Holograph copy of the master's oath, with draft certificate in Latin that Newton took it in 1700
You shall well & truely execute the Office of Master and Worker of his Majties Mint and perform and keep all the Covenants and agreements conteined in this writing Indented made between his said Maty of the one part and yor self of the other part wch on your part are to be performed & kept, And you shall bear your self towards his said Maty and his people in the said Office well & covenably according to the tenor and true meaning of the said Agreements, And you shall make {gree} to his said Maty. All this you shall do according to ye best of yor skill and knowledge. So help you God.
Infra nominatus Isaacus Newton sacramentum suunt corporale in verbis suprascriplis prestitit
die Anno Regni Dom Regis
Gulielim Dei Gratia Anglia & Regis duodecimo
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