Catalogue Entry: MINT00910
Ten miscellaneous documents relating to the Mint
(1) Holograph draft: 'A Scheme of a Commission for prosecuting Counterfeiters and Diminishers of the current coyn'. c. 600 words, 2 pp. Printed in D.E. Smith, 'Two unpublished documents of Sir Isaac Newton', 31-34
(2) [Late December 1695.] Signed holograph draft: 'An Accompt of all the gold and silver monies coyned by the Mill & Press', covering the period March 1693-December 1695. 1 p.
(3) [1696?] Holograph draft specifications for verifying legal tender and recoining counterfeit money, presumably related to the recoinage of 1696-8 and probably to the earlier part of it when such issues were most debated. c. 300 words, 1 p.
(4) [May 1701.] Newton [to Treasury?]. Holograph draft: 'The course of Exchange between London and Paris taken weekly'. Covering letter for a table of these statistics for the period 24 Sept. 1700 to 9 May 1701 (the table is not present), and the fragmentary beginnings of a table showing the same information for rates between London and Paris, Amsterdam and Madrid. c. 200 words, 2 pp.
(5) [1700?] Holograph critique of 'Mr Polixfins [i.e. John Pollexfen's] discourse about Paper-credit', untitled. c. 2,000 words, 7 pp. Another copy at MINT00261 (Mint 19/2/608-11), q.v. for a more detailed account of the contents.
(6) [Early 1697.] Holograph copy: 'An Account of the Mint & its Officers delivered to the Honble Committee of ye House of Commons for inspecting ye same'. c. 1,000 words, 3 pp. Another copy at MINT00020 (Mint 19/1/2-3).
(7) [1701.] Holograph copy: 'Observations on Mr. P[ollexfen]'s Reply'. c. 5,000 words, 15 pp. Numerous drafts of the three chapters of this at MINT00263-MINT00269 (Mint 19/2/612-23, 631-42) q.v. for a more detailed account.
(8) Holograph table: 'Silver monies coyned' for the period 31 December 1689 to 30 September 1695. 1 p.
(9) Holograph table: 'Gold monies coyned in The Tower' over the same period. 1 p.
(10) [1696-9.] Clerical hand, signed by Newton. Fragmentary vellum document. Summons to John Deacon to answer charges of counterfeiting.