Catalogue Entry: THEM00287

Notes and drafts relating to 'Theologiæ Gentilis Origines Philosophicæ'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 17.2, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

[Translation] [Normalized Text] [Diplomatic Text]

Sotheby Lot

Part of SL254

[1] Ovid Epist VI.

[2] Ovid Epist 15. Argumentum.

[Editorial Note 1] A small but rather complicated family tree of mythical Greeks is here omitted from the transcription.

[Editorial Note 2] The remaining text on this page is written upside down at the bottom.

[Editorial Note 3] Folio 3r is blank apart from the page number and some fragmentary text spilling over from f. 4v (which faces it if the bifolium is opened out): the text is transcribed on f. 4v where it belongs.

[3] a Diodor. l.

[4] c Trogus apud Iustin. l 43.

[5] d Diodor lib. 5 Bibliothecæ. Aurel. Victor.

[6] a African. apud Syncel. p 17.

[7] b Euseb. Chron. & Syncel.

[8] Diod. l. 1

[9] Euseb. Pr. Ev. l. 1. p. 32

[Editorial Note 4] Apart from the page numbers, all the text on folio 6 is written upside down; f. 6r follows from f. 6v.

[10] Diod l 1. p 51.

[11] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[12] Strom. l. 1, p. 306.

[13] Marcel. Hist l 23. p 253.

[14] in Euterpe

[15] Plat. in Epinomid{e}

[16] Herod. in Euterpe.

[17] A Bullialdo citatus in Astr. Phil. Proleg.

[18] Bar{illeg}

[19] Herod. in Euterpe p 102, 120.

[20] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[21] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[22] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript

[23] a Diodor. l. 1. p. 17.

[24] b Messeniac. p. 261.

[25] c Bayer.

[26] a. Vide Bayerum.

[27] d Pluta{r}ch. in Isi{de.}

[28] a Vide Bochart. Geogr. l 1. c 12 & l 2. c 15.

[29] ✝ Mag vel Magæ

[30] a Plin lib XXXIV c VII Arnob l. 3.

[31] b Macrob. 1 Sat. l. 9.

[32] a Plin lib XXXIV c VII Arnob l. 3.

[33] b Macrob. 1 Sat. l. 9.

[34] a Diodorus.

[35] a Diod. sic l 1. p 14

[36] b. Plin. 5. 9

[37] b Dionysius Περιηγητὴς. Inde stella Sirius.

[38] a Iustin l 1

[39] b Manetho apud Iosephum cont. App.

[40] a in voce Θουρας

[Editorial Note 5] Apart from the page number, all the text on this page is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 6] Folio 13v is clearly intended to be read before f. 13r.

[41] a Sanchoniathon apud Euseb. Præp. Evang l. 1. c

[42] a Sanchoniathon apud Euseb. Præp. Evang l. 1. c

[43] a

[44] b

[45] c Plin l .34. c. 7 Arnob l. 3.

[46] a Geogr. l 3.c 5.

[47] a Steph.

[48] a Vide Sched. de Dijs Germanis

[49] Il. 1.

[50] a Plutarch. in Isid.

[51] l. 2. c 5

[52] g Macrob. Saturn. l. 1. c. 17.

[53] a

[54] b

[55] c lib 2

[56] d lib 1

[57] e De Iside

[58] f Apollonij scholiaste in Argonaut. l. 4, v. 272.

[Editorial Note 7] The remainder of the text on this page is written upside down.

[59] a Plut Isid.

[60] b Clement. Alex. Str. 5.

[61] c Herod. l 2

[62] g Diod l 5

[63] h in Iside

[64] Herod. Euterpe. p 123.

[65] Strom l. 1. Lib 2.

[66] a Vide Vossium de Idol. l 2. c 16 et 19.

[67] de Dea Syria

[68] a Socrates apud Platonem in Phædro. Diodorus lib 1. Cicero de Nat Deor. l 3.

[Editorial Note 8] Folio 22v and the whole of f. 23 are blank apart from page numbers.

[Editorial Note 9] Folio 25 is blank part from page numbers.

[Editorial Note 10] Folio 27r is blank apart from the page number and a shelfmark. Apart from the page number, all the text on f. 27v is written upside down.

[Editorial Note 11] Apart from the page numbers, f. 31 is written upside down; f. 31r follows from f. 31v.

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