Catalogue Entry: THEM00057

Miscellaneous notes and extracts on the Temple, the Fathers, prophecy, Church history, doctrinal issues, etc

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 14, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Custodial History

SL265 was bought at the Sotheby sale by 'Ulysses' (Jacob Schwartz?) for £32. It is listed in the Sotheby catalogue as about 120,000 words on 450 pp. ('some leaves stained and rotten'): a small part of it is now Yahuda Var. 1 Ms. 39. The discrepancy is further explained by a letter from Schwartz to Yahuda of 20 April 1937 stating that he had ripped up a portion of the lot which had been damaged by rot and was in his opinion indecipherable. The same letter states that 'my brother in New York' had been in possession of part of SL265 at some point but had 'none left' (having sold it, presumably).

Sotheby Lot

Part of SL265


ff. 1r-8v 'Ezek 40 &c schematîs illustrata': Latin notes on the temple described in Ezekiel, with diagrams of it.

f. 9r 'Of Idolatry': highly significant early notes on instances of it in the Old Testament, in English, with extensive glosses by Newton.

f. 10 is blank, and followed by a page of notes not very obviously connected to anything.

f. 12r 'Ex Iustini Martyris Dialogo cum Tryphonico adversus Iudæos.' Important notes in Latin with Newton's English glosses.

ff. 19v-24v (f. 23 is blank) Miscellaneous notes, mainly in English, on Church history and erroneous doctrines; f. 24 also contains Mint-related material.

f. 25r Centrally important statement of the Son's relation to the Father, in English.

ff. 26r-29r Early notes in Latin and English from Eusebius's Historia Ecclesiastica (H589-90). Headed 'No 31' in Thomas Pellet's hand.

f. 30r-v Latin and English notes on prophecies in the Old Testament and the Chaldee Paraphrast and their relation to subsequent historical events.

ff. 32r-33v Notes from Villalpandus on Solomon's Temple, mainly in Latin.

ff. 34r-43v Notes in English and Latin on Goths and other tribes, on early popes and introduction of 'superstitious' doctrines and practices such as indulgences, praying to the dead, Purgatory, relics, etc., and on prophecy. ff. 42r-43v are written around a draft letter [to Henry Oldenburg, Jan. 1674/5] accepting the offer to waive Newton's fees as Fellow of the Royal Society.

ff. 44r-46v Notes on the Turkish Empire, in Latin and English.

ff. 46v-47v Miscellaneous Latin excerpts from the Fathers.

ff. 48r-49r Prayers and lamentations of fourth-century Christian martyrs, in Latin verse.

ff. 52r-58v Latin notes from the Fathers, notably (f. 52r) from Petau on the tradition of the Trinity.

ff. 59r-60v Notes on events encompassed by the first trumpet and vial (AD 395-406), in English and Latin.

ff. 61r-64r 'Ex Ignatij Epistolis': Latin excerpts.

ff. 65r-68v Dates of key events in the fourth and fifth centuries.

ff. 69r-72r Notes from Pococke's Latin translation of Historia Dynastiarum Gregorij Abul-Pharajii, on Muslim history.

f. 72v Table of dates of the Arab empire.

f. 73r 'Reineras ordinis Prædicatorum contra Waldenses Bibl. Pater Tom. 13': notes on the Waldenses with important comments by Newton on the unreliability of the author, in Latin and English.

f. 75r 'Ex Eutychij Patriarchæ Alexandrini annalibus': Latin excerpts.

ff. 78r-79v Early Latin notes on the interpretation of prophecy.

[f. 80 blank.]

ff. 81r-v 'Ex Athenagoræ Athen. Christ. Philos. pro christianis Legatione sive Apologia, circa A.D. 178': Latin excerpts.

f. 82r 'Theophilus Patriarcha Antiochenum contra Christianæ religionis calumniatores': Latin extracts.

ff. 83r-84v Notes from Bishop Dionysius writing against Paul of Samosat, in Latin and English, with extremely significant notes by Newton on the nature of Christ.

f. 85r-v 'Testimonies of ye Millennium &c': notes in Latin and English on Eusebius's citations from Parias; also (at the bottom of the page) a reference to Mede and his references to Tertullian.

