Catalogue Entry: THEM00056
Miscellaneous theological extracts and notes
- Ex Irenæi adversus hæreses lib. I
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text] - Notes on Jewish ceremonies and their relevance to prophetic exegesis
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text] - Notes for 'Theologiæ Gentilis Origines Philosophicæ
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]
Custodial History
SL239 was bought at the Sotheby sale by Gabriel Wells for £19 and subsequently acquired by Yahuda. At some point four leaves were transferred to SL236 (Yahuda Var. 1 Ms. 5).
Sotheby Lot
Part of SL239Contents
Ms. 13.1
ff. 1r-4v 'Ex Irenæi adversus hæreses lib. I.' (c. 1670s): excerpts in Latin.
Ms. 13.2
Notes on Jewish ceremonies and their relevance to prophetic exegesis. The hand changes from Newton's to that of an amanuensis halfway down f. 9v; Newton takes over again from f. 17r.
ff. 1-16 'Ex Maimonide Liber de Cultu divino' (c. 1680s): Latin excerpts. See H1018 for the source.
ff. 17r-19r 'Ex notis Ludovici de Veil in Maimonidem': Latin excerpts.
ff. 19r-21v Latin excerpts about Jewish theology, principally from Buxtorff's Synagoga Judaica (H323) and Bibliotheca Rabbinica, and (also beginning f. 19r) 'Ex Ioma, codex Talmudis Hierosolymitani'.
ff. 21v-22v: 'Annotationes' on the above, in Latin.
Ms. 13.3
ff. 1-20 Latin notes for 'Theologiæ Gentilis Origines Philosophicæ' (c. 1680s).
ff. 21-23 Similar notes in English.
f. 25 List of 'Authores fabulosi'.
f. 27 Latin quotations from Plato, Aristotle and Galen about astronomy, followed by three blank leaves.