Appointment of Hannah Briggs as keeper of the officers' diet
It is agreed by the Free Assent consent and order of the officers of his Mats. Mint whose names are subscribed That Hannah Brigs the wife of T{han}|{om}|mas Briggs shall have hold and enjoy the Place houses and Roomes belonging to the Keeping of the Diet of the Mint for the officers there in soe large and Ample manner as Richard Millard Edward Harleigh, Francis Harleigh deceased or any of them \in/ that place did, as well for the providing of all manner of diets when occasion shall require as of holding enjoyeing all houses and profitts thereunto belonging. In witnesse whereof the said officers have hereunto set their hands at the Mint the 5th day of Sept. 1685
Phi. Lloyd. Tho Neale
Cha: Duncombe
Ja. Hoare
John Brattell
<74v>M{rs} Hannah Briggs
{her} Admittance.
Dated 5. {S}ept: 1685.