
William R.

Whereas by an Act of Parliamt. lately made Entituled an Act for Remedying the ill state of the Coyne of the Kingdom. It is Enacted that all the new monies proceeding from the silver of the Clipt moneys, thereby directed to be melted downe & recoyned (Except the necessary charge of makeing the said new money which charge by the said Act is directed not to Exceed fourteen pence upon Every poundweight Troy and Ex\c/ept the necessary charge of melting & Refining shall from time to time be brought backe into the Receipt of our Excheqr. & be there placed to the respective Accounts of the particular Revenues Taxes Loans of other Branches to which the Clipt moneys blonged {sic} in such manner as in & by the said Act more largely may appear We haveing taken into Our Princely Consideracon the severall petitions of the Officers of Our mint relateing the allowances to be made for makeing the said new mony and for Melting & Refineing the said Clipt moneys have thought fitt to appoint and we do hereby appoint, Ordain, and Establish, that the summ of fourteen pence ꝑ pound weight Troy Allowable by the said acco for the charges of makeing the said new mony shall by divided Distributed and paid to the respective Off{e}|i|cers of Our mint in the proporcon following that is to say,

To the Smith or Worker of the Irons of Our Mint 0.14
To the Corporation of monyrs 9
To the marker 112
To the Master and Worker (out of which nevertheless
he shall pay ye Addiīonall allowances to ye Off{e}|i|cers under
} 314

Addiconall allowances to be paid by the master & Worker of Our mint Out of the abovesaid poundage of 3d 14 which allowances Our pleasure is shall Commence from the 29th of Jan: 1695 and be paid Quarterly till the Clipt monyes shall be recoyned persuant to the said Act viz:

To the Comptroller for the paines of himself
and such Officers as must by himself by Imployed
and for the Damages he susteynes by the building
Offices in his Garden for the Accomodation of the
new Coyning after the rate of ꝑ annum. 300:00:00
To ye Assaymaster for himselfe & a Clerke. 220:00:00
To the Surveyor of the Meltings & Clerke of
the Irons
} 100:00:00
To the Weigher & Teller 100:00:00
To the Warden of Our mint for his 2 Clerks
the Master & Worker for his 3 Clerks, and
to Our Clerke or the Clerke of the
papers in Our mint for his Clerke
att the rate of 30lian{no} a piece
} 180:00:00

Which Addiconall Salaries amounting to nine hundreds pounds an{no} together with such further allowances as we may thinke reasonable by any other Warrant to direct to be made to any others uppon Account of this Extraordinary Coynage are to be paid as aforesaid out of the said three pence farthing ꝑ pound Troy, And Our pleasure is, And we do hereby direct authorize, and Command you the master & Worker of Our mint to deteyne and take the said fourteen pence ꝑ pound weight Troy out of the new Moneyes proceeding from ye said Clipt monys in due proportions according to ye respective quanties of new monys that shall be <78r> Made for the particular Revenues Taxes Loanes of other Branc\h/es to which the Clipt monyes belonged in such manner as that Every particular Revenue Tax Loan or Branch may bear the proper charge of makeing its new money and to apply and pay the same according to the Establishment or direction above mentioned or such other warrant or Establishment as we may hereafter signe in this behalfe. And this shall be as well to you for so doing as to ye Auditor or Auditors of Our mint for the time being and all others who are or may be concerned for passing or allowing the same on your Accounts a sufficient warrant Given att Our Court at Kensington the 18th day of march 16956 in the Eight year of Our Reigne

To Our Trusty and Wellbeloved Tho: Neale Esqr By his maties: coman\d/ Master & Worker of Our Mint & to the Master and Worker of Our Mint for the time being


Step: Fox.

Cha: Montague


wart for ye allowances out of the 14d: ꝑ pound Troy for making the new Moneys.


Establishment of the allowances out of ye 14d: ꝑ pound Troy, allowed by the Act of Parliat for for {sic} makeing the new moneys

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