ff. 86r-103v Significant early notes on the key dates in the Athanasius controversy and general Church history, in Latin and English, and including (f. 100v) a map of the most important metropolises in the thirteenth-century Turkish Empire.

ff. 104r-111v 'Historia Arriani collecta ex Baronio': Latin notes on the history of the Arians, mainly from Baronius's Annals with Newton's occasional English glosses.

ff. 112r-115v Latin notes from various sources on the Roman Empire, its treatment of Christians, and the 'barbarian' invasions.

ff. 116r-117v 'Out of Ignatius Epistles': Greek excerpts with English glosses by Newton.

f. 118r Significant early notes on baptism, in English, with Newton's later revised comments.

f. 118v Latin notes on the Fathers.

ff. 119r-121r Early historical notes on Goths, Huns and Vandals, in English and Latin.

ff. 121v -131v Notes on fourth-century Church history, mainly in Latin with some English.

ff. 132r-134v Notes on the Fathers, mainly Origen and Celsus, mainly in Latin.

ff. 135r-138v Latin citations on the origins of monasticism and the supposed miracles of early monks and nuns, including (ff. 137r-138r) Latin excerpts and English paraphrases from 'Vita Antonij ex Athanasio, ad Monachos scripta'.

ff. 139r-142v Accounts of the wickedness of the Romans and the decline of their Empire, mostly in Latin.

f. 143r-v Notes from 'Cyprianus de mortalitate', mostly in Latin.

ff. 143v-145v Notes and extracts on the persecutions of early Christians, mostly in Latin.

f. 145r-v Dates of Muslim rulers.

ff 146r-148v 'E continuatione belli sacris per Iohannem Herold': Latin notes on thirteenth-century Muslim states.

f. 149r-v 'Ex historia Belli sacri, Authore Wilhelmo Tyrio Metropolitano Archiepiscopo ac regni Hierosolomitani Cancellario inter annos 11': further Latin notes on thirteenth-century Muslim states.

f. 150v Table of Muslim rulers in various nations 1057-1262.

ff. 151r-154v Historical notes from a wide range of Greek and Latin sources on the decline of the Roman Empire in the fifth century.

ff. 155r-156v 'Ex [illeg.]thoni Passagio Terræ sanctæ': Latin historical notes on Turks and Tartars in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries.

ff. 157r-158v 'Ex Elmacino': further Latin notes on Muslim history.

ff. 159r-162v Latin notes on Vandals and other tribes.

f. 163r-v Latin notes on the collapse of the Roman Empire.

f. 164r-v English notes on Theodosius (post-1700).

ff. 165r-170v Latin and English notes from various sources on incursions of assorted tribes into the Roman Empire, including (ff. 166-8) a Latin poem on the subject.

f. 171r. Latin excerpts 'Ex Arnobij adversus gentes libro primo. Scripto circa A.D. 300'; followed (ff. 171r-174r) by 'Ex Lactantij Institutionum Libris in extrema senectute conscriptis A.D. 316 circiter'. Important early notes on the relationship between the Father and the Son with striking English glosses by Newton.

ff. 175r-182r Key dates in third to sixth-century history.

ff. 183r-186v Latin notes on the (supposed) celibacy of priests and the nature of the Trinity.

ff. 187r-190r List of dates in fourth and fifth-century Church history, succession of Roman emperors and incursions of tribes on the Empire, all in Latin.

ff. 191r-194r Important early notes from a wide range of Fathers on the nature of Christ, in Latin.

ff. 195r-198v Latin historical notes on the early Church and Roman Empire.

f. 199r-v Latin excerpts 'Ex Hernæ visionibus' and 'Ex Hernæ Pastore', the latter consisting of twelve injunctions for leading a religious life.

