Catalogue Entry: THEM00071
Fragments on the kingdoms of the European tribes, the Temple and the history of Jewish and Christian Churches
- Jottings on chronology
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text] - Notes on Roman and Church history
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text] - Notes on Villalpando
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text] - Notes from Buxtorf
[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]
Sotheby Lot
Not identified in SothebyContents
a) ff. 1-6 Extremely rough chronological jottings on scraps of paper, including quotes from the Bible and Fathers and notes on dates.
b) ff. 1-17 Notes on the history of the Roman Empire, on the Goths and Vandals and their incursions, on the geography of the Middle East (with a sketch map, f. 5r), and on the dates of Councils and Popes, mainly Latin with some English and citations in Greek.
ff. 18-20 'De decem Regibus': a self-contained section on Roman emperors.
ff. 21-30 Notes on Church history, the Arian controversy and the rise of the papacy, in Latin.
c) ff. 1-4 'Annotations': historical jottings with references to the Bible and Josephus, in Latin and English. This section is particularly badly damaged and largely illegible.
d) A single page headed 'Ex annotationibus Capelli in Villalpandum cujus libri titulus est Templi Hierosolymitani delineatio per L. Capellum ex Villalpando'.
e) ff. 1-2 An untitled discussion of Hebrew religious terms based largely on the work of Johannes Buxtorf.
f. 3 'Ex Philone'.
Many sheets faded and/or damaged.