Catalogue Entry: THEM00219

Drafts on the history of the Church (Section 2)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 15.2, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

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part of SL249

[1] Socr. Hist. Ecc. l. 4. c. 12.

[2] Nicet. in Thesauro Orthod. v. 8.

[3] Apud Theodor. Eccl. Hist. l. 4. c. 8.

[4] a Epist. 2. ad Serapionem, sec 5

[5] a Epist. 2 ad Serapionem sect. 5, 6

[6] b lib. de Synodis sect 48.

[7] c Ib. sect 41

[8] a Epist. 2 ad Serapionem sect. 5, 6

[9] d De decretis Nicænæ synodi sect 20.

[10] e Ib. sect 25

[11] a In Anchorato N. 6

[12] b Hæres 69

[13] c Hæres 74

[14] d Ad Terentium Comitem.

[15] e In opusculo de homousio, & lib. 2 adv. Arium.

[16] Epist 325

[17] Epist 345

[18] a Vide ejus Epist. 85 ad Sororem.

[19] b Serm 91.

[20] a Baron. ad A.C. 367. sect. 19.

[21] Serm. 92

[22] Socr. Hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 29

[23] Hilar. de Synodis p. 374

[24] Vide Tom. 1 p. 99. Operuum Athan. Edit Paris. 1699.

[25] Lucif. lib. Moriend. pro Dei filio.

[26] Extat Epistola apud Athanasium

[27] Athan. Apol. 1 pag.

[28] The Principles of Manicheism.

[29] The first Principle. Manes called himself The Apostle of Jesus Christ.

[30] The Second Principle. He rejects the Old Testament and pretends to correct the New Testament.

[31] The Third Principle. He admits the Books of the Philosophers, and makes more Account of the Knowledge of the Eastern Nations, than of that of the Hebrews.

[32] The Fourth Principle. He opposes Apocryphal Books to the Books acknowledged by the Church.

[33] 1.Cor. II.15.

[34] The Subject-matter and Plan of this Book, and of the Second.

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