[f. 200 blank.]

ff. 201r-202v Highly significant notes on the nature of God and Christ and the text of 1 John 5:7, in Latin and Greek, referring to a work (Caryophilus's 'Catenæ Græcorum Patrum') published 1673. Discusses early printed editions of the Greek New Testament and their variant readings, also referring to Walton's Polyglot Bible [1655-7: H216].

ff. 203r-206r (f. 205 blank) Latin extracts on the Arian controversy.

ff. 206v-207r 'Ex Philostorgio'; 'Ex Greg Nazianzen Orat 21 in Laudem Athanasij': early Latin notes with English glosses by Newton.

ff. 208r-211v Excerpts from numerous Fathers, mainly about martyrdom, in Latin with some Greek.

f. 212r-v 'Ex disputatione Vigilij Episcop. Tridentini de Trinitate.' Latin excerpts.

[f. 213 blank.]

ff. 214r-217v Latin excerpts from various Fathers on martyrdom and continence.

f. 218r-v 'Ex Hilario': Latin notes on the nature of Christ.

f. 219v Extract from Cassian, in Latin.

f. 220r-v Latin notes on the Arian controversy.

f. 25r printed in Westfall, Never at Rest, 315-16. Oldenburg letter on ff. 42-3 printed in NC, 7: 387.

[1] adduxit me iluc: deest in versione septuaginta & in targo Ion. Desumitur a versu 3

[2] d. In Hebræo jam est כגנמ ad Austrum. At sept. legebant דגנמ e regione, Quoniam ædificium dicitur urbi simile et Ierusalem stabat ad austrum montis templi, inde scriba imperitè mutavit ד in כ

[3] e Sept: χαλη λβοντοσ. vide Dan 10. 6.

[4] f Sept: et annunciabis

[5] g secundum Vnanimem Iudæorum traditionem, constabat cubitus vulgaris ex quinque palmis & sacer ex sex. Designat itaque Ezekiel se uti cubito sacro. Hieronymus corrupto usus exemplari legebat calamum constitisse sex cubitis et palmo, eumque latini fere sequuntur. Sed Hebr. hodiernus Sept. Targum Ionath. Vers. Syr. & Arab. refragantur. Et Ezekiel - etiam alibi expressè dicit cubitos suos constitisse ex cubito et palmo c 43.13 & arundinem fuisse sex cubitorum præcise c 41.8 & cubiculos unius arundinis c 40.7 fuisse sex cubitorum præcise vers 12.

[6] 1 h Numerus septem legitur in Sept. et occurrit in sequentibus vers. 22, 26.

[7] 2 k In hebr. jam adduntur: & limen unum calamo uno in latitudinem quæ verba deerant in exemplari Septuaginta et repetitio sunt verborum proximè præcedentium totidem sillabis, præterquam quod pro רעשה porta per ulteriorem scribæ errorem ponitur דחא unum

[8] a Sept. hic legebant {}ιλ{}μ אולם. Deest jam vox in Heb. At postea v 10, 30 agitur de his ἀιλὰμ tanquam prius memoratis, nisi mavis intelligere postes januarum LK et CB quas tamen Angelus non prius mensus fuit. Porrò hæc intervalla cubicolorum vacua fuisse colligo partim quia angelus in his constitit ubi mensus est latitudines thalamorum EV, FT & latitudinem Portæ hV partim quia Sacerdotes per hæc intervalla Portarum Atrij interioris transeunt ab Exedris suis in Atrium interius redeuntque inde in exedras et interea non intrant in Atrium exterius c 42.14. Et Ezeckiel per introitum in latere Portæ borealis ingressus est in cubicula

[9] b Hæc verba Et thalamum secundum &c usque ad in latum HQ legebant Sept. in Exemplari suo, desunt verò jam in Heb. Sed probabilius est scribam oscitanter {omittere} quàm de suo petulanter {inseruisse}. Et sensus requirit ut legantur. Vt enim Angelus mensuravit sigilla{vit} omnes Atriorum portas æquales, sic etiam mensuravit omnes thalamos æquales nam et inde Ezekiel postea pronunciavit hos esse æquales , vers 10.

[10] c Hic in Hebr. scriba oscitanter bis descripsit verba intrinsecus calamo uno et mensus est vestibulum portæ, idque totidem syllabis, . In exemplari Hieronymi legebantur semel. In septuag. juxta æditionem Romanam per contrariam scribæ oscitantiam prorsus omittuntur, sed in codice Alexandrino et vers Arab. leguntur semel, ut etiam vers. Syr.

