Petition to Treasury: 'The humble Memoriall of Ionathan Ambrose Melter to his Majties Mint in the Tower'
To the Rt Honoble: the Lords Com̄issirs:
of his Majtys: Treasury.
The humble Memoriall of Ionathan
Ambrosse Melter to his Majtys: Mint
in the Tower.
That tho he hath made an Agreemt: wth: Yor: Lordsps for Melting and refineing of the Silver proceeding from ye: Clipt money, Yet he is at A Loss for the plate brough\t/ into his Majtys Mint & there Coyned since the Fourth of May last of wch: Thirteen Thousand Three hundred Forty Nine Pounds wet: hath been Already melted by him into Ingotts and cannot be done under 1d: ꝑ pound weight & the refineing thereof at the Rate he hath for the Clipt Money Amounts to no Less than One hundred & Fifty Pounds Sterl: and whereas the Indentures by wch: all this is Coyned makes no manner of Provision for this melting nor Refineing & there is probabillity of A farr greater quantity comeing into the Mint to be coyn'd
The said Melter humbly Prayes Yor: Lordspps. will please to take the same into Yor: Considera\tion/ and to Order or direct what he shall be paid for Melting the said Plate into Ingotts (wch: \is/ exceeding troublesom and three times the Charge & Expence that there is in Melting any other Silver) and for refineing the Melted Silver to make it fitt for Coyning and out of what Money he shall be paid the Same.