
– to be augmented to 100li pr an after he hath improved himself by further practise.

— And that a new Graver, Probationer or Apprentice be \hereafter/ taken into ye third place wth a competent salary {illeg}|&| {soon} be allowed two rooms to lodge & work in over the great Press room & over Mr Crokers shop.

Collonel Parsons & Mr Fowler do not work themselves but only imploy others, & Mr Rosse desires to succeed Mr Harris only in his place of Graver of Seale to her Majty for wch by veiwing {sic} a seal wch a seal wch he graved for the Dutchy of Lancaster we beleive {sic} him qualified. But Mr Le Clerk is a nimble & skilful Graver for money & medals & fit to be received into ye third place\Mint/ if his business abroad will {sic}\would/ allow him to attend the service.

And whereas accord the coynage of the money requires dispatch & such Medals as the Government has occasion for\appoints/ are coyned by the Master & Worker after the same manner as|&| by the same authority as the money we are humbly of opinion that the Gravers be obliged by a clause in their constitution to make such \Designes, Embosments/ Puncheons & Dyes as the Master & Worker shall appoint for dispatching the coynage of both{illeg} Medals & Money according to her Majts {illeg}|O|rders.

And upon considering that the Gravers for their private advantage \& encouragement/ & for restraining the libery of making Medals wth the Effigies of the King or Queen, have been hitherto allowed & all other persons prohibited to make such Medals: we are humbly of opinion that they {illeg}|G|raver be obliged to set his name or the first letters thereof visibly upon his \own/ medals & that he do not disperse any such Medals before a specimen of them hath been shewed to yor Lordp. And if it be thought fit \requisite/ he may be restrained from making \any/ Medals upon state affairs unless pursuant to her Majts Orders \issued/ to the Master & Worker\in coppying after Meddals made by |t|her Master & Worker according to her Majts Orders/ as in ye case of coronation Medals, in wch case he or be other otherwise limited as yor Lordp shall think fit.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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