[11] d Hactenus Angelus continua serie posuit mensuras partium portæ in longum jam redit interius et partes ejus in latum mensus est.

[12] e

[13] f Tradunt Talmudici ostia portarum singularum Templi secundi fuisse decem cubitos lata et viginti alta.

[14] g Septuaginta pro ששים sexaginta legebant עשרים viginti, quod probabilius est si modo altitudo portarum hic designetur ut intelligebant Ionathan in Targo & Syrus. Ea utique fuit altitudo ostiorum Portarum in Templo secundo. In cod. Alexandr & Arab leguntur vigintiquinque

[15] l {illeg} רצף {illeg} Stravit prunam significat {illeg} Isa. 6.6. 1 Reg. 19.6 Et inde a specie | ab effigie fornacis vox usurpatur pro area {illeg}avis s{illeg}ata fornici sic in Ester 1.5, 6 ubi describitur Atrium regium columnis marmoreis ornatum & pavimentum sub fornibus ubi lecta convivis strata erant, dicitur רצפה. Sic etiam in Cant 3.10 describendo lectum Salomonis, dicuntur columnæ ejus argenteæ, {illeg} | pluteus aureus, tectum purpureum, et media regio רצפר אחבה substratum amoris.

[16] m. Ita septuaginta. At in Heb. verba דרך adduxit me ad desunt, quætamen in transitu de Porta ad Portam legi solent vers 24, 27, 32, 35 & hic omninò legenda sunt ut sensus sit salvus.

[17] n Pro ו et Septuaginta legebant כ sicut.

[18] o Ita Sept

[19] a Vers 30 Deest in Sept. edit. Rom. . Legitur tamen in MS Alexandr.

[20] b Septuaginta legunt portam locum atrij

[21] c Ita Sept. & Lat. & supra

[22] d In Hebr. jam legitur אילו postes ejus. At septuaginta et Latinus olim legebant אילמו vestibulum ejus. Et recte, ut ex locis analogis v 31, & 34 nec non 9, 22, 26, constet

[23] h שפת 2 Reg 4.38 est suspendere unco ollari. in Gen 49.14 vox משפתימם de sarcina arcuata usurpatur

[23] Hi sunt arcus ferrei quibus Sacerdotes indebant colla animalium mactandorum. Mactanda enim erant sacrific{i} ad boreale latus Altaris Levit. 1.11 & 6.25 & 7.2 26. Olim arcus seu annuli in pavimento Atrij interioris ad boreale lutus Altaris in hunc usum infixi erant. ut narrant Talmudici. Iam cedes animalium transfertur ex Atrio in Portam

[23] h Ionathan in Targo vocem שפתים interpretatur.

[24] x In Hebr. ponuntur hic singularia pro pluralibus ut sæpe fit. Portas autem in plurali verti debere constat quia subinde de duobus portis agitur. Sic et ubiunum dicitur, non intelligendum est unum cubiculum sed unum cubiculorum ædificium vel una series, id adeo quia subinde de hoc uno dicitur in plurali et facies eorum. Vnde etiam postea ubi hoc unum in Hebr dicitur cubiculum intelligere debemus cubicula, et nec non ita vertere latinè propterea quod [ sermonis hujus est exprimere pl. per sing.] in hoc sermone expressio pluralium per singularia durior est.

[25] y cantorem שרים aliquando quidem Cantores, signif. frequentiùs verò principes Syrús in hoc loco principes vertit et rectè quia cantoribus concedenda non sunt cubicula in atrio sacerdotum. Intellige autem Principes sacerdotum, quibus utique paulo post committitur judicium supremum Ezek 44.24.

[26] z Hebr. Iam est אשר At olim Sept legebant אחר, et sensus lectionem illam omninò requirit.

[27] k Heb אשר quod. Sept אחר unum

[28] a In textu Hebr. hic jam legitur חקדים Orientis at Septuaginta olim legebant חדרים Austri. Et eadem est lectio in commate sequente tam in Hebr. quam in versionibus, et oppositio inter portas austri et aquilonis de quibus hic agitur, lectionem illam omninò confirmat.

[Editorial Note 1] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 2] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 3] The text on this page is written upside down.

