 764 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Valla, Laurentius. De collatione Novi Testamenti libri II. Ab interitu vindicavit, recensuit, ac notis addidit J. Revius. 8o, Amstelodami, 1630. Tr/NQ.10.134.

Valor beneficiorum: or, A valuation of all ecclesiastical preferments in England and Whales... 12o, London, 1695. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Vansleb, Johann Michael. The present state of Egypt; or, A new relation of a late voyage into that Kingdom...1672 and 1673...Englished by M.D. 8o, London, 1678. ?

Varenius, Bernhard. Descriptio Regni Japoniæ et Siam ... 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1673. Tr/NQ.7.45 [p.244 turned up and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Geographia generalis...emendata, & aucta & illustrata. Ab I. Newton. Ed. 2a auctior & emendatior. 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1681. ?

Geographia generalis...Adjecta est appendix...a J. Jurin. 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1712. ?

Varignon, Pierre. Eclaircissemens sur l’Analyse des infiniment petits [de M. le Marquis de l’Hôpital]. 4o, Paris, 1725. ?

Nouvelle mécanique ou statique dont le projet fut donné en M.DC.LXXXVII. Ouvrage posthume. 2 vols. 4o, Paris, 1725. Tr/NQ.10.53 & 54.

Varii historiæ Romanæ scriptores, partim Græci, partim Latini, in unum velut corpus redacti ... 4 vols. 8o, [Geneva,] 1568. Tr/NQ.16.1, 1a, 2 and 3. [vol. 3 imperfect; vol. 3 has pp.1108, 1134 turned down, vol. 4 p.1555 down and these two vols. have a few other signs of dog-earing].

Varro, Marcus Terentius. Opera quæ supersunt. In lib. de ling. Lat. cõiectanea J. Scaligeri...Ed. 3a, recognita & aucta. [4 pts.] 8o, [Geneva], 1581. ?

Vaseo, Juan. Rerum Hispaniae memorabilium annales...a J. Vasaeo et F. Tarapha... 8o, Coloniæ, 1577. ?

Vaughan, Rice. A discourse of coin and coinage... 12o, London, 1675. ?

Venette, Nicolas. Traité des pierres qui s’engendrent dans les terres & dans les animaux, où l’on parle exactement des causes qui les forment dans les hommes... 12o, Amsterdam, 1701. Tr/NQ.8.58 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Vergilius Maro, Publius. Opera. Mauri Seruii Honorati grammatici in eadem commentarii ... Castigationes & varietates Virgilianae lectionis, per I. Pierium Valerianum. Fo, Parisiis, 1532. Tr/NQ.11.31 [several signs of dog-earing].

Opera; T. Pulmanni studio correcta. P. Manutii annotationes... 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1595. ?

Opera. Cum notis T. Farnabii. 12o, Amsterodami, [1640?].

Opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit C. Ruæ usum Serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem. 8o, Londini, 1696. ?

Vérité [La] reconnüe: ou Preuve siffisante pour désabuser le public, du mauvais caracter, & faux rapport qui a eté malicieusement divulgué partout contre l’œuvre de Mr. P.R. Fremont... 4o, Londre, 1722. Tr/NQ.10.3510; see also H1646.

Vertot, René Aubert de. Histoire des révolutions arrivées dans le gouvernement de la République Romaine. 3e éd. augmentée...3 vols. 12o, La Haye, 1724. Tr/NQ.10.128 to 130.

Histoire des révolutions de Portugal. 12o, Amsterdam, 1712. Tr/NQ.10.77.

Veterum mathematicorum Athenæi, Bitonis, aliorum opera, Græce et Latine pleraque nunc primum edita. Fo, Parisiis, 1693. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

Vialart, Charles, Bishop of Avranches. Geographia sacra, sive Notitia antiqua dioecesium omnium patriarchalium, metropoliticarum, et episcopalium veteris Ecclesiæ...Accesserunt...notæ et animadversiones L. Holstenii. 2 pts. Fo, Amstelædami, 1703-4. ?

Vigani, Giovanni Francesco. Medulla chymiæ, variis experimentis aucta, multisq; figuris illustrata. 8o, Londini, 1683. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin - Madison [bound with H18 & H1652; a few signs of dog-earing]. Annotations by Newton in margins of pp. 8 & 9.

Viger, François. De præcipuis Græce dictionis idiotismis. 11a ed... 12o, Londini, 1647. Tr/NQ.16.25 [‘Ch Huggins’ on fly-leaf, probably not from Newton’s library].

