Catalogue Entry: THEM00014

Correspondence with Thomas Burnet

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Keynes Ms. 106, King's College, Cambridge, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

Bought at the Sotheby sale by Keynes for £78.

Sotheby Lot



Holograph copy letter, Newton to Burnet, after 13 January 1680/81, in English, c. 2,750 words, 5 pp. States Newton's theory of the creation of the earth and its subsequent development, opposing a literalist interpretation of Genesis and insisting that Moses adapted his account to make it comprehensible to 'the gross conception of the vulgar'.

Original letter from Burnet to Newton (to which the above is a reply), 13 January 1680/81, in English, c. 3,000 words, 7 pp. In this letter Burnet acknowledges receipt of a letter from Newton dated 'Dec. 24th' (no longer extant).

Burnet's letter printed in NC, 2: 321-8; Newton's in Brewster (1855), 2, 447-54 and NC, 2: 329-35.

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