[29] Iustini Oratio Paræneticaad Gentes pag 56 F

[Editorial Note 4] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 5] The following notes of Mint expenses are written upside down relative to the main text.

[30] Claudian De Halarico Vessogeta.

[31] Sigonius in Avitum.

[32] quia Reginam sibi a Iustiniano commendatam Vitiges occiderat, & post Theodati obitum Gotti Regem Vitigem sine Domini Iustiniani consensu eligerant

[Editorial Note 6] The following passage is written upside down and runs from f. 43v to f. 43r.

[33] a Ad vaticinium de adventu Longobardorum his verbis prolatum Finis venit universæ carnis alludit.

[34] Ezek: 7)

[35] Greg in Ezek hom 18

[Editorial Note 7] The next two lines are written upside down.

[Editorial Note 8] The following passage is written upside down and runs from f. 47v to f. 46v.

[36] *Barcilon

[37] sepulchro

[Editorial Note 9] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[38] ⭗ The manner & universality of this inundation is thus further exprest by Salvian. Iudicamur itaque —— omnium Galliarum. And the sharpnes of it you may understand by what he writes

[39] Symbol (cloverleaf) in textAdde, quod Imperium illud Romanum jam diu eversum est & in multa Regna dissipatum & quasi extinctum. Nam qui nunc est et vocatur Imperator Romanus tenuissima quædam umbra est Imperij usque adeo ut ne ipsam quidem urbem Romæ, unde nominatur, possideat, & per multos annos defecerunt Imperatores Romani. Salmeron super 2 Thes 2. pag 387. Testatur Thomas & Lyranus & res ipsa probat jam olim a Romano gentes quotcumque ei subjectæ erant, desciverunt, solumque pene nomen Imperij Romani reliquum habemus, nec tamen venit Antichristus. Gulielm Estius in eundem locum.

[40] Ad locum 2 Thes 2 Serm de <57r> Apost Bern l 4 de Consid ad Eugenium Papam

[Editorial Note 10] The following text is written upside down and runs from f. 60v to f. 59v.

[Editorial Note 11] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 12] The follwing line is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 13] The text on this page is written upside down.

[41] Prudent. adv. Symmach. l. 1.

[42] Claud. in 6. Cons. Honorij Vide et Baron. Annal. An 398 sec 37 & 38. /

[43] * Aviti.

[44] Sidonius Carm 7 In In Avitum. Scriptum A.C. 456 initio Imperij ejus

[45] Carm 7. vide Commut.

[46] Claud. de Bello Gildonico.

[Editorial Note 14] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 15] The text on this page is written upside down.

[47] ** Alia quoque quam plurima supra memorati Aristionis refert tanquam ei ex verbis domini tradita, et Ioannis Presbyteri, quæ siquis vult plenius noscere ipsos ejus relegat libellos.] Note that this Ioannes Presbyter seems to be another person then Iohannes Evangelista by what Eusebius recites out of Papias

[48] 🅇 And in another place Eusebius writes (lib 3. cap 36.) Quibus temporibus apud Asiam supererat adhuc et florebat ex Apostolorum discipulis Polycarpus Smyrnæorum Ecclesiæ Episcopus et Papias similiter apud Hierapolim sacerdotium gerens. Whence it appears that Papias was

[Editorial Note 16] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 17] The following passage is written upside down and runs from f. 91v backwards to f. 90r.

[Editorial Note 18] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[49] (a Chron Alexandr )

[50] (a Chron. Alexand.     Theophan. Paul Diac. l. 17. Zon. Cedren.)

[51] (a Chron. Alexandr.)

[52] Hæc ex eodem

[Editorial Note 19] The text on this page is written upside down.

[53] Et non ἢ

[54] Edictorum primum, sed ob absentiam Imperationis contemnatum

[55] i.e. & Timothei {intr}

[56] NB            Hoc mense Iulio videlicet: VII Id Iul. hujus anni finita Synodus Constantinop.