Vignier, Nicolas. Rerum Burgundionum Chronicon ... Ex Bibliotheca historica N. Vignierij. 4o, Basileæ, 1575. Tr/NQ.16.192 [‘I. Newton. pret 1s.’ in Newton’s hand on fly-leaf; a few signs of dog-earing].

Vincent, Saint, of Lérins. Adversus profanas omnium novitates hæreticorum commonitorium. Cum notis S. Baluzii. 12o, Cantabrigiæ, 1687. Stanford University Library, Stanford, CA [Inscribed by Newton on fly-leaf: ‘Is. Newton. Donum amicissimi Authoris Præfationis’; p.93 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Vincent, Levin. Catalogus et descriptio animalium volatilium, reptilium, & aquatilium... 4o, La Haye, 1726. Tr/NQ.10.423 [bound with H1690 & H1691].

Descriptio pipae, seu Bufonis aquatici Surinamensis... 4o, Haarlem, 1726. Tr/NQ.10.421 [bound with H1689 & H1691].

Description abregées des planches, qui representent les cabinets & quelques-unes des curiosités, contenuës dans le Théâtres des merveilles de la nature de L. Vincent. 4o, Harlem, 1719. Tr/NQ.10.422 [bound with H1689 & H1690].

Vindication [A] of the new theory of the earth from the exceptions of Mr. Keill and others...[By W. Whiston.] 8o, London, 1698. Tr/NQ.9.1255.

Vindiciæ veterum scriptorum, contra J. Harduinum ... [By M.V. de la Croze.] 12o, Roterodami, 1708. Tr/NQ.16.13 [a few signs of dog-earing].

Vlacq, Adriaan. Trigonometria artificialis: sive Magnus canon triangulorum logarithmicua...Cui accedunt H. Briggi Chiliades logarithmorum viginti... Fo, Goudæ, 1633. ? Newton thanked Halley for the book and sent him 8s. for it, 17 Oct. 1695 [Correspondence, IV, 173].

Vossius, Gerardus Joannes. De historicis Græcis libri IV; ed. altera, priori emendatior, & multis partibus auctior. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1651. Tr/NQ.7.54 [pp.41, 429 turned up and several other signs of dog-earing].

De historicis Latinis libri III. Ed. altera, priori emendatior, & duplo auctior. 4o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1651. Tr/NQ.16.179 [a few signs of dog-earing].

De theologia Gentili, et physiologia Christiana; sive De origine ac progressu idololatriæ ... liber I, et II. 4o, Amsterdami, 1641. Tr/NQ.8.462 [bound with H1019; very extensively dog-eared with 112 pages still turned and several similar signs].

Oratoriarum institutionum libri VI. Ed. 2a ab autore recognita & altera parte aucta. 8o, Francofurti, 1617. Tr/NQ.16.170.

Voyage de l’Arabie Heureuse par l’Océan Oriental, & le Détroit de la Mer Rouge. Fait par les François pour la première fois, dans les années 1708, 1709 & 1710... [By J. de la Roque.] 12o, Amsterdam, 1716. Tr/NQ.9.147.

Voyages and discoveries in South-America. The first up the River of C. d’Acugna. The second up the River of Mons. Acarete. The third from Cayenne into M. Grillet and Bechamel. Done into English from the originals... 8o, London, 1698. Tr/NQ.9.156.

Vream, William. A description of the air-pump, according to the late Mr. Hawksbee’s best and last improvements... 8o, London, 1717. Tr/NQ.16.912 [bound with H505].

Wafer, Lionel. A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America. 8o, London, 1699. ?

Wake, William, Archbishop of Canterbury. The principles of the Christian religion explained: in a brief commentary upon the Church-Catechism. 3rd ed. corrected ... 8o, London, 1708. Tr/NQ.8.138 [p.50 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Walker, William. English examples of the Latin syntaxis... 8o, London, 1683. ?

A modest plea for infants baptism... 12o, Cambridge, 1677. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA [inscribed by Newton on fly-leaf ‘Is. Newton. Ex dono Rndi Authoris’].

A treatise of English particles...With a praxis upon the same. 8th ed. 8o, London, 1683. Tr/NQ.9.7.

Βαπτισμῶν διδαχή, the doctrine of baptisms: or, A discourse of dipping and sprinkling... 8o London, 1678. ?

Waller, William. An essay on the value of the mines, late of Sir Carbery Price. 8o, London, 1698. ?

Wallis, John. Mechanica: sive, De motu, tractatus geometricus. 3 pts. 4o, Londini, 1669-71. Tr/NQ.16.149. Long mathematical notes by Newton in margins of pp. 15, 36; Newton thanked Collins for sending him the 2nd pt, Jan. 1669/70 and 11 July 1670 [Correspondence, I, 16, 31].

