Catalogue Entry: THEM00053

Notes and extracts on interpreting the prophets (c. 1670s-90s)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 10, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Custodial History

SL248 was bought at the Sotheby sale by 'Maxwell' (i.e. Lymington) for £26. On 9 September 1936 Sotheby's told Yahuda that Lymington would sell lots 248, 264 (now Yahuda Var. 1 Ms. 19) and 267 (now Yahuda Var. 1 Ms. 20) for a total of £60. Apparently 8 ff. of the original lot were transferred to Yahuda Var. 1 Ms. 1.

Sotheby Lot

Part of SL248


Ms. 10a

'Out of Mr. Garret's discourse concerning Antichrist', 4 ff. of which 2 blank. Extracts from Walter Garrett, A discourse concerning Antichrist [...] Shewing, that the Church of Rome is that woman mentioned Rev. xvii.3 (London, 1680).

Ms. 10b

Notes on prophetic works, principally Daniel, in English with some Latin, 17 ff. of which 3 blank. Includes two projected lists of titles (the relationship of which to the rest of the document is at best tenuous), as follows:

(i) [This list occurs twice, at separate points, in slightly variant versions, of which the first is cited here.]

'Sect. 1. De Captivitate Babylonica septuaginta annorum.

Sect. 2. De duplici Ezra ac duplici Neemiah deq[ue] singuloru[m] scriptis

Sect. 3. De tempore ædificati Templi

Sect. 4. De temporibus Ezræ junioris et Neemiæ junioris.

Sect. 5. Expositio 70 Hebdomadu[m]

Sect. 6. Expositio dierum 2300

Sect. 7. Expositio dierum 1260, 1290, 1335.'

(ii) 'De Prophetijs Danielis Liber

Cap. 1/ Chronologia regum Babyloniæ, & Captivitatis 70 annoru[m]

Cap. 2/ Chronologia librorum Ezræ & Nehemiæ

Cap. 3/ Expositio Visionis Hebdomadum septuaginta

Cap. 4/ Expositio Visionis quatuor Bestiarum

Cap. 5/ Expositio Visionis Arietis & Hirci

Cap. 6/ Expositio Visionis de scriptura veritatis'

Ms. 10c

Further notes on prophecies, mainly in English, 30 ff. of which 2 blank.

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