Catalogue Entry: THEM00019
'The Case of Kings College'
Custodial History
Bought at the Sotheby sale by Keynes for £10.10s.
Sotheby Lot
Newton's history of the relations between Crown and provostship since the foundation of King's College in 1441, concluding that the position was in the power of the monarch to grant.
[1] Anno regni sui 19. Feb. 20
[2] Rot. Pat. 21 H. 6 parte 2da M. 4
[3] Anno regni sui 19 Octob. 11.
[4] Rot. Parl. 20 H. 6. N. 17
[5] Rot. Pat. 21 H. 6 parte 2da M 4
[6] Rot. Parl. 1 Edw 4. N. 11, 26.
[7] Rot. Parl 33 H. 8 n. 42.
[8] Fuller's Hist. of Cambridge.
[9] See the Letters Patents by which the statutes of the Vniversity were imposed & wherein Queen Eliz. distinguishes between their Privileges & their Statutes
[10] condendi, statuendi faciendi & stabiliendi hujusmodi statuta. Rot Pat. 21 H. 6. p. 2. m. 4.