
A. Copy of a Deputation of the Warden Master Controller &c

To all People to whom this present Writing shall come I                    of his Majts Mynt within the Tower of London send greeting. Know yee that I the said                 in consideration of the trust & confidence wch I have & repose in                                                     ha{illeg}|ve| named authorized appointed & constituted & by these presents I do name authorize appoint & constitute the said              to be my lawfull Deputy in my Office of                                             of his Majesties Mynt now erected & setled at the City of            Giving and granting & in & by these presents I the said                 doe give and grant To my said Deputy                 my full & lawfull power & Authority to manage perform & execute my Office of                                           of his Majts Mynt at the City of          in all things & to all intents & purposes as fully & effectually as \I my self might or could do/ if I was personally present. In Witnesse whereof I the said                have hereunto put my hand and |{| the seal of my Office |}|\seale - - - - - -/ at his Majts Mynt within the Tower of London the            day of          Anno Dni One thousand six hundred ninety & six & in the eight year of the raign of or soveraigne Lord William the third by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland France & Ireland, Defender of ye Faith &c.


Coppy of Deputation to ye Ofice of Warden Master or Controller.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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