[57] [a edit. Morelij]

[58] [a edit. Morelij]

[Editorial Note 20] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[59] ** ἐγένετο. ϗ λύσατε τὸν ναὸν τοῦτον ϗ διὰ τριῶν ἡμερῶν ἐγεροῦ ἀυτόν. ϗ ἐὰν ὑψωθῷ ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς, πάντας ἑλκύσω πρὸς εμαυτόν. οὐκοῦν — Symbol (cloverleaf) in text & destroy this temple & in three days I will rais it up. And if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men after me.

[60] *** ἡμέρᾳ. ὁ λόγος, ὑψωθείσης ἀυτοῦ τῆς σαρκὸς, κατὰ τὸν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμω χαλκοῦν ὄφιν, πάντας εἵλκυσε πρὸς ἑαυτὸν εις σωτηρίαν ἀιώνιον. [In this Epistle are many other things to the same purpose.

[Editorial Note 21] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[61] Baron 383. 18.

[62] ✝ Alibi tamen Origenes docet sanctos videre quid agimus & juvare Orationibus videlicet lib 8 contra Celsi circa finem Hom. 26 in lib. Num. Hom 16 in Ios & alibi.

[Editorial Note 22] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[63] [* Prov 10

[Editorial Note 23] The text on this page is written upside down.

[64] D. August. serm. de tem{p.} Barbar.

[Editorial Note 24] The text on this page is written upside down.

[65] Oros l 1; c 6.

[66] r disjectum, {de}rasum exustum. vide Gothofredum in locum

[Editorial Note 25] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 26] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 27] The text on this page is written upside down.

[67] Laz. Gent. migr. p 375

[Editorial Note 28] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 29] The text on this page is written upside down.

[68] [* inquit Italius in Chron, ubique in toto orbe sævientibus]

[Editorial Note 30] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 31] The text on this page is written upside down

[69] i.e. a prima irruptione Anno 406 finiente.

[Editorial Note 32] The following text is written upside down and runs from f. 162v to f. 162r.

[70] Buch c 3. § 5.

[71] Claudian de 4 Consulatu Honorij

[72] ⊛ Theodosius nemine sentiente, ut non dicam repugnante, vacuatas transmisit Alpes atque Aquileiam improvisus adveniens Maximum sine dolo et controversia clausit, cepit et occidit. Andragatius comes cognita Maximi nece præcipitem sese e navi in undas dedit [ac suffocatus est] Theodosius incruentam

[73] a Tacitus de situ moribusque Germanorum

[74] a Tacitus de situ moribusque Germanorum

[75] b. Beatus Rhenan. l. 1. p. 70 & 82

[76] Loquitur Claudian de expeditione Gothunnorum Claud in 4 Cons Honorij

[77] Claudian De Bell. Getico.

[78] [* Eridanum]

[79] [* Sauli]

[80] Claudian in 6 Cons. Honorij

[81] [* Stilico]

[82] * Ruffinus

[83] Claud in Laudes Stilichonis l 1.

[84] Ibid.

[85] Ibid.

[86] Ibid.

[87] Claud in Eutrop. l 2. scripta circa ann 399

[88] Claud. in Eutrop l 2.

[89] Claud. in Ruff l 2.

[90] [* Ad Alaricum loquitur de Stilicone]

[91] [* Stilico

[92] Claud. de bello Get.

[93] vide supra.

[94] Claud in laudes Stilichonis l 1.

[95] Authoris abbreviatio est

[96] * i.e. contra Gildonem

[97] Claudian de Laudibus Stiliconis Lib I

[98] a. id est, post transitum illum quo Boream sine pugna terruit paulo post obitum Theodosij

[99] Claud. Ibid.

[100] Claud. de Laud. Stil. l 3.

[101] a Introducit Romam alloquentem Iovi.

[102] Claudian de Bello Gildonian

[103] * Honorius & Stilico

[104] Claud de 4 Cons. Honorij

[105] a Eutropius.

[106] Claudian in Eutropium l 1.

[107] Claud. de 4 Cons. Honorij

[Editorial Note 33] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 34] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 35] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 36] The following text is written upside down and appears to run backwards from f. 202v to f. 202r.

[108] Baron 367.

[Editorial Note 37] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 38] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[109] ✝ ita ut expergefacti reperiant se humorum naturalium egestione respersos.

[Editorial Note 39] The following text is written upside down and runs from f. 220v to f. 220r.

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