Response to the clerks' petition for a pay increase [presumably MINT00029 (Mint 19/2/498)]
To the Rht. Honble the Lords Commissrs. of his Majtys Treasury, a Report of the Officer of the Mint in the Tower.
May it please Yr. Lopps
In obedience to Yr. Lordpps Order of Reference of the 6th. of Octobr. last, Wee have considerd the annexed Petition: and humbly represent to Yr. Lopps, that the Wardens 2 Clerks, the Masters 3 Clerks, the Comptrolers Clerk, and the Clerk to the King's chief Clerk have but 40Ls pr. An. salary each, without any fees or perquisites whatever, which Wee humbly conceive to be insufficient for their maintenance.
Wee also beg leave further to represent to Yr. Lopps that diverse Ledgers, & other books must be transcrib'd; which, with the ordinary business of the Mint, will require severall years to complete them And that the Assay-masters Clerk has but 20Ls. pr Annm and the Surveyor's Clerk but 10Ls. pr. Annm. altho' the latter has a new duty impos'd upon him, to attend the sinking of ye dies, & to keep an Acct. thereof; yet has no consideration for that service.
Wee are therefore humbly of opinion that the Clerks to the Assay-master, & Surveyor of ye meltings may very well deserve an Augmentation of 10Ls pr. Annum And the abovementioned Clerks an Augmentation of 20Ls pr. An. each, to their present salaries; their attendance at the Mint being incompatible with any other business; and there being to our certain knowledge, great diligence & care requird of them, & no manner of proffitts or perquisites besides the bare salaries.
All which is most humbly submitted to Yr. Lopps.