Opera mathematica. 3 vols. Fo, Oxoniæ, 1693-9. Whipple Science Museum Library, Cambridge University [vol. 1 & 2 only]. Minute corrections in Newton’s hand in vol. 2, pp. 392-3, see Math. papers, VII, XVII n.37, 171n. 2; vol. 2, p. 391 turned down to mark reference to Newton’s name in text.

Ward, Seth, Bishop of Salisbury. Idea trigonometriæ demonstratæ, in usum juventutis Oxoniensis. Item Prælectio de cometis. Et Inquisitio in Bullialdi Astronomiæ Philolaicæ fundamenta. 4o, Oxoniæ, 1654. Tr/NQ.8.71.

Warnefridus, Paulus, Diaconus. De gestis Langobardorum libri VI. Ad MS. & veterum codicum fidem editi. 8o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1595. Tr/NQ.16.91 [bound with H13 & H675].

Waser, Caspar. De antiquis mensuris Hebræcorum; quarum S. Biblia meminerunt, libri III... 4o, Heidelbergæ, 1610. Tr/NQ.9.122 [bound with H1714; p. 89 was formerly turned down].

De antiquis numis Hebræorum, Chaldæorum et Syrorum: quorum S. Biblia & Rabbinorum scripta meminerunt, libri II ... 4o, Tiguri, 1605 [bound with H1713; ‘Is. Newton pret 3’ on fly-leaf.] Tr/NQ.9.121.

Waterland, Daniel. The case of Arian-subscription considered: and the several pleas and excuses for it particularly examined and confuted. 8o, Cambridge, 1721. ?

A critical history of the Athanasian Creed... 4o, Cambridge, 1724. ?

Eight sermons preach’d at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul... 8o, Cambridge, 1720. ?

Webster, John. Metallographia: or, An history of metals... 4o, London, 1671. Tr/NQ.16.150 [many signs of dog-earing].

Weidenfeld, Johann Seger. De secretis adeptorum, sive De usu spiritus vini Lulliani libri IV... 4o, Londini, 1684. Tr/NQ.16.104 [several signs of dog-earing].

Weir, James. The ready accomptant; or Book-keeping reform’d... 4o, London, 1700. Tr/NQ.8.79.

Welchman, Edward. XXXIX articuli Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, textibus è Sacra Scriptura depromptis confirmati, brevibusque notis illustrati...Ed. 4a auctior & emendatior... 8o, Oxonii, 1724. ?

Wells, John. The practical Sabbatarian; or, Sabbath holiness crowned with superlative happiness. 4o, London, 1668. ?

Wendelin, Marcus Friedrich. Christianæ theologiæ libri II...Ed. novissima emendatior. 12o, Lugduni Batavorum, 1656. ?

Werner, George Christoph. Inventum novum, artis et naturæ connubium, in copulatione levitatis cum gravitate & gravitatis cum levitate... 4o, Augustæ, 1670. Tr/NQ.16.792.

Whear, Degory. Relectiones hymales de ratione & methodo legendi utrasque historias, civiles & ecclesiasticas... 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1684. Tr/NQ.16.12.

Whiston, William. Astronomical principles of religion, natural and reveal’d. In 9 pts... 8o, London, 1717. [Dedicated to Newton.] Tr/NQ.9.152.

An essay on the Revelation of Saint John ... To which are added two dissertations ... 4o, Cambridge, 1706. Tr/NQ.8.73 [several signs of dog-earing].

An essay towards restoring the true text of the Old Testament... 8o, London, 1722. ?

An historical preface to Primitive Christianity reviv’d... 8o, London, 1711. ?

The longitude and latitude found by the inclinatory or dipping needle. 4o, [London, 1719?]. Tr/NQ.16.1141.

The longitude and latitude found by the inclinatory or dipping needle...To which is subjoin’d Mr. Robert Norman’s New attractive, or Account of the first invention of the dipping needle. [2 pts.] 4o, London, [1720-]1721. Tr/NQ.16.1142.

A new method for discovering the longitude both at sea and land...By W. Whiston and H. Ditton. 2nd ed.: with great additions, corrections, and improvements. 8o, London, 1715. Tr/NQ.10.1191.

Prælectiones astronomicæ Cantabrigiæ in Scholis Publicis habitæ. Quibus accedunt Tabulæ plurimæ astronomicæ Flamstedianæ correctæ, Halleianæ, Cassinianæ, et Streetianæ. 8o, Cantabrigiæ, 1707. Tr/NQ.7.43.

