Catalogue Entry: NATP00059
Draft C of the 'Scholium Generale'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. January 1712/3,
mainly in Latin, with some English
, c. 2,603 words, 4pp.
Source: MS Add. 3965.12, ff. 361-362, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text] [Manuscript Images]
[1] a. Act. 17.27,28, Psal. 139.7. Deut 4.39. & 10.14. 1 King. 8.27 Iob. 22.12 Ier. 23.23,24.
[2] ✝ Iohn 1.18 & 5.37 1 Iohn 4.12. 1 Tim. 1.17 & 6.16. Col. 1.15
[3] & Exod 20.4. Deut 4.12, 15, 16. Isa 40.18, 19. Act 17 29.
[Editorial Note 1] There are some calculations in the margin that have not been included in this transcription.
[Editorial Note 2] The remaining material is written upside down from the bottom of the page and is a rough draft of MINT00452.