Catalogue Entry: THEM00013

Letter from John Mill to Newton, dated 7 November 1693

Author: John Mill

Source: Keynes Ms. 100, King's College, Cambridge, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

Bought at the Sotheby sale by Maggs Brothers for £4 and sold to Keynes on 19 August 1936 for the sale price plus 20%: Maggs advised Yahuda on 4 September following that it had gone.

Sotheby Lot



Original letter dated St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, 7 Nov. 1693. A reminder of Newton's promise to send Mill his notes on the collation of ancient manuscripts of Revelation.

Printed in Brewster (1855), 2: 472-3 and NC, 3: 289-90. Newton's reply is in the Library of Queen's College, Oxford (29 January 1693/4: Brewster (1855), 2: 473-4 and NC, 3: 303-4), and Mill's reply to that in the Royal Society (21 February 1693/4: NC, 3: 305-8). Cf. Yahuda Ms. 4 (a draft or copy of the collation in question).

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