Catalogue Entry: THEM00098

Papers relating to chronology and 'Theologiæ Gentilis Origines Philosophicæ'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Ms. 361(3), New College Library, Oxford, UK

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]


Includes several charts schematising the relationships and correspondences between mythical figures (ff. 35r, 41r, 79r, 133r-134r, 216v, 218r). Many of the sheets had previously been used for notes on other subjects, including (f. 34r) an undated draft letter [2 May 1693? to Fatio de Duillier?] (NC, 7: 367) and a list of alchemical titles (f. 105r).

[Editorial Note 1] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[1] De nat. deor l. 3

[2] Hymn. 1 in Iovem.

[Editorial Note 2] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[3] Pausan. l. 5. c. 2, 3, 8.

[Editorial Note 3] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[4] See Hosea v 13 &

[5] a Annales Tyrij apud Iosephum l. 9 Antiq. c. ult.

[6] b 2 King. XVII.6, 24.

[7] Canon Ptol.

[8] a Apud Athenæum l. 12. p. 530.

[9] a Apud Athenæum l. 12. p. 530.

[10] Vol. 1. Polyglott. Hesychius. Plinius. Iosephus. lent Sirn In

[11] Herod. l. 1

[Editorial Note 4] Folios 17-18 are marked for insertion after f 248.

[12] Herod. l. 2

[13] Cont. Ap. l. 1

[Editorial Note 5] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 19v to f 19r.

[Editorial Note 6] Apart from the folio number, the text on this page is written upside down.

[14] a Isa 23.3. Ier 2.18


b Dionys. Afer. Perieg.

b Plin. l. 5. c. 9.

[16] c Plutarch in Iside

[17] d Diodor l. 1

[18] Cic. de Natura Deorum.

[Editorial Note 7] The following text is written upside down and appears to run backward from f 21v to f 20v.

[19] Diodor l. 3 c. 4.

[20] Diodor l. 5. c. 4.

[Editorial Note 8] The remainder of this page is written upside down, and appears to be a resumption of the text from f 26r.

[Editorial Note 9] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[21] * Aratus in Phænom. sub initio. Paulus in Act. c. 7. v. 27, 28. Moses Deut. 4.39. & 10.14. Solomon Reg. 8.27. David Psal. 139. 7, 8. Iob c. 22. v. 12. Ieremiah Propheta c 23. v. 23, 24.

[Editorial Note 10] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 28v to f 28r.

[22] 2 Chron 14..8.

[23] b 2 Chron 16.8

[24] 2 Chron 14.

[Editorial Note 11] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[25] – d

[Editorial Note 12] Although folio 32r-v is written the right way up, and the text sequence is far from obvious, the catchword 'Mercury' on f 32v suggests that f 32r is intended to be read after it.

[26] Diodorus l

[27] b Diodor l

[28] c Deodol l 1 p. 10

[29] d Sanchoniatho apud Euseb. Præp. Ev. p 39.

[30] g Diod. lib 1

[31] h Herod l 2 c 129

[32] k Diodor l. 1.

[33] a Ioseph cont. Ap. l 2. p 1069

[34] l 1. p 17, 51

[Editorial Note 13] The inserted text is written upside down.

[35] g apud Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 6. c. 10 p 277.c.

[36] a

[37] c Hæres. l. 1. sec.

[38] d Strom. l. 1. p. 34

[39] e lib 9. seu in Bocis.

[40] q Pausan in Achaicis sub finem p. 194

[41] f apud Photium p. 1063.

[Editorial Note 14] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 15] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[42] Apud Ioseph. Antiq. l. 10. c. 1 & in Apion. l. 1 & Euseb. l. 9. Præp.

[Editorial Note 16] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[43] a Herod lib j Xen: Cyrop. l. 1

[44] b Xen. Cyrop. l. 1.

[45] Ovid Metam. l. 5 fab. 5.

[Editorial Note 17] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 44v to f 44r.

[46] Ioseph. Antiq. vol. 8. c. 4.

[47] Antiq. l. 8. c. 4.

[Editorial Note 18] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[48] Apud Photium c 279.

[49] Fab. 274

[50] Apud Euseb. Chron. gr

[51] a Apud Strabonem lib. 14. p. ult.

[Editorial Note 19] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 20] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 21] Both sides of f 48 are written upside down; it seems likely that the verso should be read first.

[52] Ioseph. l. 9. c. 2.

