Catalogue Entry: THEM00038
Copy of an account (July 1686 or later) by the Bishop of London [Henry Compton] of proceedings against him by the High Commissioners. In English, in Humphrey Newton's hand.
Custodial History
SL286 was bought at the Sotheby sale by Maggs Brothers for £5, and invoiced to Yahuda on 14 August 1936. Maggs told Keynes on 17 August that the lot had been sold, but for some reason Yahuda returned it to Maggs within a few days. Maggs informed Keynes of this on 24 August and he bought it on 26 August.
Sotheby Lot
SL286 + 4 pages of SL311Contents
The proceedings were instituted following Compton's refusal to suspend Dr [John] Sharpe for preaching against the King's claim to have found papers of Charles II in favour of Roman Catholicism. The manuscript consists of the following documents:
1) 'The Bp of Londs Narrative of ye proceedings agt him before ye High Com[m]iss[ione]rs', in dialogue form, 6 pp.
2) 'The Bps Answer sent by Dr Sharp to ye E. of Sunderland' and 'Dr Sharps Petition to ye King', 1 p.
3) 'The Bp of London's plea to the Iurisdiction of the Commissioners', 1 p.
4) 'The Bp of London's Protestation', 1 p.
Described as incomplete in the Sotheby catalogue, but Keynes rectified this by replacing the sheets that had strayed into SL311 (the rest of which is now Keynes Ms. 149).