Primitive Christianity reviv’d... 4 vols. 8o, London, 1711. ?

Sermons and essays upon several subjects... 8o, London, 1709. ?

A short view of the chronology of the Old Testament, and of the harmony of the Four Evangelists. 4o, Cambridge, 1702. ?

Three essays, I. The Council of Nice vindicated from the Athanasian heresy. II. A collection of ancient monuments relating to the Trinity...III. The liturgy of the Church of England reduc’d nearer to the primitive standard. 8o, London, 1713. ?

Tracts. 3 vols. 8o, London, 1710. Not identified individually. ?

Wilcox, Thomas. Works...containing an exposition upon the whole booke of David’s Psalmes... Fo, London, 1624. ?

Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester. Ecclesiastes: or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it falls under the rules of art. 3rd ed. 8o, London, 1651. ?

Willis, Thomas. Pathologiæ cerebri, et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis, et de scorbuto. 12o, Amstelodami, 1668. ?

Wilson, George. A compleat course of chymistry. Containing near three hundred operations... 8o, London, 1700. Tr/NQ.16.98.

Wing, Vincent. Astronomia Britannica: in qua per novam, concinnioremq; methodum, hi quinq; tractatus traduntur. [2 pts.] Fo, Londini, 1669. Tr/NQ.18.36. Index with page references to parts of the book made by Newton on 1st fly-leaf; a further note on 2nd fly-leaf, and on 2 closely written rear end-papers Newton added [in about 1670] extensive notes concerning the book and other related topics.

Harmonicon cœleste: or, The cœlestial harmony of the visible world... Fo, London, 1651. Butler Library, Columbia University, New York.

Wingate, Edmund. Mr. Wingate’s Arithmetick...9th ed., very much J. Kersey. 8o, London, 1694. Tr/NQ.8.95.

Winfred, Saint. The life and miracles of St. Wenefrede, together with her litanies...[By W. Fleetwood.] 8o, London, 1713. ?

Winstanley, William. England’s worthies: select lives of the most eminent persons... 8o, London, 1684. ?

Winter-Evening conference between neighbours.[By J. Goodman.] 3rd ed. corrected. 3 pts. 8o, London, 1686. ?

Winwood, Rt Hon. Sir Ralph. Memorials of affairs of State in the reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I... 3 vols. Fo, London, 1725. ?

Wollebius, Johannes. Compendium theologiæ Christianæ... Ed. novissima...12o, Oxoniæ, 1655. ?

Woodward, John. Naturalis historia telluris illustrata et aucta... 8o, Londini, 1714. [Dedicated to Newton.] ?

The natural history of the earth, illustrated, inlarged, and defended. Written originaly [sic] in Latin: and now first made English by B. Holloway... 8o, London, 1726. Tr/NQ.9.15.

The state of physick and of diseases... 8o, London, 1718. ?

Woodward, Josiah. An account of the rise and progress of the religious societies in the City of London...3rd ed., enlarged. 12o, London, 1701. ?

Worthington, John. The great duty of self-resignation to the Divine Will. 8o, London, 1675. Tr/NQ.8.123 [pp.56, 111 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Wotton, Sir Henry. Reliquiæ Wottonianæ, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems...[Ed. by I. Walton.] 12o, London, 1651. ?

Wotton, William. Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. 2nd ed., with large additions. With A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris [etc.]. By Dr. Bentley. [2 pts.] 8o, London, 1697. Tr/NQ.10.107 [pt 2, p.29 turned down and a few other signs of dog-earing].

Xenophon. De Cyri institutione libri VIII...cum Latinâ inter-interpretatione J. Leunclavii... 8o, Londini, 1698. ?

Hieron, ou Portrait de la condition des rois. En grec et en françois. De la traduction de P. Coste. 8o, Amsterdam, 1711. Tr/NQ.16.42.

Yarwoth, William. Introitus apertus ad artem distillationis; or The whole art of distillation practically stated... 8o, London, 1692. ?

Young, Edward. Sermons on several occasions... 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8o, London, 1720. ?

Zahn, Godofredus Andreas. Dissertatio de origine, progressu et dignitate medicinæ... 12o, Vesaliæ, 1708. ?

Zosimus Panopolitanus. Historiæ novæ libri VI, nunquam hactenus editi ... Fo, Basileæ, [1576]. Tr/NQ.11.8 [‘Isaac Newton. pret 3s. 6d.’ on fly-leaf; many signs of dog-earing].

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