[53] Iustin l. 36.

[Editorial Note 22] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 23] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 24] Apart from the folio number, ff 54r and 54v are both written upside down. It is not obvious in which order they should be read since neither appears to follow from the other.

[Editorial Note 25] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 26] The following text is written upside down and appears to run backward from f 56v to f 55r.

[54] a Apud Athenæum lib. XIII. p. 601)

[55] b Lucian in {illeg}

[56] c Porphyrius {illeg}

[57] Argonaut. l. II. v. 124.

[58] Lib. XIII. p. 601.


Pausan. l. 1. c. 2.

Hygin. Poet. Astron. in Arctophylacte.

Lactant. Placid. lib. 6. Fab. 1.

[60] Herod. l. 2. c. 50, 52

[61] Pausan. l. 1. c. 2

[Editorial Note 27] The following text is written upside down and appears to run backwards from f 58v to 57r.

[62] Herod l. 2

[63] Herod. l. 5.

[64] Strabo l. 10. p. 464, 465, 466

[65] Strom. 1.

[66] Strabo l. 10. p 475

[67] d Porphyr. in vita Pythag.

[68] e in Sacrificijs

[69] f De nat. Deor. l

[70] g Ode 1 in Iovem v. 8.

[71] Argonaut. l. 2. v. 1237

[72] Argonaut. l

[73] Hesiod

[74] Pausan. l. 5 c

[75] a Apollodor. l. 3 p. 169.

[76] b. Strabo l. 16 p. 476. Home{r} Odyss. τ vers. 179.

[77] c. Censorin c. 18

[78] Herod. l. 1. c.

[79] r Gemini c. 6.

[80] Herod l 1. c     S. Augustin. de Trin. lib. cap. IV.

[81] a Gen. Cicero in Verrem.

[82] b Herod l. 1. c     Plutarch in Numa Censorinus c. 18, 20.

[83] e Livius l. 1

[84] f Plutarch in Numa

[85] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[86] Ib. 1

[87] Herod. l. 6. c. 125, 126.

[Editorial Note 28] The text on this page is written upside down.

[88] Herod. l. 2 Cens. c. 18.

[89] b

[90] c

[91] d Diog. Laert. in Epimenide.

[92] e l. 7. c 6

[93] f l. 5. c. 29.

[94] cont. Ap. l. 1.

[95] in Lycurgo

[96] Hygin. fab. 274

[97] b Herod l. 2

[Editorial Note 29] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 84v to f 84r.

[98] 2 King. 24.1

[99] a Apud Diodor l. 5. c.

[100] b Dionys. l. 1. p. 15

[101] c Dionys. l. 1. p. 26, 27

[102] c Dionys. l. 1. p. 26, 27

[Editorial Note 30] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 31] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 32] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 33] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 34] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[103] a Homer. Odyss. l. 8. v. 292

[104] b Hesiod. Theogon. v. 945.

[105] a Homer. Odyss. l. 8. v. 292

[106] a Homer. Odyss. l. 8. v. 292

[107] b Hesiod. Theogon. v. 945.

[108] b Hesiod. Theogon. v. 945.

[109] c Herod. l. 2.

[110] d Diodor. l. 1. p. 14d

[111] b Homer Odyss l. 8. v. 292

[112] c Hesiod Theogon. v. 945

[113] d Apollodor l 3. c. 1

[114] e Apollodor l. 3. c. 6.

[115] e Apollodor l. 3. c. 6.

[116] f Homer Il. β. vers. 572.

[117] e Apollodor l. 3. c. 6.

[Editorial Note 35] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 93v to f 93r.

[118] ✝ Præp. l. 2. p. 58

[119] Diodor. l. 3.

[120] a See Marshams chron. p.

[121] a Apud Athenæum l. 12. p. 529.

[122] Ib. p. 530.

[Editorial Note 36] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 37] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 38] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[123] a 1 King. V.1

[124] {✝ O}d. β.

[Editorial Note 39] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[125] Pausan

[126] Herod. l. 2

[127] Nat. Hist. l. 2 c. 8

[Editorial Note 40] Folios 106v, 107r and 107v are all written upside down but do not appear to constitute a continuous text.

[Editorial Note 41] Apart from the folio number, the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 42] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 43] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 44] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[128] Cic. l. 1 de Divinat. Plin l 1 Euseb. Chron Solin c. 20

[129] Herod. l. 1

[Editorial Note 45] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[130] Apollonij Argonautica. lib. 1. v. 77, 78

[131] Isa. 23.

