Catalogue Entry: MINT00630

Holograph draft advertisement inviting tenders to supply copper to the Mint

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/406, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]


On an envelope addressed to Newton in French. Followed by holograph algebraic calculations, a note on the executions of thirteenth-century heretics, and another on the Lateran Council of 1215.

[The advertisement was published on 30 April and is reproduced in CTB, 31, part 2 (1717): 13 and 285 (cited in NC, 6: 391, n.2).]

[1] An. 1224 Frideric II makes the first Roman Law to put Hereticks to death
Ann. 1226 Albigenses conquered. Inquisition begins
Ann. 1215 Lateran General Council of 412 Bishops defines Transubstation.
Ann. 1



Monsieur le chevalier Newton presidant de la Societé Royalle

a Londres

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