Catalogue Entry: ALCH00103
Notes from Ramón Lull.
Custodial History
SL82 was bought at the Sotheby sale by Heffers for £13.10s. Keynes wrote to Heffers on 12 August 1936 asking to see it, but presumably returned it, as Heffers offered it to Yahuda on 7 September 1936 for £20. He must also have turned it down, since it appeared as Item 6 in Heffers' Catalogue 493 (1936) at £20 and again in Heffers' Catalogue 513 (1937) at the same price. At some point acquired by Frederick E. Brasch, who donated it to Stanford.
Sotheby Lot
SL82 + ?Contents
First page headed: 'Ex Raymundi libro secretorum, seu de Quintessentijs', followed by an incomplete set of notes on the separation of elements. p. 13 does not follow from p. 12 and is not mentioned in the Sotheby catalogue: presumably it was added to the lot later. It contains a paragraph of notes (beginning missing) and the beginning of an alchemical recipe, headed 'Ex Raymundi Lulli Libro Mercuriorum', which breaks off in mid-sentence.
Related Material
See H995-6 and 998.