Catalogue Entry: THEM00143
'Quod Bestia bicornis locuta sit ut Draco' ('That the two-horned Beast spake as a Dragon')
Sotheby Lot
Part of SL228[1] x τιμὴν
[2] Orat 1 in Iulian
[3] Ep 27 ad Eutochium
[4] Ep 85 Ad Marcellinum
[5] Confes l 9 c 7
[6] De Civ: Dei l: 22. c: 8
[7] Hom 47 in S. Iulianum
[8] Lib. De Babyla Martyre
[9] Hom. 66
[10] Ruf. Hist. l 2 c 28.
[11] (1)
[12] (2)
[13] Edit. Ger Vossij p 726.
[14] p 727
[15] p 746.
[16] p 747
[17] (3)
[18] (4)
[19] (5)
[20] (6)
[21] (7)
[22] (7)
[23] (9)
[24] ‡ Hist. Laus. In Bibl. Græc. Patr. Vol. 2.
[25] Eunap. Ædesio
[26] Heb: 12.1
[27] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[28] Heb.12.1.
[29] Naz. Orat 21 in laudes Athan.
[30] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[31] Baron. an. 367 § 19. Ex antiq inscrip. in Appendice p. 1171. n. 3
[32] Ambros Epis 85.
[33] ✝ Vide Baron
[34] Luc 4.38.
[35] ‡ Gaudent. Tractatus de dedic. Basilicæ. Apud Biblioth. Patr. Tom. 4.
[36] ✝ in vita Ambrosij