Catalogue Entry: NATP00222
Newton's Waste Book (Part 3)
[Editorial Note 1] Newton numbered the first two paragraphs to indicate their order within the text. These paragraphs have been moved in our transcription according to Newton's numbering.
[2] November 8th 1665.
[21] May. 1665.
[24] November the 13th
[25] {To} find the velocitys of bodys by the lines they de{scr}ibe.
[28] Of tangents to Geometricall lines.
[31] Of tangents to Mechanicall lines.
[32] Of the crookednesse of Geometricall lines.
[34] May 30th 1665
[38] The construction of sollid — & Linear Problems
[40] A Generall rule wherby any Probleme may bee resolved.
[41] By what lines a Problem may bee resolved.
[42] In how many points two lines may intersect.
[47] Constructions performed by a Parabola of the 2d kind. x=y3
[Editorial Note 2] Written upside down at the bottom of the page.
[51] † juxta proxima præce{illeg}us, erit VF−2gT {ad} VF+2TV {ut} sinus refrationis ad sinum inciden{tiæ}.
[58] {illeg} equall, otherwise {illeg} they differ by {illeg} 5 let the differen{ce} of the numbers be {illeg} R & the {illeg} tenth part of their Summ S.
[78] {illeg} Jan: 6. 5hor. 34′
[79] {Decem} 1st Epist. 2)
[80] ✝ 9?
[81] Nota. distantia Cometæ {illeg} stella B Feb 7 juxta Hookium fuit pars distantiæ primæ et {Sedæ} Arietis id, est {5}′ 12″ seu . Situs autem erat cometa in medio inter stellas B et C.
[84] I Gradus Problematum:
[86] II Quantitates positivæ et subductitiæ cum earum notis
[87] III Quantitates im{p}ossibiles.
[88] IV Quibus lineijs problemata solvuntur{.}
[89] V Ordines Linearum.
[90] Modus exprimendi lineas
[91] Locus linearis puncti vagi.
[92] Curvarum proprietates generales.
[93] Tangentes ad Curvas descriptas ducere.
[94] De cruribus infinitis et Asymptotis curvarum.
[95] Quomodo curare in species distinguendæ
[96] De curvarum tangentibus
[97] Notarum quarundam explicatio.
[98] Fluxiones quantitatum.
[104] Exempla prima
[105] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[Editorial Note 3] This edit was later made to the text on f. 130r by Newton.
[106] Exemplum in {lineis} tertij ordi{s}.
[107] Species Linearum ejusdem Generis.
[108] Exemplum in lineis secundi ac tertij ordinis.
[109] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[112] a 8. Dat.
[113] b 5 Dat
[114] a 8 Dat
[117] a 30 Dat
[Editorial Note 4] The following paragraph is written upsidedown at the bottom of the page
[Editorial Note 5] The following paragraph is written upsidedown at the bottom of the page