[132] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[Editorial Note 46] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 47] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 48] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 128v to f 128r.

[133] Pausan l. 10. p. 875.

[134] Pausan l 3. p 211

[Editorial Note 49] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 130v to f 130r.

[135] a Diodorus lib. 3 cap. 4.

[136] b Plutarch in Theseo.

[Editorial Note 50] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 51] The remainder of this page is written upside down.



[Editorial Note 52] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 53] The following text is written upside down from the bottom of the page as far as 'Moses learnt letters among them'.

[Editorial Note 54] The following paragraph is not written upside down.

[Editorial Note 55] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[138] a l 7 c. 56.

[139] a Euseb. Præp. l. 10 c. 9

[140] a Damaratus apud Clement Alexand. Admonit ad Gent. p. 27

[141] b Apud {Photium} in Bibliotheca.

[142] Pausan. l. 1. c. 3

[143] Diog. Laert. p. 15. Plutarch in Solon p. 92.

[144] Hesiod. Opera l 2. v. 4, 122, 175 179

[145] a Apollodor l 3. p 169

[146] b Strabo l 16 p 476. Homer Odys. τ. vers. 179.

[147] c Censorin. c. 18.

[148] c Censorin. c. 18.

[149] Cic. in Verrem.

[Editorial Note 56] The text on this page is written upside down.

[150] Tatian Orat. c. 5 Euseb. Præp. l. 10. c. 11. Lætus apud Clement Strom. l. 1 p. 326.

[151] Ioseph. cont. Ap. l. 1

[152] Strabo l. 7 p. 321.

[153] Herod. l. 7

[Editorial Note 57] The text on this page is written upside down.

[154] a Diodor. l. 1 c. 2.

[155] a Diodor. l. 1 c. 2.

[156] b Diodor. l. 1. c. 3.

[157] c Herod l. 2

[158] d Deodol. l 1 c. 2.

[159] d Deodol. l 1 c. 2.

[160] e Diodor

[161] Plutarch in Iside

[162] Plin. l. 6. c. 29

[Editorial Note 58] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[163] a Diodor l. 1 c. 4

[164] a Diodor l. 1 c. 4

[165] b Diodor. l. 1 c. 7.

[166] b Diodor. l. 1 c. 7.

[167] c Herod lib. 2.

[168] c Herod lib. 2.

[169] Plin l. 7. c. 56.

[170] a Hecatæus apud Diodorum l

[171] a Hecatæus apud Diodorum l

[172] b Pindar. Nem. Ode 1

[173] Pausan. l. 3 p. 211.

[174] c Tyrtæus Poeta.

[175] d Apud Ioseph cont. Apion p. 104, 105.

[Editorial Note 59] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 60] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 61] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 62] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 63] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[176] a Strab l 16 p 758, a, b. & l. 17 p 819b & p. 786.c

[177] b Apud Plin l. 6. c 29 & l 3 c 9

[178] See these Dynasties in

[179] l 1. cont. Ap.

[Editorial Note 64] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[180] Herod. l. 1.

[Editorial Note 65] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[181] Apud Euhemerum locum citante Athen l 44.

[182] b Stephanus in Ιοπὴ
See Bochart in Phaleg. l. 4. c. 34.

[Editorial Note 66] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 67] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 173v to f 172v.

[183] Dionys. Halicarn. l. 2.

[Editorial Note 68] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 69] The text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 70] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

Pausan. lib 9. p. 1.

[185] Plutarch. in Theseo.

[186] Apud Strabonem lib

[187] ✝ δημοι

[188] Apud Strabonem lib.

[189] ✝ in Corinthiacis.

[190] a

[191] b Euseb. Chron.

[192] c Tatian p 172.c.

[193] Pausan. l 8 sub initio.

[194] a Argonaut l. 4. v. 272.

[Editorial Note 71] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 72] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 73] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 74] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[195] Apud Euseb. Præp. Evang. l. 1 c. 9. p. 33.

[196] a

[Editorial Note 75] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 76] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 211v to f 211r.

[197] Ioseph.

[198] De Dea Syria

[199] Diodor l 1

[200] {Chron}

[201] Apollodor l. 3. p 169

[202] c Censorin c. 18

[203] b Strabo l 16 p 476. Homer Odys. τ vers 179.

