1603. Sr. Tho. Knyvett Warden. Sr. Rich. Martin & his son Richd. Masters & Mr. Richd. Rogers Comptroller.
1607. The Ld. Knyvett Warden. the rest the same.
1611. The Ld Knyvett, & Edmd. Dobleday Esqr. Wardens, the rest the same.
1619. Same Wardens; Sr. Edwd. Villers Mr. & Worker. Richd. Rogers Compt.
1621. Henry Tweddy Esqr. Warden. the rest the same.
1624. Sr. Edw. Villiers & Sr. Wm. Parkhurst Wardens, Sr. Randall Cranfield Master.
1626. Same Wardens, no master, andrew palmer assaymaster.
1627. Sr. Wm. Parkhurst Warden, Sr. Rob. Harley Master. Rich. Rogers Compt.
1638. Sr. Wm. Parkhurst Warden, Hen. Cogan Comptroller. no master. Sr. Ralph freeman, & Sr. Tho. Aylesbury Masters of request.
1644. Sr. Robt. Harley by ordinance of parliamt. 6t. may 1643. directing|ed| to be master & Worker, Warden & compt. the same.
1657. Aaron Gourdain Dr. of phisick master, Iohn St. Iohn Warden Tho. Barnardiston Compt. authorised by the Keepers of the liberty of England by authority of parliamt. in 1649.
1663. Sr. Ralph freeman master, Sr. Wm. Parkhurst Warden, Iames Hoare Comptroller. Warrt. to Hen. Slingbey master & Worker to coin Groats & three pence 19 Ian. 1662.
1669. Hen Slingbey by Warrt. being master, after the death of Sr. Ra{l}ph freeman, Sr. Anth. Sellinger Warden, & Iam. Hoare Compt.
1681. Sr. Iohn Buckworth, Char. Duncomb, & Iam. Hoare officiating as master Sr. anth. St. leger, Sr. Tho. W\h/arton, and his son Philip being Warden.
1684. Philip Wharton Warden. Same commission.
1686. Tho. Neale, Char. Duncomb, & Iam. Hoare as masters, and Sr. Philip floyd Warden.
1692. Benj. Overton Warden.

An Acct of the
Wardens Masters &
Comptrollers of the Mint
from 1603.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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