
To the Rt Honble Sidney Lord Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of England.

May it please yor Lordp

Vpon yor Lordps Order of Reference of the Petition of Mr Bull, one of the Engravers of the Mint, for the renewal of the Warrant for his salary: we humbly lay before yor Lordp that he has often represented to us that the salary of fifty pounds per an wch hath hitherto been allowed to him is too little & that he can get much more money by buisiness abroad & must leave the Mint\apply himself to other business/ unless he may be allowed above 60li per ann. And therefore considering that we shall want his service & that the money for salaries & repairs of buildings is limited by Act of Parliament so that what is added to the salaries is taken from the buildings, we are humbly of opinion that his warrant be renewed, and that he be allowed therein a Salary of sixty pounds per ann, and also that for every serviceable M\m/aster Puncheon wh{a}|i|ch he shall make he be further allowed such so much money as to the Warden Master & worker & Comptroller of the Mint shall seem reasonable, not exceeding six pounds a piece for the largest Puncheons nor three pounds a piece for the {Shing} Puncheons for half Guineas and sixpences. All wch is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps great wisdome

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