Catalogue Entry: THEM00226
Mr. Leibniz's First Paper
[1] The Place Mr. Leibnitz here seems to allude to is as follows. Dum Cometæ moventur in Orbibus valdè eccentricis, undique & quoquoversum in omnes Cœli Partes; utiq, nullo modo fieri potuit, ut cæco fato tribuendum sit, quod Planetæ in Orbibus concentricis motu consimili ferantur eodem omnes; exceptis nimirum irregularitatibus quibusdam vix notatu dignis, quæ ex mutuis Cometarum & Planetarum in se invicem actionibus oriri potuerint, quæque verisimile est fore ut longinquitate temporis majores usque evadant, donec hæc Naturæ Compages manum emendatricem tandem sit desideratura. i. e. Whilst the Comets move in Orbs very eccentrical with all variety of Directions towards every Part of the Heavens; 'tis not possible it should have been caused by Blind Fate, that the Planets All move with one similar Direction in concentrick Orbs; excepting only some very small irregularities which may have arisen from the mutual Actions of the Planets and Comets one upon another; and which 'tis probable will in length of time increase more and more, till the present System of Nature shall want to be anew put in Order by its Author. Newtoni Optice, Quæst. ult. pag. 346.
[2] See the Note on Dr. Clarke's Fifth Reply, § 93,—95.
[3] See Appendix, No 2. Also Mr. Leibnitz's Fifth Paper, § 87, and 91.