Catalogue Entry: THEM00102
'Ex Marci Maximi Cæsaraugustani in Hispanijs Episcopi Chronico'
Custodial History
The entire lot was bought at the Sotheby sale by W. Manning for £5. It also contained 'Notes on the site of the Seven Churches of Asia, etc., mostly in Latin' c. 3,500 words, 14 pp. (the location of which is uncertain), and 4 pp. of notes from Cudworth, now Ms. fN563Z in the Clark Library, Los Angeles.
Sotheby Lot
Part of SL233Contents
A chronological list of major events in the fifth and sixth centuries, relating chiefly to the rise and fall of Arianism.
[1] * lege Callani.
[2] ✝ Inteligendum est igitur de Alanis in Hispania