Catalogue Entry: THEM00270

Treatise on Revelation (Section 2)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 9.2, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

[Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Sotheby Lot

SL247 and part of SL257

[1] NB the preceding 8 pages much the same as Ch. 1. viz Synopsis of Prophetic figures

[2] a Maimon. de cultu divino. Tractæ cap. 7. sec. 3, 5 & Tract. 6. c. 6. sect. 1, 3.

[3] b Apoc. 3.7

[4] c. Suidas tells us that χαλκολίβανον is a sort of Electrum or Amber more valuable than Gold; being Gold in another form mint with glass & steel The word is as much as to say, χαλκοειδὴς λίβανος (as Andreas Cæsariensis notes) that is amber of the colour of Copper & consequently like a coal of fire. For nothing resembles fire so much as amber doth. Whence in Ezek. the fiery appearance of the throne of God is also represented by the colour of Amber.

[5] a Κυριακη της ἀναστεος Χριστου μνημόσυνον φέρουσα Andr. Cæsar that is the Lords day is that which carries the memorial of Christ's resurrection.

[6] See Lightfoot's description of synagogues out of the Talmudists in his Horæ Hebr. upon Matth. 4.23.

[7] Chron. 24 & 25 Josephus Antiq. 6. 11 & in vita sua sub initio. Maimonides De Cultu Divino Tract. 2, c. 3. 8 9 & c 4 3, 4. & tract 6, c. 7 , 5. 12

[8] b Num 2.3 & 3.38

[9] c Ezek. 40.45, 46.

[10] d See Lightfoot's Prospect of the Temple service, c. 2.

[11] a Ezek. 42.13.

[12] a στὰν ἔχον διπλην ἐν μέσω του νεὼ τετυχη κότος, ἀφορωσαν εἰς τὰς θύρας ἀυτου Ioseph. Antiq. lib. 15. c 14.

[13] See Mr Mede

[14] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[15] Isa. 6.

[16] f Maimon. Cult. Div. Tract 2. c 6 § 1. 5

[17] a Ecclesiastic 50 17. Maimon. De cultu Divino tract. 6 c. 6. S. 7.

[18] ✝ Maimon. cult. Div. Tr. 2. c. 5 & c. 2. & Tr. 6 c. 6 S. 5. & Tr. 3, c. 2, s. 2.

[19] Deut. 31.26.

[20] Targam Ionathan in Deut. 31.26.

[21] Isa. 8.16 & 29.10, 11.

[22] Dan. 8 & 12.

[23] Maimon. Cult. Div. tract 8. c 1 2. 3, 5. Talmud Hierosol. in Ioma c. 1

[24] Deut. 17.48. a, b. Vide Buxtorfii Vindic. Verit. Heb. p. 906.

[25] Deut 31.10, 11, 26.

[26] Talmud Hieros. Ioma c. 7, 5. 4. Maimon. Cult. div. Tract. 8, c. 4, S. 2

[27] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[28] e Mane inter sanguinem et membra suffiebat, vesperi inter membra et libamina. Talmud Hierosol. in Ioma cap 3, sec. 5.

[29] a See Mark 16.19 & Lightfoot upon the place.

[30] b See Lightfoot Vol. 1. p 1139.

[31] b See Lightfoot Vol. 1. p 1139.

[32] See the backside

[33] Ezek. 9 & 10

[34] Eph. 1.13.

[35] 2 Esdr. 2.38, 40, 41, 42.

[36] Luke 1.

[37] a Scriptores Hebræi paucitatem indicaturi dicunt Numerus sunt. Et viri numeri sunt viri pauci. Sic Dies memini et populus numeri id est paucus. Theocritus quoque ἀριθματοὺς pro paucis usurpat. Drusius in Apoc. 13.8.

[38] a Maimon. de Cult. div. tr. 2, c. 3, s. 5.

[39] Dan. 12

[40] Ezek. 2 & 3

[41] Iob. 32.18.

[42] Prov. 22.18

[43] Iohn 7.38.

[44] a See Iosephus Antiq. l. 8. p. 265, 26{illeg} & de Bel. Iud. l. 6. c. 14, p. 916 & l. 7. c. 10, p. 949, 950.

[45] 2 Pet. 5.

[46] Maimon

[47] Exod. 29.40. Maimon.

[48] Iames 5.17 1 King. 17.

[49] Ezek 29.3 & 32.2

[50] Isa. 51.9

[51] see Bochart's Geog. sac. l. 4. c. 2. p. 294. Psal. 74.13, 14

[52] vers. 16, כדכד pearls according to the Chalde Paraphrast.

[53] vers. 17. צרי.

[54] Q. Curt. l. 5. c. 1.

[55] Strabo l. 16

[56] Exod. 15.8.

[57] 1 Kings 4.14 & 15.28, 29.

[58] 1 Kings. 16.2

[59] 2 King. 9.6, 7

[60] a Suidas in Πέργαμον

[61] Iustin lib. 36

[62] Iustin l. 39

[63] לאלה, To or together with

[64] Mahuzzim, strengths, strong ones, Protectors Defenders, Guardians, mighty Patr{ons.} See Medes apostacy of the latter times.

[65] See Mede's computation out of Ierom

[66] See Lightfoot on Rev. 13.

[67] Talm. in Taawith fol 69 col. 1.

[68] See Lightfoot on Iohn 7.37.


Clem. Alexandr. Strom. 5. p. 549. c {illeg}

Tertull de anima c. 35 &

Origen in Exod 11.10 quæaer 2

Cypr. Epist. 52 Cæsar hom. 7

Greg. Niss. orat. Catech. {8}


Hieron. in Is. c. ult. in fin. & in Oseam c. 14 & in Amos c. 7, & in Matt c. 3.

Ambros in Psalm 118 serm 3 & serm 20 in fin. & in Luk c. 12.

Augustin Enchir ad Lurent. c. 67, 68, 69 & de civit. Dei. 21 c. 13 & sequ. et alibi.

[70] חצלעח one placed in the side, the outcast. See the Chald. Paraph

[71] Apoc 21.3

[72] b Apoc. 20

[73] c Apoc. 19.18 & 9.17

[74] Dan. 11.40, 45.

[75] Apoc 10.7

[76] Apoc 16.18, 20

[77] Apoc 19.21.

[78] Apoc. 16.18, 21

[79] Apoc. 19.17, 21

[80] Apoc 16.17

[81] Apoc 16.14

[82] Apoc 19.17, 18

[83] Apoc. 19.

[84] Apoc 14.14

[85] Apoc 21.24

[86] Apoc. 21.25, 26

[87] Apoc. 21.23. & 22.5

[88] Apoc. 7.17 & 21.4

[89] Apoc 22.4 & 3.12.

[90] Apoc 29.7 & 21.2

[91] Apoc 19.15 & 14.28

[92] Apoc 14.10

[93] Apoc 13.1, 6.

[94] Apoc 22.4 & 3.12

[95] Apoc 21.1

[96] Apoc 21.4 & 7.17

[97] Apoc. 19.21.

[98] Apoc 25.1

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