Catalogue Entry: NATP00002
Hypothesis explaining the properties of light
[1] h Register, vol. v. p. 65.
[2] i Transact. no 88. p. 5088.
[3] k Transact. no 88. p. 5087.
[4] 1 See Mr. HOOKE'S Micrographia, where he speaks of the inflexion of rays.
[5] m Letter-book, vol. vii. p. 280.
[6] s Obs. 24.
[7] t Letter-book, vol. vii. p. 284.
[8] u Letter-book, vol. vii. p. 282.
[9] x Professor of physic at Gresham College.
[10] y It is printed in the Philosoph. Transact. vol. x. no 121. p. 495.
[11] z Register, vol. v. p. 89.
[12] a Note, that there is some light reflected from those parts of this black spot, where the glasses, by reason of their convexity, and some little unevenness of their surfaces, do no come to absolute contact. For by viewing the sun, by reflection from this spot, not only the verges of it become lucid, but divers lucid veins, as specks, appeared in the midst of the blackness: but yet some parts of the spot seemed still as black as before, which parts I take to be those, where the glasses touched.
[13] c There are no letters entered from the beginning of the year 167 till July 1677.