[204] e Diog. Laert p. 15. Plutarch. Solon p 92.

[205] f Cic. in Venem

[206] Num 9.11

[207] 1 Chron 27.

[Editorial Note 77] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[208] a

[Editorial Note 78] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 79] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 80] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[209] Pausan. l. 4 c. 1. p. 281.

[210] Diodor. l. 1. c. 2.

[211] Diodor. l. 1. c. 2

[212] b Lucian de Saltatione

[213] Nonnus Dionysiad l. 13. v. 333, & seq. Bochart. Canaan l. 1. c. 24.

[Editorial Note 81] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 82] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 83] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[214] a Strabo l. 16.

[215] a Herod l. 1. initio.

[Editorial Note 84] Apart from the folio number, the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 85] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[216] b Pausan l 2 c 16, 22, 25 Higyn. fab. 145.

[217] b Pausan l 2 c 16, 22, 25 Higyn. fab. 145.

[Editorial Note 86] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[218] z.

[219] f lib. 3 p. 184.a

[220] b Diodor l. 1.

[221] Fab. 274.

[222] lib. 3.

[223] s Plin. l. 7. c. 56.

[224] Fab. 274

[225] t lib. 1. p. 23

[226] a 1 Sam 8.10.
1 King. 11.

[227] Iospeh. Antiq. l. 9. c. 2.

[228] Iustin. l. 36.

[229] ✝ Baal Canaan.

[230] in {tellage}

[231] a Steph. in Α{μ}μωνία.

[Editorial Note 87] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[232] a Clemens Strom p 321

[233] b Apollodor l 2 initio

[234] c Clemens Strom 1 p 321.

[235] c Clemens Strom 1 p 321.

[236] d Plato in Timæo. Syncel. p. 68.a

[237] Fab 274

[Editorial Note 88] The following text is written upside down and runs backward from f 249v to f 248v.

[238] b. c. 30

[239] a {illeg} 37, 40

[240] a Pausan. l. 1. c. 39, 44.

[241] b Pausan. l. 3. c. 20

[242] c Pausan. l. 3. c. 1.

[243] Pausan. l. 8. c. 4.

[244] Pausan. l. 1. c. 39, 40.

[245] Herod l. 8.

[246] Herod. l. 5.

[Editorial Note 89] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[247] a Apud Scholiastem Apollonij lib 2.

[248] c. 24

[Editorial Note 90] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 91] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 92] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 93] The remainder of this page is written upside down.

[249] Æsch. Persæ. v. 761.

[250] Herod. l. 1. c. 107, 108. Xenophon. Cyrop. l. 1. c. 1.

[251] Cyrop. l. I. sec. 22.

[252] Cyrop. l. VIII. sec 36.

[253] Pausan. l. V. c. 10.

[254] Herod. L. I.

[255] Herod. l. I. c. 106, 130.

[256] Herod. l. I. c. 103.

[257] Herod. ib.

[258] Ier. XXV.

[259] a Ier. 27.3, 6. Ezek. 21.19, 20, & 25.2, 8, 12.

[260] b Ezek. 26.2 & 29.17, 19

[261] c Ezek. 29.19 & 30.4, 5.

[262] Herod. l. I. c. 71.

[263] Isa. XIII.17.

[264] Plin. l. XXXIII. c. 3.

[265] Herod. l. I. c. 94.

[266] Cyrop. l. 7.

[267] Comment. in Dan. 5.

[268] a Ioseph. Antiq. l. 10. c. 12

[269] b Vide Hieronimum in Daniel. c. 8. v. 2.

[270] Dan. X.20

[271] a Suidas in Ἀρίσταρχος. Herodot. l. 1.

[272] b Strabo. l. 15. p. 730

[273] Cyrop. l. 8. sec 44, 45

[274] Herod. l. 1. Steph. in Παρθυαιοι.

[275] viz. Chronology p. 277.

[276] a Herod. l. 3. sub finem.

[277] a Annales Tyrij apud Iosephum l. 9 Antiq. c. ult.

[278] b 2 King. XVII.6, 24, 30.

[279] b 2 King. XVII.6, 24, 30.

[280] c Hos. X.14.

[281] d 2 King. 19.12.

[282] Canon Ptol.

[283] a Apud Athenæum l. 12. p. 530.

[284] Herod. l. 1
Steph. in Παρδυαιοι

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